Conspiracy theory

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A conspiracy theory alleges a coordinated group is, or was, secretly working to commit illegal or wrongful actions, including attempting to hide the existence of the group and its activities. In notable cases these theories contrast what is represented by the mainstream explanation for historical or current events.

Diversity in conspiracy theory

The term "conspiracy theory" may be a neutral descriptor for any conspiracy claim. To conspire means "to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or to use such means to accomplish a lawful end." On the other hand, because of its strong negative connotations, the term conspiracy theorist can also be used to attack individuals or groups who support the idea that certain facts are being covered up, usually in the political arena.

The vast majority of conspiracy theories that are in existence today are related to the following topics:

  • Media censorship.
  • Corporate influence in politics and war profiteering.
  • Undermining of the democratic process by mainstream political figures.
  • The existence of an Anglophile Eastern Establishment in the United States.
  • The existence of a conspiratorial hard-right anti-communist and anti-labor establishment in the West.
  • The existence of an Illuminati and the influence of Freemasonry.
  • The covert influence of the Vatican.
  • Political assassinations, most notably President John F. Kennedy.
  • Government-sponsored terrorism, most notably Gladio operations in Europe and 9/11.
  • Government-sponsored drug trafficking operations to finance black operations.
  • The existence of (past) mind control experiments.
  • Cover-ups of high officials involved in child abuse networks.
  • A cover-up about the existence of UFOs.

It is important to note that not everyone who has been labeled a "conspiracy theorist" believes in every topic mentioned here. Many "conspiracy theorists" only attack what they perceive as a disproportionate amount of influence of corporations in politics and the media. Other "conspiracy theorists" have only written about the Gladio networks, the Israel lobby, or the UFO phenomenon.

An almost universal complaint from supporters of a conspiracy theory is that the media is not listening to their arguments and instead promotes the idea that these theories have just been made up out of thin air. Over the decades this has led to a general aversion of the word "conspiracy theory" in the general population which automatically associates the term with anything ranging from "eccentric" to "mental illnes". Most conspiracy theorists would see the following approach by the BBC to conspiracy theory as very typical.

"There is plenty of evidence that the human condition is such that we have a need to believe there is something more than the here-and-now. With the decline in organised religions in the West, there has been something of a shortage in this respect and nature, abhorring as she does a vacuum, has conveniently plugged the gap with the conspiracy theory. ... One key reason that conspiracy theories survive is that they are nurtured. These days the Internet is such that even the most bizarre opinion is likely to find a following somewhere (if you don't believe this, read up on Mike Corley)."

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