USAF Institute for National Security Studies
The USAF Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), according to the Special Edition 1996 Airpower Journal, is "an independent research center located at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Its dual mission is to promote national security research within the military academic community for the Department of Defense and to support the Air Force national security education program. [Then] in its fourth year of operation, INSS is sponsored by the National Security Negotiations Division, Plans Directorate, Headquarters US Air Force (AF/XOXI); Air Force Intelligence (AF/IN); the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA); and--new since [1995]--the Office of the Secretary of Defense's Office of Net Assessment and the US Army Environmental Policy Institute (AEPI). XOXI provides the bulk of our research topics and funding, and we are grateful for its continued recognition of the value of our research to support the Air Staff mission. ...
"INSS continues to sponsor research into the areas of arms control, national security affairs, Air Force policy, regional studies, the revolution in military affairs, information warfare, and environmental security. We sponsor individual and team projects in topics of interest to our sponsors, as well as conferences and guest speakers. We leverage our funds so they go a long way, providing travel and incidental expenses on a reimbursable basis but not paying salaries, overhead, or block grants. We also have a modest publication effort, including a quarterly newsletter, a series of occasional papers and reports, and a recent book on arms control edited by the INSS staff."
Contact details
USAFA, CO 80840
Phone: (719) 333-1110
DSN: 333-1110