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Custer Battles

721 bytes removed, 18:40, 1 December 2004
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*[ Custer Battles, LLC], viewed April 9, 2004.
*[ "Security worker killed in Iraq"], ''BBC News'', April 9, 2004, viewed April 9, 2004.
*[ ALI Capital Partners]
*[ "Job seekers beware of Custer Battles LLC Security"], Forum topic, ALI Capital partners website, viewed April 9, 2004.
*[ Alexanter, Hawes & Audet, LLP]
*[ "Contractor accused of fraud in Iraq"], T. Christian Miller, 9 October 2004, ''Seattle Times'', ''Los Angeles Times''.
*[ Text of ''qui tam'' filing] against Custer Battles.
*[ "Memos Warned of Billing Fraud by Firm in Iraq"], Eric Eckholm, ''NY Times'', Oct 23, 2004.
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