Hien Vu
Hien Vu is the East Asia Program Officer at the Institute for Global Engagement. She joined IGE from Fresno, California.
"Hien graduated from Hanoi University, Vietnam, with a Bachelor’s degree in English, and from Fresno Pacific University in California with her Master’s degree in Peacemaking and Conflict Studies. Her thesis examined perceptions and attitudes of Vietnamese Christians on conflict and peacemaking. She has prepared bilingual (English and Vietnamese) training manuals and provided several workshops on Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking to Vietnamese and multi-cultural Christian groups.
"Prior to joining IGE, Hien worked with UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) in Hong Kong as a camp aide in the Voluntary Repatriation Program. She also worked in the Human Resources Department of World Vision Vietnam. While in Fresno, Hien worked for a multi-cultural humanitarian organization, FIRM (Fresno Interdenominational Refugee Ministries), to assist the Vietnamese community and other Southeast Asian refugee populations in the city." [1]