Natalie Bailey
Natalie Bailey, Bushmeat Crisis Task Force "Assistant Director (and former Program Coordinator), holds an MS in Sustainable Development and Conservation Biology from the University of Maryland and a BS in Biology with a minor in French from Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. She joined BCTF in February 2000 as a volunteer while working on her scholarly paper for her degree, then served as an intern from June-December 2000. Natalie has served as an educator in a variety of formats. Following her undergraduate degree, she worked as an outreach and education consultant to a national women’s organization. During her master’s program, Natalie taught classes in anatomy and physiology. In 1999, Natalie served as coordinator for the Jane Goodall Institute’s Roots & Shoots National College Summit. From January to April 2001, Natalie volunteered for Roots & Shoots in Tanzania, developing a series of lessons for community-based bushmeat education. Natalie's BCTF priorities include bushmeat education (for Africa's regional wildlife colleges, and for the public in Africa and the US); outreach, media and raising awareness; linkages between governments, NGOs and the private sector; and identification of protein and economic alternatives to bushmeat. In 2005-2006, Natalie was a member of the pilot class of the Emerging Wildlife Conservation Leadership program, which provides training and hands-on experience for up-and-coming wildlife conservation leaders. Natalie has run the Marine Corps Marathon three times, enjoys knitting and spends time volunteering for local organizations." [1]