Freeport Society

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The Freeport Society (FS) describes itself as "an alliance of free thinkers and truth sayers" who "believe that free minds, free speech, free enterprise, and free markets made America the greatest country in history", advocating a return to these ideals.[1] FS claims to do this by delving "into the market’s underbelly to find investments that are all too often ignored because they don’t conform to the latest ESG craze", identifying "the truly great American companies upon which this nation and wealth are built", uncovering opportunities that counteract the effects of inflation, and always speaking the truth.[1] FS communicates to followers through The Freeport Navigator, which is described as "a free email letter that will empower your financial and investment decisions day by day."[1]


As of June 2024.

Members are not disclosed on the organization's website but Navellier hints that the board includes:[2]

  • "two investment data scientists that have proprietary algorithms for scanning all major social media apps to monitor trends and consumer behavior in America"
  • a "wealth expert [who] is a multi-millionaire solely from focusing on alternative assets that 99% of investors and Wall Street ignores
  • "a reclusive millionaire who runs the largest independent financial research network on the planet"
  • "the CEO of a major public company who has accurately predicted nearly every major financial and societal crisis"
  • "a hard assets expert, who has earned his place in the rare coin pantheon as the leading coin merchant of his time"
  • "a former Goldman Sachs executive and medical doctor".

Contact Information

The Freeport Society
1125 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone: 800-539-8213


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Freeport Society, about, organizational website, accessed June 20, 2024.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Freeport Society, The Last Republican President, organizational website, accessed June 20, 2024.
  3. LinkedIn, Teresa Van Den Barselaar, profile, accessed June 20, 2024.