United Nations Research Institute for Social Development

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United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

"When UNRISD was founded in 1963, the government of the Netherlands granted US$ 1 million as a start-up fund, and the United Nations authorized the Institute to receive voluntary contributions from other sources. Today, contributions come from governments, non-governmental organizations, foundations, and United Nations agencies. As UNRISD receives no money from the UN general budget, it seeks funding in the form of core contributions and grants for specific projects. Core funding comes from a small group of countries and is generally pledged on an annual basis. Project funding is sought by UNRISD’s director and research staff as needed. The Institute has an annual operating budget of approximately US$ 4 million." [1]


Accessed September 2008: [2]

Former Directors and Board Members

Accessed September 2008: [3]


Web: http://www.unrisd.org

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  1. How UNRISD Fulfils its Mandate, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, accessed September 23, 2008.
  2. Directors, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, accessed September 23, 2008.
  3. Former Directors and Board Members, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, accessed September 23, 2008.