Henry F. Carey
Henry (Chip) Carey "is an assistant professor in the Department of Politics at Georgia State University. From 1980-1983, he worked in the economics and development section at Arthur D. Little, Inc where he specialised on investment pre-feasibility and feasibility studies in developing countries; projects that were often co-financed by the World Bank, regional development banks or USAID. From 1992-1994, he taught in Romania and founded the Bucharest Social Science Centre with a grant from the Soros Foundation. During that time he was also the Bucharest stringer for Time magazine. Thereafter he helped with the initial formation the Eurasia Group, a US based consultancy firm. He has written numerous open editorial pieces for newspapers and is the editor of, Politics and Society in Post-Communist Romania (Westview Press) and co-editer volume (with Oliver Richmond) of, Preventing and Curbing Conflict: NGOs in Peace Processes (Frank Cass, 2003). He holds a BA from Yale, an MA in Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and a PhD from Columbia. He is fluent in French and Spanish and has a good knowledge of Romanian." [1]also
- Research Associate, Civilitas Research
- Director, Haiti Democracy Project