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Custer Battles

50 bytes added, 17:05, 1 March 2005
'''Custer Battles''', LLC is a security company based in McLean, Virginia in the United States , that promots promotes its services as including "security services", "litigation support", "global risk consulting", "training" and "business intelligence".
The company's founders are [[Scott Custer]], a former Army Ranger and defense consultant, and former [[CIA ]] officer [[Michael Battles]], who ran for Congress in Rhode Island in 2002 and was defeated in the Republican primary. Battles is a [[Fox News ]] Channel commentator. []
Custer Battles was a newly formed company with no experience in the security industry when it landed one of the first contracts issued in [[Iraq ]] in the spring of 2003 to secure the airport. The no-bid contract was worth $16 million when it was awarded in the chaos after the fall of [[Saddam Hussein]]. []
On July 1, 2003 , the company announced that it would "bring its security training expertise to the State of Maine." []
On April 9, 2004, BBC News reported that a Custer Battles employee and former British soldier, [[Michael Bloss]], "was killed while guarding electrical workers near the town of Hit, west of Baghdad." []
A litany of complaints against Custer Battles can be found in the Forum section of [[ALI Capital Partners]].[]
Custer Battles is currently banned from further DoD [[Department of Defense]] contracting.[]. A ''qui tam'' lawsuit has been filed against it by several parties seeking recovery, on behalf of the US, of allegedly fraudulent claims by Custer Battles. A copy of the complaint can be downloaded from [ here.]
==Allegations of Unrestrained Force==
"These aren't insurgents that we're brutalizing," says Craun. "It was local civilians on their way to work. It's wrong." Capt. [[Bill Craun ]] is one of four former Custer Battles employees in an [ NBC report] that allege civilian contractors used such unrestrained force in Iraq, they had to quit soon after because of disgust. "What we saw, I know the American population wouldn't stand for," Craun said referring to subcontracted local youth shooting the place up.
==Whistleblowing on Massive Billing Fraud==
*[[CorpWatch ]] has details.*DemocracyNow[[Democracy Now]]! has a segment with interview on 1 March 2005.
==Contact Information==

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