National Security Programs

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National Security Programs at Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Labratory (INEEL)

"The INEEL is an innovator in science-based and integrated engineering systems for national security and intelligence within DOE, other government agencies, and industrial partners. It conducts research, development, and deployment to improve the security of citizens, infrastructures, and nations. The laboratory also conducts analysis, and provides intelligence and policy support for national security decision-makers. Within the INEEL, the National Security Division is responsible for execution of these programs.[1]

"The INEEL's advanced threat mitigation R&D consists of: Integrated threat defense and mitigation programs in chemical demilitarization and operations command and control for military applications; Currency, explosives, chemical, biological, and other contraband materials detection for law enforcement and counter-terrorism; Nuclear-related environmental activities for multilateral and international initiatives; and Advanced information management technologies for information, security, waste management, scientific simulation, and advanced military mission planning.

"The INEEL's advanced technology systems R&D consists of: Nonproliferation and intelligence programs based on materials development and characterization; Chemical and biological threat detection and analysis; Nuclear material detection; Intelligence tools and analysis; Electrical systems and control infrastructure; and Areas of software engineering."

Contact Larry Freeman
