Paula Gutlove
Paula Gutlove, D.M.D., "is the deputy director of the Institute for Resource and Security Studies and director of IRSS's International Conflict Management Program. She was trained in social science and medicine, and has been working in social change, conflict management and program development since 1979. Dr. Gutlove was founding executive director of the Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility (1981-1983), the Center for Psychology and Social Change (1985-1989), and the Balkans Peace Project (1991-1997). She has been a program consultant to numerous non-profit and inter-governmental organizations, and has facilitated dialogue and conflict resolution training sessions in the United States, Soviet Union, CIS, Japan, Australia, Europe, and the Balkans." [1]
- Board of Directors, Alliance for International Conflict Prevention and Resolution, November 2001 to present. (Chair, November 2002-November 2003) [2]
- Program Manager, Democracy Building in Slovakia , a program of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC, January 1995 to November 1999. [3]