Marc Becker

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Marc Becker, 2004-present: Associate Professor of History, Division of Social Science, Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri.

"I am a Latin American Historian at Truman State University who studies Indigenous and peasant movements in twentieth-century Ecuador. My teaching interests primarily focus on interdisciplinary and historical studies of Latin America, including a study of agrarian societies, ethnicity, popular movements, and revolutions." [1] CV

  • Network Institute for Global Democratization: Members
  • 1994 - present: C0-founder, president of the board of directors, and co-Webmaster of NativeWeb.
  • 2002: Fulbright Scholar Program, Ecuador
  • 1996: Group Fulbright Fellowship for the University of Wisconsin's Summer Seminar in Quichua Language and Culture in Otavalo, Ecuador.
  • 1994-1996: Social Science Research Council (SSRC)-MacArthur Foundation Fellowship for Peace and Security in a Changing World at the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of California at Berkeley and with the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) in Quito, Ecuador.
  • 1994-1995: Fulbright-IEE award (declined in favor of SSRC-MacArthur Fellowship).

Major Publications

  • Ph.D. (1997): University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Modern Latin American History. Dissertation title: "Class and Ethnicity in the Canton of Cayambe: The Roots of Ecuador's Modern Indian Movement." (Advisor: Elizabeth Kuznesof.)
  • 2009: Historia agraria y social de Cayambe, co-authored with Silvia Tutillo (Quito: FLACSO - Abya Yala).
  • 2008: Indians and Leftists in the Making of Ecuador’s Modern Indigenous Movements (Durham: Duke University Press). (review in Monthly Review)
  • 2008: Global Democracy and the World Social Forums, co-authored with Jackie Smith, Marina Karides, Marc Becker, Dorval Brunelle, Christopher Chase-Dunn, Donatella della Porta, Rosalba Icaza, Jeffrey Juris, Lorenzo Mosca, Ellen Reese, Peter Jay Smith, Rolando Vázquez (Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers).
  • 2007: Highland Indians and the State in Modern Ecuador, co-edited with A. Kim Clark (Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press).
  • 2007: A Particular Resistance: A Solidarity Delegation Report Back on Social Justice Movements in Oaxaca, co-authored popular education book with Gwendolyn Meyer (Inverness, California: Vision Road Publishing).
  • 1993: Mariátegui and Latin American Marxist Theory, Latin American Series, No. 20 (Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Monographs in International Studies).

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  1. Marc Becker, accessed November 4, 2009.