Eric A. Friedman
Eric A. Friedman "joined the staff at Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) in Washington, D.C., after his 2002-2003 Bernstein Fellowship at PHR. Eric’s current work focuses on U.S. and international responses to the massive shortage of health care workers in sub-Saharan Africa and the broader need for strengthening the health system, as well as on the U.S. global HIV/AIDS policy. He serves on the Board of the Global Health Workforce Alliance, an international partnership hosted by the World Health Organization, and chairs the Health Workforce Advocacy Initiative, an international network affiliated with the Alliance. He authored PHR’s 2004 report An Action Plan to Prevent Brain Drain: Building Equitable Health Systems in Africa and co-authored a new publication on The Right to Health and Health Workforce Planning. During his Bernstein Fellowship year, Eric wrote a white paper on unsafe health care and HIV/AIDS.
"Eric graduated from the Law School in June 2002. He was a member of the Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic from his second semester of law school on. There he helped prepare a human rights and HIV/AIDS framework, led a project to help develop model HIV/AIDS legislation for several countries in East Africa, did preliminary work for a report on human rights and HIV/AIDS in India, and worked on AIDS funding. He also worked on issues related to the Ethiopian-Eritrean war and human rights violations based on sexual orientation. Eric wrote an article on debt relief for the Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal and was an articles editor for the journal. Eric received the Khosla Memorial Fund for Human Dignity Prize for his human rights work in law school. He received his undergraduate degree from Yale, graduating in 1999 with a B.A. in psychology." [1]