K.P. Yohannan
KP Yohannan passed away the morning of May 8th due to cardiac arrest after sustaining multiple injuries from being hit by an automobile in Wills Point, Texas, on May 7th while on his daily morning walk. The public viewing was held at the Restland Funeral Home, 13005 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, Texas. His mortal remains were kept for public viewing at the Believers Convention Center located at the Church’s global headquarters in Thiruvalla, Kerala, India. The funeral rites were held at the St. Thomas Believers Eastern Church Cathedral.[1][2][3][4]
Dr. KP Yohannan has been crisscrossing the globe for the past 40 years, challenging the Body of Christ to discipleship. His call to a radical lifestyle—with an all-out commitment to Jesus—has left its impact on nearly every continent. To the Church caught up by the tidal waves of compromise and self-preservation, Yohannan’s life message is a fresh word to this generation and yet as timeless as the scriptural mandate itself.
Yohannan is the founder and director of GFA World (Gospel For Asia)[5], a Christian mission organization deeply committed to seeing communities transformed through the love of Christ demonstrated in word and deed. He is also the founder and self-consecrated Metropolitan Bishop of Believers Eastern Church [6] with the religious title and name of Moran Mor Athanasius Yohan I. Believers Church is an indigenous church in South Asia.
Born in South India in 1950, Yohannan is the youngest of six sons. His mother dedicated each of her children to the Lord and longed to see one of them commit their lives to ministry. She secretly fasted each Friday for three-and-a-half years, praying, “Oh God, let just one of my boys preach!” Even as she prayed, her children were growing up, seeming destined for secular work. Finally, only the youngest, little “Yohannachan,” was left. Seeing how shy and insecure he was, his mother thought there was little chance that he would preach.
However, after Yohannan finished his schooling, he heard stories about North India from a visiting mission team, and his heart was gripped. His mother’s faithful prayers were answered as he immediately decided to join the mission movement and go to faraway North India to help bring the Good News to the multitude of villages that had never heard of Christ. While preparing to go with this radical mission team from Europe, the timid 16-year-old was challenged by a call to radical discipleship from missionary statesman George Verwer. That night, Yohannan couldn’t sleep. What if God asked him to preach publicly in the streets? What if he was stoned and beaten?
Suddenly, God’s presence filled the room, and he knew he was not alone. “Lord God,” he prayed in surrender, “I’ll give myself to speak for You—but help me to know that You’re with me.”
The next morning, he awoke with a supernatural love and burden for the people around him. The Lord gave him courage to speak to the crowds he saw that day, and he continued to preach for the next seven years in North India. As a field evangelist and regional coordinator, he was responsible for the members of his teams and the planning of each day. His future wife, Gisela, was also serving with the mission movement at the same time, and Yohannan felt through their brief encounters that he had found someone who shared his same vision and calling.
In 1971, Yohannan was invited to spend a month in Singapore at a new institute that had been started by John Haggai. Here, he was challenged by Haggai to do something significant with his life for God’s glory. His time at the institute produced a restlessness that eventually led him to leave India to search abroad for God’s ultimate will in his life. In 1974, he came to the United States, where he received his theological training at Criswell College. He and Gisela were married after his first term.
As a theology student, Yohannan was ordained and began pastoring a local church in Dallas, where he served for four years. While God blessed his pastoral ministry, Yohannan couldn’t forget the burden God had given him for those who had never once heard the name of Jesus.
Yohannan is married to Gisela,[7] who served with him in Operation Mobilization. They met in 1973.[8] In 1974, they were married in Germany, Gisela’s birth country. They have two children, Daniel and Sarah, and seven grandchildren.
1950 - KP Yohannan is born
1958 - became a follower of Jesus
1966 - joined Operation Mobilization (OM)
1971 - was invited to spend a month in Singapore at a new institute that had been started by John Haggai. The Institute now conducts Haggai International Institute for Advanced Leadership and has trained leaders in 189 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East during the last 53 years.
1974 - moved to the United States for theological studies at Criswell College; married Gisela; Six months into his undergraduate degree, K. P. Yohannan became an ordained clergyman and served as a pastor of a Native American Southern Baptist church for four years near Dallas, Texas.
1978 - graduated with a B.A. in Biblical Studies, becoming the school’s first international student to graduate.
1979 - started Gospel for Asia in Kerala, India; resigned from his church to devote his attention full-time to mission work.
2003 - awarded Alumnus of the Year from Criswell College; presented with the Individual Achievement in International Broadcasting Award by the National Religious Broadcasters Association (NRB).
2013–2015 - served as a board member with the National Religious Broadcasters Association (NRB).
2016 - received the Reggie White Fatherhood Award from the Christian Men’s Network’s Global Fatherhood Initiative
2018 - Believers Eastern Church announced that the bishops and leaders in the church would take up "ecclesiastical" names in church duties, and K.P. Yohannan would now be known as Moran Mor Athanasius Yohan Metropolitan in relation to church duties.
2024 - entered Eternity on May 8th after being injured in an automobile accident while on his morning walk in Wills Point, Texas.
Remembering the Millions in Asia
As the Lord reminded Yohannan of the millions in Asia still waiting to learn of His love for them, he resigned his pastorate, and he and Gisela began taking steps to start an organization to support national missionaries, which eventually became known as GFA. They began meeting together each Tuesday night with a small, faithful group of believers to pray over world maps.
The Lord soon guided them to start a program through which people could regularly support the work of national missionaries by laying aside one dollar a day. As the Lord opened doors to share this opportunity with churches and individuals, the ministry began to grow.
Today, GFA World comes alongside thousands of national workers and supports them through prayer and assistance as they bring hope to the most needy in South Asia. GFA World is engaged in dozens of projects, such as caring for poor children, slum dwellers and widows and orphans; providing clean water by funding wells; supporting medical missions; and meeting the needs of those in leprosy colonies. Through GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program, tens of thousands of children are being rescued from the generational curses of poverty and hopelessness. In honor of Yohannan’s decades of demonstrating the heart of a father to the fatherless, the members of the Christian Men’s Network’s Global Fatherhood Initiative awarded him the Reggie White Fatherhood Award in 2016. In 2003, he was awarded Alumnus of the Year from Criswell College for his influence in the work of God.
Dr. Yohannan had a close working relationship and friendship with the late George Verwer, the radical evangelist and founder of Operation Mobilization (OM), who was also his mentor in evangelism and discipleship [9].
A Ministry of Discipleship
One of Yohannan’s deep desires is to see a new generation catch sight of the Lord’s burden for the hopeless in their generation and to give themselves, no-holds-barred, to His work. GFA World’s School of Discipleship, a one-year program for young adults, is helping fulfill this dream. Through this life-changing year at GFA’s headquarters in East Texas, dozens of young people have deepened their relationship with Christ and grown in their desire to follow in His footsteps. Many of them are now serving the Lord full-time in different capacities across the globe.
Ministering hope and practical help to the people of South Asia, Dr. Yohannan’s radio program, Spiritual Journey, reaches more than 1 billion people in 110 languages. His Road to Reality [10] radio program airs weekly on more than 200 radio stations in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Additionally, viewers in 100 nations can watch him daily on AYTV. He served on the executive committee of World by Radio from 2004–2012 and as a board member with the National Religious Broadcasters Association (NRB) from 2013–2015. In recognition of his service, NRB presented Yohannan with its Individual Achievement in International Broadcasting award in 2003. Dr. Yohannan is also an active member of the Kerala Council of Churches (KCC). He represents Believer’s Eastern Church. [11][12]
Dr. Yohannan is a prolific writer with more than 200 books published in Asia and 11 in the United States. With more than 3.9 million copies in print, Yohannan’s landmark book, Revolution in World Missions, is an international bestseller that has literally changed the course of mission history in our generation. Yohannan’s other titles include The Road to Reality; Come, Let’s Reach the World; Living in the Light of Eternity Living in the Light of Eternity; Destined to Soar; No Longer a Slumdog. For his faithful service to the Body of Christ, Yohannan was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Hindustan Bible College in Chennai, India.
- Against The Wind. Amazon, Paperback, ISBN 1595890475 - Drawing from contemporary illustrations and moving life experiences, K.P. Yohannan plumbs the depths of 2 Timothy to reveal the characteristics that help us to run strong, so that one day we can echo Paul—“I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.” Press on against the wind.
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- A Life of Balance. Amazon, Paperback, ASIN B00IMUAJSI - Learn how to develop the balance which will keep your life and ministry healthy and honoring God. In this short booklet, K.P. Yohannan discusses Biblical balance in 11 key areas of life, such as discipline and freedom, faith and common sense, love and doctrine, zeal and wisdom
- Believers Eastern Church (e-book) We live in a synthetic world of make-believe and pretense. We long for reality, but lack of authentic information often leaves us confused. With tens of thousands of Christian denominations, one wonders which one is authentic and represents the truth that we all seek. Is there a plumb line, a touchstone that will help us find what is real?
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- Destined to Soar. Amazon, Paperback, ASIN B00LDW4G2C - Like a breath of fresh air, K.P Yohannan calls us far above this world where the air is clear and we can see again. These short, hard-hitting chapters keep you thinking and confront you with change. You will discover that there is a purpose for your struggles and a way to walk through them with joy, peace and trust in the Living God. Time and time again, you are brought face-to-face with what is really important.
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- Journey with Jesus. Amazon, Paperback, ASIN B00INIANV2 - Hang around someone long enough and you're bound to pick up their habits. And what were the “habits” of Christ, the qualities that changed the course of history? K.P. Yohannan encourages you to accept Jesus's divine invitation to learn from Him. Just as He called the 12 disciples, our Savior welcomes you to walk the roads of life with Him. You will never be the same again.
- Learning to Pray. Amazon, Paperback, ASIN B00IMTWNKQ - In this book, K.P. Yohannan will show you how significant of a role your prayers play on this earth, and you will learn the first steps of praying consistently and effectively.
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- Living in the Light of Eternity: How to Make the Only Difference That Matters. Amazon, Perfect Paperback, ISBN 1595891404 Find real answers to these questions in this contemplative yet highly practical book. Combining examples from Christ's life, eye-opening statistics and fascinating true stories, Dr. K.P. Yohannan will help you take an honest yet hope-filled look at your life. You will discover the keys to gaining -and maintaining- a vertical motivation in your service to God. And building on that solid foundation, you will learn how to begin reorganizing your priorities in light of eternity.
- Never Give Up Amazon, Paperback ISBN-10:1595891757 God, where are You? Have you found yourself asking that question? This was the case for K.P. Yohannan as he walked through what he calls the forest fire of grief and pain. His openness, sincerity and vulnerability about years of struggle and discovery will give you strength to endure your own difficulties. K.P. Yohannan challenges the reader to find God and His direction through these last days in order to make the most of the moments of time we have left.
- No Longer a Slumdog: Bringing Hope to Children in Crisis. Amazon, Paperback, ISBN 1595890653 Read about an abandoned girl who found hope at the end of the railroad tracks, a young boy who escaped after years of forced servitude, and many others whose lives have been redeemed. You'll be captivated by this powerful move of God as K.P. Yohannan leads you on a journey through the slums and villages of South Asia into the hearts and lives of these precious children.
- One Month For Asia - A Devotional Guide Amazon Paperback ASIN: B0016SQJ6E
- Principles in Maintaining a Godly Organization. Amazon, Paperback, ASIN B00INIAEY8 Remember the "good old days" in your ministry—Your passion to reach the lost? Your zeal to serve others in love and unity? What about today? Are you in danger of becoming “just another organization”? It doesn't have to happen! K.P. Yohannan shares from Scripture and personal experience how to keep the original vision God gave you and maintain vibrancy, life and joy within your ministry.
- Revolution in World Missions. Amazon, Paperback, ISBN 1595890017 Revolution in World Missions is an autobiographical and prophetic work of K.P. Yohannan. The book tells of his personal call to be part of taking the love of Christ to a world so desperate in need, and challenges readers to a radical lifestyle of all-out commitment to Christ and his cause. It also advocates what has been called a “third wave” in missions, shifting away from a focus on sending Western missionaries to one that is more on support for national Christian workers. The book was first published in 1986 and has been translated into eight languages. There are currently more than 4 million copies distributed around the world.[13]
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- Seeing Him. Amazon, Paperback, ASIN B00INIAIIU Do you often live just day-to-day, going through the routine of life? We so easily lose sight of Him who is our everything. Through this booklet, let the Lord Jesus restore your heart and eyes to see Him again.
- Tender Heart: Poems (Currently unavailable online)
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- Thablitha (e-book) The symbols and godly traditions of our Holy Faith help us to retain our identity, which is based on the One Holy Church. The Thablitha is an important symbol and component of the celebration of the Eucharist, which speaks of the Cross of Christ and His eternal sacrifice for our redemption.
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- The Beauty of Christ through Brokenness. Amazon, Paperback, ASIN B00IMU3IMW How we long for these same qualities in our lives. But there is only one way this can happen: His beauty can only be seen through brokenness. In this challenging short read, K.P. Yohannan explains through God’s word and from his own experiences and struggles: What brokenness means, Why it is needful, How the Lord breaks us, The rewards of a broken life. This is not a self-help or quick-fix book. But as you yield to the hand of God in this personal area of brokenness, your life will begin to change, and you will bring God honor as you reflect Christ’s beauty to the hurting world around you.
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- Theosis (e-book) If I ask you, “Do you want to become godly,” I’m sure your answer will be a resounding “yes!” But how do you become someone who understands God’s ways and experiences Him in your life? Is there a road map for it? What should you do or which way should you go? How does God desire for us to know Him and what is your role in it?
- The Plumb Line (e-book)Our faith is based solely on the Word of God. While the Nicene Creed is not part of the Holy Bible, its importance is second only to that of the Holy Bible itself. Every believer should endeavor to be able to recite it from memory. The Nicene Creed is a short and condensed one-page version of the Holy Scriptures. This creed contains the non-negotiable fundamental truths and doctrines of the Bible, and it covers God’s revelation from eternity past to eternity future.
- The Seasons of Lent (US) Ordered through GFA Store
- The Sign of the Cross (e-book) In the history of the world, there is one event that stands above all others. That event is the crucifixion of Christ. He gave His life for our salvation.
- The Worship of the Church (e-book) The break-up of the Church is one of the darker aspects of the Protestant Reformation during 1500 A.D. under Martin Luther of Germany. Now there are 40,000 denominations, each of which claim to be the true and authentic church in their faith and practice!
- Touching Godliness. Amazon, Paperback, ISBN 1595891218 How often we find ourselves on the outside, watching others who have a sincere godliness and a trust in the Lord that can't be stopped; but it all seems beyond our reach. K.P. Yohannan challenges us that we, too, can touch godliness as we follow Jesus down the path of surrender and submission. Chapter by chapter, with fatherly concern he confronts us with truth that few others are willing to say--truth that leads to the abundant life we so desire. Plus, the included study guide offers thought-provoking questions and pointed action steps to move us from head knowledge to heart transformation.
- The Road to Reality: Coming Home to Jesus from the Unreal World. Amazon, Paperback, ASIN B00KMD585W Do you find yourself conforming to the culture rather than transforming it? Do you ever wonder: Is this what Christ meant by "Follow Me"? For more than two decades, The Road to Reality has helped thousands to escape from the plastic Christianity of our age and find true freedom as devoted servants of the Lord Jesus. In this prophetic and practical book, K.P. Yohannan will point the road back to authentic New Testament Christianity and help you take your first steps toward living with simplicity and purpose. Grounded on timeless biblical principles, this revised edition of The Road to Reality is for a new generation hungry for reality in their lives.
- When We Have Failed-What Next?. Amazon, Paperback, ASIN B00GXKPMYU There is hope! If you are struggling with a failure in your life, you are not alone. We have all failed. But, this is not the end for us, no matter how it may feel right now. K.P. Yohannan graciously reminds us of God’s unfailing love and His marvelous ability to reshape miserable failures into glorious demonstrations of His mercy and grace. So look up! The best is truly yet to come.
- Who Am I (e-book)As C.S. Lewis said, we live in a ‘shadow land’, an unreal world. Hence, throughout our life journey, we pretend, trying to be what we are not. The consequence – unbearable burden and guilt.
- Why the World Waits (Modern Missions) (Currently unavailable online)
"The single most important hindrance to world evangelization right now is the lack of total involvement by the body of Christ." - K.P. Yohannan
“Every truth in this world stretched beyond its limits will become a false doctrine.” ― K.P. Yohannan, Living in the Light of Eternity
“God's word tells us that righteousness is a gift; it cannot be earned. But godliness is not a gift. We must pay a price to touch godliness through a daily decision to die to self and embrace the cross. God calls us to learn godliness in the classroom of life among people as we sit on airplanes and buses, walk among our neighbors and labor at our factories or desks.” ― K.P. Yohannan, Touching Godliness
“Yet so often it seems that victory eludes us. It is when our self-confidence is finally destroyed and is replaced with dependence upon God that we have victory.” ― K.P. Yohannan, When We Have Failed-What Next?: God's Answer to Our Failures
“When our service for the Lord becomes so busy that we forget the Lord Himself, it is time to stop everything and seek Him.” — K.P. Yohannan, The Lord’s Work Done in the Lord’s Way
“How many more cars, clothes, toys, and trinkets do we really need before we wake up and realize that half the world goes to bed every night with empty stomachs and naked bodies?” — K.P. Yohannan, No Longer a Slumdog [14]
On 7 May 2024, Yohannan was hit by a vehicle while on a morning walk in Wills Point, Texas. He died the following day from cardiac arrest. Yohannan was 74.[1][2][3][15]
What happened to KP Yohannan?
K. P. Yohannan died from significant injuries sustained in an accident in Dallas, Texas, U.S., on 8 May 2024. He had been hit by a vehicle while taking a morning walk.[16]
He used to travel extensively from the United States to various countries in Asia, as well as Africa, to oversee the ministry and outreach of GFA World. Because of numerous threats to his life, his travel schedule was typically undisclosed, which sometimes led to people wondering where he was and why he maintained an air of secrecy about his day to day work.
In addition, he had adversaries who made it their goal to misconstrue his mission / purpose / vision in life, so it's typically been true that various sources like to create fake news about KP, that often sticks on the internet for lengths of time.
Examples of fake news include: 1. how there was a warrant out for his arrest from the state of Texas; 2. how his home in Kerala, India was raided by the local Tax Department that found cash in a car nearby (the daily bank deposit); 3. that KP drives a fancy European Sports Sedan (it's a 1964 VW Beetle without air conditioning that he's owned for over 30 years); 4. that he is divorced although he's been happily married to his wife, Gisela, for nearly 50 years.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 "Believers Church Metropolitan KP Yohannan passes away".
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Latest Updates on Athanasius Yohan I Metropolitan.
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 Kerala-based church's founder KP Yohannan dies in Texas after accident.
- ↑ Latest Updates on Athanasius Yohan I Metropolitan.
- ↑ Gospel For Asia Website "https://www.gfa.org/"
- ↑ Believers Church "http://www.believerschurch.com/"
- ↑ Bland, Vikki. Yohannan: Persecution is Part of the Deal. Crosswalk.com.
- ↑ Bergunder, Michael (2008). The South Indian Pentecostal Movement in the Twentieth Century. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8028-2734-0.
- ↑ https://gfanews.org/press-releases/my-mentor-george-verwer-he-lived-like-the-apostle-paul-radical-to-the-end/
- ↑ Road to Reality "http://www.roadtoreality.org/"
- ↑ https://www.bec.org/metropolitan-events/
- ↑ http://www.keralacouncilofchurches.org/members.html
- ↑ Gospel for Asia Celebrates Its 40th Year of God’s Faithfulness![https://www.gfa.org/40-years/ “Gospel for Asia Celebrates Its 40th Year of God’s Faithfulness!”] Retrieved 14 Feb 2019.
- ↑ 10 Insightful Quotes from Dr. KP Yohannan "https://missionsbox.org/essays/quotes-kp-yohannan-gfa-40th-anniversary/"
- ↑ Obituary for K.P. Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan) (1950-2024).
- ↑ "Believers Church Metropolitan KP Yohannan passes away".
External links
- KP Yohannan's Official Blog
- Gospel For Asia World
- KP Yohannan's Wiki Page
- KP Yohannan's Facebook Twitter Instagram Amazon GFA Minute Patheos Blog