GFA World (Gospel For Asia)

GFA World (formerly Gospel for Asia aka GFA) is a Christian NGO founded by K.P._Yohannan in 1979, which focuses on helping the poor in India and a dozen other Asian countries through the use of national missionaries. The organization, once based in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex suburb of Carrollton, Texas is now located in Wills Point, Texas, USA.
GFA World's primary objective is to support indigenous mission missionaries to show God's love and compassion through practical ways to help communities in which they "serve the 'least of these' in Asia".[1]
GFA World is present in India, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Laos Thailand,[2] Rwanda[3][4] and Liberia.[5]
- 1 History
- 2 42-Year Anniversary Timeline[10]
- 3 Programs
- 3.1 Bridge Builder Movement
- 3.2 National missionaries
- 3.3 Church buildings, bibles and gospel literature
- 3.4 Radio and television broadcasts
- 3.5 Bible colleges
- 3.6 GFA World's Child Sponsorship Program (formerly Bridge of Hope)
- 3.7 Jesus Wells and BioSand Filters and Sanitation
- 3.8 Campus Events
- 3.9 Compassion Ministries
- 3.10 Community Development
- 3.11 Expansion to Africa
- 4 Disaster Relief
- 5 Special Reports
- 6 Endorsements[97]
- 7 Affiliate Offices
- 8 Field Partners
- 9 What does GFA World stand for?
- 10 Is Gospel for Asia trustworthy?
- 11 What happened to Gospel for Asia?
- 12 Is GFA World Legitimate?
- 13 Is GFA World a Good Charity?
- 14 What is the GFA controversy?
- 15 Gallery
- 16 References
- 17 Bibliography
- 18 External links
In 1981, current president Dr. KP Yohannan formed a branch of Gospel for Asia in his native Kerala, with an Indian headquarters being set up in Tiruvalla in 1983. In 1993, GFA began founding its own network of churches in Asia,[6] the Believers Eastern Church (BEC) which uses a Episcopal Polity form of governance.[7] GFA supports BEC in the administration of more than 50 Bible colleges in various countries.[8] BEC directly administers bible colleges, whose graduates receive financial support to establish new congregations.
Scholar Michael Bergunder considers GFA to have been "One of the most influential new foundations in the second half of the twentieth century".[9]
42-Year Anniversary Timeline[10]
1974 - K.P. Yohannan comes to the United States, where he received his theological training and pastored a church for four years.
1979 - Gospel for Asia officially starts.
1982 - Gospel for Asia publishes its first SEND! magazine (now GFA World Magazine)
1984 - Gospel for Asia Canada Office Opens. Eventually to follow are Australia, Finland, Germany, New Zealand, South Africa, South Korea and the United Kingdom.
1986 - GFA-supported radio records its first program. Throughout the years, the programs have been broadcast in 110 languages! Revolution in World Missions, Dr. K.P. Yohannan’s first book, is published, which has now had over 3.9 million copies in print [11].
1988 - Gospel for Asia helps send out 100 mobile film teams.
1994 - GFA begins printing its own literature for distribution.
1998 - GFA slum ministry begins in four cities, and has seen this outreach grow into nearly 900 slums across South Asia since then [12].
2000 – Gospel for Asia begins to install Jesus Wells in communities across South Asia. Since then, over 38,000 wells have been installed across multiple nations in Asia. In 2000, Brother Manja, a GFA-supported worker, was sentenced to 20 years in prison after being falsely accused of murder.
2004 - Bridge of Hope, a child sponsorship program, begins. Today, more than 70,000 children are enrolled in centers across Asia. Also in 2004, young people come to Texas for the inaugural year of GFA’s U.S.-based discipleship program Road to Reality (now called School of Discipleship).
2005 - Women’s Fellowships are initiated in churches led by GFA-supported pastors. In 2019, these fellowships taught nearly 60,000 illiterate women to read and write, and they provided vocational training to more than 12,000 women needing jobs.
2006 - First Renewing Your Passion Conference
2007 - Leprosy Ministry Begins; GFA Prints First Christmas Catalog
2008 - Danny Yohannan is appointed as Vice President of GFA
2009 - Dr. K.P. releases his book No Longer a Slumdog, highlighting the suffering of children in Asia and the hope many are discovering through GFA’s Bridge of Hope Program. Brother Manja is released.
2010 - GFA-supported Compassion Services teams hand out thousands of emergency food packets to victims of natural disasters in Sri Lanka, India, and Bangladesh.
2011 - GFA helps open widow-care centers for abandoned widows.
2014 - GFA releases a feature-length documentary called “Veil of Tears,” which shares the plight of women in Asia and what God is doing for them through GFA-supported women’s ministry. GFA moves to Wills Point, Texas, USA.
2015 - Gospel for Asia responds to Nepal Earthquake
2017 - GFA-supported workers organize 1,245 medical camps.
2018 - Mission Support Team Launched; GFA responds to a massive flooding in the South Indian state of Kerala. [13] [14]
2020 - American lawsuit settled without any admission of guilt by GFA.
2020 - During the COVID-19 pandemic, the ministry distributes 120,000 dry ration kits to provide life-saving food, as well as distributed nearly 1 million masks, and overall helps nearly 2 million people with COVID-19 relief.
2021 - Ministry expands into Rwanda, Africa with a child sponsorship option for kids in need, and announces name change to GFA World to reflect that expansion. In this same year, 880 medical camps were conducted in remote and needy villages and communities in South Asia.
2022 - Canada lawsuit - the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Toronto, Canada dismissed a motion to certify a class-action lawsuit against Gospel for Asia, Inc. ("GFA USA") and certain current and former directors and officers [15][16]. Also in 2022, GFA World launches a new short-feature radio program entitled GFA Minute with KP Yohannan[17].
2024 - GFA Founder, KP Yohannan dies on May 8th after being injured in an automobile accident while on his morning walk in Wills Point, Texas.
The goal of GFA World focuses on the formation of missionaries native to the nation the missionary is serving, with special emphasis on Asia. The organization has defined its primary mission field as being those people that live in the 10/40 Window[18], a rectangular region extending from west Africa to east Asia and between 10 and 40 degrees north longitude. By concentrating on this region GFA World ministers to a dense population of largely poor communities that have had limited or no exposure to the Christian faith.[19]
Although GFA World accepts trainers for Bible translation, the ministry discourages direct missions of Western culture|Western countries. Yohannan considers that the sending of Western missionaries to areas that are inaccessible to foreign missionaries can result in a waste of resources. He also believes that the imposition of western culture and neo-colonialism should be avoided. In order to increase efficiency and achieve its goals, GFA World has become a repository for donations and financial support of Asian missionaries by non-Asian cultures. GFA World administers these resources to the various programs listed below within its organization.[20][21][22]
Bridge Builder Movement
A recently launched program mobilizing a community of believers seeking to reach the millions who have yet to hear the Good News and experience Godʼs boundless love. Partnership starts at a monthly commitment of $19 used to provide clean water, food, education, medical services and training, programs for marginalized women, and evangelism.[23]
National missionaries
GFA World's main focus is to train and equip national missionaries. Yohannan has stated that he does not limit "national missionaries" to formal nation-states, instead focusing on differences in culture and language to define nationalities. This approach might result in several specialized missionary groups within a single nation-state, from large cities and regions down to small tribes and villages. It says that they have over 16,000 missionaries and church planters in over 10 Asian nations[24][25][26] In 2020, GFA-supported workers serve in 1,200 slums throughout Asia. [27]
Church buildings, bibles and gospel literature
GFA World raises funds for the building of simple Christian worship centers in small villages to educate new disciples as well as provide a visible meeting place for Christians. However, they have built several large cathedral type buildings in major cities. Examples are St. Thomas Believers Church Cathedral in Thiruvalla[28] and another in upscale neighborhood Hauz Khas[29]. They claim approximately 16 churches or mission stations are created every day. Similarly, GFA states they distribute native-language bibles and evangelical Christian literature to the region in order to strengthen churches and promote proclamation of the Christian faith.[26]
Radio and television broadcasts
Radio in Asia is a broadcast that is especially designed to reach Asian communities. Yohannan brags that Athmeeya Yathra (Spiritual Journey) radio programs "reach more than a billion people and are translated into 110 languages. He claims that his Road to Reality is aired on more than 900 radio stations across North America, Europe and Australia.[30] Athmeeya Yathra was recently expanded to include a television station and print media.[31] It also airs GFA Minute,[32] in 18 radio stations across the US. GFA Minute is a daily challenge to the church for radical Christian living.
Bible colleges
GFA World has over 56 bible colleges serving a whole range of cultures and dialects with the purpose of training native missionaries within their own dialects and cultures so that they will be effective ministers. [33] The program includes three years of instruction, including field instruction and experience. They claim that over 9000 native missionaries have been trained through these institutions.
GFA World's Child Sponsorship Program (formerly Bridge of Hope)
GFA World maintains a child sponsorship program for impoverished children and their families and communities in underserved communities, especially lower-caste families in Asia. The ministry was renamed in 2021 after decades in service to over 70,000 children. Child sponsorship through GFA World provides nutritious daily meals, access to medical care, school supplies and ongoing education in a loving, Christian environment. Religious conversion is not required for participation; rather, the service provides practical help and hope to the child, their family and community.[34][35] In their 2021 year in review, GFA reported they have helped 142,000 children since the Child Sponsorship Program began in 2004. [36] In March 2021, GFA World established a branch of GFA’s Child Sponsorship Program in Kigali, Rwanda.[37]
Jesus Wells and BioSand Filters and Sanitation
GFA World digs wells in communities where water is scarce during parts or most of the year. These wells are built for long-term use near churches, bible colleges or Child Sponsorship centers, and each well is maintained by a local pastor. These wells provide free, clean water to individuals regardless of caste, class, social designation or religion.[38][39] In its 2019 Special Report, GFA reports 4,856 Jesus Wells drilled in communities needing clean water. [40] Since starting this outreach, more than 38 million people have received safe, pure drinking water through GFA World's clean water initiatives. More clean water FAQs from GFA can be found on and
In addition, GFA World is active in producing and distributing BioSand Water Filters which purify 98% of any dirty or polluted water that is poured into them. These are beneficial to families who only have access to dirty or contaminated water sources, and can then cleanse their supply into pure, clean drinking water. To date, 39 million people have received safe, pure drinking water through GFA World’s clean water initiatives according to their latest annual report
As of 2021, GFA World has taught 60,400 families the importance of proper sanitation including the distribution of 150,000 hygiene kits.
Campus Events
Set Apart Retreat
GFA World conducts an annual 5-day Set Apart Retreat at the Willis Point Campus in Texas.[41] This retreat is for young people ages 18 through 30. Throughout the retreat, the participants engage with the Lord through corporate or individual times of prayer, morning chapel worship service, inspiring messages from Christian leaders, workshops on spiritual practices and mission passion, times of solitude and reflection, small groups discussions, special evenings of worship, community meals and fellowships. Francis Chan and George Verwer were speakers at this retreat in 2022.
Ministry Apprenticeship
The Ministry Apprenticeship is a 6-month program open to anyone interested in a real experience of what it is like to be with behind-the-scenes missionaries who are focused on bringing Good News to unreached peoples in the 10/40 window. Participants will join the staff at GFA World in worship, prayer, work and life together.[42]
Renew Your Passion Conference
Renew Your Passion is a weekend gathering of people who seek Christ and His heart for the lost. It is open to missionaries, church workers, mission advocates, mission-field leaders and like-minded believers. This event is often held in September each year.[43]
Compassion Ministries
Medical Ministry
Medical camps, a major aspect of GFA World's supported medical ministry, bring skilled doctors, medical staff, medication and health training to areas where people rarely have the chance to see a doctor. These camps may be organized in Child Sponsorship centers, remote villages, crowded slums—any place there is need and opportunity. One camp typically serves anywhere from 200 to 1,000 children and adults. Local medical personnel are invited to serve at the camp, providing free pediatric and general health care, and eye checkups. [44] GFA also gives critical healthcare training, literacy, and job-skills classes to women. In 2019, GFA and its partners worldwide provided 315,332 free healthcare training to women in 16 Asian nations, including Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal. [45] During the pandemic of 2020, 400,000 women received health-care training.
GFA World also gives critical healthcare training, literacy, and job-skills classes to women. In 2019, 1,267 medical camps were conducted in remote or needy communities.[45] During the 2020 pandemic, no less than 750 medical camps were conducted in remote and needy villages and communities.
Leprosy Ministry
Also called "Reaching Friends Ministry", the Leprosy Ministry[46][47] started as a small effort in 2007 to help a few people suffering with the disease. GFA-supported workers care for the patients through social and relief work, medical aid, health- and hygiene-awareness programs, and adult education and tutoring centers for children.[48]
Slum Ministry
GFA began supporting ministry in the slums in 1999. GFA-supported pastors and Sisters of Compassion who serve in slums provide prayer, healthcare, education, warm clothing, vocational training, adult literacy, water filters, toilets, income generating gifts and hope. [49] In 2019, GFA and its partners worldwide reached out to 872 slums in 16 Asian nations, including Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal. This included the installation of 5,428 toilets, 380,000 mosquito nets distributed and 300,000 blankets given to the poor.[50][51]
Sewing Machine Distribution
A sewing machine can enable parents to meet the needs of their family and send their children to school, solidifying their chances for a better future and giving them an opportunity to escape poverty. Given in the name of Christ, these machines also allow families to experience His love in a very practical way. GFA World is currently raising funds for 500 sewing machines.
Community Development
GFA World is already serving in many of these poor areas, identifying specific needs in these communities and blessing families with items that help them fight the burden of poverty. This often takes the form of essential requirements, like the need for a community for safe, clean drinking water. Investing in helping these families and their neighborhoods often make community growth and development possible.[52]
Expansion to Africa
GFA World's work in Africa began its expansion in Africa with GFA World Child Sponsorship in the slums of Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. This expansion also included training national missionaries, clean water projects, medical ministry, education for the underprivileged, women’s empowerment, and community development projects. GFA plans to expand ministry to six other nations in Africa during the next few years.[53][54] [55]
In 2024, GFA World launched a new 450-bed hospital, medical school, and training complex in Kigali. The state-of-the-art medical facility and training center is scheduled to be up and running by the end of 2025. It will serve the poorest of the poor, and train new African doctors and nurses.[56]
In 2025, GFA World extends missionary movement to Liberia, West Africa.[5]
Disaster Relief
Covid-19 Response
As the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the globe, GFA World and its field partners entered an all-out crisis response mode to help the beggars, the daily laborers, people living on the street, and anyone else in need and at risk of starvation [57][58][59]. Around 200 Child Sponsorship centers became community kitchens, cooking meals for their communities. Sisters of Compassion raise awareness of the virus and its prevention and GFA workers distribute nearly 120,000 dry ration food packets, nearly 1 million masks and 125,000 hygiene kits to different villages, migrant workers, the elderly and the vulnerable. To keep pastors encouraged, GFA uses text messaging to send morning devotionals written by K.P. Yohannan which are translated into many languages. [60][61]
Nepal Earthquake
Gospel for Asia-supported field partners joined forces with the Nepal government to provide disaster relief in the wake of the devastating earthquake that hit Nepal in 2015. The organization helped by providing food, water and medical supplies. Following the initial relief efforts, GFA’s founder K.P. Yohannan met with the Prime Minister of Nepal.[62]
Asian Water Crisis
One of their longest ongoing efforts to date, an effort to combat the global water crisis[63], Gospel for Asia’s Jesus Wells provide clean drinking water to Asian villages. By 2018, the organization helped construct almost 7,000 wells and BioSand water filters. The wells are typically maintained by Gospel for Asia-supported pastors or their church members, preventing the wells from breaking down and ensuring they last for up to 2 decades.[64][65][66] In 2019, 4,856 Jesus Wells were drilled in communities needing clean water and 12,243 BioSand water filters were given to families or individuals. [67]
Illiteracy and Poverty Alleviation
GFA World’s Child Sponsorship after-school program assists underprivileged villages through ongoing literacy and education for their boys and girls. This education helps children and their families to overcome generational poverty and avoid the worlds of bonded labor and sex-slave trade.[68][69] As of now, there are more than 600 of these centers in existence.[70] Students at the centers receive daily education and a nutritious meal, school supplies and uniforms as well as free medical care.[71][72] GFA is using these centers as a way to alleviate the root causes of impoverishment and gender discrimination in Asian countries as well as inhumane child labor practices.[73][74]
According to reports, in 2018 GFA assisted “more than 70,000 children, free medical services in over 1,200 villages and remote communities, 4,000 wells drilled, 11,000 water filters installed, Christmas gifts for more than 200,000 needy families, and spiritual teaching available in 110 languages in 14 nations through radio ministry.”[75]
GFA World also conducts adult literacy training across Asia, and taught 25,000 women how to read and write in 2020. GFA's FAQ Pages on poverty alleviation give more details. [76][77]
Flooding Response
In 2018, flooding in Kerala left over 200,000 Indian people without homes. GFA’s primary field partner saw their Kerala headquarters suffer from severe flooding. Many Child Sponsorship centers also suffered damage. But GFA’s field-partner volunteers delivered medical supplies, clothes, food and fresh water to flooding victims throughout the area.[78] The estimated recovery time from these floods is five years and GFA-supported field partners plan to assist for as long as necessary. In 2021, GFA also responded when a deadly flash flood from a glacier in India’s Himalayan Mountains hit Uttarakhand region bordering Nepal. The flood has left at least 30 people dead and 165 others were reported missing.[79]
In September 2022, GFA responded to Pakistan's Deadly 'Monsoon On Steroids' by delivering basic medicine, water, food and clothing. [80]
Sri Lanka Easter Bombing
GFA also contributed to relief efforts after the Easter bombings in Sri Lanka in April 2019. They provided victims with food and other emergency supplies. One of GFA’s supported social workers lost five family members in the bombings. In addition, two bombs were found near GFA-supported offices.[81][82]
Special Reports
GFA World has published over 35 intensive Special Reports on a wide range of topics surrounding issues that affect the poor and underprivileged. They include some of the following:
Hardships of Widows [83]
Sorrows of widows have been multiplied to an unbearable level due to isolation, expulsion from family, loss of property rights, and other extraordinary pressures that are often overlooked. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought immense grief and isolation to women worldwide who lost their husbands, intensifying their pain due to expulsion from family, loss of property rights, and social pressures often overlooked. In the United States, despite the easing of pandemic fears with vaccine distribution, young widows who lost spouses in the past two years are grappling with the beginning of their journey through grief. Existing inequalities and challenges has left widows in a precarious position, without access to property rights and facing discrimination. The United Nations recognizes the plight of widows and the urgent need to dismantle discriminatory laws, emphasizing that the pandemic has only heightened the struggles faced by countless women thrust into widowhood.
Open Defecation,[84]
Open Defecation is a disease-producing practice that contaminates drinking water and spreads diseases such as cholera, dysentery and diarrhea, which is particularly fatal among children. The incidence of such disease can disrupt young people’s education. In addition, females who engage in open defecation are more vulnerable to sexual violence. The problem has generated widespread responses, such as India’s five-year-long Swachh Barat Abhiyan (“Clean India”) campaign that installed 110 million latrines by October 2019, with accompanying claims of success by Prime Minister Narenda Modi.
Malaria [85]
The 2019 World Malaria Report, released in December by the World Health Organization (WHO), said 405,000 people died from the disease in 2018. While that is less than the 435,000 fatalities recorded the previous year, the number of cases rose from 220 million to 228 million, a 3.6 percent increase (since 2016, cases are up 5.6 percent). A staggering 93 percent occurred in the African region in 2018, followed by Southeast Asia (3.4 percent) and the eastern Mediterranean (2.1 percent).
Global Water Stress [86]
Water is a resource that is becoming more precious than gold, oil or gas, according to various headlines from around the world. But the consequences of water becoming scarcer are dire — as areas become uninhabitable, tensions worsen and violence could erupt. Water problems directly affect 1.1 billion people who lack access to a basic drinking source. Then there are millions more who have to spend up to 60% of each day collecting water.
Hardships for Leprosy Patients [87]
Eliminating discrimination and false conceptions of leprosy is key to eliminating the disease itself. For, while effective drug treatments have been available since the 1980s, ongoing stigma means many sufferers wait too long to be diagnosed, causing irreversible damage. GFA teams close the emotional gap that has separated so many people with leprosy from the rest of the world by literal hands-on care, such as tending for wounds.
Modern Day Slavery [88]
Human trafficking generates an estimated $150 billion a year from the oppressed lives and broken hearts of men, women and children. What sets human trafficking apart from other major issues GFA World has addressed in its series of articles on key global challenges is that it is entirely man-made, both exacerbating and taking advantage of natural factors like disease, economic impoverishment, climate change and the coronavirus.
Fighting Poverty [89]
Poverty is a heritage millions of children receive—and wrestle to be free of. UNICEF estimates 375 million children are living in poverty. But when parents or teachers pass an education, filled with empowering ideas, into those young hands, the horizon holds incredible opportunity. The foundation of global poverty quivers, just one generation later.
Tragedies of Girlhood [90]
According to 2018 findings, girls comprise about 20% of total trafficking victims, 25% of victims trafficked for sexual exploitation. 2.5 million more girls could be at risk of child marriage, and in 2020 alone teen pregnancies may have risen by up to 1 million.
Literacy [91]
Two-hundred fifty million women in Asia today are illiterate. According to UNICEF, literacy rates have shown a positive trend in recent years, due to the multitude of programs and outreaches around the world to erase one of the root causes—if not the major root cause—of illiteracy, which would be a lack of educational systems. GFA-supported Child Sponsorship Program centers put an ax to this root cause by providing impoverished children free educational help.
Child Labor [92]
According to Maplecroft Child labor Index, India ranks fifth on child labor for mining, agriculture, garment factories. GFA World takes part in combating this deplorable work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development. For 40 years, the singular focus of GFA World has been “to take the love of Christ to people who have never heard His name before. These are people who know they have great needs. The Lord has granted us the high honor to love them and to serve them as His representatives.
In addition, it has an extensive library on Poverty FAQs and Clean Water FAQs.[93][94]
See GFA World's 2020 Annual Full Reports with stories from the field as a PDF [95] [96].
30 Christian Leaders [98][99] have affirmed Gospel for Asia's Integrity and Credibility
"K.P. has been a mentor to me for years. The way that he speaks to God and about Him is different from anyone else I know. His words and actions have led to me loving Jesus more consistently and deeply. He is the first to admit shortcomings in his life, but he continues to be an example to me. For this, I am eternally grateful."
—Francis Chan, pastor and author of "Crazy Love"
"Gospel for Asia is not a movement but a phenomenon. GFA has become one of the most significant mission organizations of this century. "I praise God for the great love and commitment of K.P. and Gisela Yohannan for the people of Asia. Millions have received the Word of God because of them and the ministry of Gospel for Asia."
— George Verwer, founder of Operation Mobilization and world missions advocate.
"I am grateful for the training that Gospel for Asia has given to many evangelists who are effectively reaping the ripe harvest fields of Sri Lanka."
—Ajith Fernando, teaching director of Youth for Christ in Sri Lanka
"Having been personally involved in missions in dozens of countries for decades, I can say that what God is doing through KP Yohannan and Gospel for Asia is a move of God. I have seen the work on the field firsthand, and how finances are handled; it was the most comprehensive accounting I've encountered. I've also worked closely with GFA's leader and can personally attest that this is not only a remarkable ministry that is being used by God, it is operated with the most professional integrity imaginable."
—The Rt. Rev. Dr. Bill Atwood, Dean for International Affairs for the Anglican Church in North America and Bishop of the International Diocese
"I have known Brother K.P., the staff and ministry of Gospel for Asia for nearly 40 years. I know the leadership, the team, and more importantly, I have been to Asia and seen the work firsthand. I have been to Bridge of Hope centers, villages where they minister to those with leprosy, water projects, hospitals, churches and so much more. Gospel for Asia has had a phenomenal impact on an area of the world with tremendous needs. I cannot state too strongly how much I endorse the people of GFA, their mission and their vision for the future."
—Chip Lusko, Calvary Chapel pastor
"Years ago I came across Gospel for Asia and quickly realized they were the only large-scale international ministry I knew of that operated like the First Century Church. They were humble, devout, pious, going to the poorest of the poor, willing to suffer life-threatening persecution, and doing works like those recorded in the Book of Acts -- preaching the Word with signs and wonders following (deliverance from demonic oppression, healings, miracles, raising from the dead), making disciples and then sending those out. Because of this, I felt the Lord told me to offer my services for free, which they lovingly accepted. Still walking with GFA today because the heart of this ministry and its work hasn’t changed. They are still doing the works of Jesus among the least of these, to the glory of God and fulfillment of His Kingdom."
—Palmer Holt, President, InChrist Communications
"[On my trip], I learned that the far-reaching effect of GFA's work in South Asia is beyond what I imagined. I really saw God's hands and feet in the GFA missionaries. I learned that this is an extremely well-run ministry to God's glory. You can see God's blessing on the ministry with much fruit of labor and finances to enable the work on the ground.
— Barbara Dowling, sales manager at 93.7 Faith FM, Ontario, Canada
"For half my life I have known and worked closely with Dr. K.P. Yohannan … that's over four decades. From its early days up until the present, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible growth of the Believers Eastern Church throughout Asia. It is an amazing testimony to the life-changing power of the Gospel and also to K.P.'s remarkable leadership skills. I have seen his understanding of the Christian faith expand in ever so many positive ways. More recently, I have watched him respond humbly to the criticisms of those who for whatever reasons have attacked him. His preaching still stirs my soul. I believe 100% in his integrity and am honored to serve as one of GFA's Board of Directors.
—Dr. David R. Mains, Chapel of the Air radio broadcaster and founder of the 50-Day Spiritual Adventure
"Dr. K.P. Yohannan is a missionary statesman, a pastor to pastors, a mission leader to mission leaders, and a father to the fatherless. At Christian Men's Network, we look for deserving men around the world to highlight as role models for our Global Fatherhood Initiative. My introduction to Dr. Yohannan was reading Against the Wind, Finishing Well in a World of Compromise, which stirred me deeply. In a unanimous decision, the CMN board presented Dr. Yohannan with the first annual Reggie White Fatherhood Award, to honor his demonstration for over 40 years of what it means to be a father by providing leadership to compassionate workers of faith and hope to the defeated."
— Rev. Paul Louis Cole, D.Th., President of Christian Men's Network
"I have been associated with this ministry for eight to 10 years in different ways. Their Canadian leadership has been at our church, and I have distributed hundreds of books among our church congregation. "I am deeply moved by the heart and passion of this ministry's personnel, from K.P. Yohannan to the Canadian office leadership. My wife and I have been sponsoring a national missionary for a good number of years because we believe in its principles. This ministry will inform, challenge, and stir your people concerning the vast needs in worldwide missions."
— Pastor Everett Flight, Ontario, Canada
"I traveled to South Asia and discovered Gospel for Asia has been uniquely raised up 'for such a time as this.' Only God's sovereign power could explain how 'earthen vessels' make such a dramatic difference. ... The faces of shining students receiving love reflect the dynamic difference the Holy Spirit makes. An elderly man was jumping for joy because of the dignity restored to him in empowering him to provide for himself. A single mother, enabled to support her family, was teaching 15 other women a trade. Clean water in Jesus' name is a marvel! I could go on and on to speak of the amazing Bible schools and the remarkable changes occurring. Suffice it to say, spending time with Brother K.P. personally reiterated to me that it is all so simple: God loves Asia, and He demonstrates it every day through GFA."
— Rev. Jeff Lutes, President and Founder of International Harvesters for Christ, Canada
"We became aware of Gospel for Asia about 10 years ago when some in our fellowship read K.P. Yohannan's book Revolution in World Missions and were impacted by its message. Now this book is standard reading for our missions committee and anyone interested in overseas work. Yohannan continues to challenge existing paradigms of ministry and leads us to enlarge our worldview, which includes supporting national missionaries."
— Shawna Rogers, Assistant Pastor of River Valley Wesleyan Church
"KP Yohannan and Gospel for Asia have profoundly impacted my life. As they always have been, they are on the very frontlines impacting millions of lives and doing it with the care and expertise of those who actually live among those they serve."
—Rev. Johnnie Moore, Author
"It was such an honor and joy on this last trip to spend time with a whole bunch of seasoned pastors from America, to see what God is doing there firsthand. We came back shocked and awed by the level of reliance on the Holy Spirit, by the organization. We got to see with our own eyes the extensive work. And really, left thinking we need to be doing more with them! It just is so great. And the work that God’s doing there is just tremendous! All of the different Bishops and all the leaders there, we just have such a high level of trust in them, especially Brother K.P. Yohannan. His faith and God’s hands are so evidently upon him, and I’ve been telling churches and anyone who will listen in America since I’ve been back: you need to get involved with what God is doing through Gospel for Asia (GFA World)."
—Pastor Levi Lusko, Fresh Life Church, Montana
"I have known GFA and their excellent ministry for almost 5 years. It has been a blessing to know His Grace KP Yohannan and the dedicated folks of GFA. I am moved by their commitment to the sharing of the good news of Jesus Christ with people who live in such material and spiritual poverty. The organization strives to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to their care, very intentional about following good management practices while remaining focused on the mission. It is a joy to cooperate with the good efforts of GFA."
—Rev. Gavin N. Vaverek, JCL
"There are many who talk a good message, but not too many who actually live it out. Gospel for Asia is serious about the challenge. ... The 10/40 Window is where the Gospel needs to go, and GFA is... standing in the gap... GFA has what it takes."
—Dr. Luis Bush, Servant Catalyst of Transform World
"My travel to South Asia... impacted me tremendously... I saw firsthand the work Gospel for Asia is doing to bring the Good News to the millions of people in South Asia. In addition, I witnessed the tremendous humanitarian efforts that are changing the lives of the poor and disenfranchised women and children."
—Suellen Roberts, Founder & President of Christian Women in Media
"My guess is that few... realize the extraordinary breadth and depth of the ministry outreach of Gospel for Asia. I am confident this is so, because it was true of me when I journeyed to South Asia. As we traveled, I was astonished at GFA's amazing outreach and witness for Christ.
"I met hundreds of children being taught, loved, and cared for in the name of Jesus. I spoke with young college students in preparation for a life of service to the Savior. I listened to pastors of small community churches describe their ministry. I met those who dig the Jesus Wells, bringing clean water and a powerful witness for Christ to an entire community. I talked with the GFA broadcasters who take the Good News to the entire nation through radio and other electronic media.
"I cannot say enough good things about K.P. Yohannan and all my friends at Gospel for Asia. This ministry is exceptionally effective, fully Christ-centered, and worthy of broader support."
—Frank Wright, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of D. James Kennedy Ministries
"I have always known Gospel for Asia as powerful prayer warriors and a group of humble people who seek to know Christ and make Him known."
—Pastor Steve Marquez
"I have had the privilege of going... to South Asia and was deeply moved by meeting with many GFA missionaries and pastors there. I was particularly inspired by seeing Jesus Wells outside the churches and also visiting the [Child Sponsorship Program] children centers, both of which are doing such fine work in helping the Dalits."
—Dan Wooding, Founder of ASSIST News Services and Host of "Front Page Radio"
"Gospel for Asia has become one of the more significant pioneer missionary agencies with a good accountability structure. They are doing an excellent job."
—Patrick Johnstone, author of six editions of Operation World
"We recently had a Gospel for Asia speaker share at our church and our men's meeting. GFA was new to our folks here, however, many were very touched by the message and the approach GFA is using to spread the love of Christ around the world."
—Pastor Dick Kelsey, Rocky Branch Baptist Church
"GFA is an invaluable partner to the local church for the work of the Gospel. They have richly blessed my congregation and have been a source of blessing in my pastoral ministry."
—Pastor David Cartwright, Russell Memorial United Methodist Church
"The gospel of Jesus Christ has always been about a neighbor reaching their neighbor. GFA does this supremely through the emphasis of national workers and pastors. GFA connects a church to 'their neighbors' thousands of miles away by understanding the biblical mandate, having a passion for people, and a commitment to prayer."
—Pastor Neil Orchard, Salem United Methodist Church
"Gospel for Asia is actively involved in our local community. As a pastor, I have enjoyed opportunities to share fellowship and prayer with several of their leaders. I appreciate their commitment to the Gospel and their enthusiasm for building up the body of Christ."
—Fr. Gavin Vaberek, Priest of St Luke’s Catholic Church, Wills Point, TX
"Our church has faithfully supported Gospel for Asia for twenty-two years because we strongly believe that they are one of God's choice ministries for winning lost souls and discipling believers in Asia. We have planted numerous churches through this ministry. We endorse and support this ministry without reservation."
—Pastor Charlie Avila, Clovis Christian Center, Fresno, California
"Gospel for Asia is a hundred-fold, fruit-bearing ministry for Jesus Christ! They are that good soil our Lord called for His disciples to be, bearing fruit 'a hundred-fold, sixty, and thirty' (Matthew 13:23). GFA has multiplied the Word of God, unlike any other ministry I have known in my forty years of ordained service. They have done so because they have been receptive with purity of heart to the Word of God likened to Seed. They have ‘let the Word of Christ richly dwell within them’ (Colossians 3:16). Consequently, they have borne an abundant amount of spiritual, good fruit for the Lord. And this is the ultimate standard for measuring good ministry, 'You shall know them by their fruits' (Matthew 7:16). I thank the Lord for this good-soil ministry."
—Archbishop Ray Sutton, Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church
"I have seen firsthand the work in Asia, the training of ministry leaders, churches, and [Child Sponsorship Program] centers. Frugality, simplicity, and godly wisdom are obvious in all the work. Everything is done for an eternal purpose with the longevity of a church in mind where millions are experiencing Christ's love who have never heard the name of Jesus. Dr. KP Yohannan has emulated this example of sacrifice and commitment to Jesus."
"Jesus said I am building my church and surely, we have witnessed this in the last 40 years with Gospel for Asia. I have personally walked in Asia down dirt roads where faithful brothers and sisters have brought the love of Christ to those who have never known it before. I have seen the seminaries and leadership of the Church. All I can say is that I am in awe of what God has done and is continuing to do. Eternity will show forth the fruit of all the Lord has done."
"Visiting with KP Yohannan in his home and office, all I can say is that I have been blown away by his frugality, simplicity, and love for the Lord. It has been a joy to have SermonIndex's journey with GFA in seeing so many come to experience the love of God. 'Know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain' (1 Corinthians 15:58)."
—Greg Gordon, Founder of
"Gospel for Asia has been a blessing to our community here in Wills Point, TX, for several years. Although primarily a missions organization, they have never pushed for or pressured us to financially support them. On the contrary, they have reached out to Churches and Pastors in a very cooperative inclusive spirit. They brought pastors together for prayer hosted at different Churches monthly. They also sponsor an event for back-to-school supplies at their facilities. The people from GFA that I have met are genuinely passionate about Jesus and live their lives as the shining lights and examples that God has called us to be. I thank God for GFA, the people, and their mission."
—Pastor Michael Williams, International Outreach Church
"KP Yohannan and Gospel for Asia have profoundly impacted my life. As they always have been, they are on the very frontlines impacting millions of lives and doing it with the care and expertise of those who actually live among those they serve."
—Rev. Johnnie Moore, Author
"My husband and I first heard about GFA World several years ago while listening to our favorite radio station. We had the opportunity to contribute to the Christmas Critter Campaign, and decided to purchase a Water Buffalo, because, as the song says, we all want one! Since that time, I have continued to have the joy of gifting to individuals and families overseas. I've also begun to sponsor a Behind-the-Scenes Missionary serving at GFA World Headquarters who hails from my home state. I love that GFA World provides me with the ability to spread the love of Jesus to people I probably won't have the chance to meet this side of heaven."
–Juliann, OH
Affiliate Offices
GFA World has 8 affiliated international entities in which they operate, including Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Germany, Finland and the Republic of Korea [100].
GFA Canada
The GFA Canada office in Ontario was established in 1986. It is registered with the Canadian government. As a charity office, GFA World Canada supports a range of projects across Asia and Africa, from providing medical camps in remote villages to disaster relief to access to safe drinking water and through GFA World’s child sponsorship program.
A Canadian class-action lawsuit, which accused the ministry of defrauding or making negligent misstatements to donors, was denied certification in May, 2022. The Ontario Superior Court of Justice found that those who accused GFA World Canada of wrongdoing failed to provide “admissible evidence beyond speculation, conjecture, and allegations of wrongdoing. [101]
Field Partners
Believers Eastern Church
Believers Eastern Church is administratively based in the state of Kerala in southwestern India. It was reorganized in 2015 into 33 dioceses. Its membership includes over 3.5 million people in 10 countries speaking a hundred languages. The Church currently has 30 Bishops, and the current Metropolitan Bishop is Athanasius Yohan I.
What does GFA World stand for?
Gospel for Asia changed its name recently to more accurately reflect the fact that it now operates in multiple countries in Asia and also in Rwanda, Africa[102]. Since changing its name, they have not officially published an answer to this question, but informal conversations with their staff would suggest that GFA World now stands for Good News for All the World. We'll update this when a formal announcement gets published.
Is Gospel for Asia trustworthy?
While Gospel for Asia has received much positive recognition for its philanthropic efforts and contributions to the impoverished all across Asia and Africa, it has also faced some controversies and criticism in the past. In 2015, GFA faced a lawsuit in the United States from former donors who accused the organization of misusing funds. The lawsuit alleged that GFA used money intended for charitable purposes to bolster various for-profit enterprises. After years in litigation, in 2019, GFA settled the lawsuit for $37 million without admitting any wrongdoing. In the final settlement, the plaintiffs agreed that ""all donations designated for use in the field were ultimately sent to the field." After settling the lawsuit in the litigious USA, an identical lawsuit was filed against GFA in Canada by related parties but was promptly rejected and dismissed by the Canadian legal system as being without any basis or merit.
It's important to note that the outcome of the USA lawsuit does not reflect poorly on the organization's current practices or trustworthiness. GFA claims to be firmly committed to good stewardship of the funds entrusted by friends and donors and continues to support a range of projects across Asia and Africa, from training of national missionaries, to hosting medical camps in remote villages, to providing access to safe drinking water, and education of families through GFAs child sponsorship programs.
What happened to Gospel for Asia?
After serving the poor in Asia for over 35 years through a variety of ways, GFA was sued in litigious America. While it eventually survived the class-action lawsuit, the incident took years and years to resolve and was a significant drain on the time and resources of the ministry. Many donors and churches stopped giving because of the lawsuit, regardless of whether it had any basis in fact or reality. With the lawsuit now behind them, GFA has gotten back to serving the poor in Asia and Africa, as it has been doing throughout its history.
Is GFA World Legitimate?
Because of the 2 lawsuits that GFA World has endured as Gospel for Asia, of which one was dismissed by the courts in Canada, and the other was settled out of court in the United States, some people have wondered if GFA World is legitimate?
But, it's probably best to look at the fruit of a ministry to determine whether it's legit or not, rather than the fact it's been a victim of various lawsuits in a litigious society.
Since GFA was founded in 1979, it has provided safe, pure drinking water to 39 million people; it has helped 142,000 children through their child sponsorship program; and it has taught 60,400 families the importance of proper sanitation [103] .
During COVID alone, 2.9 million people were provided relief: 150,000 daily ration kits of life saving food were provided; 200 child sponsorship centers functioned as community kitchens; 150,000 hygiene kits were distributed; and 1600 health awareness programs were conducted in rural villages and slums.
During 2021, no less than 500,000 women received free health care training; 27,000 women learned how to read and write; 163,300 families were helped through income generating and quality of life gifts; 225,000 blankets were distributed to the poor; and 880 medical camps were conducted in remote and needy villages providing free medical care for the poor.
These statistics might seem hard to believe, but many people have travelled to Asia to see firsthand the good work that occurs because of GFA World's dedication to helping the poor and providing hope and good news in areas untouched by God's love.
Is GFA World a Good Charity?
Having been in existence for over 40 years serving among the poorest families in multiple countries in Asia, and most recently, in Rwanda, Africa, tens of thousands of donors have placed their confidence in GFA as a good charity to support for reaching remote locations of the 10/40 window with the good news of God's love demonstrated in very practical ways.
What is the GFA controversy?
At one point there was a controversary surrounding GFA because of multiple class-action lawsuits filed against them in the USA and in Canada by donors alleging misappropriation of their donations. But the Canadian lawsuit was dismissed by the courts as being frivolous and without merit, whereas the US lawsuit was settled out of court for a significant sum of money, with GFA never admitting to any wrongdoing. Also, after the US lawsuit was filed, the ECFA dropped GFA's Charter Membership, which created some controversy as well, since GFA were members in good standing for over 30 years with ECFA.
- ↑
- ↑ Regional Updates - Gospel for Asia.
- ↑ GFA World: Showing God's Love in Africa (en).
- ↑ Gospel for Asia — Now GFA World — Launches its First-Ever Mission in Africa.“Gospel for Asia — Now GFA World — Launches its First-Ever Mission in Africa” Retrieved 25 June 2021.
- ↑ Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 GFA World Extends Missionary Movement to Liberia, West Africa.
- ↑ (2005) Asian and Pentecostal: The Charismatic face of Christianity in Asia. Regnum Books International. ISBN 1-870345-43-6.
- ↑ In Service to God.
- ↑ Philip, Shaju. An archbishop’s spiritual factory. The Indian Express. Retrieved on 30 January 2012.
- ↑ Bergunder, Michael (2008), The South Indian Pentecostal Movement in the Twentieth Century, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, page 53
- ↑ Gospel for Asia Celebrates Its 40th Year of God’s Faithfulness![ “Gospel for Asia Celebrates Its 40th Year of God’s Faithfulness!”] Retrieved 14 Feb 2019.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Gospel for Asia Makes ‘Loaves and Fishes’ Appeal for Help in Kerala State Flood Relief Efforts [href] accessed June 2, 2023
- ↑ One Year Update: Hope & Relief Brought to Kerala Flood Victims [1] accessed June 2, 2023
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ “What Is the 10/40 Window?” Retrieved 01 September 2023.
- ↑ Gospel for Asia official website.“Gospel for Asia: What We Do.” Retrieved 5 March 2016.
- ↑ Stout, Ken. “Fostering Sustainability and Minimizing Dependency in Mission Finances.” Reformed Theological Seminary Masters Thesis, October 2008. Retrieved 5 March 2016.
- ↑ Bergunder, Michael (2008), "The South Indian Pentecostal Movement in the Twentieth Century", Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, page 54-55
- ↑ Klaus Fiedler (1994), The Story of Faith Missions, page 404 (26)
- ↑ GFA World Bridge Builder Movement. [2] Retrieved 10 March 2024.
- ↑ Houston, Rickey. “Loving Your Neighbor: A Guide to Developing and Sustaining Community Service Projects.” Liberty University Baptist Theological Seminary Doctor of Ministry Thesis, March 2013. Retrieved 5 March 2016.
- ↑ Jaffarian, Michael. “The Statistical State of the North American Protestant Missions Movement, from the Missions Handbook, 20th Edition.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research. Vol.32, No. 1. January 2008. Retrieved 5 March 2016.
- ↑ Jump up to: 26.0 26.1 Wooding, Dan. “K.P. Yohannan’s Long Road To Helping India’s ‘Broken People’.” ASSIST News Service. 14 July 2006. Retrieved 5 March 2016.
- ↑ GFA World Annual Report 2020. [3] Retrieved 19 July 2021.
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- ↑ New Release Today, A Division of NRT Media Inc. “K.P. Yohannan Author Profile and Bibliography.” 1 September 2014. Retrieved 5 March 2016.
- ↑ Athmeeya Yathra Official Website. “Athmeeya Yathra TV: About. Retrieved 5 March 2016.
- ↑ GFA Minute with KP Yohannan Retrieved 5 March 2016
- ↑ Cooper, Bill. “Gospel for Asia President, K.P. Yohannan.” ChristiNet Christian News Service. Retrieved 5 March 2016.
- ↑ Gospel for Asia official website. “Gospel for Asia: Bridge of Hope.” Retrieved 5 March 2016.
- ↑ The Christian Post: Crossmap. “Anti-Christian Death Threats Force Closure of Child Sponsorship Center for Children in India.” 26 November 2013. Retrieved 5 March 2016.
- ↑ Gospel for Asia 2021 Special Report. [ ] Retrieved 15 June 2023.
- ↑ Gospel for Asia Missionaries in Africa. [ ] Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- ↑ Wooding, Dan. “Jesus Wells bring ‘living water’ to thousands in India and South Asia.” ASSIST News Service. Retrieved 5 March 2016.
- ↑ Christian Today. “5000 Jesus Wells Bringing Clean Water Across India and South Asia.” 19 March 2014. Retrieved 5 March 2016.
- ↑ Gospel for Asia 2019 Special Report. [4] Retrieved 13 March 2021.
- ↑ Set Apart.
- ↑ 6-Month Ministry Apprenticeship.
- ↑ Renew Your Passion Conference.
- ↑ The Need for Medical Ministry. [5] Retrieved 25 March 2021.
- ↑ Jump up to: 45.0 45.1 2019 A Year In Review. [6] Retrieved 25 March 2021.
- ↑ What Is Leprosy. [7] Retrieved 05 March 2021.
- ↑ The Need for Leprosy Ministry. [8] Retrieved 05 March 2021.
- ↑ COVID Stay-at-Home ‘Doesn’t Compare to Leprosy Isolation,’ Says Gospel for Asia. [9] Retrieved 05 March 2021.
- ↑ Slum Ministry. GFA Slum Ministry. Gospel For Asia (2023).
- ↑ 2019 - A Year In Review. A Year In Review. Gospel For Asia (2019).
- ↑ Generational Slums Retrieved 01 September 2023.
- ↑ Community Development [10] Retrieved 12 August 2021.
- ↑ GFA World Expands Ministry to Africa [11] Retrieved 15 April 2021.
- ↑ GFA World Launches First Missions in Africa [12] Retrieved 19 May 2021
- ↑ Gospel for Asia — Now GFA World — Launches its First-Ever Mission in Africa [13] Retrieved 02 June 2023
- ↑ ‘Never Seen Suffering on This Scale:’ Global Organization Launches Multi-Specialty Hospital in East Africa [14] Retrieved 24 July 2024
- ↑ GFA World Sending Vital Oxygen Supplies to COVID-Ravaged India.
- ↑ Hunger Grips COVID-Ravaged India; GFA World Responds.
- ↑ India’s poor more concerned by starvation than coronavirus, says Christian charity.
- ↑ The Ministry Continues.
- ↑ 2020 A Year In Review.
- ↑ Relief: Nepal Govt Lauds Church Volunteers.
- ↑ Global Water Crisis.
- ↑ GFA. The Universal Crisis That Unites All Nations Demands Christlike Response (en).
- ↑ Sight Magazine - New report highlights world water crisis and calls for action on solutions.
- ↑ November 9, Gospel for Asia |. A Jesus Well Transforms Salil’s Family (en).
- ↑ 2019 A Year In Review. “2019 A YEAR IN REVIEW Retrieved 22 April 2021.
- ↑ Generational Porverty.
- ↑ Turning The Spotlight On What Is Keeping Millions In Grinding Poverty.
- ↑ Ministry Saves Vulnerable Girls from Slavery (en).
- ↑ December 12, Gospel for Asia |. Trading Plastic Bottles for a Brighter Future - Help Children in Asia Through Gospel for Asia (en).
- ↑ Christians Give "Hands-On" Demonstration of God's Love (en).
- ↑ 100 million women ‘missing’ worldwide trapped in sex slavery, killed by abortions or domestic violence (en).
- ↑ Scale of child labour is laid bare in report.
- ↑ 'Greatest Human Rights Issue' Means the World Has Four Slaves for Every Prisoner (en).
- ↑ Proverty FAQ.
- ↑ Proverty FAQ.
- ↑ 'Surrounded by an Ocean of Water’: Historic Flooding Kills Hundreds in Kerala, India (en) (2018-08-17).
- ↑ Gospel for Asia Calls For Prayer As Himalayan Disaster Unfolds.
- ↑ GFA World Launches Aid Effort Amid Pakistan's Deadly 'Monsoon On Steroids'.
- ↑ Yohannan's advice: Keep your eyes on the cross.
- ↑ Gospel for Asia social worker lost 5 family members in Sri Lanka Easter bombings (en).
- ↑ Coronavirus Intensifies Hardships for Widows (en).
- ↑ Taking The Toilet Challenge (en).
- ↑ Malaria Makes Comeback Amid Pandemic (en).
- ↑ Water Stress: The Unspoken Global Crisis (en).
- ↑ Pandemic Worsens The Hardships of Leprosy Patients (en).
- ↑ Modern Day Slavery Speeds Up Under Cover of Covid 19 (en).
- ↑ Fighting Global Poverty With Ideas (en).
- ↑ Rewriting the Tragedies of Girlhood (en).
- ↑ Literacy: One of the Great Miracle Cures (en).
- ↑ Child Labor: Not Gone, but Forgotten (en).
- ↑ Poverty FAQs (en).
- ↑ Clean Water FAQs (en).
- ↑ GFA's 2020 ANNUAL REPORT (en).
- ↑ 2021 GFA World Annual Report [15] accessed 02 June 2023
- ↑ What Christian Leaders & Media Are Saying About Gospel for Asia “What Christian Leaders & Media Are Saying About GFA” Retrieved 14 Feb 2019.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Ontario Supreme Court of Justice Ruling on Zentner v. GFA World, 2022 ONSC 1683. Retrieved on 18 August 2022.
- ↑
- ↑ GFA's 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 1683. Retrieved on 04 August 2023.
- Brodeur, Michael; Liebscher, Banning. (2013). Chapter 4. Gospel Light Publications. ISBN 9780830765478[1]
- Yohannan, K.P. (2004). Revolution in World Missions. Gospel for Asia Books. Carrollton, Texas. ISBN 9781595890016 [2]
External links
- GFA World Official Website
- Gospel for Asia Statement of Faith
- GFA World Digital Room
- GFA's Facebook Twitter Instagram Patheos Blog