Iraqi National Accord

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The Iraqi National Accord (INA) (referred to in Arabic as the Wifaq) was, according to its charter, "established in 1990 to achieve a democratic pluralistic regime that respects human rights and lives peacefully with its citizens, neighbors and the whole world. (I.N.A) advocates the removal of Saddam's regime." --[1].

Ayad Allawi was the Secretary General of the Iraqi National Accord. (On May 28, 2004 Allawi was designated as Iraq's "interim prime minister" by "Iraq's U.S.-appointed" Iraqi Governing Council).

One commentary described the organisation as a supporter "of moderate Ba'thism without Saddam Hussein's excesses and includes many diplomats and junior ministers from the 1970s. The INA suspended its membership of the Iraqi National Congress in July 2000." [2]



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