Media Research Center
Media Research Center Inc. (MRC) is a right-wing media "watchdog" group run by president and founder Brent Bozell. It is predominately funded by larger right-wing foundations (see below) with other comparatively minor sources of income from rental income and investments. In its 2006 annual report, the group's founder wrote that MRC "continued to regularly provide intellectual ammunition to conservative activists, arming them with the weapons to fight the leftist press."[1] Its 2011 annual report prominently features a picture of a bus full of members of "MRC's Action Team," who "descended on Madison, Wisconsin in April 2011 to show their support for Governor Scott Walker."[2] (For context, see the SourceWatch article on the Wisconsin Protests.)
The MRC operates a number of subsidiary projects including the Business & Media Institute (formerly known as the the Free Market Project);, a conservative news service; the NewsBusters blog; TimesWatch, a website focusing on the New York Times; the Culture and Media Institute and the MRC Action Team.
(The Parents Television Council was founded in 1995 as a MRC project but, in 2000, was split off to become a separate legal entity. Brent Bozell, who founded the MRC, was president of both organizations until January 2007, when he resigned as President of the PTC but remains a member of the board of directors.[3])
Mission statement
From MRC's website: "The mission of the Media Research Center is to bring balance and responsibility to the news media. Leaders of America's conservative movement have long believed that within the national news media a strident liberal bias existed that influenced the public's understanding of critical issues. On October 1, 1987, a group of young determined conservatives set out to not only prove - through sound scientific research - that liberal bias in the media does exist and undermines traditional American values, but also to neutralize its impact on the American political scene. What they launched that fall is the now acclaimed --- Media Research Center (MRC)."[4]
News and Controversies
CMD Criticism of NewsBusters
The Center for Media and Democracy, covering the participants of Trump's July 2019 Social Media Summit, found that MRC's "NewsBusters website... has posted white nationalist screeds. The site is currently flooded with stories slamming Democrats’ impeachment efforts. Stuart Varney of pro-Trump TV station Fox Business had Bozell on his show to explain his outlet’s findings [that the impeachment coverage from ABC, CBS, and NBC has been negative 96 percent of the time]. Earlier this year on Varney’s show, Bozell made the remarkably histrionic claim that the media is waging the 'most militant, weaponized assault on a U.S. president in history.'"[5]
"Don't Believe the Liberal Media" Campaigns
In 2020, Media Research Center raised nearly $80,000 to fund billboards in Milwaukee, which proclaimed "Don't Believe the Liberal Media!". The city was chosen because it will host the 2020 Democratic National Convention.[6]
MRC has produced free bumper stickers with messages such as: "I Don't Trust the Liberal Media!", "Don't Believe the Fake News Media!" and "The Media ♥ Socialism".[7][8]
In January 2012 Media Research Center founder Bozell announced the nonprofit had raised $3 towards its $5 million goal to fund a campaign attacking mainstream media. Bozell claimed the goal was to defeat the "onslaught of character assassination against anyone who dares to challenge Obama."[9]
The campaign, set to appear on "bumper stickers, billboards, traditional and online advertising" was described by Bozell as "in the spirit" of Newt Gingrich's forceful rebuke of CNN moderator John King in a then-recent Republican Presidential Debate.[9]
King had begun the debate by asking a question about Gingrich's ex-wife, and Gingrich accused the news network of exploiting his past pain rather than asking a serious debate question. He concluded his statement by saying, "I am tired of the elite media protecting Barack Obama by attacking Republicans."[10]
Media Matters Criticism of Over-Diagnosing Media Bias
The liberal media watch group Media Matters for America has also repeatedly criticized the MRC, charging that they view the media "through a funhouse mirror that renders everything– even the facts themselves– as manifestations of insidious bias."[11]
Lawsuit and Settlement with World Wrestling Entertainment
In November of 2000, MRC and a subsidiary, Parents Television Council (an advocacy group also founded and run by Bozell), were sued by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). MRC/PTC settled out-of-court for $3.5 million. See Parents Television Council for more information about this lawsuit.
FAIR Criticism of Selective Use of Evidence
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) has criticized the MRC for selective use of evidence. The MRC had reported, for example, that there was more coverage of government death squads in right-wing El Salvador than in left-wing Nicaragua, without mentioning that there were roughly a thousand times more extra-judicial killings in El Salvador. In 1998, FAIR also argued MRC wanted to force opinions it disagreed with out of the media. MRC went as far as to track the off-screen political comments of actors in a project that the magazine said "bore an uncomfortable resemblance to Red Channels, the McCarthy-era blacklisting journal."[12]
Ties to the Bradley Foundation
MRC receives funding from the Bradley Foundation and its donor advised fund, the Bradley Impact Fund.
Bradley Files |
In 2017, the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), publishers of SourceWatch, launched a series of articles on the Milwaukee-based Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, exposing the inner-workings of one of America's largest right-wing foundations. 56,000 previously undisclosed documents laid bare the Bradley Foundation's highly politicized agenda. CMD detailed Bradley's efforts to map and measure right wing infrastructure nationwide, including by dismantling and defunding unions to impact state elections; bankrolling discredited spin doctor Richard Berman and his many front groups; and more. |
Ties to the Council for National Policy
As of September 2020, MRC's president Brent Bozell III is a gold circle member of the Council for National Policy and serves on the CNP Executive Committee.
Council for National Policy |
The Council for National Policy (CNP) is a secretive, Christian Right organization of funders and activists founded in 1981 by activist Morton Blackwell, commentator Paul Weyrich, direct-mail pioneer Richard Viguerie, right-wing activist Phyllis Schlafly and Left Behind author Tim LaHaye. Anne Nelson's book about CNP, Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right, describes how the organization connects "the manpower and media of the Christian right with the finances of Western plutocrats and the strategy of right-wing Republican political operatives.” CNP membership as of September 2020 is available here. |
Core Financials
- Total Revenue: $11,382,900
- Total Expenses: $14,309,577
- Net Assets: $12,331,400
Grants Distributed
- National Review Institute: $10,000
- Council for National Policy: $17,500
- Total Revenue: $13,498,994
- Total Expenses: $12,768,449
- Net Assets: $12,945,145
- Total Revenue: $14,208,060
- Total Expenses: $13,202,105
- Net Assets: $14,437,626
- Total Revenue: $13,302,536
- Total Expenses: $15,551,216
- Net Assets: $12,928,197
- Total Revenue: $15,426,026
- Total Expenses: $14,818,576
- Net Assets: $14,813,407
- Adolph Coors Foundation: $160,000 (2012-2015)
- Bradley Impact Fund: $919,000 (2013-2018)
- Castle Rock Foundation: $750,000 (1996-1997)[18]
- DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative (formerly the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation): $2.1 million (1998-2010)[18]
- Donors Capital Fund: $345,000 (2010-2013)
- DonorsTrust: $365,700 (2010-2017)
- Edward A. & Catherine L. Lozick Foundation: $1,000 (2014)
- Ed Uihlein Family Foundation: $675,000 (2014-2016)
- Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation: $2,385,000 (1998-2012)
- Mercer Family Foundation: $7 million (2015-2017) and $7.49 million from 2008-2012[18]
- Randolph Foundation: $10,000 (2008)
- Sarah Scaife Foundation: $1.3 million (2015-2018)[19]
- Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation: $97,000 (2002-2006)
- Vernon K. Krieble Foundation: $1,000 (2008)
In its 2011 annual report, MRC listed the following names under "Foundation and Corporate Support":[20]
- Above All Advisors
- Edward and Wilhelmina Ackerman Foundation
- Adams Insurance Service Company
- Alpaugh Foundation
- Andrews & Kurth
- The Armstrong Foundation
- Bachman Foundation
- Bal Harbour Shops
- Balfour Lumber Co.
- Beaumont Iron and Metal Corporation
- Bell Charitable Foundation
- Doris & Stanley Berenzweig Charitable Foundation
- BLR Trust
- Bonide Products Inc.
- The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
- Brae Burn Construction Co.
- The Branyan Family Foundation
- The Brayman Family Fund
- Brodie Charitable Funds
- The George and Janet Brown Foundation
- Calvert K. Collins Family Foundation, Inc.
- Capital Community Foundation
- The Carwill Foundation
- Cassara Family Charitable Trust
- CBS Imaging
- CC Industries, Inc.
- Challenger School
- Charles and Ann Johnson Foundation
- Clifford Stanton Heinz Trust
- Cly-Del Mfg Co.
- Compass Ventures, LLC
- G. L. Connolly Foundation
- Contran Corporation
- Earlane and Sam Croom Foundation
- Crossoak Family Dentistry
- Curran Foundation
- Darr Equipment Co.
- The Davidson Bruce Foundation
- The Charles & Melissa Davis Foundation
- Ken W. Davis Foundation
- Davis-Lynch, Inc.
- Deltec Incorporated
- Doberto Corporation
- Dorset Charitable Trust
- Dreisbach Enterprises
- E. Stewart Mitchell, Inc.
- Eagle Publishing
- Ed Uihlein Family Foundation
- The Edgerly Foundation
- Eric Javits Family Foundation
- Estrella Ranch
- Fareway Stores, Inc.
- The Lundy Fetterman Family Foundation
- Lynn and Foster Friess Family Fund
- Garvey Kansas Foundation
- The George’s Family Foundation
- GLACS Endowment Fund
- GM Ridge Corp
- The Griffin Family Foundation
- Griffith Interests
- The Guetz Foundation
- Guggenheim Brothers
- Guilford Foundation
- H. E. Neumann Co.
- Henry E. Haller, Jr. Foundation
- Hanson Family Foundation
- Hayden Foundation
- Hickory Foundation
- Glen and Gloria Holden Family Foundation
- The Holman Foundation Inc.
- Horned M Ranch
- Barbara N. & Don N. Howell Foundation
- Howell Family Foundation
- International Health Foundation
- J.J.C.T.M. Foundation
- The Jackson Family Foundation
- Jalapeno Corporation
- JBISoft
- Johnsonville Foods
- John P. Kavooras Charitable Trust
- Kenneth Groefsema Ranch
- A.P. Kirby, Jr. Foundation
- F.M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.
- Kistler O’Brien Fire Protection
- Lerner Family Foundation
- Lindemann Well Service, Inc.
- The Litwin Foundation, Inc.
- Loeb Partners
- The Edward A. and Catherine L. Lozick Foundation
- Luckie/Birmingham, Inc.
- Maranatha Foundation Inc.
- Marlin Oil
- Massie Clarke Dev
- Matey, Inc.
- The Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust
- McWethy Foundation
- Mechanical Contractor of Gainesville Inc.
- The Melin Family Foundation
- The Dorothy D. and Joseph A. Moller Foundation
- New Era Cleaners
- The Ochsman Foundation Inc.
- Olympus Imported Auto Parts Corp.
- The Page Foundation
- The Charles Maxfield and Gloria F. Parrish Foundation
- Patridge Knoll
- Pioneer Gasket Company, Inc.
- The Edgar and Elsa Prince Foundation
- R. K. Mellon Family Foundation
- Ralph & Lois Hendricks Family Charitable Fund
- Register & Company, P.A.
- Richard & Mary Ellen Reuling Charitable Fund
- Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation
- The Robert S. & Star Pepper Foundation, Inc.
- Roberts Family Foundation
- The Rothschild Charitable Foundation, Inc.
- Arthur N. Rupe Foundation
- Same Line Foundation, Inc.
- Sarah Scaife Foundation
- John & Kathleen Schneider Family Foundation
- Prewitt and Valerie D. Semmes Foundation
- Shapiro & Swertfeger
- The Shepherds Hand
- Sivyer Survivors Trust
- Thomas W. Smith Foundation
- Diana Davis Spencer Foundation
- Herbert and Peggy Stockham Family Foundation
- Roger and Susan Stone Family Foundation
- Stuart Family Foundation
- Sumter & Ivilyn Lowry Charitable Foundation
- Sunbelt Management
- Symbolic Systems, Inc.
- Thank Heaven Foundation
- The John Templeton Foundation
- Thompson Realty Company
- Three Rivers Group, Inc.
- TKBW Foundation Trust
- Triad Energy Corporation
- Trizm Services, Inc.
- The True Foundation
- The Trzcinski Foundation
- Tsang Family Foundation
- Daniel P. and Grace I. Tully Foundation
- Urban Projects, Inc.
- Valis Associates
- Vanberg Family Foundation
- Virginia H. Deane Trust
- Vulcan Corporation
- W.R. Burgess Foundation
- Webco Industries, Inc.
- Weekley Properties
- Whitcomb Charitable Foundation
- The William C. & Cindy L. Scott Foundation
- William H. Donner Foundation
- WINREP Foundation
- Wirt A. Yerger, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
- Wold Corp.
- The Woodhull Family Foundation
- Wright Tool Company
- The Young Family Trust
Subsidiary Projects
As of February 2020:[21]
The MRC operates a number of subsidiary projects including:
-, which "reports the stories the liberal media refuse to cover"[21]
- mrcNewsBusters, which "is the leader in documenting, exposing, and neutralizing liberal media bias"[21]
- mrcBusiness (formerly known as the the Free Market Project), which is "dedicated to advancing the culture of free enterprise in America"[21]
- mrcCulture, which "fights to preserve and restore America’s culture, character, traditional values, and morals against the assault of the liberal media elite, and to promote fair portrayal of social conservatives and religious believers in the media."[21]
- mrcLatino, which "advocates for comprehensive, fair, and accurate news coverage in U.S. Spanish-language media by exposing and countering bias against conservatives in this significant segment of American media."[21]
- mrcTV, which "is the multimedia division of MRC featuring original content and aggregated videos of the news, people, and events conservatives care about"[21]
- mrcAction, "the grassroots arm of the Media Research Center"[21]
MRC also operated TimesWatch, a website reporting on alleged liberal bias in the New York Times. TimesWatch shut down in 2013 as a result of MRC's project consolidation.[22]
The Parents Television Council was founded in 1995 as a MRC project but, in 2000, was split off to become a separate legal entity. (citation needed) Brent Bozell, who founded the MRC, was president of both organizations until January 2007, when he resigned as President of the PTC but remains a member of the board of directors.[23])
Mission Statement and Annual Reports
From MRC's website: "The mission of the Media Research Center is to 'create a media culture in America where truth and liberty flourish.'
Leaders of America's conservative movement have long believed that within the national news media a strident liberal bias existed that influenced the public's understanding of critical issues. On October 1, 1987, a group of young determined conservatives set out to not only prove —through sound analyses and quantifiable research— that liberal bias in the media does exist and undermines traditional conservative American values, but also to neutralize its impact on the American political scene. What they launched that fall is the now acclaimed—– Media Research Center (MRC).[24]
MRC's website contains a page with annual reports available in PDF form.[24] The 2018 report contained praise from many prominent conservative figures, including then-Vice President Mike Pence, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity and Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.[25]
Senior Staff
As of June 2021:[26]
- L. Brent Bozell III, Founder and President
- Dave Martin, Executive Vice President
- Ed Molchany, Senior Vice President of Programs and Chief Marketing Officer
- Eric Pairel, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
- Brent Baker, Vice President of Research and Publications
- Dan Gainor, Vice President for Free Speech America, Business and Culture
- Terry Jeffrey, Editor-in-Chief, CNSNews
- Eric Scheiner, Director, MRCTV
- Jorge Bonilla, Director MRC Latino
- Scott Russell, Vice President of Philanthropy
- Coley Jackson, Vice President of Development
- Christian Robey, Vice President of External Affairs
Former Senior Staff
- Robert Croft, Cive President of Development
- Ken Oliver-Méndez, Director, MRC Latino
- LTC Allen B. West West, USA Ret. Senior Fellow
For a full list of staff, visit here.
Board of Directors
As of 2020:[27]
- Karl Ottosen, Chariman, MRC Board of Directors; President, Sonitrol Security Systems
- L. Brent Bozell, Founder and President, Media Research Center
- Melissa Emery, Chariman, MRC Board of Trustees
- Tim Donner, President and Founder, One Generation Away
- Seymour Fein, M.D., Managing Partner, CNF Pharma, LLC
- Cameron Smith, Manager, COSCO Consulting LLC
- Abby Moffat, Vice President and COO, Diana Davis Spencer Foundation
- William L. Walton, Managing Partner, Rappahannock Ventures, LLC
- The Honorable Curtin Winsor, Jr., Former Ambasssador to Costa Rica
- Karen Buchwald Wright, Chairman and CEO, Ariel Corporation
Board of Trustees
As of 2018:[28]
- Mr. Thomas R. Adams
- Mr. Peter A. Alpaugh
- Mr. Philip F. Anschutz
- Mr. William C. Anton
- Mr. Thomas K. Armstrong Jr.
- Mr. & Mrs. Matthew C. Arnold
- Mr. Richard Ashburn
- Mr. Thomas P. August
- Mr. Stephen Barney
- Mr. & Mrs. William G. Batt
- Mr. & Mrs. Ron Baukol
- Mrs. Kathleen Bell-Flynn
- Ms. Karen Bodner
- Mr. Stephen W. Boesel
- Mrs. Wendy Borcherdt
- Mr. Albert C. Bostwick
- Mr. Geoffrey Brewster
- Mr. & Mrs. Kirkwood Brodie III
- Ms. Gretchen Brooks
- Mr. W. Michael Brown
- Mr. & Mrs. George R. Brown
- Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Bryan III
- Mrs. Frances Byles
- Mr. James J. Callan
- Mr. William D. Cammack
- Mr. & Mrs. John M. Camp III
- Mr. Robert F. Campanaro
- Mr. James F. Causley
- Mr. Giuseppe Cecchi
- Dr. & Mrs. Franklin M. Chu
- Mr. H. Kenneth Cole
- Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Cowie
- Mr. Donald B. Crawford
- Mr. Sam Croom
- Mrs. Beverly Danielson
- Mr. Carl A. Davis
- Mrs. Melissa Davis
- Mr. T. Cullen Davis
- Mr. & Mrs. Tim & Amy Davis
- Mr. William S. Davis
- Ms. Virginia H. Deane
- Mr. Curtis L. Debord
- Mr. Andy Del Giudice
- Mr. Mark Dieckmann
- Mr. Joseph W. Donner
- Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Dubois
- Mr. & Mrs. Dean Ducray
- Mr. Chris Dugle
- Mr. James D. Duncan
- Mr. & Mrs. Jim Emery
- Dr. Seymour H. Fein
- Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Feinstein
- Mr. A. Doug Ferris
- Ms. Maureen H. Foulke
- Mr. & Mrs. Pepper & Libby Frazier
- Mr. John Frezza
- Mr. Philip M. Friedmann
- Mr. Jon T. Friesen
- Mr. James L. Fullmer
- Mr. Robert Garthwait Sr.
- Mr. John K. Garvey
- Mr. J. Patrick Gavaghan
- Mr. & Mrs. Clyde R. Gibb
- Mr. Michael W. Gleba
- Mrs. Susan Gottlieb
- Dr. Bobby L. Graham, Jr. & Dr. Sharon Martin
- Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Grossman
- Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gutshall
- Mr. L. Michael Hajtman
- Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hall
- Mrs. Marianne Halle
- Mrs. Henry E. Haller Jr.
- Mr. Clay Hamlin III
- Ms. Melissa J. Hancock
- Drs. Ken & Barbara Hansen
- Mr. & Mrs. John N. Hanson
- Dr. & Mrs. John H. Hasley
- Dr. Michael R. Heaphy
- Mr. & Mrs. Larry Helminiak
- Mrs. Sandra L. Henson
- Mr. & Mrs. Tatnall Hillman
- Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Hoelscher
- Mr. Forrest Hoglund
- The Hon. & Mrs. Glen A. Holden
- Mr. Robert F. Horner
- Mr. Steven Howell
- Mr. W. R. Jackson, Jr.
- Dr. Judith Jaeger
- Mr. & Mrs. Kurt R. Jaggers
- Ms. Virginia James
- Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Ajchara Jimirro
- Mr. Mark L. Johnson
- Col. & Mrs. Frederick Johnston
- Mrs. Rebecca Julian
- Dr. & Mrs. Fred Kapetansky
- Mr. George Karpus
- Mr. Michael L. Keiser
- Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Kempner, Sr.
- Mrs. Linda Kendall
- Mr. & Mrs. John Kerian
- Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Kinghorn
- Mr. Allan P. Kirby, Jr.
- Ms. Annette Kirby
- Mr. Wade H. Kirby
- Mr. Thomas R. Klein, Sr.
- Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Krump
- Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kurtz
- Mr. & Mrs. Arlyn Lanting
- Mrs. Lois H. Lazaro
- Dr. Charles Lederer
- Mr. Raymond W. Leyden, Jr.
- Dr. & Mrs. Carl Linge
- Ms. Madonna Lintzenich
- Maj. & Mrs. Lorance D. Lisle
- Dr. Letty G. Lutzker
- Mr. Louis J. Lyell
- Mr. Bernard Marcus
- Mr. Ralph P. Mayer
- Mr. & Mrs. William McCreery
- Ms. Joyce L. McMahon
- Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Janice McNair
- Mr. Denman K. McNear
- Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. McQuaid
- Mr. & Mrs. James B. McWethy
- Mr. S. Prosser Mellon
- Mr. & Mrs. William P. Middlemas
- Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mihaley
- Ms. Dae Miller
- Ms. Abby Moffat
- Mr. Alwal B. Moore
- Mr. William D. Mounger
- Mr. Jim Moyer
- Mr. Charles Mueller
- Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Murphy
- Mr. Ronald Nardi
- Mrs. Charles H. Noble, Jr.
- Mrs. Christina Nolan
- Ms. Linda Noyes
- Mr. Jack A. Palmer
- Mr. James L. Patton
- Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Pepper
- Dr. & Mrs. E. M. Pflueger
- Mr. T. Boone Pickens
- Dr. & Mrs. L. Harrison Pillsbury
- Mr. Terry A. Poe
- Mr. Jerome M. Powell
- Mrs. Elsa D. Prince Broekhuizen
- Mr. & Mrs. Russ & Jeanette Quilhot
- Mr. Michael Quilty
- Mr. & Mrs. Radar Radford
- Ms. Virginia D. Ragan
- Ms. Lyn G. Rales
- Mr. & Mrs. Dick J. Randall
- Ms. Barbara Roach
- Mr. Leslie Rose
- Dr. Rick Rounsavelle & Dr. Kirsten Wagner
- Mrs. Teresa Rowland
- Mrs. Vale A. Russell
- Mr. Robert W. Rust
- Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Schaller
- Mrs. Marilyn A. Schnuck
- Mrs. Ruth H. Schotanus
- Mr. Niklas Schrenck
- Mr. Donald R. Scifres
- Mr. William C. Scott
- Mr. Abe Siemens
- Dr. Lawrence Simon
- Mr. Cameron Smith
- Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Smith
- Mr. Merrill G. Smith
- Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Smith
- Dr. & Mrs. Will & Marj Smith
- Mr. & Mrs. William D. Smithburg
- Dr. Sharyne D. Snyder & Mrs. Charlotte J. Wagner
- Ms. Diana Davis Spencer
- Mr. & Mrs. Richard Srednicki
- Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Stern
- Mr. Jay Stobbs & Dr. M. J. Hall
- Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Stone
- Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord A. Strahan
- Mr. George W. Strake Jr.
- Mrs. Marie W. Stuart
- Mrs. Beverly Thewes
- Mr. & Mrs. Dick & Easter Thompson
- Mr. Joe C. Thompson, Jr.
- Mrs. Zane Todd
- Mrs. Polly J. Townsend
- Mr. Richard Uihlein
- Mr. Calvin K. Upp
- Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Marolyn Vadnais
- Ms. Jacquelyn J. Varga
- Mr. & Mrs. William L. Walton
- Mrs. Ingrid Warshaw
- Mr. James D. Weaver
- Ms. Dana S. Weber
- Mr. Stephen Weiss
- Mr. Daniel J. Wellehan, Jr.
- Mr. T. Calvin Wells
- Mr. Bruce W. Wetzel
- Ms. Alice Y. Wheatley
- Mr. Steven E. Wheeler
- Ms. Loretta Wiehr
- Mr. Joseph H. Wilkens
- The Hon. & Mrs. Curtin Winsor, Jr.
- Mr. Frank E. Witt
- Mrs. Elaine J. Wold
- Mr. Keith C. Wold, Jr.
- Mrs. Marilyn Woodhouse
- Mr. Donald Workman
- Ms. Karen Wright
- Mrs. Judith A. Wright
- Mr. Wirt A. Yerger, Jr.
- Mr. & Mrs. George Yoder
Contact Information
Media Research Center
1900 Campus Commons Drive
Suite 600
Reston, VA 20191
Web contact: Contact Us
Phone: 571-267-3500
(Toll-free): 800-672-1423
Fax: 571-375-0099
Facebook: @mediaresearchcenter
Instagram: @mediaresearchcenter
Twitter: @theMRC
YouTube: Media Research Center
Articles and Resources
IRS Form 990 Filings
External articles
- Matthew Balan, "CNN Bashes Conservative Ads With 'Industry Insider,' Omits His Far Left Affiliation," Media Research Center, July 2, 2009.
- Laurie Bennett, "Conservative media monitor attracts the big bucks,", August 11, 2009.
- Bill Berkowitz, "Media Research Center Takes on The West Wing: Conservative Philanthropy-Supported Group Claims Show Had Liberal Bias", Media Transparency, May 22, 2006.
- Peter Hart and Steve Rendall, "Meet the Mythmakers", Extra!, July/August 1998.
- Jeff Jarvis, "FCC-- and Media-- Duped by Brent Bozell's Complaint Factory," Buzz Machine, December 6, 2004.
- Terry Krepel, "Fairly Unbalanced", ConWebWatch, May 2, 2007.
- Howard Kurtz, "Bias Watch," Washington Post, June 28, 2004
- Paul Waldman, "MRC Studies That 'Prove' Media's 'Liberal Bias' Collapse Under Scrutiny", Media Matters, May 11, 2005.
Related SourceWatch
- Anschutz Foundation
- Barack Obama
- Brent Bozell
- Castle Rock Foundation
- Center for Media and Democracy
- Donors Capital Fund
- DonorsTrust
- Ed Uihlein Family Foundation
- El Salvador
- Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
- Judicial Watch
- Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
- Mark Levin
- Media Matters for America
- Mercer Family Foundation
- Mike Pence
- Nicaragua
- New York Times
- Newt Gingrich
- Parents Television Council
- Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation
- Richard Uihlein
- Rush Limbaugh
- Sarah Scaife Foundation
- Scott Walker
- Sean Hannity
- TimesWatch
- Wisconsin Protests
- ↑ L. Brent Bozell III, "A Message from L. Brent Bozell III", 2006, Annual Report, Media Research Center, accessed February 2008, page 3.
- ↑ Media Research Center, 2011 Annual Report, organizational website, accessed January 27, 2021.
- ↑ Parents Television Council, "PTC President Bozell Announces Decision to Step Down and Welcomes Tim Winter as New President", Media Release, September 1, 2006.
- ↑ Media Research Center, "About the Media Research Center: Bringing Political Balance to the Media", Media Research Center, accessed February 2008.
- ↑ Alex Kotch, "Trump’s “Social Media Summit” Allies Spread Propaganda Attacking Impeachment", Center for Media and Democracy, November 18, 2019, accessed February 23, 2020.
- ↑ Media Research Center, Billboards, nonprofit website, accessed February 12, 2020.
- ↑ NB Staff, "Mark Levin: Get Your FREE 'I Don't Believe the Liberal Media!' Bumper Sticker", NewsBusters, May 18, 2010, accessed February 12, 2020.
- ↑ mrcAction, mrcAction, nonprofit website, accessed Febuary 12, 2020.
- ↑ Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 Buzzfeed Staff, Right Launches Giant Campaign Against Media, Buzzfeed, January 26, 2011, accessed February 12, 2020.
- ↑ CBS, "Gingrich slams CNN for asking about ex-wife", CBS YouTube channel, January 19, 2012, accessed February 12, 2020.
- ↑ Paul Waldman, "MRC studies that 'prove' media's 'liberal bias' collapse under scrutiny", Media Matters for America, May 11, 2005, accessed February 23, 2020.
- ↑ Peter Hart, "Meet the Myth-Makers", Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting, July 1, 1998, accessed February 23, 2020.
- ↑ Media Research Center, 2019 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, November 6, 2020.
- ↑ Media Research Center, 2018 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, October 16, 2019.
- ↑ Media Research Center, 2017 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, accessed February 12, 2020.
- ↑ Media Research Center, 2016 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, accessed February 12, 2020.
- ↑ Media Research Center, 2015 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, accessed February 12, 2020.
- ↑ Jump up to: 18.0 18.1 18.2 Conservative Transparency, Media Research Center, organizational website, accessed February 24, 2020.
- ↑ Alex Kotch, "Right-Wing Megadonors Are Financing Media Operations to Promote Their Ideologies", Center for Media and Democracy, January 27, 2020, accessed February 24, 2020.
- ↑ Media Research Center, 2011 Annual Report, annual report, accessed February 24, 2020, p. 20.
- ↑ Jump up to: 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.7 Media Research Center, About, nonprofit website, accessed February 12, 2020.
- ↑ Brent Baker, "TimesWatch Shutting Down", Media Research Center, May 15, 2013, accessed February 12, 2020.
- ↑ Parents Television Council, "PTC President Bozell Announces Decision to Step Down and Welcomes Tim Winter as New President", Media Release, September 1, 2006, Web Archive, accessed February 12, 2020.
- ↑ Jump up to: 24.0 24.1 Media Research Center, Annual Reports, Media Research Center, accessed February 12, 2020.
- ↑ Media Research Center, 2018 Annual Report, 2018 Annual Report, Media Research Center, accessed February 12, 2020, p. ii.
- ↑ Media Research Center, Media Research Center Staff, Media Research Center, accessed June 28, 2021.
- ↑ Media Research Center, 2020 Annual Report, annual report, accessed June 28, 2021.
- ↑ Media Research Center, 2018 Annual Report, annual report, accessed February 23, 2020, pp. 25-26.