Environmental Justice Foundation
"The Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) is a UK- based non-profit organisation working internationally to protect the environment and defend human rights. EJF charitable trust became a registered charity in England and Wales, charity no. 1088128 (2001); EJF Ltd is an associated non-profit company.
"EJF is headed by the founding directors, Steve Trent and Juliette Williams who together have over 40 years experience in environmental and human rights investigations, research and campaigns. EJF has a team of researchers, campaigners and film-makers based in offices in London, Liberia and Sierra Leone, and supported by volunteers and experts who dedicate their time to work pro bono for our projects...
"EJF's Patrons are: explorer and writer Benedict Allen, author Iain Banks, model, actress and activist Lily Cole, actress Emilia Fox, and artist Rachel Whiteread CBE. The Board of Patrons enables EJF’s campaign messages to reach a wider audience and have a greater impact on the public." [1]
Accessed April 2013: [2]
Web: http://www.ejfoundation.org