Sarah Scaife Foundation
The Sarah Scaife Foundation is one of the Scaife Foundations overseen by the late right-wing billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, whose wealth was inherited from the Mellon industrial, oil, aluminum and banking fortune. The foundations give tens of millions of dollars annually to fund right-wing organizations such as the American Legislative Exchange Council, the American Enterprise Institute, and the Heritage Foundation, and anti-immigrant and Islamophobic organizations such as the Center for Immigration Studies and the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
- Sarah Scaife Foundation
- Carthage Foundation (now merged with Sarah Scaife Foundation)
- Allegheny Foundation
While the Allegheny Foundation focuses its giving in the western Pennsylvania region, the Sarah Scaife Foundation has a national and international focus. The Sarah Scaife and Carthage Foundations merged aat the end of 2014.[1]
After the death of Richard Scaife in 2014, a significant portion of his assets were given to the foundations, increasing their value substantially. Together with the Carthage merger, the bequest made the Sarah Scaife Foundation one of the largest foundations focused on supporting right-wing causes with assets expected to grow to grow to some $800 million in 2015.[2]
Ties to the Council for National Policy
The Sarah Scaife Foundation has provided funding to the Council for National Policy.
Council for National Policy |
The Council for National Policy (CNP) is a secretive, Christian Right organization of funders and activists founded in 1981 by activist Morton Blackwell, commentator Paul Weyrich, direct-mail pioneer Richard Viguerie, right-wing activist Phyllis Schlafly and Left Behind author Tim LaHaye. Anne Nelson's book about CNP, Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right, describes how the organization connects "the manpower and media of the Christian right with the finances of Western plutocrats and the strategy of right-wing Republican political operatives.” CNP membership as of September 2020 is available here. |
Grants Issued
Grants reported (amount paid, unless otherwise noted):
- Acton Institute: $275,000
- Alexander Hamilton Society: $300,000
- Allegheny Institute for Public Policy: $200,000
- American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education: $100,000
- American Constitutional Rights Union: $100,000
- American Council of Trustees and Alumni: $125,000
- American Council on Science and Health: $90,000
- American Enterprise Institute: $1,475,000
- American Foreign Policy Council: $504,400
- American Institute for Economic Research: $100,000
- American Legislative Exchange Council: $100,000
- American Private Radio: $200,000
- American Transparency: $100,000
- America's Future Foundation: $175,000
- Archbridge Institute: $150,000
- Ashland University: $400,000
- Association of American Educators Foundation: $150,000
- Atlantic Legal Foundation: $85,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation: $570,000
- Becket Fund: $275,000
- Benjamin Rush Institute: $75,000
- Bill of Rights Institute: $320,000
- Bipartisan Policy Center: $225,000
- Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University: $1,260,900
- Braver Angels: $100,000
- Buckeye Institute: $185,000
- Capital Research Center: $500,000
- Catholic University of America: $120,000
- Cato Institute: $180,000
- Center for Advanced China Research: $235,000
- Center for American Culture and Ideas: $120,000
- Center for American Greatness: $80,000
- Center for Common Sense in Science: $120,000
- Center for Equal Opportunity: $150,000
- Center for European Policy Analysis: $258,720
- Center for Immigration Studies: $250,000
- Center for Individual Rights: $150,000
- Center for Security Policy: $300,000
- Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments: $250,000
- Center for Strategic and International Studies: $1,000,000
- Center for the Study of Technology and Society: $150,000
- Certell: $300,000
- Christopher Newport University Educational Foundation: $75,000
- Citizens' Council for Health Freedom: $150,000
- Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship & Political Philosophy: $480,000
- CO2 Coalition: $200,000
- Collegiate Network: $390,000
- Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow: $130,000
- Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives: $600,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $475,000
- Council for National Policy: $27,000
- Critical Review Foundation: $50,000
- Daily Caller News Foundation: $330,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $100,000
- Defense Forum Foundation: $85,000
- DonorsTrust: $100,000
- Emergent Order Foundation: $230,000
- Encounter for Culture & Education: $200,000
- Equal Voting Rights Institute: $150,000
- Ethics and Public Policy Center: $370,000
- Evergreen Freedom Foundation: $450,000
- Fairness Center: $325,000
- Faith and Reason Institute: $85,000
- Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies: $900,000
- Federation for American Immigration Reform: $250,000
- Foreign Policy Research Institute: $300,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review: $360,000
- Foundation for Economic Education: $250,000
- Foundation for Excellence in Higher Education: $1,000,000
- Foundation for Government Accountability: $800,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $400,000
- Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity: $150,000
- Foundation for the Defense of Democracies: $425,000
- Franklin News Foundation: $400,000
- Fraser Institute: $60,000
- Free to Choose Network: $300,000
- Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge: $75,000
- Freedomworks Foundation: $275,000
- Fund for American Studies: $380,000
- George Mason University Foundation: $1,430,000
- George Washington University: $300,000
- Georgetown University: $179,588
- Government Accountability Institute: $300,000
- Heartland Institute: $200,000
- Heritage Foundation: $1,000,000
- Hillsdale College: $200,000
- Hudson Institute: $720,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $250,000
- In Medias Res: $106,920
- Independent Institute: $150,000
- Independent Women's Forum: $300,000
- Institute for Family Studies: $120,000
- Institute for Free Speech: $300,000
- Institute for Humane Studies: $375,000
- Institute for Justice: $350,000
- Institute for the American Worker: $100,000
- Institute for the Study of War: $120,000
- Institute of World Politics: $200,000
- Institute on Religion and Democracy: $340,000
- Institute on Religion and Public Life: $225,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $500,000
- International Freedom Educational Foundation: $310,000
- International Policy Network: $125,000
- James Wilson Institute for Natural Rights and the American Founding: $125,000
- Jamestown Foundation: $282,027
- Just Facts: $100,000
- Landmark Legal Foundation: $225,000
- Lincoln Network: $350,000
- Litigators for Liberty Network: $125,000
- Lucy Burns Institute: $350,000
- Manhattan Institute: $570,000
- Media Research Center: $400,000
- Mercatus Center: $350,000
- Middle East Media and Research Institute: $200,000
- Missouri State University Foundation: $330,000
- Mountain States Legal Foundation: $125,000
- Moving Picture Institute: $350,000
- National Association of Scholars: $325,000
- National Center for Public Policy Research: $70,000
- National Institute for Public Policy: $400,000
- National Legal and Policy Center: $175,000
- National Review Institute: $150,000
- National Taxpayers Union Foundation: $250,000
- Network of Enlightened Women: $80,000
- New Civil Liberties Alliance: $300,000
- New England Legal Foundation: $135,000
- Nonproliferation Policy Education Center: $225,000
- Pacific Legal Foundation: $350,000
- Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy: $250,000
- Paragon Health Institute: $160,000
- Pelican Institute: $200,000
- Philadelphia Society: $25,000
- Philanthropy Roundtable: $500,000
- Players Philanthropy Fund: $200,000
- Political Economy Research Center: $350,000
- President and Fellows of Middlebury College: $150,000
- Public Interest Legal Foundation: $325,000
- Ralston College: $200,000
- Real Clear Foundation: $300,000
- Reason Foundation: $700,000
- Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute: $250,000
- Southeastern Legal Foundation: $125,000
- Speech First: $125,000
- Spirit of America Worldwide: $500,000
- State Financial Officers Foundation: $125,000
- State Policy Network: $350,000
- Student Free Press Association: $75,000
- Students for Fair Admissions: $150,000
- Tax Foundation: $600,000
- Trustees of Dartmouth College: $120,000
- Trustees of Princeton University: $350,000
- Trustees of Tufts College: $420,000
- University of San Diego: $108,400
- University of Texas at Austin: $300,000
- Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation: $660,000
- William F. Buckley, Jr. Program at Yale: $125,000
Grants reported (amount paid, unless otherwise noted):[3]
- Acton Institute: $275,000
- The Alexander Hamilton Society: $300,000
- Allegheny Institute for Public Policy: $200,000
- American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education: $200,000
- American Constitutional Rights Union: $50,000
- American Council of Trustees and Alumni: $100,000
- American Council on Science and Health: $100,000
- American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research: $1,675,000
- American Foreign Policy Council: $450,000
- American Friends of the Institute of Economic Affairs: $59,000
- American Legislative Exchange Council: $100,000
- American Private Radio: $175,000
- American Public Servants Charitable Foundation: $150,000
- American Transparency: $110,000
- America's Future Foundation: $175,000
- Archbridge Institute: $150,000
- Arizona State University Foundation: $60,000
- Ashland University: $400,000
- Association of American Educators Foundation: $150,000
- Atlantic Legal Foundation: $85,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation: $570,000
- Becket Fund: $250,000
- Benjamin Rush Institute: $75,000
- Bill of Rights Institute: $320,000
- Bipartisan Policy Center: $100,000
- Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University: $108,540
- The Buckeye Institute: $185,000
- Capital Research Center: $500,000
- Carnegie Melon University: $185,150
- Catholic University of America: $120,000
- Cato Institute: $180,000
- Center for Advanced China Research: $150,000
- Center for American Culture and Ideas: $130,000
- Center for American Greatness: $100,000
- Center for Common Sense in Science: $100,000
- Center for Equal Opportunity: $150,000
- Center for Immigration Studies: $200,000
- Center for Individual Rights: $150,000
- Center for Security Policy: $400,000
- Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments: $300,000
- Center for Strategic and International Studies: $1,000,000
- Center for the Study of Technology and Society: $150,000
- Certell: $300,000
- Charlemagne Institute: $100,000
- Christopher Newport University: $100,000
- Citizens' Council for Health Freedom: $150,000
- Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship & Political Philosophy: $480,000
- CO2 Coalition: $200,000
- Collegiate Network: $390,000
- Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow: $160,000
- Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives: $575,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $450,000
- Council for National Policy: $27,000
- Criminal Justice Legal Foundation: $100,000
- Critical Review Foundation: $50,000
- Daily Caller News Foundation: $350,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $150,000
- Defense Forum Foundation: $85,000
- Emergent Order Foundation: $200,000
- Encounter for Culture and Education: $200,000
- Ethics and Public Policy Center: $350,000
- Evergreen Freedom Foundation: $350,000
- Fairness Center: $275,000
- Faith and Reason Institute: $80,000
- Federalist Society for Law & Public Policy Studies: $900,000
- Federation for American Immigration Reform: $250,000
- Foreign Policy Research Institute: $300,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review: $360,000
- Foundation for Economic Education: $350,000
- Foundation for Excellence in Higher Education: $1,000,000
- Foundation for Government Accountability: $800,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $275,000
- Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity: $150,000
- Foundation for the Defense of Democracies: $400,000
- Franklin News Foundation: $350,000
- Fraser Institute: $60,000
- Free Russia Foundation: $275,000
- Free to Choose Network: $300,000
- FreedomWorks Foundation: $275,000
- Fund for American Studies: 390,000
- Galen Institute: $125,000
- George Mason University Foundation: $1,550,000
- George Washington University: $375,000
- Government Accountability Institute: $200,000
- Heartland Institute: $200,000
- Heritage Foundation: $1,300,000
- Hudson Institute: $580,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $250,000
- In Medias Res: $91,000
- Independent Institute: $150,000
- Independent Women's Forum: $300,000
- Institute for American Values: $150,000
- Institute for Energy Research: $80,000
- Institute for Family Studies: $90,000
- Institute for Free Speech: $300,000
- Institute for Humane Studies: $375,000
- Institute for Justice: $350,000
- Institute for the American Worker: $100,000
- Institute for the Study of War: $150,000
- Institute of World Politics: $240,000
- Institute on Religion and Democracy: $320,000
- Institute on Religion and Public Life: $225,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $500,000
- International Freedom Educational Foundation: $320,000
- International Policy Network US: $125,000
- Jack Miller Center for Teaching America's Founding Principles and History: $250,000
- James Wilson Institute for Natural Rights and the American Founding: $125,000
- Jamestown Foundation: $272,000
- Just Facts: $100,000
- Landmark Legal Foundation: $225,000
- Lincoln Network: $350,000
- Litigators for Liberty Network: $100,000
- Lucy Burns Institute: $300,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: $570,000
- Media Research Center: $450,000
- Mercatus Center: $350,000
- Missouri State University Foundation: $330,000
- Mountain States Legal Foundation: $100,000
- Moving Picture Institute: $350,000
- National Association of Scholars: $300,000
- National Center for Public Policy Research: $80,000
- National Institute for Public Policy: $415,000
- National Legal and Policy Center: $175,000
- National Review Institute: $120,000
- National Taxpayers Union Foundation: $250,000
- Network of Enlightened Women: $75,000
- New Civil Liberties Alliance: $300,000
- New England Legal Foundation: $60,000
- Nonproliferation Policy Education Center: $180,000
- Pacific Legal Foundation: $350,000
- Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy: $250,000
- Pelican Institute for Public Policy: $200,000
- Pepperdine University: $150,000
- Philanthropy Roundtable: $500,000
- Property and Environment Research Center: $350,000
- President & Fellows of Middlebury College: $149,243
- Public Interest Legal Foundation: $325,000
- Real Clear Foundation: $200,000
- Reason Foundation: $700,000
- Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute: $250,000
- Saint Vincent College: $75,000
- Southeastern Legal Foundation: $125,000
- Speech First: $100,000
- Spirit of America Worldwide: $500,000
- State Policy Network: $475,000
- Student Free Press Association: $80,000
- Students for Fair Admissions: $200,000
- Tax Foundation: $600,000
- Thomas B. Fordham Institute: $125,000
- Trustees of Princeton University: $200,000
- Trustees of Tufts College: $420,000
- University of Arizona Foundation: $131,050
- University of Texas at Austin: $300,000
- Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation: $610,000
- William F. Buckley Jr. Program at Yale: $125,000
- Workfirst Foundation: $150,000
Grants reported (amount paid, unless otherwise noted):[4]
- Acton Institute: $250,000
- The Alexander Hamilton Society: $240,000
- Alleghney Institute for Public Policy: $200,000
- American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education: $200,000
- American Constitutional Rights Union: $50,000
- American Council of Trustees and Alumni: $100,000
- American Council on Science and Health: $100,000
- American Enterprise Institute: $1,350,000
- American Foreign Policy Council: $450,000
- American Friends of the GWPF: $110,525
- American Friends of the Institute of Economic Affairs: $59,000
- American Juris Link: $100,000
- American Legislative Exchange Council: $100,000
- American Private Radio: $150,000
- American Transparency: $100,000
- America's Future Foundation: $115,000
- Talent Market through America's Future Foundation: $45,000
- Archbridge Institute: $100,000
- Ashland University: $250,000
- Association for the New Century: $175,000
- Association of American Educators Foundation: $150,000
- Atlantic Legal Foundation: $75,000
- Atlas Network: $420,000
- Becket Fund: $250,000
- Benjamin Rush Institute: $75,000
- Bill of Rights Institute: $175,000
- Bipartisan Policy Center: $100,000
- Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University: $1,050,000
- Buckeye Institute: $150,000
- Capital Research Center: $400,000
- Carnegie Mellon University: $300,000
- Cato Institute: $180,000
- Center for Advanced China Research: $150,000
- Center for American Greatness Inc: $100,000
- Center for Equal Opportunity: $150,000
- Center for Immigration Studies: $200,000
- Center for Individual Rights: $110,000
- Center for Security Policy: $300,000
- Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments: $300,000
- Center for Strategic and International Studies: $1,000,000
- Center for the Study of Technology and Society Inc: $100,000
- Certell Inc: $200,000
- Charlemagne Institue: $120,000
- Christopher Newport University Educational Foundation: $40,000
- Citizens' Council for Health Freedom: $150,000
- Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy: $450,000
- CO2 Coalition: $180,000
- Collegiate Network: $390,000
- Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow: $160,000
- Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives: $500,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $430,000
- Council for National Policy: $27,000
- Criminal Justice Legal Foundation: $100,000
- Critical Review Foundation: $40,000
- The Daily Caller News Foundation: $350,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $150,000
- The Defense Forum Foundation Inc: $60,000
- Duke University: $60,000
- Encounter for Culture and Education: $160,000
- Equal Voting Rights Institute: $150,000
- Ethics and Public Policy Center Inc: $200,000
- Evergreen Freedom Foundation: $300,000
- The Fairness Center: $250,000
- Faith and Reason Institute: $80,000
- Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies: $850,000
- Federation for American Immigration Reform: $200,000
- Foreign Policy Research Institute: $250,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review Inc, General Operating Support: $360,000
- Foundation for Economic Education: $150,000
- Foundation for Excellence in Higher Education Inc: $1,000,000
- Foundation for Government Accountability Inc: $650,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $250,000
- Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity: $115,000
- Foundation for the Defense of Democracies: $400,000
- Franklin News Foundation: $250,000
- Fraser Institute: $60,000
- Free to Choose Network: $300,000
- FreedomWorks Foundation: $540,000
- Fund for American Studies: $390,000
- Galen Institute: $100,000
- George Mason University Foundation: $1,250,000
- George Washington University: $340,500
- Government Accountability Institute: $150,000
- Heartland Institute: $100,000
- Heritage Foundation: $1,300,000
- Hudson Institute: $325,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $200,000
- Independent Women's Forum: $260,000
- Institute for Energy Research: $75,000
- Institute for Family Studies: $70,000
- Institute for Free Speech: $250,000
- Institute for Humane Studies: $325,000
- Institute for Justice: $250,000
- Institute of World Politics: $200,000
- Institute on Religion and Democracy Inc: $300,000
- Institute on Religion and Public Life, Inc: $200,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $500,000
- International Freedom Educational Foundation: $320,000
- Jack Miller Center: $200,000
- The James Wilson Institute for Natural Rights and the American Founding: $125,000
- Jamestown Foundation: $272,000
- Just Facts Inc: $100,000
- Landmark Legal Foundation: $215,000
- Lincoln Network: $400,000
- Lucy Burns Institute: $230,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: $570,000
- Media Research Center: $400,000
- Mercatus Center: $400,000
- Middle East Media and Research Institute: $200,000
- Missouri State University Foundation: $335,000
- Morningside Institute: $67,500
- Mountain States Legal Foundation: $75,000
- Moving Picture Institute: $300,000
- National Association of Scholars: $475,000
- National Center for Public Policy Research: $65,000
- National Institute for Public Policy: $415,000
- National Legal and Policy Center: $175,000
- National Review Institute: $120,000
- National Taxpayers Union Foundation: $200,000
- Network of Enlightened Women: $70,000
- New Civil Liberties Alliance: $300,000
- New England Legal Foundation: $60,000
- Nonproliferation Policy Education Center: $132,500
- Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs: $250,000
- Pacific Legal Foundation: $275,000
- Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy: $200,000
- Pepperdine University School of Public Policy: $190,000
- Philadelphia Society: $25,000
- Philanthropy Roundtable: $225,000
- Political Economy Research Center: $275,000
- Presidents and Fellows of Middlebury College: $110,825
- Public Interest Legal Foundation: $300,000
- Public Media Lab: $125,000
- Real Clear Foundation: $200,000
- Reason Foundation: $500,000
- Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute: $225,000
- Ryan Foundation: $35,000
- Saint Vincent College: $75,000
- Southeastern Legal Foundation: $75,000
- Spirit of America Worldwide: $350,000
- State Policy Network: $450,000
- Student Free Press Association: $80,000
- Taliesin Nexus: $160,000
- Tax Foundation: $600,000
- Trustees of Dartmouth College: $100,000
- Trustees of Princeton University: $367,000
- Trustees of Tuft's College: $280,000
- University of Arizona Foundation: $131,050
- University of Maryland Foundation: $78,179
- The University of Texas at Austin: $300,000
- Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation: $460,000
- William F. Buckley, Jr. Program at Yale: $100,000
Grants reported (amount paid, unless otherwise noted):[5]
- Acton Institute: $250,000
- The Alexander Hamilton Society: $225,000
- Alleghney Institute for Public Policy: $200,000
- American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education: $200,000
- American Council of Trustees and Alumni: $100,000
- American Council on Science and Health: $100,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Jean Kirkpatrick Fellowship and Scholars Program: $500,000
- American Enterprise Institute, International Security Program: $250,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Defense and Strategic Studies Program: $275,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Housing Center: $200,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Middle East Policy Studies Program: $250,000
- American Foreign Policy Council: $450,000
- American Private Radio: $130,000
- American Transparency: $90,000
- America's Future Foundation: $115,000
- America's Survival, Inc: $125,000
- Archbridge Institute: $100,000
- Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University: $50,000
- Ashland University: $240,000
- Association of American Educators Foundation: $150,000
- Atlantic Legal Foundation: $75,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Prague Security Studies Institute: $120,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Adam Smith Institute: $200,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation, General Operating and Program Support: $240,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Montreal Economic Institute: $30,000
- Becket Fund: $250,000
- Benjamin Rush Institute: $75,000
- Bipartisan Policy Center, Campus Free Expression Project: $125,000
- Buckeye Institute: $150,000
- Capital Research Center: $400,000
- Carnegie Mellon University: $230,000
- Cato Institute: $180,000
- Center for Advanced China Research: $150,000
- Center for American Greatness Inc: $100,000
- Center for Equal Opportunity: $150,000
- Center for Immigration Studies: $200,000
- Center for Individual Rights: $110,000
- Center for Security Policy: $275,000
- Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments: $350,000
- Center for Strategic and International Studies Inc, Transnational Threats Project: $500,000
- Center for Strategic and International Studies Inc, Missile Defense Project: $500,000
- Center for the Study of Technology and Society Inc: $100,000
- Certell Inc: $180,000
- Charlemagne Institue: $120,000
- Christopher Newport University Educational Foundation: $80,000
- Citizens' Council for Health Freedom: $150,000
- Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy: $450,000
- CO2 Coalition: $180,000
- Collegiate Network: $390,000
- Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow: $160,000
- Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives: $500,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $400,000
- Council for National Policy: $27,000
- Council on Foreign Relations: $65,000
- Criminal Justice Legal Foundation: $50,000
- Critical Review Foundation: $40,000
- The Daily Caller News Foundation: $375,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $150,000
- The Defense Forum Foundation Inc: $85,000
- Documentary Foundation: $75,000
- DonorsTrust: $45,000
- Encounter for Culture and Education: $160,000
- Energy Innovation Reform Project: $103,400
- Ethics and Public Policy Center Inc: $200,000
- Evergreen Freedom Foundation: $300,000
- The Fairness Center: $250,000
- Faith and Reason Institute: $80,000
- Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, General Operating Support: $550,000
- Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, Infrastructure Project: $400,000
- Federation for American Immigration Reform: $200,000
- Foreign Policy Research Institute: $250,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review Inc, General Operating Support: $360,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review Inc, Conference Support: $50,000
- Foundation for Economic Education: $125,000
- Foundation for Excellence in Higher Education Inc: $1,000,000
- Foundation for Government Accountability Inc: $650,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $300,000
- Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity: $80,000
- Foundation for Teaching Economics: $160,000
- Foundation for the Defense of Democracies: $400,000
- Franklin News Foundation: $150,000
- Fraser Institute: $50,000
- Free Russia Foundation: $200,000
- Free to Choose Network: $300,000
- FreedomWorks Foundation: $240,000
- Fund for American Studies, Journalism Fellowship Program: $115,000
- Fund for American Studies, Summer Law Fellowship Program: $115,000
- Fund for American Studies, Foundation for Teaching Economics Teacher Programs: $160,000
- Galen Institute: $100,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Law and Economics Center: $650,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Center for the Study of the Administrative State: $200,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Antonin Scalia Law School National Security Institute: $350,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Center for Study of Public Choice: $120,000
- George Washington University: $346,000
- Government Accountability Institute: $150,000
- Heartland Institute, Free to Choose Medicine: $100,000
- Heritage Foundation, General Operating Support: $800,000
- Heritage Foundation, Center for National Defense: $500,000
- Hillsdale College: $130,000
- Hudson Institute, Center for Religious Freedom: $115,000
- Hudson Institute, Project Support: $35,000
- Hudson Institute, Center for American Common Culture: $50,000
- Hudson Institute, Political Studies Program: $250,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $200,000
- In Media Res: $72,820
- Independent Women's Forum: $260,000
- The Institute for Family Studies: $70,000
- Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, General Operating Support: $240,000
- Institute for Free Speech: $230,000
- Institute for Humane Studies: $325,000
- Institute for Justice: $250,000
- Institute of World Politics: $160,000
- Institute on Religion and Democracy Inc: $300,000
- Institute on Religion and Public Life, Inc: $430,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $500,000
- International Freedom Educational Foundation, Economic and Financial Security Program: $160,000
- International Freedom Educational Foundation, Center for a Secure Free Society: $150,000
- International Freedom Educational Foundation, Program Support: $25,000
- The James Wilson Institute for Natural Rights and the American Founding: $125,000
- Jamestown Foundation, Project Support: $106,025
- Jamestown Foundation, General Operating Support: $165,000
- Just Facts Inc: $100,000
- Landmark Legal Foundation: $200,000
- Lincoln Network: $300,000
- Lucy Burns Institute: $230,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: $570,000
- Media Research Center: $400,000
- Mercatus Center: General Operating Support: $300,000
- Middle East Media and Research Institute: $200,000
- Missouri State University Foundation: $250,000
- The Mont Pelerin Society: $75,000
- Mountain States Legal Foundation: $75,000
- Moving Picture Institute: $300,000
- National Association of Scholars: $275,000
- National Center for Public Policy Research: $65,000
- National Institute for Public Policy: $415,000
- National Legal and Policy Center: $175,000
- National Review Institute: $100,000
- National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation: $45,000
- National Taxpayers Union Foundation: $175,000
- Network of Enlightened Women: $60,000
- New Civil Liberties Alliance: $300,000
- New England Legal Foundation: $60,000
- Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, General Operating Support: $100,000
- Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, Project Support: $130,000
- Pacific Legal Foundation: $250,000
- Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy: $200,000
- Pepperdine University School of Public Policy, James Q Wilson Visiting Professorship of Public: $50,000
- Pepperdine University School of Public Policy, Project Support: $125,000
- Philadelphia Society: $25,000
- Philanthropy Roundtable: $225,000
- Political Economy Research Center: $275,000
- Presidents and Fellows of Middlebury College, Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism: $221,650
- Project 2049 Institute: $67,200
- Public Interest Legal Foundation: $275,000
- Real Clear Foundation: $100,000
- Reason Foundation, General Operating Support: $300,000
- Reason Foundation, Pension Integrity Project: $200,000
- Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, Task Force on 21st Century National Security Technology: $130,000
- Saint Vincent College: $75,000
- Southeastern Legal Foundation: $75,000
- Spirit of America Worldwide: $350,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Research Programs and Hoover Fellows Support: $300,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Regulation and the Rule of the Law Initiative: $200,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Library and Archives Research Fellowships: $200,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Library and Archives Directed Acquisition: $250,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Washington DC Program on Economic Freedom: $250,000
- State Policy Network: $450,000
- Student Free Press Association: $80,000
- Students for Fair Admissions Inc: $250,000
- Taliesin Nexus: $100,000
- Tax Foundation: $600,000
- Trustees of Dartmouth College: $120,000
- Trustees of Princeton University, James Madison in American Ideals: $200,000
- Trustees of Tuft's College: $320,000
- University of Arizona Foundation, American Culture and Ideas Initiative: $100,000
- University of Chicago: $100,000
- University of Minnesota Foundation: $100,000
- The University of Texas at Austin, Thomas Jefferson Center: $100,000
- University of Virginia Law School Foundation: $300,000
- Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation: $400,000
- WHWG Initiative for Studying Public Affairs: $60,000
- William F. Buckley, Jr. Program at Yale: $75,000
Grants reported (amount paid, unless otherwise noted):[6]
- Acton Institute: $250,000
- The Alexander Hamilton Society: $200,000
- Alleghney Institute for Public Policy: $200,000
- American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education: $200,000
- American Civil Rights Union: $50,000
- American Council of Trustees and Alumni: $100,000
- American Council on Science and Health: $100,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Foreign and Defense Policy Fellowships: $500,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Defense and Strategic Studies Program: $275,000
- American Enterprise Institute, International Security Program: $250,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Middle East Policy Studies Program: $250,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Center on Housing Markets and Finance: $200,000
- American Foreign Policy Council: $450,000
- The American Friends of the GWPF: $100,000
- American Friends of the Institute for Economic Affairs: $33,000
- American Legislative Exchange Council: $100,000
- American Private Radio: $100,000
- American Transparency: $90,000
- America's Future Foundation: $100,000
- America's Survival, Inc: $125,000
- Archbridge Institute: $100,000
- Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University: $40,000
- Ashland University: $240,000
- Atlantic Legal Foundation: $75,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Prague Security Studies Institute: 120,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation, General Operating and Program Support: $200,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Montreal Economic Institute: $30,000
- Becket: $250,000
- Benjamin Rush Institute: $75,000
- Bill of Rights Institute: $100,000
- Buckeye Institute: $150,000
- Capital Research Center: $400,000
- Carnegie Mellon University: $230,000
- Cato Institute: $180,000
- Center for Advanced China Research: $150,000
- Center for American Greatness Inc: $100,000
- Center for Equal Opportunity: $150,000
- Center for Growth and Opportunity: $105,200
- Center for Immigration Studies: $200,000
- Center for Individual Rights: $110,000
- Center for Security Policy: $250,000
- Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments: $350,000
- Center for Strategic and International Studies Inc, Transnational Threats Project: $500,000
- Center for Strategic and International Studies Inc, Missile Defense Project: $500,000
- Center for the Study of Technology and Society Inc: $100,000
- Center for the Study of the Presidency: $160,000
- Certell Inc: $180,000
- Christopher Newport University Educational Foundation: $80,000
- Citizens' Council for Health Freedom: $150,000
- Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy: $450,000
- CO2 Coalition: $150,000
- Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow: $160,000
- The Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives: $500,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $400,000
- Council for National Policy: $27,000
- Council on Foreign Relations: $65,000
- Criminal Justice Legal Foundation: $25,000
- Critical Review Foundation: $40,000
- The Daily Caller News Foundation: $375,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $150,000
- The Defense Forum Foundation Inc: $85,000
- Donors Trust Inc: $10,000
- Duke University: $50,451
- Encounter for Culture and Education: $160,000
- Energy & Environment Legal Institute: $40,000
- Ethics and Public Policy Center Inc: $200,000
- Evergreen Freedom Foundation: $250,000
- The Fairness Center: $225,000
- Faith and Reason Institute: $75,000
- Family Prosperity Institute: $100,000
- Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, General Operating Support: $550,000
- Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, Infrastructure Project: $400,000
- Federation for American Immigration Reform: $200,000
- Foreign Policy Research Institute: $200,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review Inc, General Operating Support: $360,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review Inc, Conference Support: $35,000
- Foundation for Economic Education: $125,000
- Foundation for Excellence in Higher Education Inc: $1,000,000
- Foundation for Government Accountability Inc: $500,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $250,000
- Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity: $80,000
- Foundation for Teaching Economics: $160,000
- Foundation for the Defense of Democracies: $400,000
- Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity: $150,000
- Fraser Institute: $50,000
- Free Russia Foundation: $125,000
- Free to Choose Network: $300,000
- Freedom Works Foundation: $240,000
- The Fund for American Studies, Journalism Fellowship Program: $115,000
- The Fund for American Studies, Legal Studies Institute: $115,000
- Galen Institute: $100,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Law and Economics Center: $650,000
- George Mason University Foundation, National Security Institute: $250,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Center for the Study of the Administrative State: $150,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Center for Study of Public Choice: $115,000
- George Washington University: $179,000
- Government Accountability Institute: $150,000
- Heritage Foundation, Center for National Defense: $500,000
- Heritage Foundation, General Operating Support: $800,000
- Hudson Institute, Center for Religious Freedom: $115,000
- Hudson Institute, Project Support: $35,000
- Hudson Institute, Political Studies Program: $250,000
- Hudson Institute, Center for American Common Culture: $50,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $175,000
- In Media Res: $72,820
- Independence Institute: $50,000
- Independent Women's Forum: $220,000
- The Institute for Family Studies: $35,000
- Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, General Operating Support: $340,000
- Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Economic Security Program: $160,000
- Institute for Free Speech: $200,000
- Institute for Humane Studies: $300,000
- Institute for Justice: $250,000
- Institute of World Politics: $160,000
- The Institute on Religion and Democracy Inc: $280,000
- Institute on Religion and Public Life, Inc: $200,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $500,000
- International Freedom Educational Foundation: $175,000
- Jack Miller Center for Teaching America's Founding Principles and History: $175,000
- The James Wilson Institute for Natural Rights and the American Founding: $125,000
- Jamestown Foundation, Project Support: $50,000
- Jamestown Foundation, General Operating Support: $165,000
- Judicial Watch: $200,000
- Just Facts Inc: $100,000
- Landmark Legal Foundation: $200,000
- Lincoln Network: $240,000
- Lucy Burns Institute: $205,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: $570,000
- Media Research Center: $400,000
- Mercatus Center: General Operating Support: $300,000
- Middle East Media and Research Institute: $200,000
- Missouri State University Foundation: $250,000
- The Mont Pelerin Society: $75,000
- Morningside Institute Inc: $58,000
- Mountain States Legal Foundation: $75,000
- Moving Picture Institute: $300,000
- National Association of Scholars: $275,000
- National Bureau of Asian Research: $191,400
- National Center for Public Policy Research: $65,000
- National Institute for Public Policy: $415,000
- National Legal and Policy Center: $175,000
- National Review Institute: $100,000
- National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation: $40,000
- National Taxpayers Union Foundation: $150,000
- Network of Enlightened Women: $60,000
- New Civil Liberties Alliance: $300,000
- New England Legal Foundation: $60,000
- Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, General Operating Support: $100,000
- Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, Program and Project Support: $105,000
- Pacific Legal Foundation: $250,000
- Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy: $200,000
- Pepperdine University School of Public Policy, James Q Wilson Visiting Professorship of Public: $150,000
- Pepperdine University School of Public Policy, Project Support: $75,000
- Philadelphia Society: $25,000
- The Philanthropy Roundtable: $125,000
- Political Economy Research Center: $250,000
- Project 2049 Institute: $165,000
- Public Interest Legal Foundation: $250,000
- Ralston College Inc: $250,000
- Reason Foundation, General Operating Support: $600,000
- Reason Foundation, Pension Integrity Project: $200,000
- Saint Vincent College: $75,000
- Southeastern Legal Foundation: $75,000
- Spirit of America Worldwide: $250,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Research Programs and Hoover Fellows Support: $300,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Regulation and the Rule of the Law Initiative: $200,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Library and Archives Research Fellowships: $200,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Library and Archives Directed Acquisition: $250,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Washington DC Program on Economic Freedom: $250,000
- State Policy Network: $420,000
- Student Free Press Association: $80,000
- Students for Fair Admissions Inc: $250,000
- Taliesin Nexus: $100,000
- Tax Foundation: $600,000
- Transatlantic Christian Council: $150,000
- Trustees of Dartmouth College: $120,000
- Trustees of Princeton University, James Madison in American Ideals: $200,000
- Trustees of Princeton University, Strategic Education Initiative: $152,458
- Tufts University, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy: $350,000
- University of Arizona Foundation, American Culture and Ideas Initiative: $100,000
- University of Arizona Foundation, Center for Philosophy of Freedom: $182,850
- University of Chicago: $100,000
- University of Minnesota Foundation: $150,000
- University of San Diego: $80,000
- The University of Texas at Austin, Thomas Jefferson Center: $100,000
- The University of Texas at Austin, William P Clements Jr. Center: $150,000
- University of Virginia Law School Foundation: $250,000
- Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation: $325,000
- WHWG Initiative for Studying Public Affairs: $60,000
- William F. Buckley, Jr. Program at Yale: $50,000
Grants reported (amount paid, unless otherwise noted):[7]
- Acton Institute: $150,000
- The Alexander Hamilton Society: $160,000
- Alleghney Institute for Public Policy: $200,000
- American Academy for Strategic Education: $25,000
- American Bar Association Fund For Justice and Education: $200,000
- American Civil Rights Institute: $40,000
- American Civil Rights Union: $50,000
- American Council for Capital Formation Center for Policy Research: $100,000
- American Council on Science and Health: $75,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Program Support: $225,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Sovereignty and International Law Program: $250,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Middle East Policy Studies Program: $200,000
- American Enterprise Institute, International Center on Housing Risk: $100,000
- American Foreign Policy Council: $400,000
- American Transparency: $80,000
- America's Future Foundation: $95,000
- America's Survival, Inc.: $150,000
- Archbridge Institute: $60,000
- Ashland University: $240,000
- Atlantic Council of the US, Inc: $162,030
- Atlantic Legal Foundation: $60,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Prague Security Studies Institute: $95,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation, General Operating and Program Support: $170,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Project Support: $25,000
- Becket: $200,000
- Benjamin Rush Institute: $70,000
- Buckeye Institute: $150,000
- Capital Research Center: $330,000
- Carnegie Mellon University: $200,000
- Cato Institute: $125,000
- Center for Equal Opportunity: $140,000
- Center for Immigration Studies: $200,000
- Center for Individual Rights: $110,000
- Center for Security Policy: $200,000
- Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments: $250,000
- Center for Strategic and International Studies, Transnational Threats Project: $500,000
- Center for Strategic and International Studies, Missile Defense Project: $500,000
- Certell, Inc: $120,000
- Christopher Newport University: $60,000
- Citizens' Council for Health Freedom: $150,000
- Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy: $450,000
- CO2 Coalition: $135,000
- Collegiate Network: $390,000
- Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow: $160,000
- The Commonwealth Foundation for Public: $400,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $400,000
- Criminal Justice Legal Foundation: $25,000
- Critical Review Foundation: $50,000
- The Daily Caller News Foundation: $300,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $175,000
- Donors Trust: $10,000
- Energy and Environment Legal Institute: $40,000
- Ethics and Public Policy Center: $250,000
- Evergreen Freedom Foundation: $100,000
- The Fairness Center: $170,000
- Faith and Reason Institute: $60,000
- Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, General Operating Support: $500,000
- Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, Infrastructure Project: $595,000
- Federation for American Immigration Reform: $200,000
- Foreign Policy Research Institute: $150,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review, General Operating Support: $300,000
- Foundation for Cultural Support, Conference Support: $42,500
- Foundation for Government Accountability: $350,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, General Operating Support: $250,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, Project Support: $50,000
- Foundation for Teaching Economics: $160,000
- Foundation for the Defense of Democracies: $300,000
- Free to Choose Network: $300,000
- Freedomworks Foundation: $220,000
- The Fund for American Studies, Journalism Fellowship Program: $115,000
- The Fund for American Studies, Legal Studies Institute: $100,000
- Galen Institute: $100,000
- George Mason University, Law and Economics Center: $650,000
- George Mason University, National Institute at the Antonin Scalia Law School: $500,000
- George Mason University, Center for the Study of the Administrative State: $150,000
- George Mason University, Center for the Study of Public Choice: $115,000
- George Washington University: $323,000
- Georgia Tech Research Corporation: $127,292
- Gloucester Institute: $120,000
- Heritage Foundation, Project Support: $530,000
- Heritage Foundation, General Operating Support: $500,000
- Hillsdale College: $140,000
- Hudson Institute, Center for Religious Freedom: $115,000
- Hudson Institute, Project Support: $113,000
- Hudson Institute, Center for American Common Culture: $50,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $150,000
- Independent Women's Forum: $200,000
- The Institute for Family Interests: $35,000
- Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, General Operating Support: $400,000
- Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Economic Security Program: $160,000
- Institute for Humane Studies: $275,000
- Institute for Justice: $250,000
- Institute of World Politics: $120,000
- The Institute on Religion and Democracy: $250,000
- Institute in Religion and Public Life: $180,000
- Intellectual Takeout: $120,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $500,000
- International Freedom Educational Foundation: $150,000
- Jack Miller Center for Teaching America's Founding Principles and History: $100,000
- The James Wilson Institute for Natural Rights: $75,000
- Jamestown Foundation, Project Support: $110,000
- Jamestown Foundation, General Operating Support: $165,000
- Judicial Watch: $250,000
- Just Facts: $70,000
- Landmark Legal Foundation: $200,000
- Lincoln Network: $200,000
- LSE Foundation: $150,000
- Lucy Burns Institute: $200,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, Social Affairs Unit: $100,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, General Operating and Program Support: $600,000
- Media Research Center: $325,000
- Meractus Center: $275,000
- Middle East Media and Research Institute: $150,000
- Missouri State University Foundation: $200,000
- Mountain States Legal Foundation: $50,000
- Moving Picture Institute: $200,000
- National Association of Scholars: $250,000
- National Center for Public Policy Research: $65,000
- National Institute for Public Policy: $392,000
- National Legal and Policy Center: $175,000
- National Review Institute: $100,000
- National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation: $35,000
- National Taxpayers Union Foundation: $125,000
- Network of Enlightened Women: $60,000
- New England Legal Foundation: $60,000
- Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, General Operating Support: $75,000
- Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, Program Support: $100,000
- Pacific Legal Foundation: $250,000
- Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy: $175,000
- Pepperdine University School of Public Policy, James Q Wilson Visiting Professorship of Public Policy: $150,000
- Pepperdine University School of Public Policy, Project Support: $75,000
- Philadelphia Society: $25,000
- Philanthropy Roundtable: $125,000
- Political Economy Research Center: $180,000
- Princeton University: $200,000
- Project 2049 Institute: $150,000
- Prometheus Institute Incorporated: $60,000
- Public Interest Legal Foundation: $200,000
- The Public Media Lab: $200,000
- Ralston College: $200,000
- Real Clear Foundation: $100,000
- Reason Foundation: $200,000
- Saint Vincent College: $75,000
- Southeastern Legal Foundation: $75,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Research Programs and Hoover Fellows Support: $300,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Regulation and the Rule of Law Initiative: $200,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Library and Archives Research Fellowships: $200,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Washington D.C. Office: $250,000
- State Policy Network: $220,000
- Strata Policy: $75,000
- Student Free Press Association: $80,000
- Student for Fair Admissions: $150,000
- Tax Foundation: $450,000
- Thomas B. Fordham Institute: $160,000
- Tufts University, The Fletcher School of Law: $350,000
- University of Arizona Foundation, American Culture and Ideas Initiative: $100,000
- University of Arizona Foundation, Department of Political Economy and Moral Science Graduate Education Programs: $124,000
- University of Kentucky: $500,000
- University of Virginia Law School Foundation: $303,500
- Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation: $300,000
- WHWG Initiative for Studying Public Affairs: $60,000
- William F. Buckley, Jr. at Yale: $50,000
- Witherspoon Institute: $1,000,000
Grants reported according to the Sarah Scaife Foundation's annual report (amount paid, unless otherwise noted):[8]
- Acton Institute: $150,000
- The Alexander Hamilton Society: $125,000
- Allegheny Institute for Public Policy: $200,000
- America's Future Foundation: $85,000
- America's Survival, Inc.: $175,000
- American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education: $175,000
- American Civil Rights Institute: $80,000
- American Civil Rights Union: $50,000
- American Council for Capital Formation: $125,000
- American Council of Trustees and Alumni: $80,000
- American Council on Science and Health: $75,000
- American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Program Support: $225,000
- American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Sovereignty and International Law Program: $175,000
- American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Middle East Policy Studies Program: $175,000
- American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, International Center on Housing Risk: $100,000
- American Foreign Policy Council: $400,000
- American Media Institute: $250,000
- American for Prosperity Foundation: $125,000
- Archbridge Institute: $50,000
- Ashland University: $200,000
- Atlantic Legal Foundation: $75,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Prague Security Institute
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation, General supporting and program support: $150,000
- Bastiat Society Inc.: $$35,000
- Becket: $200,000
- Buckeye Institute: $100,000
- Capital Research Center: $300,000
- Carnegie Mellon University, Center for International Relations and Politics: $200,000
- Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper School of Business project support: $100,000
- Cato Institute: $100,000
- Center for Equal Opportunity: $140,000
- Center for Immigration Studies: $200,000
- Center for Individual Rights: $110,000
- Center for Media and Public Affairs: $35,000
- Center for Security Policy: $225,000
- Certell, Inc.: $120,000
- Christopher Newport University: $50,000
- Citizens' Council for Health Freedom: $225,000
- Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy: $400,000
- Claremont Strategy Group, Inc.: $150,000
- CO2 Coalition: $132,000
- Collegiate Network: $390,000
- Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow: $160,000
- The Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives: $300,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $400,000
- Critical Review Foundation: $50,000
- The Daily Caller News Foundation: $250,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $175,000
- The Defense Forum Foundation: $75,000
- Documentary Foundation: $75,000
- Dusquesne University: $95,000
- Ethics and Public Policy Center: $250,000
- The Fairness Center: $125,000
- The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, General operating support: $450,000
- The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, Antonin Scalia Legacy Project: $150,000
- Federation for American Immigration Reform: $200,000
- Foreign Policy Research Institute: $100,000
- Foundation for California University of Pennsylvania: $130,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review: $250,000
- Foundation for Government Accountability: $250,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $200,000
- Foundation for Teaching Economics: $150,000
- Foundation for the Defense of Democracies: $300,000
- Free to Choose Network: $150,000
- FreedomWorks Foundation: $175,000
- The Fund for American Studies: $115,000
- The Fund for American Studies: $85,000
- Galen Institute: $75,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Law and Economics Center: $1,150,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Center for the Study of the Administrative State: $150,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Center of Public Choice
- Heritage Foundation, General Operating Support: $800,000
- Heritage Foundation, Center for National Defense: $500,000
- Hillsdale College, Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship: $200,000
- Hudson Institute, Center for Religious Freedom: $115,000
- Hudson Institute, Political Studies Program: $250,000
- Hudson Institute, Research and writing projects: $60,000
- Hudson Institute, Center for American Common Culture: $50,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $125,000
- Independent Women's Forum: $150,000
- Institute for Energy Research: $75,000
- The Institute for Family Studies: $25,000
- Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, General operating support: $500,000
- Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Economic Security Program: $160,000
- Institute for Humane Studies: $225,000
- Institute for Justice: $200,000
- The Institute on Religion and Democracy: $250,000
- The Institute on Religion and Public Life: $150,000
- Intellectual Takeout: $120,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $500,000
- International Freedom Educational Foundation: $125,000
- The James Wilson Institute for Natural Rights and the American Founding: $75,000
- Jamestown Foundation: $165,000
- Judicial Watch: $350,000
- Just Facts Inc: $50,000
- Landmark Legal Foundation: $150,000
- Legatum Institute Foundation: $150,000
- Lincoln Network: $50,000
- The Lucy Burns Institute: $25,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: $400,000
- Media Research Center: $300,000
- Mercatus Center: $225,000
- Middle East Media and Research Institute: $50,000
- Missouri State University Foundation: $200,000
- Mountain States Legal Foundation: $50,000
- Moving Picture Institute: $150,000
- National Association of Scholars: $250,000
- National Center for Public Policy Research: $65,000
- National Institute for Public Policy: $370,000
- National Legal and Policy Center: $175,000
- National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation: $25,000
- National Taxpayers Union Foundation: $100,000
- Network of Enlightened Women: $60,000
- Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, General operating support: $75,000
- Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, Program support: $200,000
- Pacific Legal Foundation: $200,000
- Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy: $150,000
- Philadelphia Society: $25,000
- Philanthropy Roundtable: $125,000
- Princeton University: $200,000
- Property and Environment Research Center: $150,000
- Public Interest Legal Foundation: $150,000
- Reason Foundation, General operating support: $150,000
- Reason Foundation, Environment Program: $100,000
- Saint Vincent College: $50,000
- Social Philosophy and Public Foundation: $670,000
- Southeastern Legal Foundation: $50,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Research programs and Hoover Fellows support: $300,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Regulation and the Rule of Law Initiative: $200,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Library and Archives Research Fellowships: $200,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Labor Productivity Project: $100,000
- State Policy Network: $200,000
- Tax Foundation, General operating support: $250,000
- Tax Foundation, Project support: $250,000
- Tufts University, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy: $350,000
- University of Arizona Foundation: $100,000
- University of Chicago: $100,000
- University of Kentucky: $500,000
- The University of Texas at Austin, Thomas Jefferson Center for the Study of Core Texts and Ideas: $100,000
- The University of Texas at Austin, William P. Clements, Jr. Center for National Security: $135,000
- University of Virginia Law School: $303,500
- Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation: $300,000
- Washington Legal Foundation: $60,000
- Witherspoon Institute: $850,000
Grants reported (amount paid, unless otherwise noted):[9]
- Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty: $100,000
- The Alexander Hamilton Society: $25,000
- Allegheny Institute for Public Policy: $200,000
- American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education, Standing Committee on Law and National Security: $175,000
- American Civil Rights Institute: $125,000
- American Enterprise Institute, program support: $225,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Sovereignty and International Law Program: $250,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Middle East Policy Studies Program: $175,000
- American Enterprise Institute, International Center on Housing Risk: $100,000
- American Foreign Policy Council: $350,000
- American Transparency: $50,000
- America's Future Foundation: $75,000
- America's Survival, Inc.: $200,000
- Atlantic Legal Foundation: $75,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Prague Security Studies Institute: $70,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation: $75,000
- Capital Research Center: $200,000
- Carnegie Mellon University, project support: $90,000
- Carnegie Mellon University, program on regulation and the rule of law: $200,000
- Cato Institute: $60,000
- Center for Equal Opportunity: $100,000
- Center for Immigration Studies: $150,000
- Center for Individual Rights: $110,000
- Center for Media and Public Affairs: $75,000
- Center for Security Policy: $225,000
- Center for Strategic and International Studies, project support: $400,000
- Center for Strategic and International Studies, missile defense project: $450,000
- Citizens' Council for Health Freedom: $150,000
- Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy: $400,000
- Collegiate Network: $390,000
- Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow: $160,000
- Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives: $250,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute, general operating support: $400,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $200,000
- Defense Forum Foundation: $75,000
- DonorsTrust, project support: $200,000
- DonorsTrust, project support: $10,000
- Ethics and Public Policy Center: $200,000
- Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies: $450,000
- Federation for American Immigrant Reform: $200,000
- Foreign Policy Initiative: $85,000
- Foundation for California University of Pennsylvania, Government Agency Coordination Office: $130,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review, Inc.: $260,000 (General Operating Support); $40,000 (Project Support)
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $200,000
- Free to Choose Network: $150,000; (Project Support); $150,00 (Project Support, additional donation)
- Freedomworks Foundation: $125,000
- Fund for American Studies: $115,000 (Journalism Fellowship Program); $85,000 (Legal Studies Institute)
- Galen Institute: $75,000
- George Mason University: $115,000 (Center for Study of Public Choice); $300,000 (Program Support, School of Law)
- Heritage Foundation: $600,000
- Hudson Institute: $250,00 (Political Studies Program); $115,000 (Center for Religious Freedom); $50,000 (Center for American Common Culture)
- Human Rights Foundation: $100,000
- Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis: $160,000 (Economic Security Program); $500,000 (General Operating Support)
- Institute for Humane Studies: $125,000
- Institute for Justice: $150,000
- The Institute of World Politics: $200,000
- The Institute of Religion and Democracy: $250,000
- The Institute of Religion and Public Life: $150,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $500,000
- International Freedom Educational Foundation: $100,000
- Jamestown Foundation: $165,000
- Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University: $60,000
- Judicial Watch: $250,000
- Landmark Legal Foundation: $200,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: $100,000
- Media Research Center: $300,000
- Mercatus Center: $150,000
- Missoupi State University Foundation: $150,000
- Mont Pelerin Society: $75,000
- Mountain States Legal Foundation: $25,000
- Moving Picture Institute: $100,000
- National Association of Scholars: $225,000
- National Center for Public Policy Research: $5,000
- National Institute for Public Policy: $250,000
- National Legal and Policy Center: $125,000
- National Right to Work Legal Defense & Education Foundation: $25,000
- National Taxpayers Union: $50,000
- Network of Enlightened Women: $40,000
- New England Legal Foundation: $50,000
- Nonproliferation Policy Education Center: $60,000
- NumbersUSA: $40,000
- Pacific Legal Foundation: $175,000
- Pacific Research Institute: $150,000
- Philadelphia Society: $25,000
- Philanthropy Roundtable: $25,000
- Princeton University: $85,000
- Property and Environment Research Center: $50,000
- Reason Foundation: $150,000 (General Operating Support); $100,000 (Environment Program)
- Saint Vincent College: $50,000
- Social Philosophy and Policy Foundation: $670,000
- Southeastern Legal Foundation: $50,000
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War and Peace: $50,000 (Book Project); $300,000 (Research Programs and Hoovers Fellows Support)
- Tax Foundation: $250,000
- Tufts University, The Fletcher School of Law: $320,000
- University of Chicago, Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics: $100,000
- University of Kentucky: $500,000 (The New University of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler); $1,000,000 (The New University of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler, additional funds)
- University of Virginia Law School Foundation: $250,000
- Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation: $200,000
- Citizens' Council for Health Freedom: $75,000
Grants reported (amount paid, unless otherwise noted):[10]
- Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty: $50,000
- Allegheny Institute for Public Policy: $125,000
- American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education, Standing Committee on Law and National Security: $150,000
- American Civil Rights Institute: $150,000
- American Enterprise Institute, program support: $550,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee: $25,000
- American Foreign Policy Council: $175,000
- America's Future Foundation: $75,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation: $75,000
- Capital Research Center: $200,000
- Carnegie Mellon University, project support: $50,000
- Carnegie Mellon University, Program on Regulation and the Rule of Law: $200,000
- Cato Institute: $50,000
- Center for Equal Opportunity: $75,000
- Center for Immigration Studies: $150,000
- Center for Individual Rights: $110,000
- Center for Media and Public Affairs: $75,000
- Center for Security Policy: $200,000
- Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments: $150,000
- Center for Strategic and International Studies: $500,000
- Citizens' Council for Health Freedom: $150,000
- Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy: $300,000
- Collegiate Network: $240,000
- Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives: $175,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute, project support: $175,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute, general operating support: $175,000
- Counterterrorism and Security Education and Research Foundation: $100,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $200,000
- Defense Forum Foundation: $50,000
- Ethics and Public Policy Center: 175,000
- Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies: $300,000
- Foundation for California University of Pennsylvania, Government Agency Coordination Office: $130,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review: $200,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $130,000
- Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, journalism programs: $35,000
- Free to Choose Network: $50,000
- FreedomWorks Foundation: $125,000
- Galen Institute: $50,000
- George C. Marshall Institute: $150,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Law and Economics Center: $150,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Center for Study of Public Choice: $115,000
- Heritage Foundation: $600,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $75,000
- Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, general operating support: $375,000
- Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, economic security program: $160,000
- Institute for Humane Studies: $100,000
- Institute for Justice: $125,000
- Institute of World Politics: $200,000
- Institute on Religion and Public Life: $75,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $300,000
- International Freedom Educational Foundation, Center for Secure Free Society: $75,000
- Jamestown Foundation: $150,000
- Johns Hopkins University, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, research and writing projects: $60,000
- Judicial Watch: $225,000
- Landmark Legal Foundation: $250,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, general operating support: $150,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, project support: $50,000
- Media Research Center: $300,000
- Mercatus Center: $100,000
- Missouri State University Foundation, Department of Defense and Strategic Studies: $150,000
- Moving Picture Institute: $50,000
- National Association of Scholars: $200,000
- National Institute for Public Policy: $250,000
- New England Legal Foundation: $50,000
- Pacific Legal Foundation: $150,000
- Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy: $150,000
- Princeton University, James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions: $85,000
- Reason Foundation, general operating support: $100,000
- Reason Foundation, environmental program: $75,000
- Saint Vincent College, Center for Political and Economic Thought: $50,000
- Social Philosophy and Policy Foundation: $400,000
- Southeastern Legal Foundation: $50,000
- Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace: $50,000
- Tax Foundation: $250,000
- Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, International Security Studies Program: $280,000
- Twenty First Century Initiatives: $100,000
- University of Chicago, Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics: $100,000
- University of Kentucky, Albert B. Chandler Hospital Auditorium: $500,000
- University of Virginia Law School Foundation, Center for National Security Law: $250,000
Grants reported (amount paid, unless otherwise noted):[11]
- Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty: $50,000
- Allegheny Institute for Public Policy: $125,000
- American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education, Standing Committee on Law and National Security: $115,000
- American Civil Rights Institute: $225,000
- American Enterprise Institute, project support: $400,000
- American Enterprise Institute, program support: $200,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee: $25,000
- American Foreign Policy Council: $125,000
- America's Future Foundation: $40,000
- Atlantic Legal Foundation: $75,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation: $75,000
- Capital Research Center: $200,000
- Carnegie Mellon University, project support: $75,000
- Carnegie Mellon University, Center for the Study of Public Policy: $125,000
- Cato Institute: $40,000
- Center for Equal Opportunity: $50,000
- Center for Immigration Studies: $150,000
- Center for Individual Rights: $110,000
- Center for Media and Public Affairs: $75,000
- Center for Security Policy: $175,000
- Center for Strategic and International Studies: $600,000
- Citizens' Council for Health Freedom: $150,000
- Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy, Washington Fellow support: $100,000
- Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy, general operating support: $300,000
- Collegiate Network: $240,000
- Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow: $240,000
- Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives: $175,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute, project support: $175,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute, general operating support: $250,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $300,000
- Defense Forum Foundation: $50,000
- Ethics and Public Policy Center: $125,000
- Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies: $400,000
- Foundation for California University of Pennsylvania, Government Agency Coordination Office: $100,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review, general operating support: $200,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review, project support: $32,500
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $125,000
- FreedomWorks Foundation: $250,000
- Galen Institute: $35,000
- George C. Marshall Institute: $180,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Law and Economics Center: $225,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Center for Study of Public Choice: $100,000
- Heritage Foundation: $800,000
- Hudson Institute, Center for Religious Freedom: $100,000
- Hudson Institute, project support: $50,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $75,000
- Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, general operating support: $450,000
- Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, economic security program: $160,000
- Institute for Humane Studies: $50,000
- Institute for Justice: $100,000
- Institute of World Politics: $200,000
- Institute on Religion and Public Life: $60,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $450,000
- International Freedom Educational Foundation, Center for Secure Free Society: $75,000
- Jamestown Foundation: $125,000
- Johns Hopkins University, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, research and writing projects: $60,000
- Judicial Watch: $225,000
- Landmark Legal Foundation: $250,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, general operating support: $150,000
- Media Research Center: $400,000
- Mercatus Center: $75,000
- Missouri State University Foundation, Department of Defense and Strategic Studies: $140,000
- National Association of Scholars: $200,000
- National Center for Policy Analysis: $100,000
- National Center for Public Policy Research: $35,000
- National Institute for Public Policy: $240,000
- National Taxpayers Union Foundation: $50,000
- New England Legal Foundation: $40,000
- NumbersUSA Education and Research Foundation: $40,000
- Pacific Legal Foundation: $150,000
- Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy: $150,000
- Princeton University, James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions: $75,000
- Reason Foundation, general operating support: $100,000
- Reason Foundation, environmental program: $50,000
- Saint Vincent College, Center for Political and Economic Thought: $50,000
- Social Philosophy and Policy Foundation: $400,000
- Southeastern Legal Foundation: $50,000
- Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, book project: $50,000
- Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, research programs and Hoover Fellows support: $450,000
- Tax Foundation: $200,000
- Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, International Security Studies Program: $390,000
- Twenty First Century Initiatives: $100,000
- University of Chicago, Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics: $100,000
- University of Kentucky, Albert B. Chandler Hospital Auditorium: $500,000
- University of Virginia Law School Foundation, Center for National Security Law: $325,000
Grants reported (amount paid, unless otherwise noted):[12]
- Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty: $40,000
- Allegheny Institute for Public Policy: $115,000
- American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education, Standing Committee on Law and National Security: $230,000
- American Civil Rights Institute: $75,000
- American Enterprise Institute, project support: $400,000
- American Enterprise Institute, program support: $175,000
- American Enterprise Institute, Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee: $25,000
- American Foreign Policy Council: $125,000
- America's Future Foundation: $40,000
- Atlantic Legal Foundation: $75,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation: $150,000
- Capital Research Center: $200,000
- Carnegie Mellon University, project support: $75,000
- Carnegie Mellon University, Center for the Study of Public Policy: $125,000
- Carnegie Mellon University, Gailliot Center for Public Policy: $62,500
- Cato Institute: $40,000
- Center for Equal Opportunity: $50,000
- Center for Immigration Studies: $125,000
- Center for Individual Rights: $110,000
- Center for Media and Public Affairs: $75,000
- Center for Security Policy: $175,000
- Center for Strategic and International Studies: $375,000
- Center for the Study of the Presidency: $75,000
- Citizens' Council for Health Freedom: $150,000
- Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy, general operating, program, and Washington Fellow support: $400,000
- Collegiate Network: $240,000
- Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow: $160,000
- Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives: $150,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute, project support: $150,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute, general operating support: $150,000
- Counterterrorism and Security Education and Research Foundation: $125,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $225,000
- Defense Forum Foundation: $50,000
- Ethics and Public Policy Center: $125,000
- Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies: $325,000
- Federation for American Immigration Reform: $125,000
- Foundation for California University of Pennsylvania, Government Agency Coordination Office: $100,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review, general operating support: $200,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review, project support: $32,500
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $100,000
- Free Congress Research and Education Foundation: $50,000
- FreedomWorks Foundation: $62,500
- Galen Institute: $35,000
- George C. Marshall Institute: $230,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Law and Economics Center: $150,000
- George Mason University Foundation, Center for Study of Public Choice: $100,000
- Heritage Foundation: $400,000
- Hudson Institute, Center for American Common Culture: $50,000
- Hudson Institute, Center for Religious Freedom: $100,000
- Hudson Institute, Project for Civil Justice Reform and International Religious Liberty: $100,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $75,000
- Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, general operating and special projects support: $600,000
- Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, economic security program: $160,000
- Institute for Humane Studies: $50,000
- Institute for Justice: $85,000
- Institute of World Politics: $200,000
- Institute on Religion and Public Life: $60,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $150,000
- International Freedom Educational Foundation, Center for Secure Free Society: $75,000
- Jamestown Foundation: $187,500
- Johns Hopkins University, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies: $60,000
- Judicial Watch: $125,000
- Landmark Legal Foundation: $250,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: $150,000
- Media Research Center: $400,000
- Mercatus Center: $50,000
- Missouri State University Foundation, Department of Defense and Strategic Studies: $140,000
- National Association of Scholars: $200,000
- National Center for Policy Analysis: $100,000
- National Center for Public Policy Research: $35,000
- National Institute for Public Policy: $240,000
- National Legal and Policy Center: $100,000
- National Taxpayers Union Foundation: $50,000
- New England Legal Foundation: $30,000
- NumbersUSA Education and Research Foundation: $40,000
- Pacific Legal Foundation: $125,000
- Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy: $150,000
- Princeton University, James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions: $75,000
- Reason Foundation, general operating support: $100,000
- Reason Foundation, environmental program: $50,000
- Saint Vincent College, Center for Political and Economic Thought: $35,000
- Social Philosophy and Policy Foundation: $375,000
- Southeastern Legal Foundation: $50,000
- Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, book project: $59,000
- Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, research programs and Hoover Fellows support: $350,000
- Tax Foundation: $75,000
- Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy: $320,000
- University of Chicago, Institute for Law and Economics: $100,000
- University of Kentucky, Albert B. Chandler Hospital Auditorium: $500,000
- University of Virginia Law School Foundation, Center for National Security Law: $425,000
- World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh, Teacher-Student Educational Projects: $50,000
According to Jane Mayer, "[Richard] Scaife's parents created the largest of the family's tax-exempt, charitable foundations, the Sarah Scaife Foundation, in December 1941, days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It appears to have been timed to shelter the family's wealth from anticipated tax increases."[13]
Scaife Became Chair, Commenced Right-Wing Funding
During the 1960s, Richard Mellon Scaife inherited an estimated $200 million from his mother, Sarah.[citation needed] The Foundation commenced funding "New Right" causes in 1973 when Richard became the foundation's chairman. His net personal worth was estimated at $800 million by Forbes magazine, which made Richard the 38th richest person in the United States.
Major Grants from 1985-2001
Between 1985 and 2001, the Sarah Scaife Foundation donated $15,860,000 to the Heritage Foundation; $7,333,000 to the Institute for Policy Analysis; $6,995,500 to the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace; $6,693,000 to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS); $4,411,000 to the American Enterprise Institute; $2,575,000 to the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research; $1,855,000 to the George C. Marshall Institute; $1,808,000 to the Hudson Institute; and $1,697,000 to the Cato Institute.[14]
Core Financials
- Total Revenue: $22,349,073
- Total Expenses: $50,322,247
- Net Assets: $617,875,069
- Total Revenue: $79,121,296
- Total Expenses: $50,116,578
- Net Assets: $645,014,499
- Total Revenue: $68,141,148
- Total Expenses: $43,048,268
- Net Assets: $956,389,603
- Total Revenue: $32,194,257
- Total Expenses: $41,725,079
- Net Assets: $870,946,716
- Total Revenue: $50,088,494
- Total Expenses: $42,967,581
- Net Assets: $738,532,141
- Total Revenue: $50,901,295
- Total Expenses: $36,585,519
- Net Assets: $828,070520
- Total Revenue: $31,285,573
- Total Expenses: $31,630,824
- Net Assets: $746,257,928
- Total Revenue: $40,905,078
- Total Expenses: $20,981,796
- Net Assets: $708,658,233
- Total Revenue: $376,357,999
- Total Expenses: $14,818,356
- Net Assets: $705,137,867
According to the 2022 tax filing:
- Michael A. Gleba, Chairman/CEO/Treasurer/Trustee
- Montgomery B. Brown, Vice President
- Linda M. Buckley, Secretary and Assistant Treasurer
Former Staff
- Yvonne Marie Bly, Secretary and Assistant Treasurer
Board of Trustees
- Michael A. Gleba, Chairman/CEO/Treasurer/Trustee
- T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr, Trustee
- Edwin J. Feulner, Jr, Trustee
- Roger Kimball, Trustee
- Eugene B. Meyer, Trustee
- Roger W. Robinson, Jr, Trustee
- James C. Roddey, Trustee
- Christine J. Toretti, Trustee
- Matthew A. Groll, Trustee
Former Trustees
- Allan H. Meltzer, Former Trustee
- Richard M. Scaife, Chair (through July 4, 2014)
- James M. Walton, Trustee
Contact Information
Sarah Scaife Foundation
One Oxford Centre
301 Grant Street, Suite 3900
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-6402
Phone: (412) 392-2900
Articles and Resources
IRS Form 990 Filings
- Alex Kotch, The Dirty Dozen: The Biggest Nonprofit Funders of Climate Denial ExposedbyCMD, March 21, 2022.
- ↑ Mike Wereschagin, "Scaife bestows 'game-changing' legacy of giving to region, nation," Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, May 2, 2015.
- ↑ Rich Lord, "Scaife-related foundations poised to take bigger stage," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 25, 2014.
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 Sarah Scaife Foundation, "2021 IRS 990-PF Form," organization tax filing, November 5, 2022.
- ↑ Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Sarah Scaife Foundation, "2020 IRS 990-PF Form," organization tax filing, 2021.
- ↑ Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 Sarah Scaife Foundation, "2019 IRS 990-PF Form," organization tax filing, November 10, 2020.
- ↑ Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 Sarah Scaife Foundation, "2018 IRS 990-PF Form," organization tax filing, October 18, 2019.
- ↑ Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 Sarah Scaife Foundation, "2017 IRS 990-PF Form," organization tax filing, September 18, 2018.
- ↑ Sarah Scaife Foundation, "2016 Annual Report," organization tax filing, November 6, 2017.
- ↑ Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 Sarah Scaife Foundation, "2015 IRS 990-PF Form," organization tax filing, November 11, 2016.
- ↑ Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 Sarah Scaife Foundation, "2014 Annual Report," organization tax filing, November 11, 2015.
- ↑ Sarah Scaife Foundation, "2013 Annual Report," organization tax filing, July 16, 2014.
- ↑ Sarah Scaife Foundation, "2012 Annual Report," organization tax filing, July 25, 2013.
- ↑ Jane Mayer, Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right, Penguin Random House, 2016.
- ↑ Media Transparency, "Sarah Scaife Foundation grant recipients (1985-2005)," database accessed October 21, 2011.
- ↑ Sarah Scaife Foundation, "2022 IRS 990-PF Form," organization tax filing, November, 2023.