Physicians for Human Rights
Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) was formed in 1986 and "mobilizes health professionals to advance health, dignity, and justice and promotes the right to health for all." [1]
- Donna McKay - Executive Director
- NGO Advisory Council, Fair Labor Association
- A. Frank Donaghue - Chief Executive Officer
- Leonard S. Rubenstein, J.D. - President
- John V. Walsh,"Starving Syrians For Human Rights", Syria 360, May 10, 2012.
Former Staff
- Eric Stover - Executive Director
- Holly J. Burkhalter - Advocacy Director
2005 Major Supporters
President’s Circle ($100,000+)
- Anonymous (2)
- Argosy Foundation
- Morton K. and Jane Blaustein Foundation
- Ford Foundation
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- JEHT Foundation
- John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
- John Merck Fund
- Oak Foundation USA, Inc.
- Open Society Institute
- Rockefeller Foundation
- Tides Foundation
Leaders ($50,000+)
Benefactors ($25,000+)
- Anonymous
- Gregory C. Carr Foundation, Inc.
- Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation
- Moriah Fund
- Susan Vitka
2005-06 Annual Report (pdf)
2007 Board of Directors
- Holly G. Atkinson, MD (President), iVillage Health Initiative
- Frank Davidoff, MD (Vice-President), Annals of Internal Medicine
- Chris Seton Abele - Argosy Foundation
- Gregory C. Carr - Carr Foundation
- Charles Clements, MD, MPH - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
- Christine L. Curry - Loyola University Chicago, Strict School of Medicine
- Felton Earls, MD - Harvard Medical School
- Carola Eisenberg, MD - Harvard Medical School
- Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, PhD, RN - Case Western University Reserve
- Justice Richard J. Goldstone - Justice of the South African Constitutional Court, Retired
- Alan Jones - Morgan Stanley
- Jennifer Leaning, MD, MPH - Harvard School of Public Health
- Burton J. Lee, MD - Indian River County, FL, Commissioner of Health
- Mary E. McClymont
- Vin Ryan - Schooner Capital Corporation
- Gerald E. Thomson, MD - Professor of Medicine Emeritus, Columbia University, Morehouse School of Medicine
- Susan Vitka
- Ronald Waldman, MD, MPH - Columbia University
- Mary White, MD - Columbia University
- Robert S. Lawrence, M.D., President
- Leonard S. Rubenstein, J.D., Executive Director
- Robert S. Lawrence, M.D. - Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, PHR President
- Holly G. Atkinson, M.D. - Reuters Health Information Services, Inc., PHR Vice President
- Regina Benjamin, M.D., M.B.A. - American Medical Association
- M. Gregg Bloche, M.D., J.D. - Georgetown University Law Center
- Gregory C. Carr - Carr Foundation
- Charles Clements, M.D., M.P.H. - WaterWorks (Current PHR Past President)
- Tom Crane, M.D. - Santa Rosa, CA
- Frank Davidoff, M.D. - Annals of Internal Medicine
- Felton Earls, M.D. - Harvard School of Public Health
- Howard Hiatt, M.D. - Harvard Medical School
- Jennifer Leaning, M.D. - Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies
- Lana Louise Lynn, M.P.A., R.N. - Natividad Medical Center
- Victor B. Penchaszadeh, M.D. - Albert Einstein College of Medicine
- P. Preston Reynolds, M.D., Ph.D. - Johns Hopkins University
- Vin Ryan - Schooner Capital Corporation
- Alicia Ely Yamin, J.D., M.P.H. - Columbia School of Public Health
International Advisory Committee
- Herbert Abrams, M.D.
- Mary Ellen Avery, M.D.
- John R. Ball, M.D.
- Zenaido Camacho, Ph.D.
- Cesar Chelala, M.D.
- Richard Pierre Claude, Ph.D.
- Linda Clever, M.D.
- John Constable, M.D.
- Robert Cook-Deegan, M.D.
- William H. Foege, M.D.
- Carola Eisenberg, M.D.
- H. Jack Geiger, M.D., M.P.H.
- Larry Gostin, J.D.
- Pedro Jose Greer, Jr., M.D.
- Lester Grinspoon, M.D.
- Lawrence Hartmann, M.D.
- Howard Hu, M.D.
- Edith Irby Jones, M.D.
- Allen Keller, M.D.
- Cynthia Krane, R.N.
- Joyce Lashof, M.D.
- Robert Jay Lifton, M.D.
- Carol Nadelson, M.D.
- Jessica Neuwirth, J.D.
- Elena O. Nightingale, M.D., Ph.D.
- Gilbert Omenn, M.D.
- Gabriel J. Otterman, M.D.
- Onder Ozkalipci, M.D.
- Chester M. Pierce, M.D.
- Randolph Reinhold, M.D.
- Julius Richmond, M.D.
- Barry Rumack, M.D.
- Rebecca Saunders,Ph.D.
- Jane Schaller, M.D.
- Steven A. Schroeder, M.D.
- M. Roy Schwarz, M.D.
- Victor Sidel, M.D.
- Giorgio Solimano, M.D.
- Steven S. Spencer, M.D.
- Mervyn Susser, M.D.
- James Traver, M.D.
- Harold M. Visotsky, M.D.
- Bailus Walker, Jr., Ph.D.
- Paul H. Wise, M.D.
2003 Advisory Council
- George Annas, JD, MPH
- Roberta J. Apfel, MD
- Mary Ellen Avery, MD
- Laurel Baldwin-Ragaven, MD
- Regina Benjamin, MD
- Gregg Bloche, MD, JD
- Richard Pierre Claude, PhD
- Jim C. Cobey, MD
- John Constable, MD
- Robert Cook-Deegan, MD
- Thomas Crane, MD
- Lawrence D. Egbert, MD
- Paul Epstein, MD
- Paul E. Farmer, MD, PhD
- Jonathan Fine, MD
- Sheri Fink, MD, MPH
- Jack Geiger, MD, MPH
- Lawrence O. Gostin, JD, LLD
- Lester Grinspoon, MD
- Michael Grodin, MD
- Lawrence Hartmann, MD
- Michele Heisler, MD
- Howard Hiatt, MD
- Howard Hu, MD, MPH
- Edith Irby Jones, MD
- Allen S. Keller, MD
- Jim Yong Kim, MD
- Adam L. Kushner, MD, MPH
- Barry Levy, MD
- Lana L. Lynn
- Leslie London, MD
- Carol C. Nadelson, MD
- Michael A. Newman, MD
- Elena O. Nightingale, MD, PhD
- Gilbert S. Omenn, MD, PhD
- Gabriel J. Otterman, MD, MPH
- Nizam Peerwani, MD
- Chester M. Pierce, MD
- Randolph B. Reinhold, MD
- Julius B. Richmond, MD
- Allan Rosenfield, MD
- Rebecca Saunders, PhD
- Jane Schaller, MD
- Roy Schwarz, MD
- Victor W. Sidel, MD
- Steven S. Spencer, MD
- James Traver, MD
- Adriaan van Es, MD
- Paul H. Wise, MD
2003-04 Annual Report (pdf)
Related SourceWatch
- Philip Alston - Founding board member
- Eric A. Friedman