Richard Vigilante
According to a brief biographical profile supplied to the National Journalism Center Vigilante attended a course in summer 1979 and has subsequently been "editor/publisher, American Spectator, columnist, New York Newsday, editorial writer, Charleston Daily Mail (WV), editor, NY, editor, City Journal, publisher, Gilder Technology Report, editorial writer, Washington Times, articles editor, National Review, assistant editor, Consumers' Research, writer, Amagin Television Productions, speech writer, White House, vice-president, Regnery Publishing, editor, Manhattan Institute, author, Strike: The Daily News War and the Future of American Labor, co-author, Grenada: The Untold Story, published in Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, New Republic, Human Events, Hillsdale Review". [1]
External link
National Journalism Center, "Richard Vigilante ", accessed November 27, 2003.