ALEC Public Safety and Elections Task Force

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About ALEC
ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all of ALEC's operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills. Learn more at the Center for Media and Democracy's, and check out breaking news on our site.

Until the ALEC Public Safety and Elections Task Force was disbanded in April 2012,[1] it was one of nine task forces operated by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) operated nine task forces. ALEC's current task forces:

ALEC later started the Justice Performance Project, which appears to have taken on many of the roles of the Public Safety and Elections Task Force.

This article is about ALEC's Public Safety and Elections Task Force, which adopted such "model" bills as the "Stand Your Ground" bill or "Castle Law" doctrine and the voter ID act. Corporations could join this task force for $2,500.[2] For "model" legislation crafted and adopted by the Public Safety and Elections Task Force, go here and here. For task force directories and meeting agendas, go here.

Later in 2012, ALEC launched the "Justice Performance Project" (JPP) in place of the Public Safety and Elections Task Force. The bills associated with the JPP in task force materials obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy and posted by ALEC appear to continue ALEC's modus operandi of promoting the financial interests of the corporations and special interest groups that fund it, such as the American Bail Coalition, according to PRWatch.[3]

The Public Safety and Elections Task Force was previously known as the "Criminal Justice & Homeland Security Task Force."[4]

In PR Stunt, ALEC Drops Task Force

In April 2012, ALEC announced it was dropping the task force in the wake of the controversy over the tragic shooting of Trayvon Martin and so-called Stand Your Ground (SYG) laws. However, the co-leader of that task force, Rep. Jerry Madden (R-TX), revealed ALEC's announcement to be a PR maneuver when he reassured The Christian Post that his task force's work would continue through other ALEC task forces. [5]

"ALEC's decision won't impact the important issues we've worked on," Madden told The Christian Post. "But I will say this, these groups are targeting ALEC because when conservatives get together, we influence state and federal policy in a major way and these groups are scared of us -- and should be." [6] [7]

2012 ALEC Spring Task Force Summit Substantive Agenda

The following model bills were proposed at the Charlotte conference:

  • "Child Protection Reporting Requirement" (Presented by Stacie Rumenap, Stop Child Predators) (This proposal "requires that an individual representing the state or working for the state, in a position of authority over minors, who witnesses the physical or sexual abuse of a minor [as defined by the state] submits an oral or written report about the incident to local child protective services agency or the appropriate law enforcement agency, providing exceptions.") - Bill Passed.
  • "ALEC Resolution in Support of the Electoral College" (Presented by Ray Haynes, National Popular Vote) (No description) - Bill Passed.
  • "ALEC Resolution in Opposition to the National Popular Vote" (Presented by Ray Haynes, National Popular Vote) (No description) - Bill Withdrawn.
  • "Resolution in Support of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" (Presented by Ray Haynes, National Popular Vote) (No description) - Bill Withdrawn.
  • "Prescription for Pseudoephedrine Products" (Presented by Rep. Sue Tibbs of Oklahoma) (This proposal "classifies any compound, mixture, or preparation, including any preparation in liquid, liquid capsule, or gel capsule form that contains pseudoephedrine as a Schedule III drug, requiring a prescription.") - Bill Failed.
  • "Resolution in Support of Evidence-based Medical Treatment for Substance Use Disorders" (Presented by Suzanne Gelber, Alkermes Inc.) (This proposal requires that "evidence-based medical treatment should be made available in the treatment of offenders with substance use disorders.") - Resolution Passed.
  • "Asset Forfeiture Process and Private Property Protection Act" (Presented by Lee McGrath, Institute for Justice) (No description) - Bill Passed.
  • "The Provisional Licenses for Ex-Offenders Act" (Presented by Marc Levin, Texas Public Policy Foundation) (This proposal "allows certain ex-offenders to obtain a provisional, or probationary, occupational license if they are otherwise qualified.")
  • "The Regulation and Use of Biometric Data Act" (Presented by Rep. Lora Hubbel of South Dakota) (This proposal "protects an individual’s privacy and personal identification information by providing specific guidance and regulations on how biometric identification data may be collected, used, and stored.")
  • "The State Sovereignty and Drivers License Protection Act" (Presented by Rep. Lora Hubbel of South Dakota) (This proposal "protects an individual’s personal information and privacy by ending the use of biometrics for all noncommercial driver licenses and identification cards, ending the retention of Social Security numbers by the agency responsible for driver license issuance and preventing the use of RFID devices for such ID documents.")
  • "Resolution Supporting Enhanced Tobacco Tax Collection" (Presented by Mariam Ozaltin, SICPA) (This proposal "calls for state tax departments to improve tobacco supply chain security and state excise tax collection by implementing advanced technologies that decrease tax evasion, reduce smuggling between states, decrease the ability to counterfeit excise tax stamps and increase use of data or information technology.")
  • "The Plain Language in Ballot Titles Act" (Presented by Rep. Libby Szabo of Colorado) (This proposal "ensures that voters fully understand ballot language by requiring that the titles of ballot measures are written, to the extent possible, in plain, nontechnical language and in a clear and coherent manner using words with common and everyday meaning.")[8]

2011 ALEC Winter Task Force Summit Substantive Agenda

The following model bills were proposed at the Scottsdale conference:

  • "Resolution in Support of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" (Presented by Ray Haynes, National Popular Vote) (This proposal "calls on the State of [insert state] to support the interstate compact known as National Popular Vote Compact (the Compact). The Compact utilizes the authority granted to state legislatures under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution to appoint Presidential electors "in such manner as the [State] Legislature...may direct..." and the power of states granted by the Supreme Court to enter into interstate compacts to direct state granted authority in concert with other states, to award Presidential electors to the winner of the popular vote in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.")
  • "Resolution in Support of the Use of Automated Enforcement Devices to Reduce Injuries and Fatalities on our Nation’s Road" (Presented by Andrew Schauder and George Hittner, American Traffic Solutions) (This proposal "Allows automated enforcement programs to be established by state legislatures as a means to provide enforcement in high risk locations or in situations when law enforcement manpower is unavailable.")
  • "Resolution in Support of Evidence-based Medical Treatment for Substance Use Disorders" (Presented by Jeff Harris, Alkermes) (This proposal "supports non-addictive treatment plans, including non-narcotic medications, to decrease the costs associated with reincarceration due to untreated addiction and mental illness, to improve public safety, and to medically treat offenders suffering from addiction or mental illness.")
  • "Resolution on Transparency and Accountability in Criminal Law" (Presented by Marc Levin, Texas Public Policy Foundation) (This proposal suggests that "by requiring that legislation introduced which would create or enhance a criminal penalty so state in its caption, include a fiscal note that encompasses both state and local costs, and that all offenses be created and enhanced by democratically elected bodies rather than unelected bureaucrats, this resolution promotes a level of transparency and accountability that is proportionate to the serious consequences associated with criminal laws.") - Bill Passed.
  • "Resolution on Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA)" (Presented by Marc Levin, Texas Public Policy Foundation)(This proposal "supports state flexibility to determine the parameters of their own registries to best achieve the goals of justice, public safety, and recidivism reduction.")
  • "Juvenile Offender Performance Incentive Funding Act" (Presented by Marc Levin, Texas Public Policy Foundation) (This proposal intends "to incentivize the reduction of juvenile re-offending, reduce costs to taxpayers, and increase victim restitution, by giving probation departments a share of the savings to the state in reduced incarceration costs when they lower recidivism and commitments of youths to the state.")
  • "Prescription for Pseudoephedrine Products" (Presented by Rep. Sue Tibbs of Oklahoma) (This proposal "classifies any compound, mixture, or preparation, including any preparation in liquid, liquid capsule, or gel capsule form, that contains pseudoephedrine as a Schedule III drug, requiring a prescription.")[9]

2011 ALEC Summer Task Force Summit Substantive Agenda

The following model bills were proposed at the New Orleans conference:

  • "Gun Owners Privacy and Access to Health Care Act" (Presented by Tara Mica, National Rifle Association) (This proposal "prevents health care practitioners from denying care to patients who lawfully own firearms.") - Bill Withdrawn.
  • "Honesty in Purchasing Firearms Act" (Presented by Tara Mica, National Rifle Association) (This proposal "makes it a felony to knowingly deceive a licensed dealer of firearms in order to purchase or transfer firearms.") - Bill Passed.
  • "Disposition of Firearms in State or Local Custody Act" (Presented by Tara Mica, National Rifle Association) (This proposal "requires firearms held in state or local custody to be auctioned off to licensed firearm dealers or manufacturers. In addition, they may destroy or dispose of firearms deemed unsafe for use.") - Bill Passed.
  • "Asset Forfeiture Process and Private Property Protection Act" (Presented by Lee McGrath, Institute for Justice) (This proposal "protects individual liberty and property rights by standardizing forfeitures across all crimes, simplifying procedures, and addressing counterproductive incentives in the law that distort policing priorities.") - Bill Tabled.
  • "Criminal Offense Justification Act" (Presented by Rep. B.J. Nikkel of Colorado) (This proposal "requires justification for enacting new criminal offenses or making changes to existing criminal offenses." and "...would require new criminal laws to take into account the crime’s prevalence, relation to current laws, and similarity to existing offenses.") - Bill Failed.
  • "Resolution in Support of Appropriate Disclosure Requirements" (Presented by Sean Parnell, Center for Competitive Politics) (This proposal "recognizes that disclosure requirements regarding contributions to candidates, political parties, and political action committees (PACs) should only apply to large, and not small, contributions.") - Resolution Failed.[10]

2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Substantive Agenda

According to the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Program, their agenda included the following: "the introduction of policy on the justification of state criminal offenses, the legal possession and purchase of firearms, legislative transparency, and appropriate disclosure requirements on political contributions. In addition, ALEC passed policy on civil asset forfeiture in 2000, and will consider a motion to repeal and replace the current version. The Task Force will also host a debate: 'The Presidential Electoral College v. The National Popular Vote.' ALEC currently has two model resolutions in opposition to the National Popular Vote. The Task Force will also discuss automated enforcement policy."[11]

The following new model legislation was introduced:

2011 ALEC Spring Task Force Summit

According to the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting agenda, which includes minutes of the April 29, 2011, Spring Task Force Summit, the Spring summit meeting heard the reports of the following subcommittees:

  • Corrections and Reentry - During an April 14, 2011, conference call, the working group "passed unanimously the following pieces of model policy: Criminal Intent Protection Act, The Treating Accused Persons Fairly Act, and ALEC Resolution on DNA Testing and Victims' Rights. The Working Group tabled the Civil Liability Relief for Employers Hiring Ex-Offenders Act for the Spring Task Force Summit."
  • Child Safety - "Rep. Scott Suder, WI was announced as Public Sector Chair of the Child Safety Subcommittee. Jon Burton, Reed Elsevier was announced as the Private Sector Co-Chair of the Child Safety Subcommittee. The subcommittee met the morning of April 29th to discuss the Adam Walsh Child Protectin and Safety Act and the topic of cyber-bulling."

The Spring summit meeting also considered the following model legislation:

  • "Law Enforcement Officer Safety Equipment Fund Act" (by Peter Holran, Taser International) - Bill Passed.
  • "Criminal Intent Protection Act" (by Marc Levin, Texas Public Policy Foundation) - Bill Passed.
  • "The Treating Accused Persons Fairly Act" (by Marc Levin, Texas Public Policy Foundation) - Bill Passed.
  • "Civil Liability Relief for Employers Hiring Ex-Offenders Act" (by Marc Levin, Texas Public Policy Foundation) - Bill Passed.
  • "Legislative Transparency Act" (by Jason Mercier, Washington Policy Center) - "This bill requires state legislatures to provide adequate notice before public hearings or votes so that citizens are able to participate in the legislative process in a meaningful way. . . . Motion to adopt the model legislation as amended in the Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force; failed the public sector." Bill Failed.
  • "State Agency Lobbying Reform Act" (by Amber Gunn, Evergreen Freedom Foundation) - Bill Passed.
  • "ALEC Resolution on DNA Testing and Victims' Rights" (by Dr. Jeff Boschwitz, Orchid Cellmark) - Resolution Passed.
  • "Resolution Supporting Childbirth Protection" (by Kristi Turner, Justice Fellowship) - Bill Tabled.
  • "Childbirth Protection Act" (by Kristi Turner, Justice Fellowship) - Bill Tabled.
  • "Resolution Regarding Prison Populations and Redistricting" (by Sean Parnell, Center for Competitive Politics) - Bill Tabled.[12]


  • Homeland Security Subcommittee[13]
  • Pawn Shop Subcommittee [14]
  • Sexual Predators Subcommittee[15]
  • Elections and Ethics Subcommittee[16]
  • Corrections and Reentry Subcommittee[17][18]
  • Texas Criminal Justice Integrity Unit[19]
  • Child Safety Subcommittee[20]


Stop Child Predators is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., dedicated to establishing penalty enhancements for those found guilty of committing sexual offenses against children; implementing an effective and efficient nationwide sex offender registry; and protecting the rights of crime victims.[26] Rumenap, the President of the organization, previously "served as the Deputy Director for the American Conservative Union (ACU), the nation's oldest and largest conservative grassroots issue-advocacy organization, where she directed the ACU's annual Conservative Political Action Conference and served as one of the group's principle lobbyists. Rumenap has also served as the Executive Director for both U.S. Term Limits and the National Center for Growth. Rumenap currently serves on the Boards of Directors of the America's Future Foundation and the Safe Internet Alliance. She is a former board member of the Initiative and Referendum Institute and the Georgia State Society."[27]

Corporate Executive Committee

(For-profit, Trade or Other Group)

"Dennis Bartlett is the Executive Director of the American Bail Coalition. His career has included working for the Central Intelligence Agency and serving as deputy chief of INTERPOL Washington. . . He has been a member of ALEC since 1998 . . ." He has Masters degrees in International Relations from the University of Southern California and in philosophy from the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology in Berkeley, California, as well as a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of San Francisco. He served as a Naval Reserve Intelligence Officer in the late 1960s.[29]

  • David Christman, National Beer Wholesalers Association

"David Christman serves as the Director of State & Industry Affairs for the National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA) . . . In his current role at NBWA he serves as the association's primary liaison to national state legislative organizations. David also works with state beer associations and industry allies on pressing legal and legislative issues facing the beer industry in the states. . . . Previously, David served as the Manager of Grassroots and Political Affairs at NBWA. He was responsible for the day-to-day management of the National Beer Wholesalers Association Political Action Committee (NBWA PAC). . . Prior to joining the NBWA staff David worked on Capitol Hill for Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum."[30]

  • Dawson Hobbs, Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America
  • Amanda Hydro, Citizens in Charge

"Pat Nolan is the Vice President of Prison Fellowship, and leads Justice Fellowship, the criminal justice reform arm of Chuck Colson's Prison Fellowship Ministries. . . .. He served for 15 years in the California State Assembly, four of those as the Assembly Republican Leader . . . Pat was one of the original sponsors of the Victims' Bill of Rights (Proposition 15) and was awarded the 'Victims Advocate Award' by Parents of Murdered Children. . . . Pat was targeted for prosecution for a campaign contribution he accepted which turned out to be part of an FBI sting. He pleaded guilty to one count of racketeering and served 29 months in a federal custody. He considered his prison time a 'monastic experience.' "

"Pat serves on the nine-member U.S. Prison Rape Elimination Commission, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. . . . Pat also serves on the National Commission on Safety and Abuse in America's Prisons, co-chaired by former Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach and former Chief Judge of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, John Gibbons. Pat also served on Governor Schwarzenegger's 14-member Prison Rehabilitation Strike Team, established to completely revamp California's prison system.

"He earned both his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and his Juris Doctorate at the University of Southern California."[31]

  • Barbara O'Brien, National Pawn Brokers Association

"Barbara began her professional career with the Florida State University Police Dept. as the first woman uniformed police officer in North Florida in 1974. In 1979, she took over as the law enforcement grants coordinator for the Dept. of Community Affairs. From 1985-1986, she was selected as the law enforcement Fellow to the Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice (NIJ). From 1987-1997 she served as the Senior Executive Assistant to the Florida Attorney General and served in a number of positions including law enforcement liaison. In 1997, she became the Director of Government Affairs for Cash America International. Barbara has served on the Police Executive Research Group (PERF) Board of Directors, various committees of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and is co-founder of the National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives (NAWLEE). She currently serves on the Board of the National Pawnbrokers Association (NPA).

"Barbara O'Brien has been a member of ALEC since 2006 and is on the Public Safety and Elections Task Force. She is also the Private Sector Chair of the Pawn Shop Subcommittee."[32]

Sean Parnell is the co-chair of the Elections and Ethics Subcommittee. According to a July 2011 article he wrote criticizing Common Cause's letter requesting an IRS audit of the American Legislative Exchange Council to revoke its tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status, explaining the Center for Competitive Politics' (CCP) involvement in ALEC, "Although we don't really have an interest or take sides in most of what ALEC does, it is an opportunity for us to meet with and share our views on the First Amendment and campaign finance issues with state legislators from around the country who are mostly, but not always, sympathetic to our perspectives."[33] He became president of CCP in 2007. Previously, he was vice president of external affairs at the Heartland Institute, primarily responsible for its fundraising activities.[34] While at Heartland, he penned a report for the Texas Public Policy Foundation about "specialty hospitals" and "the business of health care" in which he argued that "robust competition predictably brings consumers more choices, lower costs, and improved quality."[35]

"Stacie Rumenap is the Executive Director of Stop Child Predators (SCP), a non-profit organization based in Washington, DC, that prevents the sexual exploitation of children and protects the rights of crime victims. Prior to joining SCP, Ms. Rumenap was the Deputy Director of the American Conservative Union (ACU), and American Conservative Union Foundation. . . Before joining ACU/ACUF, Ms. Rumenap was the Executive Director of U.S. Term Limits (USTL). Ms. Rumenap also served as the Executive Director for the National Center for Growth.

"Ms. Rumenap has been a member of ALEC since 2004 and is on the Public Safety and Elections Task Force. She is also the Private Sector Chair of the Sexual Predators Subcommittee.

"Ms. Rumenap holds a M.A. in Legislative Affairs from. . . George Washington University. . . She serves on the Board of Directors for America’s Future Foundation and is on the Advisory Board for OmniLink Systems, a cutting-edge technology company that manufactures GPS monitoring devices."[36]

"Laurie Shanblum is the Senior Director of Business Development for the Corrections Corporation of America. She became director [of] customer relations in early 2001. Ms. Shanblum has had a thirty-seven year career in juvenile and adult corrections and criminal justice, including both the public and private sectors.

"Ms. Shanblum has been a member of ALEC since 2003 and is currently on the Public Safety and Elections Task Force. She is also sits on the Homeland Security Subcommittee."[37]

Politicians on the Executive Committee

  • Joe Driver (R-TX)

"Representative Joe Driver is currently serving his eighth term in the Texas House of Representatives. Presently in his third term as Chairman of the Law Enforcement committee, Rep. Driver formerly served two terms as Chairman of the Texas Constitutional Revision committee. He has been a Representative in the Texas House since 1993.

"Representative Driver is currently a member of the Garland, Rowlett, and Sachse Chambers of Commerce. . . .

"Rep. Driver has been a member of ALEC since 2001, and was the former Vice Chairman of the former Criminal Justice Task Force. He currently sits on the Public Safety and Elections Task Force.

"Rep. Driver graduated from the University of North Texas with a Bachelor of Business Administration in 1971. In the private sector, Rep. Driver has been an agent for State Farm Insurance Companies for 35 years."[38]

  • Margaret Flory (R-VT)

Margaret Flory represents Rutland in the Vermont State Senate.[39] She was a Vermont State Representative from 1998 until her appointment to the State Senate in December 2009. She was at one point Minority Leader of the Vermont State House of Representatives.[40]

  • Dan Greenberg (R-AK)

"Dan Greenberg represents legislative district 31 in the Arkansas General Assembly. His district includes portions of Pulaski County and Saline County.

"Greenberg received. . . a J.D. from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock School of Law. [He] was formerly an analyst for the conservative Heritage Foundation, a writer for the libertarian Cato Institute, and a teacher at the high school and college level in the fields of philosophy, political science, and computer programming. . . .

"As policy director for the former governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, Greenberg was named to Arkansas Business "40 under 40" list of leaders in business and government. Besides his work as an attorney and state representative, he is senior editor of the academic journal Critical Review and an adjunct law professor at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's W.H. Bowen School of Law.

"Greenberg serves on the Education, State Agencies, and Legislative Audit committees. He is the vice-chairman of the Joint Performance Review Committee. He is a former teacher at the Arkansas Governor's School for the Gifted and Talented and a former member of the Pulaski County Quorum Court."[41]

Rep. Jerry Madden has represented Texas' District 67 since 1993. "Madden worked 11 years for Texas Instruments Inc., 8 years for Teledyne Geotech, and in 2000 formed Jerry Madden Insurance to offer group health plan coverage options to small businesses out of his independent agency's Plano offices. In July of 2008, he sold his company and retired from the insurance business. He obtained a Master of Science in Management and Administration Sciences from the University of Texas at Dallas in 1979. . . . Madden is Chairman of the House Committee on Corrections, which he chaired from 2005-2009, as well as a member of the Select Committee on Election Contest, the Redistricting Committee, and the Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence Committee. Prior committee appointments have included Calendars, Public Education, House Select Committee on Public School Finance, State Affairs, Urban Affairs, Public Safety, Elections, State, Federal and International Relations, and Rules and Resolutions. . . . Rep. Madden. . . [is] a member of the Board of Directors of the Council of State Government's Justice Center. . . [and] Chairman of the Law and Criminal Justice Committee formed by the National Conference of State Legislatures ([he] became Immediate Past Chair as of July 2010). . . . In June of 2010, Rep. Madden was appointed to serve on the Texas State Council for Interstate Adult Offender Supervision, and in July of 2010 was named co-chair of the National Conference of State Legislatures's Sentencing and Corrections Work Group."[42]

Sen. Pearce, the Arizona Senate President in 2011, co-authored Arizona's controversial SB1070 anti-immigrant law, which was drafted in part by the Federation for American Immigration Reform. In February 2011, he introduced and sponsored SB1611, a new immigrant omnibus bill that "has raised new fears by immigrant rights advocates who claim it will further polarize the state and damage economic recovery."[43] In 2006, he "sent an e-mail to supporters in which he copied an article from a White separatist group and a link to that group's Web site."[44] He was also associated with and even endorsed National Socialist Movement (neo-Nazi) member J.T. Ready.[45]

"Senator Pearce spent 23 years as Deputy Sherriff of Maricopa County. . . [He] received a B.A. in Management from the University of Phoenix and was enrolled at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, Motor Vehicle Legal and Law College, Advanced Executive Development, Arizona State University, Budget and Appropriations, University of Arizona, and Arizona Judicial College, Supreme Court of Arizona."[46]

  • Bill Ruppel (R-IN)

"Representative Bill Ruppel has served as a member of the Indiana House of Representatives since 1992. During his tenure, he has served as the Vice Chair of the Safety Committee, and is currently the Ranking Minority Member of the House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety Committee. He also sits on Indiana's Counterterrorism and Security Council.

"Representative Ruppel has been a member of ALEC since 2004 and currently sits on the Public Safety and Elections Task Force. He is also a Public Sector Chair of the Homeland Security Subcommittee."[47]

"Suder is currently serving his 6th term as State Representative for Wisconsin's 69th Assembly District. [He] served as Co-Chairman of the Biofuels Study Committee. He is the former Chairman of the Criminal Justice and Homeland Security Committee and is a member of the Assembly Insurance, Fish and Wildlife and Personal Privacy Committees. Suder also serves as Chairman of the nationwide Homeland Security Task Force for the American Legislative Exchange Council based in Washington D.C. As a member of the Rural Economic Development Board, Suder has helped award millions of dollars in grants and low-interest loans to small businesses in rural areas of the state. [He is] a member of Wisconsin's 115th Fighter Wing [of] the Wisconsin Air National Guard. . . Suder is currently serving on active duty as a member of the Wisconsin Air National Guard’s 115th Fighter Wing in his second and third tours of duty to the Middle East."[48]

  • Jordan Ulrey (R-NH)
  • Gene Whisnant (R-OR)

"Gene Whisnant (R-Sunriver) is serving his fourth term as State Representative for rural Deschutes County, House District 53. He was appointed first on September 5, 2003. Gene has served as the ALEC Oregon Public Chair since 2005. . . .

"He served on the important Ways and Means Committee and the Education and Public Safety subcommittees in the 2005 73rd Legislative Session and on the House Interim Education and Judiciary Committees. During the 72nd Legislative Session, Gene served on the House Interim Education and Judiciary Committees."

"Gene is a retired US Air Force Colonel. He served in Vietnam, Germany, and Yugoslavia. Also, he served in the Pentagon on the Air Staff and as a member of the Secretary of Defense staff. . . . [H]e earned a Master's degree from the University of Arkansas in International Affairs."[49]

Corporate, Trade or Other Groups

  • American Bail Coalition[12]
  • American Traffic Solutions[12]
  • Center for Competitive Politics[12]
  • Evergreen Freedom Foundation[50]
  • Institute for Justice[12]
  • John Locke Foundation[12]
  • Koch Companies Public Sector[12]
  • MMR Group (Electrical & Instrumentation Construction, Maintenance, Management, and Technical Services company[51])[12]
  • National Beer Wholesalers Association[12]
  • National Popular Vote[12]
  • National Rifle Association (NRA)[52]
  • Orchid Cellmark (DNA paternity testing company)[12]
  • Prison Fellowship Ministries[53] and subsidiary Justice Fellowship[12]
  • Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals[12]
  • Reed Elsevier[12]
  • Taser International Inc. (stun gun maker)[54]
  • Texas Public Policy Foundation[55]
  • U.S. Department of Defense Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP)[12]
  • Washington Policy Center[12]
  • Wine Institute[12]
  • Jeff Boschwitz (Vice President, North America Marketing and Sales, Orchid Cellmark[56]
  • Jon Burton (Senior Director, State Governmental Relations, Reed Elsevier[57]), Co-Chair of Child Safety Subcommittee[12]
  • Bill Carmichael (President, American Bail Coalition[58]) stood in for Dennis Bartlett at the 2011 Spring Task Force Summit Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Trent England (Vice President of Policy, Evergreen Freedom Foundation[59]) participated in debate on "Electoral College v. National Popular Vote" at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Tom Golisano (National Popular Vote) participated in debate on "Electoral College v. National Popular Vote" at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Sen. Ray Haynes (retired R-CA, National Popular Vote) participated in debate on "Electoral College v. National Popular Vote" at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • William Hoffman (National Popular Vote) attended the 2011 Spring Task Force Summit Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Gregory Hoke (State Government Manager, Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals[60]
  • Peter Holran (Vice President of Government and Public Affairs, Taser International) attended the 2011 Spring Task Force Summit Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Sally Jefferson (Midwestern State Government Affairs Manager, Wine Institute) attended the 2011 Spring Task Force Summit Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Jenny Kim (Senior Counsel, Koch Companies Public Sector[61]) attended the 2011 Spring Task Force Summit Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Eli Lehrer (National Director, Center on Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate, Heartland Institute), Advisor[62][12]
  • Marc Levin, Director, Center for Effective Justice, Texas Public Policy Foundation)[63]
  • Lee McGrath (Executive Director, Institute for Justice Minnesota Chapter[64]) introduced the "Asset Forfeiture Process and Private Property Protection Act" model legislation at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Jason Mercier (Director, Center for Government Reform, Washington Policy Center[65]) presented "Principles of Legislative Transparency" model legislation at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Sean Parnell (President, Center for Competitive Politics) introduced the "Resolution in Support of Appropriate Disclosure Requirements" model legislation at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Paul Pisano (Senior Vice President and General Counsel, National Beer Wholesalers Association[66]) attended the 2011 Spring Task Force Summit Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Cameron Quinn (Senior Policy Analyst & Legislative Director, U.S. Department of Defense Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP)[67]) presented on "Improving Voting for Military and Overseas Citizens" at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Jesse Rager (Koch Companies Public Sector) attended the 2011 Spring Task Force Summit Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Laura Renz (Research and Government Relations Director, Center for Competitive Politics)[68]
  • Billy Ridge (sales representative, MMR Group[69]) presented a "Case Study for Leveraging Technology to Reduce the Costs of Monitoring the Perimeter Fence at State Correctional Institutions" at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • John Sanders (Associate Director of Research, John Locke Foundation[70]) attended the 2011 Spring Task Force Summit Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Andrew Schauder (Consultant, Ashcroft Group, for client American Traffic Solutions, and former ALEC Director of Federal Affairs[71]) led discussion of "ALEC and Automated Enforcement Devices" at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Alexis Tamerón (Lobbyist, American Traffic Solutions[72]) led discussion of "ALEC and Automated Enforcement Devices" at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Kristin Turner (Justice Reform Coordinator, Prison Fellowship Justice Fellowship[73]) attended the 2011 Spring Task Force Summit Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]


  • Sen. Jason Gant (R-SD)[74]
  • Rep. Kathy Bernier (WI R-68)[12]
  • Sen. Roger C. Chamberlain (MN R-53)
  • Sen. Ted Daley (MN R-38)
  • Joe Driver (R-TX), Executive Committee member[75]
  • Sen. Scott Fitzgerald (WI R-13) and former State Chairman
  • Margaret Flory (R-VT), Executive Committee member[75]
  • Dan Greenberg (R-AK), Executive Committee member[75]
  • Rep. Scott Krug (WI R-72), Alternate[12]
  • Rep. Jerry Madden (R-TX), Executive Committee member,[75] moderated debate on "Electoral College v. National Popular Vote" and introduced "Principles of Legislative Transparency" model legislation at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Rep. B J Nikkel (R-CO 49), introduced the "Criminal Offense Justification Act" model legislation at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Public Safety and Elections Task Force meeting[12]
  • Russell Pearce (AZ R-18, Senate President), Executive Committee member[75]
  • Bill Ruppel (R-IN), Executive Committee member[75]
  • Rep. Ron Shimanski (MN R-18A)
  • Scott Suder (R-WI), Executive Committee member[75] and Co-chair of the Homeland Security Committee in 2007[76]
  • Rep. Travis Tranel (WI R-49), Alternate
  • Jordan Ulrey (R-NH), Executive Committee member[75]
  • Gene Whisnant (R-OR), Executive Committee member[75]
  • Rep. Bob Lynn (AK R-31)
  • Rep. David M. Gowan, Sr. (AZ R-30)
  • Rep. John Kavanagh (AZ R-8)[77]
  • Rep. Richard Miranda (AZ D-13)
  • Rep. Steve R. Urie (AZ R-22)
  • Rep. Debra M. Hobbs (AR R-96)
  • Rep. Andrea Dean Lea (AR R-68)
  • Rep. Mary Lou Slinkard (AR R-100)
  • Sen. Greg Brophy (CO R-1)
  • Rep. DebraLee Hovey (CT R-112), State Chairman[78]
  • Rep. Themis Klarides (CT R-114)
  • Rep. Ray Pilon (FL R-69)
  • Rep. Jack Murphy (GA R-27)[12]
  • Rep. Mark D. Hamilton (GA R-23)[12]
  • Rep. Tom R. Rice (GA R-51)[77]
  • Rep. Billy S. Horne (GA R-71)
  • Rep. Kevin Cooke (GA R-18)
  • Sen. Johnny Grant (GA R-25)
  • Rep. Darrell Bolz (ID R-10B)
  • Rep. Dennis M. Reboletti (IL R-46)
  • Rep. David B. Reis (IL R-108)[12]
  • Rep. Douglas L. Gutwein (IN R-16)
  • Rep. Phyllis J. Pond (IN R-85)
  • Sen. Sandra H. Greiner (IA R-45)
  • Sen. Tim L. Kapucian (IA R-20)
  • Rep. John James Rubin (KS R-18)
  • Rep. Mario Goico (KS R-100)
  • Rep. Gary K. Hayzlett (KS R-122)
  • Sen. Terry Bruce (KS R-34)
  • Rep. Sal Santoro (KY R-60)
  • Rep. Joseph M. Fischer (KY R-68)[12]
  • Rep. Ron Crimm (KY R-33)
  • Sen. Julian M. Carroll (KY D-7)
  • Sen. Daniel Seum (KY R-38)
  • Rep. Damon J. Baldone; (LA D-53)
  • Rep. Nicholas J. Lorusso (LA R-94)
  • Sen. Daniel R. Martiny (LA R-10)
  • Sen. Robert W. Kostelka (LA R-35)
  • Del. Neil Conrad Parrott (MD R-2B)
  • Del. Susan K. McComas (MD R-35B)
  • Del. Donald H. Dwyer, Jr. (MD R-31)
  • Sen. Joseph M. Getty (MD R-5)
  • Rep. Margaret Ellis Rogers (MS R-14)
  • Rep. Charles Jim Beckett (MS R-23)[12]
  • Rep. Mark Baker (MS R-74)
  • Sen. Lydia Chassaniol (MS R-14)
  • Rep. Steven Tilley (MO R-106)
  • Rep. Dave Hinson (MO R-98)
  • Rep. Sue Entlicher (MO R-133)
  • Rep. Tony Dugger (MO R-144)
  • Sen. Mike L. Parson (MO R-28)
  • Rep. Steve Lavin (MT R-8)
  • Sen. Don G. Gustavson (NV R-2), ALEC Education Task Force and Public Safety and Elections Task Force Member
  • Rep. Elaine B. Swinford (NH R-5)
  • Rep. Joseph Thomas (NH R-19)
  • Rep. Maurice Villeneuve (NH R-18)
  • Rep. William R. Rehm (NM R-31)
  • Sen. Kent L. Cravens (NM R-21), ALEC State Chairman and Public Safety and Elections Task Force member[79]
  • Rep. Justin P. Burr (NC R-67)
  • Rep. Tim K. Moore (NC R-111)
  • Rep. Patrick R. Hatlestad (ND R-1)
  • Rep. Lawrence R. Klemin (ND R-47)
  • Sen. Karen K. Krebsbach (ND R-40), Alternate
  • Sen. John M. Andrist (ND R-2)
  • Rep. Casey Kozlowski (OH R-99)[12]
  • Rep. Jarrod B. Martin (OH R-70)[12]
  • Sen. Frank LaRose (OH R-27)[12]
  • Rep. G. Harold Wright, Jr. (OK R-57), Alternate
  • Rep. Steve C. Martin (OK R-10)
  • Rep. Sue Tibbs (OK R-23)
  • Sen. Clark Jolley (OK R-41)
  • Rep. Shawn Lindsay (OR R-30)
  • Rep. Ron Marsico (PA R-105),[80][81][82]
  • Rep. Daryl Metcalfe (PA R-12),[83][82]
  • Sen. Stewart Greenleaf (PA R-12)[84][82]
  • Rep. James H. Harrison (SC R-75), Alternate
  • Rep. Bob Deelstra (SD R-9)
  • Rep. David Novstrup (SD R-3)
  • Rep. Tony Shipley (TN R-2), Alternate
  • Rep. Vince Dean (TN R-30), Alternate
  • Rep. Joe Carr (TN R-48)
  • Rep. Jon C. Lundberg (TN R-1)
  • Rep. Joshua G. Evans (TN R-66)[12]
  • Rep. Jerry Madden (TX R-67)[85], ALEC Public Safety and Elections Task Force Co-Chair
  • Rep. Larry W. Taylor (TX R-24)
  • Rep. Wayne Smith (TX R-128), Alternate
  • Rep. Eric Johnson (TX D-100), Alternate
  • Rep. Allen Fletcher (TX R-130), Alternate
  • Sen. Glenn Hegar, Jr. (TX R-18)
  • Rep. Paul Ray (UT R-13)
  • Rep. Jennifer M. Seelig (UT D-23)[12]
  • Rep. Carl Wimmer (UT R-52)
  • Del. David B. Albo (VA R-42)
  • Del. Beverly J. Sherwood (VA R-29)
  • Del. Benjamin L. Cline (VA R-24)
  • Del. L. Scott Lingamfelter (VA R-31), Alternate
  • Sen. Margaret (Peg) Flory (VT R-3)
  • Rep. Troy Kelley (WA D-28)
  • Rep. Charles R. Ross (WA R-14)
  • Sen. Michael Carrell (WA R-28)
  • Rep. Tim Stubson (WY R-56)
  • Rep. Lorraine K. Quarberg (WY R-28)
  • Sen. John M. Hastert (WY D-13)


Articles and Resources

Related SourceWatch Articles

External Resources


  1. Lisa Graves, Right-Wing Operatives Take Up ALEC's Voter Suppression Agenda, PR Watch, April 19, 2012
  2. American Legislative Exchange Council, "Private Enterprise" Membership, organizational membership brochure, July 2011
  3. Nick Surgey, ALEC Posts Legislative Agendas while Hiding Its Very Special Interests, PRWatch, November 3, 2013.
  4. American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC Apr. 2009 (pdf), organizational newsletter, April 2009, at p. 7 This page has been altered by ALEC and is no longer available. It is on file with the CMD.
  5. Lisa Graves, { CMD Special Report: New Documents Confirm Koch Was on ALEC Crime Task Force Led by NRA (Part One)], PR Watch, May 14, 2012
  6. Paul Stanley, Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Kraft Dump Conservative Nonprofit ALEC, Christian Post, April 24, 2012
  7. PR Watcher, ALEC Leader Admits Last Weeks Announcement was a PR Stunt, PR Watch, April 25, 2012
  8. ALEC,Public Safety and Elections Task Force Memorandum Organizational Document, April 6, 2012.
  9. ALEC,Public Safety and Elections Task Force Memorandum Organizational Document, October 27, 2011.
  10. ALEC,Public Safety and Elections Task Force Memorandum Organizational Document, June 30, 2012.
  11. [American Legislative Exchange Council, 2011 Task Force Meetings, conference brochure on file with CMD, August 11, 2011]
  12. Jump up to: 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 12.17 12.18 12.19 12.20 12.21 12.22 12.23 12.24 12.25 12.26 12.27 12.28 12.29 12.30 12.31 12.32 12.33 12.34 12.35 12.36 12.37 12.38 12.39 12.40 12.41 12.42 12.43 12.44 12.45 12.46 12.47 12.48 12.49 12.50 12.51 12.52 American Legislative Exchange Council, "Public Safety and Elections Task Force Meeting," agenda and meeting materials, August 4, 2011, on file with CMD
  13. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  14. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  15. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  16. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  17. American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC Feb. 2011, (pdf) organizational newsletter, February 2011, p. 18
  18. Texas House of Representatives Representative Madden, Jerry, government website, accessed June 11, 2011
  19. Texas House of Representatives Representative Madden, Jerry, government website, accessed June 11, 2011
  20. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  21. American Legislative Exchange Council Public Safety and Elections Task Force, organizational website, accessed April 18th, 2012
  22. American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC Feb. 2011, (pdf) organizational newsletter, February 2011, p. 18
  23. Texas House of Representatives Representative Madden, Jerry, government website, accessed June 11, 2011
  24. Stop Child Predators About Us - Executive Team, organizational website, accessed May 28, 2011
  25. American Legislative Exchange Council Public Safety and Elections Task Force, organization website, accessed April 18th, 2011
  26. Stop Child Predators Home, organizational website homepage, accessed May 2011
  27. Stop Child Predators About, organizational website, accessed May 2011
  28. American Legislative Exchange Council Private Sector Chair Biography: Tara Mica, ALEC organizational website, Accessed May, 2011
  29. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  30. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  31. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  32. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  33. Sean Parnell, Common Cause demands baseless IRS investigation of ALEC, Center for Competitive Politics blog, July 15, 2011
  34. Center for Competitive Politics, Sean Parnell, President, organizational biography, accessed July 15, 2011
  35. Sean Parnell, [ Innovations in the Business of Health Care: The Role of Specialty Hospitals], Texas Public Policy Foundation report, May 2008
  36. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  37. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  38. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  39. Project Vote Smart Senator Margaret 'Peg' Flory (VT), online profile, accessed June 11, 2011
  40. Adam Brown, Department of Political Science, Brigham Young University Margaret Flory, online profile, accessed June 11, 2011
  41. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  42. Texas House of Representatives Representative Madden, Jerry, government website, accessed June 11, 2011
  43. Steve Nunez New immigration bill expands I.D. requirements, KGUN9-TV, February 22, 2011
  44. Amanda J. Crawford Pearce e-mail draws apology, Arizona Republic, October 11, 2006
  45. Gary Nelson Congressmen want J.T. Ready out of GOP post, Arizona Republic, August 21, 2008
  46. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  47. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  48. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  49. Private Sector Executive Committee Alec has altered this site, it no longer exists. Archived April 9th, 2011
  50. American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC May 2011, (pdf) organizational newsletter, May 2011, p. 9
  51. MMR Group, About Us, company website, accessed September 1, 2011
  52. American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC Jun. 2010, (pdf) organizational newsletter, June 2010, p. 4 this page has been altered by ALEC and is no longer available, it is on file with the CMD
  53. Ibid., p. 16
  54. Alison Fitzgerald, Pro-Gun Group’s Call to Sell Seized Weapons Advances to States, Bloomberg, August 10, 2011
  55. American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC Jun. 2010, (pdf) organizational newsletter, June 2010, p. 11 this page has been altered by ALEC and is no longer available, it is on file at the CMD
  56. Orchid Cellmark, Orchid Cellmark Appoints Jeffrey S. Boschwitz as Vice President, North America Marketing & Sales, press release, May 27, 2008
  57. Jon Burton, [ Connecticut House Bill 5521, Letter to Sen. Edith G. Prague, Co-Chair, and Rep. Kevin Ryan, Co-Chair, Joint Labor and Public Employees Committee, Connecticut Legislature, February 19, 2009, accessed September 1, 2011
  58. Sue Doyle, AIA Surety, ALEC & PRIVATE-SECTOR BAIL BONDING, company newsletter, 2009
  59. Freedom Foundation, Trent England, organizational biography, accessed September 1, 2011
  60. LinkedIn, Greg Hoke, online business profile, accessed September 1, 2011
  61. Martindale, Jenny Kim, online attorney database entry, accessed September 1, 2011
  62. American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC Jun. 2010, (pdf) organizational newsletter, June 2010, p. 21 This page has been altered by ALEC and is no longer available, it is on file at the CMD
  63. American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC Feb. 2011, (pdf) organizational newsletter, February 2011, p. 21
  64. Institute for Justice, Lee McGrath, organizational biography, accessed September 1, 2011
  65. Washington Policy Center, Jason Mercier, organizational biography, accessed September 1, 2011
  66. National Beer Wholesalers Association, NBWA SVP & General Counsel Paul Pisano Speaks to Alcohol Law Enforcement Officials about Importance of Maintaining Effective State Alcohol Regulation to Protect Public Health and Safety, press release, August 14, 2009
  67. LinkedIn, Cameron Quinn, online business profile, accessed September 1, 2011
  68. Ibid., (pdf) p.6
  69. Greg Garland, Maintenance costs, technical woes pose problems for BR network, The Advocate, August 22, 2010
  70. John Locke Foundation, Jon Sanders, organizational biography, accessed September 1, 2011
  71. Ashcroft Group, Andrew Schauder, lobbying firm biography, accessed September 1, 2011
  72. Arizona Lobbyists, Arizona Capitol Times, weekly compendium of new hires and terminations in Arizona's lobbying community, February 7, 2011
  73. Ruth Chodniewicz, Prison Fellowship, Breaking the Shackles of Injustice, Inside Out, organizational newsletter, April 2011
  74. American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC Jun. 2010, (pdf) organizational newsletter, June 2010, p. 18
  75. Jump up to: 75.0 75.1 75.2 75.3 75.4 75.5 75.6 75.7 75.8 American Legislative Exchange Council Public Sector Executive Committee, organization website, accessed June 2, 2011. This page was modified by ALEC, and is no longer available. It is archived here, Archived April 8th, 2011
  77. Jump up to: 77.0 77.1 American Legislative Exchange Council, Letter to Robert C. Byrd and Nancy Pelosi RE: Federal health reform efforts, June 24, 2009
  78. American Legislative Exchange Council, "ALEC State Chairmen, organization website, accessed June 30, 2011
  79. American Legislative Exchange Council, "ALEC State Chairmen, organization website, accessed June 30, 2011
  80. American Legislative Exchange Council, ALEC Leaders in the States, leadership list archived by ALECwatch, 2002
  81. John Pippy, Sen. Pippy co-chairing legislator's group, press release, February 17, 2005
  82. Jump up to: 82.0 82.1 82.2 KeystoneProgress, "PA ALEC Legislators," research spreadsheet on file with CMD, July 28, 2011
  83. Tracie Mauriello, Lawmakers got fewer gifts: State legislators received at least $67,000 in free items, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, August 15, 2010
  84. Stewart Greenleaf, Our Attorneys: Stewart J. Greenleaf, law firm biography, accessed July 28, 2011
  85. American Legislative Exchange Council, Letter to Senate Majority Leader Reid, RE: the EPA’s plan to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, March 10, 2010
  86. American Legislative Exchange Council Public Safety and Elections Task Force, organizational website, accessed May 28, 2011
  87. American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC May 2010, (pdf) organizational newsletter, May 2010, p. 8 This page has been altered by ALEC and is no longer available. It is on file with the CMD.
  88. American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC Jul. 2010, (pdf) organizational newsletter, July 2010, p. 30 This page has been altered by ALEC and is no longer available, it is on file at the CMD
  89. American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC Apr. 2009, (pdf) organizational newsletter, April 2009, p. 7 This page has been altered by ALEC and is no longer available, it is on file at the CMD
  90. American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC Jun. 2009, (pdf) organizational newsletter, June 2009, p. 13 This page has been altered by ALEC and is no longer available, it is on file at the CMD