National Campaign To Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
The National Campaign To Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, "founded in February 1996, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan initiative supported almost entirely by private donations. Our mission is to promote values, behavior and policies that reduce both teen pregnancy and unplanned pregnancy among young adults. By increasing the proportion of children born into welcoming, intact families who are prepared to take on the demanding task of raising the next generation, our efforts will improve the well-being of children and strengthen the nation." [1]
Accessed December 2007: [2]
- Chairman - Thomas H. Kean - Chairman, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- President - Isabel V. Sawhill - Senior Fellow, Economic Studies, the Brookings Institution
- CEO and Treasurer - Sarah S. Brown
- Robert Wm. Blum - William H. Gates Sr. Professor and Chair, Department of Population and Family Health Sciences, Johns Hopkins University
- Linda Chavez - Chairman, Center for Equal Opportunity
- Vanessa Cullins - Vice President for Medical Affairs, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.
- Susanne Daniels - President, Lifetime Entertainment Services
- Maria Echaveste - Co-Founder, Nueva Vista Group, LLC
- Daisy Exposito-Ulla - Chairman and CEO, d'expósito & partners
- William Galston - Senior Fellow, Governance Studies, The Brookings Institution
- David R. Gergen - Editor-at-Large, U.S. News & World Report
- Ron Haskins - Senior Fellow, Economic Studies, Co-Director, Center for Children and Families; The Brookings Insitution
Senior Consultant, The Annie E. Casey Foundation
- Alexine Clement Jackson - Community Volunteer
- Nancy L. Johnson - Senior Public Policy Advisor, Federal Public Policy and Healthcare Group, Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC
- Sheila C. Johnson, Hon - CEO, Salamander Farm
- Jody Greenstone Miller - President and CEO, The Business Talent Group
- Michael D. Place - Vice President, Ministry Development, Ressurection Healthcare
- Bruce Rosenblum - President, Warner Bros. Television Group
- Diane Rowland - Executive Director, Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured
- Stephen W. Sanger - Chairman and CEO, General Mills, Inc.
- Victoria P. Sant - President, The Summit Foundation
- Sara Seims - Director, Population Program, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
- Matthew Stagner - Executive Director, Chapin Hall Center for Children, University of Chicago
- Mary C. Tydings - Managing Director, Russel Reynolds Associates
- Roland C. Warren - President, National Fatherhood Initiative
- Stephen A. Weiswasser - Partner, Covington & Burling
- Gail R. Wilensky - Senior Fellow, Project HOPE
- Kimberlydawn Wisdom - Surgeon General, State of Michigan, Vice President, Community Health, Education & Wellness, Henry Ford Health System
Trustees Emeriti
- Charlotte Beers - former Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. Department of State, former Chairman and CEO, Ogilvey & Mather
- Carol Mendez Cassell - Senior Scientist, Allied Health Center, School of Medicine, Prevention Research Center, University of New Mexico
- Annette P. Cumming - Executive Director and Vice President, The Cumming Foundation
- Frankie Sue Del Papa - former Attorney General, State of Nevada
- Whoopi Goldberg - Actress
- Stephen Goldsmith - Daniel Paul Professor of Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, former Mayor of Indianapolis
- Katharine Graham (1917-2001) - Chairman, Washington Post Company
- David A. Hamburg - President Emeritus, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Visiting Scholar, Weill Medical College, Cornell University
- Irving B. Harris (1910-2004) - Chairman, The Harris Foundation
- Barbara Huberman - Director of Training, Advocates for Youth
- Judith E. Jones - Clinical Professor, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
- Leslie Kantor - Kantor Consulting
- Nancy Kassebaum-Baker - former U.S. Senator
- Douglas Kirby - Senior Research Scientist, ETR Associates
- C. Everett Koop - former U.S. Surgeon General
- John D. Macomber - Principal, JDM Investment Group
- Sister Mary Rose McGeady - former President and CEO, Covenant House
- Judy McGrath - Chairman and CEO, MTV Networks
- Brent C. Miller - Vice President for Research, Utah State University
- Kristin Moore - Area Director, Emerging Issues, Child Trends, Inc.
- John E. Pepper - CEO, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
- Hugh Price - Senior Fellow, Economic Studies, The Brookings Insitution
- Warren B. Rudman - Senior Counsel, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, former U.S. Senator
- Kurt L. Schmoke - Dean, Howard University School of Law, former Mayor of Baltimore
- Isabel Stewart - former Executive Director, Girls Inc.
- Vincent Weber - Partner, Clark & Weinstock, former U.S. Congressman
- Judy Woodruff - Senior Correspondent, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
- Andrew Young - Chairman, GoodWorks International, former Ambassador to the U.N.