International Committee for Transition to Democracy in Iran

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International Committee for Transition to Democracy in Iran (CITDI)

"Founded on the principles and values enunciated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and various conventions adopted by the United Nations since, Comité International pour la Transition à la Démocratie en Iran (CITDI) sets itself the task of contributing to and facilitating the transition of Iran to a republic, based on parliamentary democracy and the separation of the state and the religious authority, expressing the unfettered will of the Iranian people. In order to achieve this aim, CITDI will use all legal, democratic, and nonviolent means at its disposal. In particular, CITDI will endeavour to mobilize the international public opinion and draw the attention of international authorities concerned with the application of the principles of Human Rights in order bring pressure to bear on those clinging to a power that is not based on the democratic will of the people of Iran." [1]




