USAction Education Fund
The USAction Education Fund is a 501c3 charity. Jeff Blum serves as the organization's executive director. [1]
In the March 17, 2004, article "Charities fill parties’ roles with help of millions of dollars in soft money," Alexander Bolton writes: "Blum said the USAction Education Fund would spend several million dollars to register 500,000 new voters, targeting young people, people of color, low-income people and gays and lesbians." [2]
USAction (web), "an affiliate of the USAction Education Fund also headed by Blum, is a member of the America Votes Coalition." [3]
"The fund," Blum said, "will also seek to inform seniors in battleground states on the Medicare bill Congress passed last year." [4]
Bolton says that "Blum is generally regarded as liberal. For example, he is participating in an effort 'against the president’s radical tax-cutting agenda.'" [5]
Contact Information
True Majority Action "was founded by Ben Cohen, Co-founder, Ben and Jerry's. It is a grassroots education and advocacy joint project of USAction and USAction Education Fund. ... The 300,000 grassroots members of TrueMajorityAction speak out with calls, letters, marches and emails to end this war, and have a plan to prevent the next one by investing more in schools and healthcare instead of wasteful super-weapons. [6]