Reflecting on Peace Practice
The Reflecting on Peace Practice Project (RPP) "is an experience-based learning process that involves agencies whose programs attempt to prevent or mitigate violent conflict. Its purpose is to analyze experience at the individual program level across a broad range of agencies and contexts. The purpose is to address the question: "How can international agencies engaged in peace practice make their work in peacebuilding more effective?"
"In Phase I (1999 through early 2003), RPP engaged over two hundred agencies and many individuals who work on conflict around the world. The agencies included international peace and conflict resolution NGOs as well as local organizations and groups working for peace in their countries. The project conducted 26 case studies that went through a process of analysis at several consultations.
"The findings of this initial three-year effort, Confronting War: Critical Lessons for Peace Practitioners is available to download from the publications page. We welcome your feedback on this learning...
"All agencies and individuals that work to address conflict are welcome to join this effort. Please contact Co-Directors, Diana Chigas and Peter Woodrow, or Project Associate, Ethan Schechter." [1]
Collaborative Learning is only as effective as the partnerships involved. The Project has worked with several organizations who have contributed their experience to the process: AusAid, CARE International, CHF, Catholic Relief Services, International Alert, Life & Peace Institute, Mercy Corps, Norwegian Ecumenical Peace Platform, World Vision. [2]
Accessed April 2010: [3]
- Academy for Educational Development (AED)
- CARE International
- CHF International
- Department for International Development, UK Government (DFID)
- Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
- Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (Sida)
- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC/DEZA)
- Australian Agency for International Development (AusAid)
- Berghof Center for Constructive Conflict Management
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands (MinBuza)
- Confronting War: Critical Lessons For Peace Practitioners, by Mary B. Anderson, Lara Olson, assistance from Kristin Doughty, Apr 2003 [1]
- Has Peacebuilding Made a Difference in Kosovo? by Diana Chigas