European Academy for Environmental Affairs
The Europäische Akademie für Umweltfragen (EAU) or in English the European Academy for Environmental Affairs (sometimes written as 'European Academy of Environmental Affairs') was founded in 1986 by prof. Helmut Metzner who was the president of this organization in Tübingen (Germany) until his death in 1999. [1] They held 3 conferences; all 3 in Germany. The last two conferences were organized together with the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP). The first conference was on June 23, 1993 in Mannheim called 'Globale Erwärmung - Tatsache oder Behauptung?' (Global warming - Fact or Fiction?) with speakers including Robert C. Balling [2], Helmut Metzner [3], and Richard S. Lindzen. [4]
The second conference under the title 'Greenhouse Controversy and Ozone-Problem' (or in German 'Treibhaus Kontroverse und Ozon-Problem') was on November 9-10, 1995 in Leipzig with contributions by: [5] [6]
- Wolfgang Thüne
- S. Fred Singer
- Frederick Seitz
- Hans Michaelis
- C.J.F. Böttcher
- Helmut Metzner
- Gerd-Rainer Weber
- Gerhard Gerlich
- Rainer Riesenberg
- Richard S. Courtney
- Jack Barrett
- Peter Dietze
- Franz Fiedler
- Rainer Dierkesmann
which resulted in the Leipzig Declaration on Global Climate Change. That declaration was slightly changed after the third conference on November 10-11, 1997 in Bonn called 'Climate Changes - Causes and Consequences' (or in German 'Klimaveränderungen - Ursachen und Auswirkungen').
The OPEC Fund donated in 1998 $15,000 to the 'European Academy for Environmental Affairs' to publish the results of the 1997 conference. [7] In 1999 and 2000 similar grants are reported by the OPEC Fund, but it is unclear if these are new grants or the same grant. [8] [9]
It is unclear if the EAU is still active. The latest information on Internet is the invitation by SEPP in November 2000 of Helmhold Schneider as chairman of the European Academy for Environmental Affairs. [10]
- W. Thüne, F. Singer, F. Seitz, Helmut Metzner, "Treibhaus-Kontroverse und Ozon-Problem : Symposium der Europäischen Akademie für Umweltfragen Leipzig 9.-10. November 1995", Böttiger, 1996, ISBN 3925725296
EAU issued a series of 7 books called 'Ökologie kompakt'. These books were officially published (herausgegeben) by the 'European Acadamy' although the logistics is done by Hirzel Verlag in Stuttgart. [11]
- Klaus Brinkmann, Erwin Kulzer, Helmut Metzner, "Grundlagen der Lebensvorgänge: Pflanzen und Tiere in ihrer Umwelt," Hirzel, 1997, ISBN 377760772X
- Hans-Jürgen Redmann, "Giftstoffe weltweit: Einführung in die Ökotoxikologie," Hirzel, 1997, ISBN 3777607738
- Hans-Georg Classen, "Fremdstoffe in Lebensmitteln: Zusätze, Verunreinigungen und Rückstände," Hirzel, 1997, ISBN 3777607746
- Helmut Metzner, Günther Reichelt, "Lebensraum Erde: Die Sonderstellung unseres bewohnten Planeten," Hirzel, 1997, ISBN 3777607754
- Tilman Hahn, Walter Jäger, Carlo Schiuma, "Lebenselement Wasser: Qualitätskriterien bei Trink- und Badewasser - Reinigung von Abwasser," Hirzel, 1998, ISBN 3777607762
- Helmut Metzner, "Solarenergie und Atomstrom: Energiequellen, Umweltbelastung und das CO2-Problem," Hirzel, October 1, 1998, ISBN 3777608777
- Hermann Berg, Helmut Metzner, "Strahlen und Wellen: Einführung in die Radioökologie," Hirzel, October 1, 1998, ISBN 3777608734
EAU also published a series of 30 text books: Einführung in die Ökologie (Introduction in Ecology)
Related Links
- "European Academy of Environmental Affairs," Wikipedia