Henry Smith Charity
"The Henry Smith Charity is a large grant making charity. We make grants totalling approximately £25 million each year to up to 1,000 organisations and charities throughout the UK for initiatives and projects that address social inequality and economic disadvantage...
"The Henry Smith Charity has been helping to combat disadvantage since 1628. Henry Smith, the founder of the Charity, was a London salt merchant who purchased land around the country. During his life he created a number of charitable trusts for the relief of the poor. He died in 1628 leaving his Trustees the sum of £2,000. Today, the Charity continues to honour the spirit of Henry Smith’s Will by focusing its grant making on the challenges and opportunities facing people in need throughout the UK." [1]
- Director - Nick Acland
Accessed May 2013: [2]
- N A B Acland (resigned March 2012), A E Allen, D Barran, Bridget Biddell (appointed May 2011), Lord Max Egremont (retired March 2011), Clare, Countess of Euston, M J Gallyer, M Giedroyc, C Godman Law, J D Hambro, J P Hordern (appointed May 2012), Vivian Y. Hunt, Gordon E. Lee-Steere (retired May 2011), M V Lowther, N G H Manns, P Maxwell, G M McGrath (appointed May 2012), Mrs A McNair Scott, T J Millington-Drake, M R Newton, P W Smallridge, Sir Richard Thompson
Web: http://www.henrysmithcharity.org.uk/
Resources and articles
Related Sourcewatch
- Richard Hopgood will retire in September 2012 after 10 years as Director.
- Kalayaan
- The Forgiveness Project
- Impetus Trust
- David Saint
- ↑ Henry Smith Charity Home, organizational web page, accessed May 2, 2013.
- ↑ Henry Smith Charity 2011 Annual Report, organizational web page, accessed May 2, 2013.