Melinda Kramer
Melinda Kramer, Founder, Co-Director, Women's Earth Alliance.
"Before founding Women's Earth Alliance, Melinda worked around the world with organizations pursuing environmental justice, sustainable local economies and indigenous rights. She lived in East Africa working with CARE Kenya on sustainable agriculture and health projects and later worked throughout the North Pacific Rim, nurturing the emergence of grassroots environmental movements in China, the Russian Far East, and Alaska with international organization, Pacific Environment. Melinda led Pacific Environment’s China and Marine programs, conducting trainings in media, organizational development, and campaign strategy for grassroots NGOs. Melinda also worked on sustainable fisheries issues in Alaska and the Russian Far East, facilitating the International Bering Sea Forum, a long-term collaborative initiative that involved Russian and Alaskan scientists, policy makers, fisherman, NGOs, and indigenous leaders. At the Natural Capital Institute, Melinda was the Communications Manager and a key contributor to the web-based communication tool, Melinda is a trained facilitator and speaks Kiswahili, Spanish, and some Mandarin." [1]