Bradley Impact Fund
The Bradley Impact Fund is a donor-advised fund "aligned with" the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation that gives grants to right-wing and conservative organizations identified by the Bradley Foundation.[1] The Bradley Foundation is "a cornerstone for the conservative movement in Wisconsin and across America," according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.[2]
The Bradley Impact Fund is organized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and describes its mission as "To provide funding to organizations that research public policy and educate the public on policy issues."[3] Gabe Conger, a Heritage Foundation alumni, was announced as the incoming President of the Bradley Impact Fund. Conger succeeded Jessica Dean, who is now the senior vice president for development.[4]
Like DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund (DT and DCF), the Bradley Impact Fund is a "donor-advised fund," which means that the fund creates separate accounts for individual donors, and the donors then recommend disbursements from the accounts to different non-profits. They cloak the identity of the original mystery donors because the funds are then distributed in the name of the fund, contributing another step to what in the case of DT and DCF has been called a "murky money maze."[5]
2022 Grants Given
List of grants reported for 2022:[6]
- Academia Classica of Cincinnatus: $7,500
- Action Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty: $172,500
- Acts Housing: $153,000
- Advancing American Freedom: $110,000
- Aid to the Church in Need: $120,929
- Alliance Defending Freedom: $824,000
- Alzheimer's Association: $20,500
- America First Legal Foundation: $27,141,275
- American Center for Law and Justice: $60,150
- American Council of Trustees and Alumni: $16,000
- American Culture Foundation: $200,000
- American Enterprise Institute: $15,000
- American Foreign Policy Council: $20,000
- American Independent Media: $2,471,221
- American Institute for Economic Research: $50,000
- American Transparency: $47,000
- AmeriCares: $10,000
- America's Future: $500,000
- America's Mighty Warriors: $7,500
- Andean Health and Development: $110,000
- Archdiocese of Milwaukee: $13,000
- Arizona State University Foundation: $15,000
- Ashland University: $116,292
- Association of Graduates of the United States Military Academy: $20,450
- Badger Institute: $81,300
- Becket Fund: $76,050
- Beloit Health Systems: $5,500
- Blexit Foundation: $10,700
- Bridge Builders: $25,000
- Calvin University: $6,000
- Camp One Step: $10,000
- Capital Research Center: $23,000
- Catholic Laity and Clergy for Renewal: $50,000
- Catholic Near East Welfare Association: $240,000
- Cato Institute: $106,000
- Center for American Greatness: $250,030
- Center for Independent Thought: $30,000
- Center for Renewing America: $11,500
- Center for Urban Teaching: $10,500
- Center of the American Experiment: $10,000
- Central Institute for the Deaf: $15,000
- Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Foundation: $38,000
- Christ Chapel Bible Church: $25,200
- Christ Church Mequon: $10,000
- Christian Community Foundation DBA Waterstone: $5,128,729
- Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women: $100,000
- Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy: $14,500
- Club for Growth Foundation: $200,000
- Colorado Opportunity Foundation: $525,000
- Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives: $200,050
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $10,000
- Concordia University: $81,000
- Conservative Partnership Institute: $712,310
- Consumers' Research: $50,000
- Convention of States Foundation: $20,000
- Cristo Rey Jesuit Milwaukee High School: $7,000
- Cross Catholic Outreach: $106,800
- Cru Campus Crusade for Christ: $9,300
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $30,700
- Democracy News Foundation: $50,416
- Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church: $10,000
- Divine Savior Parish: $10,700
- Doc Emet Productions: $15,000
- Educational Freedom Institute: $10,060
- Emergent Order Foundation: $430,000
- Ethics and Public Policy Center: $451,060
- Evans Scholars Foundation: $21,500
- Evergreen Freedom Foundation: $337,175
- Fair Lines America Foundation: $10,050
- Faith Evangelical Free Church: $7,800
- Fellowship of Catholic University Students: $20,400
- First in Missouri: $15,000
- Folds of Honors Foundation: $10,000
- Foundation for American Innovation: $25,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review: $18,000
- Foundation for Economic Education: $100,000
- Foundation for Excellence in Higher Education: $1,895,525
- Foundation for Government Accountability: $161,560
- Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression: $282,000
- Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity: $150,050
- Franciscan Life Center: $10,000
- Franklin News Foundation: $875,000
- Freedom Lights Our World: $20,000
- Georgia Center for Opportunity: $25,000
- Georgia State University Research Foundation: $900,000
- Grace Center Foundation: $31,000
- Grassroot Institute of Hawaii: $40,000
- Growing Hope Globally: $46,000
- Health Freedom Defense Fund: $45,000
- Higher Education Reform Coalition: $199,098
- Hill Country Bible Church: $6,400
- Hillsdale College: $17,700
- Hmong American Peace Academy: $23,500
- Horizon Home Care & Hospice: $7,000
- Housing Opportunity for Women: $10,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $10,000
- Hyde Park Institute: $20,000
- Illinois Policy Institute: $12,000
- Immanuel Presbyterian Church: $38,500
- Independent Women's Forum: $130,000
- Informed Consent Action Network: $35,000
- Institute for Free Speech: $10,000
- Institute for Justice: $43,000
- Institute for Reforming Government: $91,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $58,000
- International Christian Concern: $22,000
- Jack Miller Center for Teaching America's Founding Principles and History: $563,052
- James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal: $10,000
- John Jay Institute: $85,000
- John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy: $23,000
- Judicial Watch: $50,350
- Kingdom Prep Lutheran High School: $88,500
- Kingdom Workers: $9,000
- Knights of Columbus Charities: $18,700
- LC RC Family Centers: $8,000
- Leadership Institute: $157,000
- Legal Insurrection Foundation: $7,000
- Libertas Institute: $640,000
- Lighthouse Church and School: $6,000
- Litigators for Liberty Network: $125,000
- Little Lambs Ministry: $28,500
- Lucy Burns Institute: $115,500
- Lutheran High Schools Association of Greater Milwaukee: $32,000
- Lyric Opera of Chicago: $15,000
- Madison Symphony Orchestra: $6,000
- Manhattan Institute: $10,050
- Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation: $10,000
- Marquette University High School: $30,000
- Media Research Center: $9,500
- Midland Institute for Entrepreneurship: $13,000
- Milwaukee College Preparatory School: $16,000
- Milwaukee County War Memorial Center: $64,000
- Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity: $7,500
- Milwaukee Repertory Theater: $33,750
- Milwaukee School of Engineering: $215,000
- Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra: $9,500
- Moms for America: $301,500
- Moving Picture Institute: $50,500
- MS-Just Keep Moving: $15,000
- My Faith Votes: $20,000
- National Center for Public Policy Research: $10,620
- National Review Institute: $112,500
- National Right to Work Legal Defense & Education Foundation: $25,000
- Navy Seal Foundation: $10,000
- Nerinx Hall High School: $15,000
- Network of Enlightened Women: $64,200
- New Beginnings Are Possible: $10,000
- New Tolerance Campaign: $28,000
- North Carolina Institute for Constitutional Law: $20,000
- Notre Dame Schools of Milwaukee: $10,000
- NRA Freedom Action Foundation: $25,000
- One Israel Fund: $100,000
- Open Doors with Brother Andrew: $60,000
- Pacific Legal Foundation: $30,000
- Parents Defending Education: $505,000
- Parents Television Council: $10,000
- Pax Americana Institute: $15,000
- Phoenix Dream Center Foundation: $21,500
- Policy Circle: $137,700
- Prager University Foundation: $166,200
- Priests for Life: $38,000
- Prison Fellowship Ministries: $48,500
- Project Veritas: $1,761,084
- ProLife Across America: $6,000
- Pro-Life Wisconsin Education Task Force: $6,000
- Property & Environment Research Center: $10,000
- Public Interest Legal Foundation: $425,000
- Real Clear Foundation: $20,000
- Relevant Radio: $12,000
- River of Life Mission: $40,000
- Running Rebels Community Organization: $10,500
- Safe Families for Children Wisconsin: $10,000
- Saint John XXIII Congregation: $11,500
- Saint Louis Student Robotics Association: $10,000
- Samaritan's Purse: $14,500
- Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts: $15,000
- Society for the Propagation of the Faith: $22,000
- Sojourner Truth House: $10,000
- Spirit of America Worldwide: $26,900
- St Gabriel the Archangel Roman Catholic Parish: $18,000
- St James Academy: $75,000
- St Patrick's Seminary & University: $30,000
- St Augustine Preparatory Academy: $47,000
- St Bernard Parish: $25,000
- St Marcus Lutheran Church and School: $68,000
- St Mary's Visitation Catholic Parish: $10,000
- Stanford University: $27,500
- State Financial Officers Foundation: $272,813
- State Policy Network: $35,000
- Strong Towns: $20,000
- Sun Valley Policy Forum: $66,706
- Texas Public Policy Foundation: $251,350
- The Bill of Rights Institute: $117,292
- The Fairness Center: $25,000
- The Fund for American Studies: $58,060
- The Heritage Foundation: $104,850
- The Institute on Religion and Public Life: $10,000
- The Medical College of Wisconsin: $12,000
- The Milwaukee Ballet Company: $30,750
- The NRA Foundation: $15,277
- The Reason Foundation: $7,000
- The Salvation Army: $6,114
- Think Freely Media: $100,000
- Thomas More Law Center: $6,080
- Thomas More Society: $33,550
- True the Vote: $10,000
- Trustees of Boston University: $30,000
- Turning Point USA: $7,763,487
- United Performing Arts Fund: $10,000
- University of Notre Dame: $50,000
- University of Wisconsin Foundation: $58,000
- Urbi Et Orbi Communications: $12,000
- VetsNet: $12,000
- VisionSynergy: $36,000
- VMTS Education: $277,560
- Walkaway Foundation: $37,500
- Warriors and Quiet Waters Foundation: $10,500
- Westminister Presbyterian Church: $10,500
- Wirepoints: $10,000
- Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty: $330,500
- Wisconsin Knights of Columbus Charities: $6,000
- Wisconsin Right to Life Education Fund: $54,250
- Witherspoon Institute: $24,920
- Young America's Foundation: $229,211
2021 Grants Given
List of grants reported for 2021:[7]
- Action Institute For The Study Of Religion And Liberty: $149,000
- Acts Housing: $90,500
- Advance Colorado: $250,000
- African Enterprise: $37,000
- Aid To The Church In Need: $120,000
- Aldo Leopold Foundation: $25,000
- Alzheimer’s Association: $20,000
- American Center For Law And Justice: $100,100
- American Council Of Trustees And Alumni: $6,000
- American Enterprise Institute: $221,000
- America First Legal Foundation: $301,821
- American Foreign Policy Council: $21,000
- American Ideas Institute: $8,000
- Americans For Prosperity Foundation: $55,100
- America Future: $100,000
- Andean Health And Development: $100,000
- Archbridge Institute: $25,000
- Archdiocese Of Milwaukee: $13,000
- Arizona State University: $15,000
- Ashland University: $81,667
- Badger Institute: $85,300
- Beloit Health Systems: $11,000
- Better Life Television: $10,000
- Bill Of Rights Institute: $91,667
- Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network: $75,000
- Blexit Foundation: $10,000
- Boys And Girls Club Of Greater Milwaukee: 9,750
- Bradley Impact Fund: 201,031
- Bridge Builders: $45,000
- California Policy Center: $200,050
- Calvin College: $6,000
- Capital Research Center: $40,500
- Cardinal Stritch University: $10,000
- Catholic Laity And Clergy For Renewal: $50,000
- Catholic Near East Welfare: $240,000
- Cato Institute: $102,000
- Christ Chapel Bible Church: 22,150
- Claremont Institute: $13,500
- Colorado Opportunity Foundation: $125,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $50,000
- Concordia University Wisconsin: $77,000
- Conservative Partnership Institute: $354,150
- Constituting America: $10,000
- Cristo Rey Jesuit Milwaukee High School: $7,000
- Cross Catholic Outreach: $110,640
- Campus Crusade For Christ: $17,600
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $11,050
- Divine Savior Parish: $10,700
- Doc Emet Productions: $50,000
- Dominican House Of Studies: $150,000
- Educational Freedom Institute: $15,060
- Ethics And Public Policy Center: $176,050
- Evans Scholars Foundation: $22,500
- Evergreen Freedom Foundation: $164,572
- Fair Lines America Foundation: $10,500
- Fairness Center: $25,000
- Federalist Society For Law And Public Policy Studies: $12,050
- Fellowship Of Catholic University: $6,400
- First In Missouri: $20,000
- Folds Of Honor Foundation: $10,000
- Foundation For Cultural Review: $19,000
- Foundation For Economic Education: $100,500
- Foundation For Excellence In Higher Education: $665,000
- Foundation For Government Accountability: $194,050
- Foundation For Individual Rights And Expression: $136,000
- Foundation For Research On Equal Opportunity: $100,550
- Franciscan Life Center: $10,000
- Franklin News Foundation: $128,500
- Fund For American Studies: $51,560
- General Conference Of Seventh Day Adventist: $8,000
- Georgia State University: $1,000,000
- Georgetown University: $15,000
- Girls Scouts Of Wisconsin Southeast: $5,500
- Grand Avenue Club: $8,000
- Growing Hope Globally: $20,000
- Heartland Alliance For Human Needs And Human Rights: $25,000
- Hill Country Bible Church: $8,000
- Hill Country Memorial Hospital: $50,000
- Heartland Institute: $52,500
- Heritage Foundation: $139,071
- Hillsdale College: $25,950
- Hudson Institute: $25,050
- Human Rights Foundation: $10,000
- Hyde Park Institute: $30,000
- Immanuel Presbyterian Church: $45,000
- Independent Women’s Forum: $10,000
- Institute For Free Speech: $11,000
- Institute For Justice: $14,500
- Institute For Reforming Government: $57,000
- Institute For Truth In Accounting: $10,000
- Institute On Religion And Public Life: $10,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $26,000
- International Christian Concern: $24,000
- International Justice Mission: $10,000
- Jacarrie Kicks For Kids: $12,000
- Jack Miller Center For Teaching America’s Founding Principles And History: $163,384
- James G Martin Center For Academic Renewal: $10,000
- John K. Maciver Institute For Public Policy: $102,000
- Judicial Watch: $24,125
- Knights Of Columbus Charities: $18,000
- Ladies Of Virtue Nfp: $15,000
- Leadership Institute: $33,000
- Legal Insurrection Foundation: $12,000
- Libertas Institute: $483,000
- Liberty Justice Center: $8,000
- Lincoln Network: $6,000
- Litigators For Liberty Network: $25,100
- Lucy Burns Institute: $35,000
- Lutheran High School Association: $35,500
- Lyric Opera Of Chicago: $15,000
- Madison Symphony Orchestra: $6,000
- Manhattan Institute: $30,050
- Marquette University High School: $74,250
- Mercy Ships International: $10,000
- Milwaukee Ballet Company: $50,000
- Milwaukee College Prep: $22,500
- Wisconsin Council On Economic Education: $11,000
- Milwaukee County War Memorial: $25,100
- Milwaukee Habitat For Humanity: $7,800
- Milwaukee Repertory Theater: $7,250
- Milwaukee School Of Engineering: $195,000
- Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra: $162,000
- Moms For America: $752,500
- Moving Picture Institute: $30,500
- Napa Legal Institute: $10,000
- National Association Of Scholars: $42,000
- National Center For Public Policy Research: $52,600
- National Review Institute: $66,350
- National Right To Work Legal Defense And Education Foundation: $25,000
- Nerinx Hall High School: $12,500
- Network Of Enlightened Women: $62,500
- New Beginnings Are Possible: $10,000
- New Tolerance Campaign: $27,500
- Notre Dame School Of Milwaukee: $10,000
- Nra Foundation: 102,439
- One Israel Fund: $25,000
- Open Doors With Brother Andrew: $60,050
- Opportunity International: $24,000
- Parents Television Council: $10,000
- Philanthropy Roundtable: $11,050
- Policy Circle: $140,550
- Prager University: $17,950
- Pregnancy Care Center Of Grants: $10,000
- Priests For Life: $36,000
- Prison Fellowship Ministries: $32,000
- Prolife Across America: $6,000
- Pro-Life Wisconsin Education Task Force: $6,000
- Public Interest Legal Foundation: $126,050
- Rc Activities: $10,500
- Running Rebels Community: $12,000
- Safe Families For Children Wisconsin: $30,000
- Saint Louis Student Robotics: $10,000
- Sand County Foundation: $10,000
- Society For The Propagation Of The Faith: $24,000
- Sharon Lynne Wilson Center For The Arts: $15,500
- Simpson Street Free Press: $7,000
- Sojourner Truth House: $7,500
- Solomon Schechter Day School Of Metropolitan: $25,000
- St. James Academy: $43,000
- St. Augustine Preparatory Academy: $48,500
- St. Bernard Parish: $20,000
- St. Josaphat Basilica Foundation: $10,500
- St. Marcus Lutheran Church: $17,100
- St. Mary’s Visitation Catholic Parish: $10,000
- Stanford University: $85,000
- Starboard Media Foundation: $12,000
- State Policy Network: $45,050
- Stephen Siller Tunnel To Towers: $5,800
- Strong Towns: $150,000
- Texas Public Policy Foundation: $201,175
- Thomas More Law Center: $6,060
- Thomas More Society: $5,620
- Travis Mills Foundation: $20,00
- Trustees Of Boston University: $20,000
- Trustees Of Princeton University: $20,000
- Turning Point Usa: $7,402,353
- United American Committee: $100,000
- United Community Center: $10,500
- United Performing Arts Fund: $6,000
- United States Conference Of Catholic Bishops: $14,000
- United Way Of Greater Milwaukee And Waukesha County: $12,963
- University Of Notre Dame: $100,000
- University Of Wisconsin Foundation: $10,250
- Urbi Et Orbi Communications: $12,000
- Vetsnet: $12,100
- Visionsynergy: $36,000
- Vmts Education: $360,060
- Walkaway Foundation: $7,500
- Warriors And Quiet Waters Foundation: $10,00
- Waukesha County Community: $21,000
- Wctc Foundation: $10,000
- Wisconsin Council On Economic Education: $11,000
- Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod Kingdom Workers: $5,500
- Wisconsin Public Affairs Network: $6,000
- Wisconsin Historical Foundation: $6,500
- Wisconsin Institute For Law & Liberty: $264,250
- Wisconsin Knights Of Columbus Charities: $6,000
- Witherspoon Institute: $15,050
- Woodson Center: $101,000
- Young America’s Foundation: $110,850
2020 Grants Given
List of grants reported for 2020:[8]
- Above the Clouds: $10,000
- Acts Community Development Corporation: $120,000
- Aid to the Church in Need: $120,000
- American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research: $200,000
- American Foreign Policy Council: $15,000
- American Ideas Institute: $8,000
- Americans for Prosperity Foundation: $25,000
- AmeriCares: $50,000
- Andean Health and Development: $100,000
- Archdiocese of Milwaukee: $13,000
- Ashland University: $98,850
- Badger Institute: $125,000
- Bill of Rights Institute: $112,575
- Bottom Line: $25,000
- Calvin College: $6,000
- Capital Research Center: $50,000
- Cardinal Newman Society for the Preservation of Catholic Higher Education: $10,000
- Catholic Laity and Clergy for Renewal: $50,000
- Catholic Near East Welfare: $240,000
- City of Chicago: $4,750,000
- Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women: $100,000
- Claremont Institute: $20,000
- Colorado Opportunity Foundation: $150,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $50,000
- Conservative Partnership Institute: $6,000
- Cross Catholic Outreach: $73,000
- Doctors Without Borders USA: $50,000
- Documentary Foundation: $25,000
- Educational Freedom Institute: $15,000
- Evergreen Freedom Foundation: $122,309
- Expeditions Unlimited: $5,425
- Fair Lines America Foundation: $10,000
- Federalist Society: $10,000
- Feeding America: $10,000
- Foundation for Cultural Review: $15,000
- Foundation for Excellence in Higher Education: $45,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $70,000
- Franklin News Foundation: $55,000
- Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge: $20,000
- FreedomWorks Foundation: $26,900
- Fund for American Studies: $15,000
- Georgetown University: $15,000
- Girls on the Run of Southeastern Wisconsin: $10,000
- Greater Milwaukee Foundation: $33,026
- Growing Hope Globally: $20,000
- Heartland Institute: $50,000
- Heritage Foundation: $50,000
- High Hopes Colorado: $200,000
- Hope Street Ministries: $25,000
- Housing Opportunity for Women: $20,000
- Hudson Institute: $25,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $10,000
- Immanuel Presbyterian Church: $33,000
- Independent Women’s Forum: $10,000
- Institute for Free Speech: $10,000
- Institute for Justice: $10,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $30,000
- International Justice Mission: $10,000
- Jack Miller Center for Teaching America’s Founding Principles and History: $80,400
- James Madison Institute: $10,000
- John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy: $95,000
- Joseph Project: $10,000
- Judicial Watch: $15,000
- Kandu Industries: $50,000
- Kids First Beloit: $20,000
- Kingdom Prep Lutheran High School: $30,000
- Ladies of Virtue NFP: $15,000
- Lakeland University: $120,000
- Leadership Institute: $25,000
- LHSAGM Foundation: $10,000
- Liberty Justice Center: $10,000
- Lyric Opera of Chicago: $15,000
- M.H.S. Inc. - Messmer Catholic Schools: $15,000
- Madison Symphony Orchestra: $6,000
- Manhattan Institute: $25,000
- Medical College of Wisconsin: $25,000
- Marquette University High School: $82,800
- Milwaukee Ballet: $50,000
- Milwaukee College Prep: $185,000
- Milwaukee County War Memorial: $10,000
- Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity: $10,000
- Milwaukee Institute: $25,000
- Milwaukee Rescue Mission: $15,000
- Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra: $50,000
- Moving Picture Institute: $30,000
- My Faith Votes: $10,000
- National Association of Scholars: $10,000
- National Center for Public Policy Research: $26,900
- National Review Institute: $15,000
- National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation: $25,000
- New Beginnings are Possible: $23,500
- New Tolerance Campaign: $12,000
- Notre Dame School of Milwaukee: $15,000
- Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs: $26,300
- Open Doors with Brother Andrew: $60,000
- Ora Lee Smith Cancer Research: $25,000
- Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy: $10,000
- Parents Television Council: $10,000
- Phoenix Multisport: $10,000
- Policy Circle: $220,000
- Prager University: $30,000
- President and Fellows of Harvard College: $50,000
- Prison Fellowship Ministries: $10,000
- Project Hood Communities: $15,000
- Project Veritas: $6,510,825
- Property and Environment Research Center: $10,000
- Public Interest Legal Foundation: $51,300
- Real Clear Foundation: $10,000
- Running Rebels Community: $10,000
- Safe Families for Children Wisconsin: $77,900
- Sand County Foundation: $20,000
- Securefutures Foundation: $95,000
- Seton Catholic Schools: $20,000
- Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts: $17,500
- St. Anthony Catholic School: $25,000
- St. Augustine Preparatory Academy: $35,000
- St. Bernard Parish: $50,000
- St. Marcus Lutheran Church: $127,500
- St. Mary’s Visitation Catholic Parish: $7,500
- Stanford University: $40,000
- Stateline Boys & Girls Clubs: $15,000
- Texas Public Policy Foundation: $25,000
- The 85 Fund: $2,500,000
- Trustees of Boston University: $54,000
- United Performing Arts Fund: $17,000
- University of Wisconsin Foundation: $10,000
- Vision America Mobilized: $580,000
- Walkaway Foundation: $20,500
- Wisconsin Historical Foundation: $20,500
- Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty: $230,000
- Witherspoon Institute: $15,000
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute: $1,000,000
- Young America’s Foundation: $10,000
- Youth for Christ International Ministries: $10,000
2019 Grants Given
List of grants reported for 2019:[9]
- Abigail Adams Institute: $25,000
- Acton Institute: $127,500
- Acts Community Development Corporation: $112,750
- African Enterprise U.S.A.: $35,000
- Aid to the Church in Need: $120,000
- Aldo Leopold Foundation: $25,000
- American Council of Trustees and Alumni: $6,000
- American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research: $219,826
- American Foreign Policy Council: $10,000
- American Ideas Institute: $10,000
- American Legislative Exchange Council: $10,500
- Americans for Prosperity Foundation: $25,000
- AmeriCares: $50,000
- Andean Health and Development: $25,000
- Archdiocese of Milwaukee: $13,500
- Badger Institute: $86,098
- Becket Fund: $6,000
- Benjamin Rush Institute: $10,000
- Big Shoulders Fund: $200,000
- Bottom Line: $25,000
- Capital Research Center: $40,750
- Catholic Near East Welfare: $240,000
- Cato Institute: $200,500
- Chicago Hope Academy: $100,000
- Chicago Jesuit Academy: $100,000
- Chicago Scholars Foundation: $250,000
- Chicago Shakespeare Theater: $100,000
- Civitas Institute: $10,000
- Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women: $150,000
- Claremont Institute: $26,000
- Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives: $25,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $65,000
- Concordia University: $15,000
- Constituting America: $10,000
- Cross Catholic Outreach: $60,000
- CRU: $14,800
- Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund: $150,000
- Dannie and JoeAnn Evans Ministries: $19,899
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $10,000
- Divine Savior Parish: $10,200
- Doctors Without Borders USA: $50,000
- DZI Foundation: $10,000
- Education Nurture Tomorrows Talent: $10,000
- Encounter for Culture and Education: $10,050
- Evans Scholars Foundation: $350,000
- Evergreen Freedom Foundation: $199,500
- Fair Lines America Foundation: $10,000
- Federalist Society: $511,000
- Feeding America: $10,000
- Fellowship of Catholic University: $6,400
- Foundation for Excellence in Higher Education: $25,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $50,000
- Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge: $15,000
- FreedomWorks Foundation: $12,500
- Fund for American Studies: $41,500
- Georgetown University: $15,000
- Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana: $10,000
- Growing Hope Globally: $20,000
- Heartland Institute: $50,000
- Heritage Foundation: $52,500
- Hillsdale College: $14,000
- Hudson Institute: $14,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $10,000
- Illinois Policy Institute: $115,000
- Immanuel Presbyrterian Church: $31,000
- Independent Women’s Forum: $30,000
- Institute for Free Speech: $20,000
- Institute for Justice: $11,000
- Institute for Reforming Government: $12,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $36,000
- International Christian Concern: $24,000
- International Justice Mission: $10,000
- Jack Miller Center for Teaching America’s Founding Principles and History: $115,000
- Joseph Project: $15,000
- Judicial Watch: $8,750
- Knights of Columbus Charities: $18,000
- Ladies of Virtue NFP: $15,000
- Lakeland University: $110,000
- Leadership Institute: $25,500
- Lyric Opera of Chicago: $65,000
- Mackinac Center for Public Policy: $25,000
- MacIver Institute: $62,750
- Madison Symphony: $6,000
- Manhattan Institute: $25,000
- Media Research Center: $100,000
- Milwaukee College Prep: $125,000
- Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity: $6,600
- Milwaukee Repertory Theater: $23,100
- Milwaukee Rescue Mission: $137,500
- Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra: $50,000
- Moving Picture Institute: $15,250
- National Association of Scholars: $12,000
- National Review Institute: $11,000
- National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation: $25,000
- National Taxpayers Union Foundation: $6,250
- Navy Seal Foundation: $10,000
- Network of Enlightened Women: $59,500
- New Beginnings are Possible: $10,000
- Open Doors with Brother Andrew: $60,000
- Operation Dream: $10,000
- Opportunity International: $24,000
- Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy: $15,500
- Parents Television Council: $10,000
- Pax Americana Institute: $15,000
- Prager University: $36,300
- President and Fellows of Harvard College: $25,000
- Priests for Life: $36,000
- Princeton University: $25,000
- Prison Fellowship Ministries: $34,000
- Project Veritas: $23,818
- Pro-Life Across America: $6,000
- Pro-Life Wisconsin Education Task Force: $6,000
- Property and Environment Research Center: $10,000
- Public Interest Legal Foundation: $285,000
- Real Clear Foundation: $10,000
- Running Rebels Community: $230,000
- Sand County Foundation: $70,000
- Scottsdale Bible Church: $6,400
- SMS Research Foundation: $10,000
- Society for the Propagation of the Faith: $24,000
- South and Southeast Asia Action Team with the Religious Freedom Institute: $25,000
- St. Bernard Parish: $55,000
- St. Francis Parish Province of St. Joseph Capuchin Order: $15,000
- St James Academy Bangalore: $131,000
- St. Marcus Lutheran Church: $22,000
- St. Paul University: $10,000
- St. Augustine Preparatory Academy: $56,000
- St. Mary’s Visitation Catholic Parish: $8,000
- Stanford University: $10,000
- Starboard Media Foundation: $12,000
- Step Up for Students: $250,000
- Success Academy Charter Schools: $25,000
- Thomas More Law Center: $6,000
- Trustees of Boston University: $24,000
- Turning Point USA: $251,250
- United Way of Dane County: $10,000
- United Way of Grater Milwaukee and Waukesha County: $110,000
- University of Wisconsin Foundation: $6,000
- Urbi Et Orbi Communications: $12,000
- VisionSynergy: $33,000
- William F. Buckley Jr. Program at Yale: $10,000
- Wisconsin Council on Economic Education: $9,798
- Wisconsin Historical Foundation: $15,000
- Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty: $155,998
- Wisconsin Knights of Columbus Charities: $6,000
- Witherspoon Institute: $15,000
- Woodlands Academy: $30,000
- Young America’s Foundation: $80,500
- Youth for Christ International Ministries: $25,000
- Zimzam Global: $10,000
2018 Grants Given
List of grants reported for 2018:[10]
- Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty: $35,000
- ACTS Community Development Corporation: $16,000
- African Enterprise: $25,000
- Aid to the Church in Need: $90,000
- Aldo Leopold Foundation: $10,000
- American Council of Trustees and Alumni: $6,000
- American Enterprise Institute: $213,909
- American Foreign Policy Council: $15,000
- Americans for Prosperity Foundation: $40,000
- AmeriCares Foundation: $50,000
- Archdiocese of Milwaukee: $13,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation: $10,000
- Badger Air Community Council: $25,000
- Badger Institute: $180,000
- Benjamin Rush Institute: $15,000
- Big Shoulders Fund: $300,000
- Building2Learn: $25,000
- Capital Research Center: $32,750
- Cardinal Newman Society for the Preservation of Catholic Higher Education: $11,600
- Catholic Near East Welfare Association: $180,000
- Cato Institute: $102,000
- Chicago Jesuit Academy: $100,000
- Chicago Shakespeare Theater: $100,000
- Citizens Against Government Waste: $6,000
- Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute: $170,000
- Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives: $20,000
- Community Sports & Entertainment Support: $50,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $55,000
- Concord Chamber Orchestra Incorporated: $10,000
- Concordia University: $6,000
- Concordia University Wisconsin Foundation: $5,000
- Cross Catholic Outreach: $45,000
- Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund: $150,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $13,000
- Divine Savior Parish: $6,900
- Doctors Without Borders USA: $50,250
- Economics Wisconsin: $51,000
- Empower Illinois: $150,000
- Evans Scholars Foundation: $100,000
- Evergreen Freedom Foundation: $261,500
- Federalist Society: $10,000
- Feeding America: $10,000
- Foundation for Excellence in Higher Education: $30,000
- Foundation for Government Accountability: $25,500
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $40,000
- Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity: $6,000
- Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge: $25,000
- Fresno Pacific University: $10,000
- Georgetown University: $20,000
- Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago & Northwest Indiana: $10,000
- Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast: $5,000
- Greenhouse Solutions: $5,000
- Hillsdale College: $36,500
- Historic Preservation Association of Marshfield: $19,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $10,000
- Illinois Policy Institute: $120,000
- Immanuel Presbyterian Church: $30,000
- Institute for Free Speech: $20,000
- Institute for Justice: $11,000
- Institute for Reforming Government: $75,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $43,000
- International Christian Concern: $18,000
- International Justice Mission: $10,000
- Jack Miller Center for Teaching America's Founding Principles and History: $10,000
- John K MacIver Institute: $32,000
- Judicial Watch: $10,000
- Junior Achievement of Wisconsin: $10,000
- Knights of Columbus Charities: $13,500
- Leadership Institute: $30,000
- Leadership Tomorrow: $1,000
- Lyric Opera of Chicago: $15,000
- Mackinac Center: $21,000
- Madison Symphony: $6,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: $27,000
- Marquette University: $10,000
- Medical College of Wisconsin: $10,000
- Media Research Center: $63,000
- Milwaukee Area Technical College Foundation: $10,000
- Milwaukee Chamber Theatre: $10,000
- Milwaukee College Preparatory School: $75,000
- Milwaukee County War Memorial Center: $5,000
- Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity: $10,500
- Milwaukee Repertory Theater: $10,100
- Milwaukee Rescue Mission: $10,500
- Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra: $25,000
- Moving Pictures Institute: $17,000
- National Association of Scholars: $10,000
- National Review Institute: $21,000
- National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation: $25,000
- Network of Enlightened Women: $5,500
- Neu-Life Community Development: $50,000
- New Beginnings Are Possible: $10,000
- Next Door Foundation: $10,000
- Notre Dame Schools of Milwaukee: $20,000
- Open Doors with Brother Andrew: $45,000
- Operation Dream: $50,000
- Opportunity International: $18,000
- Overseas Ministries Studies Center: $35,000
- Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy: $20,000
- Pax Americana Institute: $10,000
- Policy Circle: $101,000
- Prager University Foundation: $21,500
- Priests for Life: $3,000
- Prison Fellowship Ministries: $27,000
- Project Veritas: $6,000
- Public Interest Legal Foundation: $65,553
- Running Rebels Community Organization: $262,500
- Sand County Foundation: $70,000
- Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts: $10,000
- Shirley Ryan Abilitylab: $102,500
- Society for the Propagation of the Faith: $18,000
- St. James Academy Bangalore: $41,000
- St. Marcus Lutheran School: $131,000
- St. Paul University Catholic Foundation: $10,000
- St. Augustine Preparatory Academy: $31,000
- Stanford University for Hoover Institution: $26,000
- Starboard Media Foundation: $9,000
- State Policy Network: $18,000
- Target Community & Educational Services: $10,512
- The Buckeye Institute: $30,000
- The Chicago Scholars Foundation: $150,000
- The Claremont Institute: $20,000
- The Fund for American Studies: $17,000
- The Heritage Foundation: $52,000
- The John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy: $10,500
- The Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative: $10,000
- Trustees of Boston University: $24,000
- Turning Point USA: $32,500
- United Performing Arts Fund: $14,000
- United Way of Dane County: $10,000
- United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha: $20,000
- University of Chicago: $150,000
- Urbi et Orbi Communications: $11,000
- Visionsynergy: $18,000
- Wisconsin Historical Foundation: $14,500
- Wisconsin Preservation Fund: $38,277
- Witherspoon Institute: $30,000
- Woodson Center: $110,000
- Young America's Foundation: $20,500
- Youth for Christ: $25,000
2017 Grants Given
List of grants reported for 2017:[11]
- ACTS Community Development Corporation: $22,500
- Aldo Leopold Foundation: $10,000
- American Council of Trustees and Alumni: $10,000
- American Enterprise Institute: $172,135
- American Foreign Policy Council: $10,000
- American Majority: $12,000
- American Principles Project Foundation: $25,000
- Americans for Prosperity Foundation: $60,000
- AmeriCares Foundation: $50,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation: $12,000
- Aurora Health Care Foundation: $500,000
- Badger Institute: $80,000
- Big Shoulders Fund: $300,000
- Bottom Line: $25,000
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee: $7,200
- Building2Learn: $35,000
- Capital Research Center: $13,500
- Cardinal Newman Society for the Preservation of Catholic Higher Education: $10,000
- CARE Inc: $25,000
- Cato Institute: $104,000
- Citizens Against Government Waste: $7,000
- Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute: $100,000
- Collegiate Cultural Foundation: $8,000
- Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow: $8,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $55,000
- Covenant Church of Naples: $8,000
- Cristo Rey Jesuit High School: $6,000
- Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund: $150,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $11,000
- Doctors Without Borders USA Inc: $25,000
- DonorsTrust: $10,000
- Empower Illinois: $100,000
- Evans Scholars Foundation: $12,000
- Federalist Society: $5,250
- Foundation for Excellence in Higher Education: $30,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $40,000
- Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity: $8,000
- Free to Choose Network: $10,000
- Golden Apple Foundation for Excellence in Teaching: $25,000
- Goodwill Industries: $6,000
- Heartland Institute: $56,000
- Heritage Foundation: $22,000
- Hillsdale College: $31,500
- Historic Milwaukee: $10,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $48,000
- International Justice Mission: $10,000
- Institute for Justice: $12,000
- John K MacIver Institute: $11,000
- Leadership Institute: $35,000
- Local Initiatives Support Corporation: $10,000
- Lyric Opera of Chicago: $65,000
- Madison Symphony: $6,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: $38,000
- Marquette University-Commons: $25,000
- Media Research Center: $56,000
- Mercy Ships International: $10,000
- Milwaukee Art Museum: $8,000
- Milwaukee Chamber Theatre: $20,000
- Milwaukee College Preparatory School: $100,000
- Milwaukee County War Memorial Center: $9,000
- Milwaukee Excellence Charter School: $13,000
- Milwaukee Rescue Mission: $25,000
- Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra: $35,000
- Moving Pictures Institute: $9,000
- National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation: $27,000
- Network of Enlightened Women: $7,000
- Next Door Foundation: $10,000
- Partners Advancing Values in Education: $8,000
- Princeton University: $30,000
- Rotary Club of Milwaukee: $11,000
- Sand County Foundation: $115,000
- Schools that Can Milwaukee: $62,000
- Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts: $10,000
- SMS Research Foundation: $10,017
- St. Augustine Preparatory Academy: $25,000
- St. Marcus Lutheran School: $125,000
- Stanford University for Hoover Institution: $15,000
- State Policy Network: $10,000
- Tax Foundation: $47,540
- Teach for America: $123,865
- The Chicago Scholars Foundation: $50,000
- The Fellowship of St. James: $10,000
- The Fund for American Studies: $34,500
- The Jack Miller Center: $15,000
- The John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy: $59,000
- True the Vote: $13,000
- Turning Point USA: $45,000
- United Performing Arts Fund: $14,000
- University of Chicago: $150,000
- VCRT Macarthur Forum: $20,000
- VETSROLL: $10,000
- Wisconsin Council on Economic Education: $7,000
- Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty: $88,000
- Woodson Center: $53,137
- Young America's Foundation: $14,250
2016 Grants Given
List of grants reported for 2016:[12]
- ACTS Community Development Corporation: $212,262
- American Enterprise Institute: $162,000
- American Foreign Policy Council: $12,000
- American Majority: $41,000
- Americans for Prosperity Foundation: $128,000
- AmeriCares Foundation: $50,000
- Andean Health and Development: $25,000
- Capital Research Center: $10,000
- Cardinal Newman Society for the Preservation of Catholic Higher Education: $10,000
- CARE Inc: $25,000
- Cato Institute: $100,000
- Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute: $110,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $50,000
- Concordia University Wisconsin Foundation Inc: $6,750
- Covenant Church of Naplespca: $10,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $10,000
- Doctors Without Borders USA Inc: $25,000
- DonorsTrust: $20,000
- Economics Wisconsin: $55,000
- Encounter for Culture and Education: $10,048
- Exploit No More: $10,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $35,000
- Free to Choose Network: $10,000
- Generation Opportunity Institute: $50,000
- Greenhouse Solutions: $16,000
- Heartland Institute: $50,000
- Hispanics for School Choice: $31,000
- Hudson Institute: $7,000
- Independent Women's Forum: $40,000
- Institute for Justice: $11,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $35,000
- International Justice Mission: $10,000
- King's College: $29,450
- Leadership Institute: $25,000
- Lutheran High School Association: $10,000
- Lyric Opera of Chicago: $65,000
- Madison Symphony Orchestra: $56,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: $36,000
- Media Research Center: $50,000
- Mercy Ships International: $10,000
- Milwaukee College Preparatory School: $25,000
- Milwaukee Excellence Charter School: $10,000
- National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation: $25,000
- Old St. Mary Parish: $25,000
- Pathways Milwaukee: $30,000
- Philanthropy Roundtable: $11,000
- Prager University:$25,000
- Princeton University: $25,000
- Project Veritas: $15,000
- School Choice Wisconsin: $8,500
- Schools that Can Milwaukee: $27,000
- SMS Research Foundation: $10,000
- St. Augustine Preparatory Academy: $10,000
- St. Marcus Lutheran School: $150,000
- Stanford University: $10,000
- Summit Educational Association: $25,000
- Tax Foundation: $25,000
- Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty: $152,500
- Wisconsin Policy Research Institute: $32,000
- WisconsinEye: $17,000
- The John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy: $57,000
- The Medical College of Wisconsin: $20,000
- The Sand County Foundation: $60,000
- True the Vote: $42,500
- Turning Point USA: $10,000
- United Way of Dane County: $10,000
- Young America's Foundation: $10,000
2015 Grants Given
List of grants reported for 2015:[13]
- ACTS Community Development Corporation: $15,000
- American Enterprise Institute: $252,000
- American Majority: $42,000
- Americans for Prosperity Foundation: $60,000
- AmeriCares Foundation: $50,000
- Capital Research Center: $11,000
- Cardinal Newman Society for the Preservation of Catholic Higher Education: $10,000
- CARE Inc: $25,000
- Cato Institute: $105,000
- Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence: $35,000
- Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Foundation: $15,000
- Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute: $110,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $52,000
- Concordia University Wisconsin Foundation Inc: $10,000
- Covenant Church of Naplespca: $15,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $15,000
- Doctors Without Borders USA Inc: $25,000
- Education Action Group Foundation Inc: $102,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $10,000
- Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity: $280,000
- Free to Choose Network: $25,000
- Generation Opportunity Institute: $50,000
- Goldwater Institute: $6,000
- Greenhouse Solutions: $15,000
- Heartland Institute: $53,000
- Institute for Justice: $10,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $10,000
- International Justice Mission: $10,000
- Lake Country Lutheran High School: $10,000
- Leadership Institute: $25,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: $28,000
- Marcus Center for the Performing Arts: $45,000
- Media Research Center: $250,000
- Mercy Ships International: $10,000
- Milwaukee Chamber Theater: $10,000
- Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union: $20,000
- Moving Picture Institute: $7,000
- National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation: $26,000
- Outreach for Hope Inc: $10,000
- Philanthropy Roundtable: $6,000
- Project Veritas: $10,000
- Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts: $49,388
- St. Marcus Lutheran School: $100,000
- State Policy Network: $8,000
- The Fund for American Studies: $10,000
- Heritage Foundation: $12,000
- Jack Miller Center: $55,000
- MacIver Institute for Public Policy: $37,000
- The Sand County Foundation: $50,000
- True the Vote: $65,000
- Wisconsin Council on Economic Education: $100,000
- Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty: $40,000
- Wisconsin Policy Research Institute: $65,000
- Young America's Foundation: $11,000
2014 Grants Given
List of grants reported for 2014:[14]
- Act Right Legal Foundation: $224,727
- Action (sic) Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty (Acton Institute): $5,000
- ACTS Community Development: $15,000
- Alliance for School Choice: $5,000
- American Council of Trustees and Alumni: $5,000
- American Council of Science and Health: $5,000
- Jack Miller Center: $5,000
- American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research: $103,500
- American Foreign Policy Council: $25,000
- American Majority: $27,000
- Americans for Prosperity Foundation: $170,000
- AmeriCares Foundation: $50,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation: $5,000
- Atonement Lutheran School: $10,000
- C A R E INC: $25,000
- Capital Research Center: $26,000
- Cardinal Newman Society for the Preservation of Catholic Higher Education: $10,000
- Cato Institute: $110,000
- Center for Competitive Politics: $5,000
- Citizens Against Government Waste: $5,000
- Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute: $100,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $52,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $15,000
- Doctors Without Boarders (sic) USA Inc: $25,000
- Economics Wisconsin (Wisconsin Council on Economics education): $105,000
- Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies: $45,000
- Florentine Opera: $55,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE): $10,000
- Free to Choose Network: $25,000
- Generation Opportunity Institute: $25,000
- Heartland Institute: $52,000
- Hoover on War Revolution and Peace: $5,000
- Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society: $15,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $5,000
- Institute for Humane Studies: $5,000
- Institute for Justice: $5,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $10,000
- International Justice Mission: $10,000
- King's College: $100,000
- Landmark Legal Foundation: $5,000
- Leadership Institute: $25,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: $27,500
- Marcus Center for the Performing Arts: $90,000
- Media Research Center: $250,000
- Media Trackers: $10,000
- Mercy Ships International: $10,000
- Milwaukee Chamber Theatre: $20,000
- Milwaukee College Preparatory: $10,000
- Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra: $15,000
- Mount Vernon Ladies Association of the Union (AKA Historic Mount Vernon): $20,000
- Moving Pictures Institute: $7,000
- National Center for Policy Analysis: $5,000
- National Legal and Policy Center: $5,000
- National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation: $26,000
- National Taxpayers Union Foundation: $5,000
- Parents Television Council: $5,000
- Partners Advancing Values in Education: $10,000
- Prison Fellowship Ministries: $5,000
- Schools That Can Milwaukee (STCM): $55,000
- State Policy Network: $8,000
- Fund for American Studies: $10,000
- Heritage Foundation: $56,000
- John K. MacIver Institute: $31,884
- Philanthropy Roundtable: $6,000
- True the Vote: $45,500
- Turning Point: $25,000
- Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty: $35,500
- Wisconsin Policy Research Institute: $20,500
- Young America's Foundation: $11,000
2013 Grants Given
List of grants reported for 2013:[15]
- Act Right Legal Foundation: $250,000
- Action (sic) Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty (Acton Institute): $5,000
- ACTS Community Development: $15,000
- Alliance for School Choice: $5,000
- American Council of Trustees and Alumni: $10,000
- Jack Miller Center: $5,000
- American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research: $100,000
- American Majority: $20,000
- Americans for Prosperity Foundation: $55,000
- AmeriCares Foundation: $50,000
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation: $5,000
- Beyond Vision: $10,000
- Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere: $25,000
- Capital Research Center: $26,000
- Cardinal Newman Society for the Preservation of Catholic Higher Education: $10,000
- Cato Institute: $105,000
- Center for Competitive Politics: $5,000
- Citizens Against Government Waste: $5,000
- Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute: $100,000
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: $52,000
- David Horowitz Freedom Center: $20,000
- Doctors Without Boarders (sic) USA Inc: $25,000
- Economics Wisconsin: $5,000
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE): $5,000
- Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment: $5,000
- Free to Choose Network: $25,000
- Heartland Institute: $51,000
- Hoover on War Revolution and Peace: $5,000
- Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society: $10,000
- Human Rights Foundation: $10,000
- Institute for Humane Studies: $5,000
- Institute for Justice: $5,000
- Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $10,000
- International Justice Mission: $10,000
- Landmark Legal Foundation: $5,000
- Leadership Institute: $25,000
- Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: $26,000
- Media Research Center: $250,000
- Media Trackers: $60,000
- Mercy Ships International: $10,000
- Milwaukee Chamber Theatre: $20,000
- Milwaukee College Preparatory: $10,000
- Mount Vernon Ladies Association of the Union (AKA Historic Mount Vernon): $20,000
- Moving Pictures Institute: $7,000
- Museum of Wisconsin Art: $10,000
- National Center for Policy Analysis: $10,000
- National Legal and Policy Center: $5,000
- National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation: $26,000
- Foundation: $5,000
- Parents Television Council: $5,000
- Partners Advancing Values in Education: $11,000
- Prison Fellowship Ministries: $5,000
- State Policy Network: $7,500
- Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies: $5,000
- Fund for American Studies: $10,000
- Heritage Foundation: $51,000
- John K. MacIver Institute: $42,000
- Philanthropy Roundtable: $5,000
- True the Vote: $50,000
- Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, Violence-Free Zone Initiative: $25,000
- Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, $100,000
- Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, $15,000
- Young America's Foundation: $11,000
Bradley Impact Fund Contributors
Bradley Impact Fund is not required to disclose its funders but major nonprofit supporters can be found through their IRS filings. If donors have been identified through other means, that citation is provided. Here are some known contributors:
- ABC Supply Company: $1,592,500 (2018)[16]
- Amaturo Family Foundation: $1,000 (2020)
- American Endowment Foundation: $338,066 (2021)
- Ann and Reed Coleman: $1,100,000 (2018)[16]
- Beth and Ravenal Curry Foundation: $1,250,000 (2022)
- Bessemer Giving Fund: $25,000 (2022)
- Better Tomorrow: $50,000 (2022)
- Bill of Rights Institute: $15,000 (2021)
- Bny Mellon Charitable Gift Fund: $10,000 (2022)
- Boelter Companies: $782,517 (2018)[16]
- Brandon Golf Courses: $1,000,000 (2018)[16]
- Campbell Family Foundation: $60,000 (2019-2022)
- C and A Johnson Family Foundation: $1,000,000 (2021)
- Chicago Community Trust: $8,142,234 (2016-2019; 2021)
- Consumers' Research: $137,500 (2022)
- Daniel W Hoan Foundation: $15,000 (2020-2021)
- David & Colleen Anderson Charitable Foundation: $5,000 (2021-2022)
- DonorsTrust: $12,727,215 (2022)
- Duane H And Dorothy M Bluemke Charitable Foundation: $180,240 (2014-2022)
- Dwight and Linda Davis Foundation: $20,000 (2015)
- Einhorn Family Foundation: $1,380,000 (2013-2022)
- Elm Family Foundation: $25,000 (2020)
- Emerson Family Foundation: $50,000 (2021)
- Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund: $10,288,391 (2017-2018; 2020-2021)
- Frank A. Miller Foundation: $1,000 (2022)
- Freres Foundation: $50,000 (2020-2021)
- George & Julie Mosher: $909,000 (2018)[16]
- Glacs Endowment Fund: $430,000 (2022)
- Greater Milwaukee Foundation: $307,474 (2020-2022)
- Hamilton Roddis Foundation: $196,500 (2015-2022)
- Hammes Family Foundation: $15,000 (2021-2023)
- Heritage Foundation: $10,000 (2017)
- Illinois Policy Institute: $3,695,000 (2021-2022)
- Jeffrey R Anderson Charitable Foundation: $5,000 (2021-2022)
- Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation Council of Greater LA: $250,000 (2022)
- John & Linda Anderson Charitable Foundation: $29,000 (2021-2022)
- John R Mccune Charitable Trust: $100,000 (2020-2021)
- Keith Mardak: $800,000 (2018)[16]
- Kimmins Terrier Foundation: $1,000 (2022)
- Kristin L Anderson Charitable Foundation: $5,000 (2021-2022)
- Kunes Family Foundation: $1,000 (2018)
- Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation: $2,560,965 (2018)[16]
- Marcus Foundation: $400,000 (2020-2021)
- National Center for Housing Management: $340,000 (2014-2016; 2022)
- National Christian Charitable Foundation: $30,801 (2018; 2021)
- Obsidian Foundation: $15,000 (2021-2022)
- Patrick & Rachel English: $1,504,466 (2018)[16]
- Phil Lundman: $1,000,000 (2018)[16]
- Philip M Friedmann Family Charitable Trust: $10,000 (2022)
- Racine Community Foundation: $10,000 (2015)
- Ralph And Elizabeth Anderson Charitable Foundation: $5,000 (2021)
- Red Bird Hollow Foundation: $8,000 (2019-2020; 2022)
- Sanborn Family Foundation: $20,000 (2020-2021)
- Schwab Charitable Fund: $139,117 (2014; 2018; 2020-2021)
- Stephen And Vicki Batman Family Foundation: $50,000 (2022)
- St. Louis Community Foundation: $1,248,157 (2021)
- Tenzer Family Foundation: $5,000 (2021-2022)
- Think Freely Media: $75,000 (2022)
- Tracy E Anderson Charitable Foundation: $5,000 (2021-2022)
- United Way Of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County: $578,000 (2015-2020)
- Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program: $5,883,292 (2017-2021)
- Weiss Impact Fund: $172,500 (2019-2022)
Core Finances
- Total Revenue: $108,123,443
- Total Expenses: $67,735,663
- Net Assets: $114,249,421
- Total Revenue: $81,442,514
- Total Expenses: $25,230,384
- Net Assets: $79,318,355
- Total Revenue: $31,697,461
- Total Expenses: $23,617,176
- Net Assets: $22,143,776
- Total Revenue: $14,318,062
- Total Expenses: $10,173,635
- Net Assets: $13,450,443
- Total Revenue: $10,912,130
- Total Expenses: $6,946,290
- Net Assets: $8,643,203
- Total Revenue: $7,047,892
- Total Expenses: $5,415,995
- Net Assets: $5,148,760
- Total Revenue: $2,511,169
- Total Expenses: $3,146,400
- Net Assets: $3,393,158
- Total Revenue: $4,136,052
- Total Expenses: $2,889,715
- Net Assets: $4,049,889
- Total Revenues: $2,667,223
- Total Expenses: $2,589,971
- Net Assets: $2,906,836
- Total Revenues: $4,806,952
- Total Expenses: $2,082,910
- Net Assets: $2,838,850
- Total Revenues: $155,000
- Total Expenses: $41,196 (no grants made)
- Net Assets: $113,804
Founded in February 2012,[3] the Bradley Impact Fund was developed by Robert E. Norton, then vice president for external relations at the Bradley Foundation.[20] According to the Philanthropy Roundtable's Philanthropy Magazine, the Bradley Foundation "established the Bradley Impact Fund to encourage other donors to fund Bradley grantees."[21]
As of December 2022:[6]
Board of Directors
- Curt S. Culver, Chairman
- Jason Kohout, Secretary
- Phillip Prange, Treasurer
- Kathryn Murphy Burke
- Stephen Einhorn
- Patrick English
- Sylvie Légère
- James Arthur Pope
- John Beagle
Former Board Members
- Diane Hendricks Board member of Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, former head of ABC Supply.[22]
- Michael W. Grebe
- Michael L. Keiser Co-founder of Recycled Paper Greetings and golf course developer.[23]
- David Uihlein, Chair; Vice Chair of Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation[22] (Uihlein's family's foundation), President of Uihlein Wilson Architects.[24]
- Stephen Einhorn, Director; manages Capital Midwest Fund, a Wisconsin venture capital fund, and runs Einhorn & Associates, a Wisconsin-based mergers and acquisitions firm. In 2012 Einhorn and his wife, Nancy Einhorn, "paid for dozens of anonymous billboards in and around Milwaukee and two Ohio cities warning residents of the penalties for committing voter fraud," according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.[25]
- Dennis Kuester, Director; Chair of Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation,[22] former CEO of Marshall & Ilsley (M&I) Corp.[26]
- George Mosher, Treasurer; Founder of National Business Furniture[27]
- Gabe Conger, President
- Jessica F. Dean, Senior Vice President
- Richard Graber, Vice President
- Sherry Street, Senior Philanthropic Advisor
- Chris Ciancimino, Philanthropic Advisor[28]
- Kala Hill, Director of Programs & Strategy
- Colin Destache, Office & Program Manager[28]
Former Staff
- Karen Pacioni, Donor Relations Adviser
- Cynthia Friauf, Finance Adviser
Bradley Impact Fund
1400 N. Water Street, Suite 300
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone: (414) 291-2500
Address for donations:
Wells Fargo Philanthropic Services
Attn: Grant Administration MAC: D4000-062
One West Fourth Street, 2nd Floor
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Articles and Resources
IRS Form 990 Filings
External Articles and Resources
- David Armiak, Talent Market: The Libertarian Headhunting Firm Serving the Koch Network and the Bradley Foundation, ExposedbyCMD, June 28, 2017.
- Mary Bottari, Weaponized Philanthropy: Document Trove Details Bradley Foundation’s Efforts to Build Right-Wing “Infrastructure” Nationwide, ExposedbyCMD, May 5, 2017.
- ↑ Bradley Impact Fund, "About," organizational website, accessed August 2015.
- ↑ Daniel Bice, Bill Glauber and Ben Poston, "From local roots, Bradley Foundation builds conservative empire," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, November 19, 2011.
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 Bradley Impact Fund, 2012 IRS Form 990," organizational tax filing, May 3, 2013.
- ↑ Lauren Anderson Bradley Impact Fund names new president Biztimes Feb 5, 2019
- ↑ John Mashey, Fake science, fakexperts, funny finances, free of tax 2, DeSmog Blog report, updated October 23, 2012, p. 19.
- ↑ Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 6.2 Bradley Impact Fund, 2022 IRS Form 990, Internal Revenue Service, November 16, 2023.
- ↑ Bradley Impact Fund, IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, October 8, 2022.
- ↑ Bradley Impact Fund, IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, October 8, 2021.
- ↑ Bradley Impact Fund, 2019 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, October 22, 2020.
- ↑ Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 Bradley Impact Fund, 2018 IRS Form 990, Internal Revenue Service, 2019.
- ↑ Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 Bradley Impact Fund, 2017 IRS Form 990, Internal Revenue Service, 2018.
- ↑ Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 Bradley Impact Fund, 2016 IRS Form 990, Internal Revenue Service, 2017.
- ↑ Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 Bradley Impact Fund, 2015 IRS Form 990, Internal Revenue Service, April 19, 2016.
- ↑ Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 Bradley Impact Fund, 2014 IRS Form 990," organizational tax filing, May 19, 2015.
- ↑ Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 Bradley Impact Fund, 2013 IRS Form 990," organizational tax filing, May 14, 2014.
- ↑ Jump up to: 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 Bradley Impact Fund, Bradley Impact Fund 990 for FY 2018,Bradley Impact Fund, 2019.
- ↑ Bradley Impact Fund, 2021 IRS Form 990, Internal Revenue Service, October 8, 2022.
- ↑ Bradley Impact Fund, 2020 IRS Form 990, Internal Revenue Service, October 8, 2021.
- ↑ Bradley Impact Fund, 2019 IRS Form 990, Internal Revenue Service, October 22, 2020.
- ↑ Hillsdale College, "Robert E. Norton Named General Counsel of Hillsdale College," press release, August 15, 2014.
- ↑ Adam Meyerson, "President’s Note," Philanthropy Magazine, Spring 2015.
- ↑ Jump up to: 22.0 22.1 22.2 Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, "Board of Directors," organizational website, accessed August 2015.
- ↑ Gary D'Amato, "Golf course visionary plans resort near Wisconsin Rapids," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, November 20, 2013.
- ↑ Rich Kirchen, "Bradley heir Uihlein proposes arena at Panther Arena, Milwaukee Theatre site," Milwaukee Business Journal, September 24, 2014
- ↑ Daniel Bice, "Venture capitalist Einhorn paid for voter fraud billboards," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, October 19, 2012.
- ↑ Paul Gores, "M&I reports smaller loss; Kuester retires as chairman," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, October 20, 2010.
- ↑ Kathleen Gallegher, "Pair launches new venture capital fund," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, June 24, 2012.
- ↑ Jump up to: 28.0 28.1 Bradley Impact Fund, About, organizational website, accessed February 27, 2024.