Zach Bush, MD

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Zach Bush, MD is a Virginia-based physician who has practiced internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. Bush is Founder and Chairman of the Board at Project Biome dba Farmer’s Footprint, the Founder and CEO of Seraphic Group Corporation and the Co-Founder and CEO of Biomic Sciences, LLC.[1] Though Bush claims to be "triple-board certified," he has not maintained current certifications in all three fields. [2]

Bush has been an advisor to the nonprofit, Moms Across America and currently sits on the scientific advisory board of the California stock corporation, Non-Toxic Neighborhoods.[3][4]

Gut health supplements

Bush sells products purported to improve gastrointestinal health under the brand "Ion*." The products claim to strengthen the tight junctions of the gut lining, and to protect the body from toxins, specifically the herbicide active ingredient glyphosate found in Roundup, and wheat gluten.[5]

Rejection of germ theory

Bush is a proponent of Béchamp’s “terrain theory” as the sole underlying reason for infectious illnesses and rejects the science of germ theory. [6]

In a 2023 interview, Bush claimed, “It’s very difficult to prove a germ causes a disease, and this goes all the way to our most famous one, maybe being HIV. The first sentence in every HIV peer-reviewed science journal you’ve ever read starts with the sentence - HIV is the virus that causes the syndrome called AIDS - and there is never a reference on that first sentence, but you have to start your paper with that if it’s going to get past peer review because we have this dogmatic belief that this virus causes AIDS. And yet no scientific experiment that we’ve ever done showed that we could take HIV and give it to an animal or human and cause the syndrome we call AIDS. And so, there's this disconnect between the occurrence of viruses, and the syndromes that occur in those human beings that may be expressing a virus.” [7]

Bush believes that PM 2.5 air pollution is causing hypoxia seen in Covid-19, that humans should not try to stop the SARS-2 coronavirus from spreading, and in a 2020 interview promoted the ideas that vaccines and social distancing will make the pandemic worse.[8]He has also made public comments directly implying that mRNA vaccines will genetically modify humans.[9]

On vaccines in general, Bush has stated, "Vaccines should no longer be implemented in the population until we understand the downstream consequences of that vaccine in the human experience." On masks for Covid-19 Bush says, "...from my standpoint, we don't know yet if they help or not. That doesn't make sense that they would because they can't stop viruses. Penetrating viruses are smaller than those air passages are. So, we can take them through. We've shown that they go through because you can swab it right on the outside of the mask and not on the inside of the mask."[10]

Climate change beliefs

Bush said in a 2023 interview that, "...since about 2006 the word carbon has been demonized as kind of the problem of the planet and of course most the time it's talking about CO2 and fossil fuel kind of burning and things like this. It turns out though biologically carbon is actually the most important substrate that we can speak of if we're going to talk about life..."

" for your government to come along and say CO2 is a poison and we're going to start pumping that stuff out of the atmosphere because it's killing the planet all I can tell you is they are absolutely fundamentally wrong because CO2 has never poisoned this earth. CO2 is always the building block for the new potential energetics or metabolism for life and so when we see lots of CO2 in the atmosphere as we did at many verdant extraordinary times on this planet's history it always sets up biology for its next expression or exuberance of life potential because the more potential energy storage you have the you can do at the biological level to become more complex which is to say more intelligent, more plugged into the universe."

"So the vast majority of what we call waste on this planet is massive gigatons of potential energy and all of the CO2 in the atmosphere is the batteries of the future for life on planet earth and so we need to reverse our fear-guilt-shame paradigm that industry and governments have programmed in us to guilt us into some sort of effort towards change and realize that that abstract argument is actually accelerating the death of the planet because we're not realizing that CO2 is not the problem. The lack of lung tissue is the problem. We need to heal the soils of this planet so that Mother Earth will take take her first breath - and when she breathes in folks it's going to get really beautiful around here..."[11]

Blogger Tanja Gacic writes of Bush, "Zach argues it isn’t the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that are a danger to the planet , instead it’s our reliance on glyphosate farming which is leading us into complete annihilation."

"Unlike the new death cult environmentalists who wish extinction upon the lowly cockroach that is a human ( but never offer themselves up for sacrifice ) screaming we need to reduce our emissions back into the dark ages to survive, Zach sees in humanity Universe’s divine expression, a miracle of life, a bright spark of biology able to heal our planet through intensive regeneration. Project Biome offers an ambitious yet feasible path to healing Earth’s land, including the re-greening of those parts of Africa, Saudi Arabia and Russia that we lost a 1500 years ago by utilising all this free carbon dioxide in the air, plants’ favourite food. Calling it a boon for humanity’s future, audience laughs when Zach thanks BP, Exxon Mobile and Shell for getting all that oil out of the ground where it wasn’t helping anyone, grateful to Ford motor companies and others for transferring it to the atmosphere with their engines because it is them who have created potential for the Greenest Planet ever by transferring that carbon right where it needs to be to make it work for nature. Zach is serious - he says it’s stupidly exciting because in 200 years we could create so much soil and plant life that in the future we could grow our bodies as big as dinosaurs."[12]

Articles and resources

Related Sourcewatch

  1. About, Zach Bush, MD, website,
  2. Zach Bush MD — Background & Critique, Dave Harrington, Aug 3, 2020, Medium website,
  3. Moms Across America Advisors, Moms Across America Website archived May 2019
  4. Non-Toxic Neighborhoods, Our Advisors, accessed February 2023
  5. ION*, website, accessed February 20, 2022
  6. The Droning Preacher of Mitochondrial Ecstasy, Jonathan Jarry, McGill Office for Science and Society website, February, 2021
  7. Isabel Lucas interview with Zach Bush, YouTube, January, 2023,
  9. Guest Commentary: Snake Oil, The Davis Vanguard, Rhonda Gruska July 20, 2021
  10. Don't Fear the Virus: Your Body's Immunity Blueprint & Humanity's Awakening w/ Dr. Zach Bush #304 Luke Storey September 15, 2020
  11. Eco-Friendly Products | The Minimalists Ep. 421
  12. My Empirical Life, Zach Bush and his Audacious Plan to Save the World, by Tanja Gacic, April, 23, 2023