'''Custer Battles''', LLC is a security company based in McLean, Virginia in the United States that promots its services as including "security services", "litigation support", "global risk consulting", "training" and "business intelligence".
The company's founders are Scott Custer, a former Army Ranger and defense consultant, and former CIA officer Michael Battles, who ran for Congress in Rhode Island in 2002 and was defeated in the Republican primary. Battles is a Fox News Channel commentator. [http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2002058470_contract09.html]
Custer Battles is currently banned from further DoD contracting[http://www.taf.org]. A ''qui tam'' lawsuit has been filed against it by several parties seeking recovery, on behalf of the US, of allegedly fraudulent claims by Custer Battles. A copy of the complaint can be downloaded from [http://www.taf.org/custerbattles.pdf here.]
==Allegations of Unrestrained Force==
"These aren't insurgents that we're brutalizing," says Craun. "It was local civilians on their way to work. It's wrong." Capt. Bill Craun is one of four former Custer Battles employees in an [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6947745/ NBC report] that allege civilian contractors used such unrestrained force in Iraq, they had to quit soon after because of disgust. "What we saw, I know the American population wouldn't stand for," Craun said referring to subcontracted local youth shooting the place up.
==Whistleblowing on Massive Billing Fraud==*CorpWatch has details*DemocracyNow! has segment with interview on 1 March 2005 ==Contact Information===
Custer Battles<br>
<br>Web: http://www.custerbattles.com
=== SourceWatch Resources ===
*[[ALI Capital Partners]]
*[[war profiteering]]
=== External Links ===
*[http://www.custerbattles.com/index2.html Custer Battles, LLC], viewed April 9, 2004.