Centre for the Study of Global Governance
The Centre for the Study of Global Governance , according to the organization's web site, "was established in 1992 with a grant from the Maurice Laing and Rufford Foundations under the directorship of Professor Lord Desai."[1]
"Global governance was understood not as government but as a minimum framework of rules necessary to tackle global problems guaranteed by a diverse set of institutions including both international organisations and national governments. The aim of the Centre was both to increase understanding and knowledge of global problems and to encourage interaction between academics and policy makers. Since it was launched, the Centre has organised a series of public lectures, which included lectures given by Bishop Desmond Tutu, Robert Strange McNamara, Sadako Ogata and Sir Shridath Ramphal, several workshops covering such issues as human rights, global commons and the role of the Commonwealth, and has published a distinguished series of discussion papers as well as two books."[2]
"In 1997, Anthony Giddens became Director of the London School of Economics. His aim is to re establish the School's role as the leading edge of social science research and teaching. He was among the first to introduce the concept of globalisation into the social science literature and is keen that globalization (globalisation) should become a centrepiece of intellectual endeavour at the LSE."[3]
"In this context, it was decided to expand the Centre for the Study of Global Governance so that it could provide a focal point for research, teaching and dissemination of work on globalisation and to add a civil society dimension to its work. It was felt that the Centre needed to increase understanding of 'globalisation from below' and to include NGOs and media as well as policy makers among its end users. The advent of a new government in Britain committed both to greater internationalism and to openness in government makes this a propitious time to start such a programme in London."[4]
"Core funding for the Centre is provided by the MacArthur Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation. Projects have been supported by the Department for International Development in the UK (on conflict and democracy), the European Commission (on assisting universities in Bosnia Herzegovina), the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (for a Global Civil Society Yearbook), the MacArthur Foundation (for work on Balkan Reconstruction) and the Ford Foundation (Oil and Conflict)."[5]
"The Centre for the Study of Global Governance is a leading international institution dedicated to research, analysis and dissemination about global governance. Based at the London School of Economics, the Centre aims to increase understanding and knowledge of global issues, to encourage interaction between academics, policy makers, journalists and activists, and to propose solutions.
"The Centre for the Study of Global Governance (CsGG) was founded by Lord Professor Meghnad Desai in 1992. Since then, the Centre has grown considerably and the pioneering work of Meghnad Desai has been augmented by the work of Anthony Giddens, David Held and Mary Kaldor as well as a group of talented younger scholars.
"Today it is led by co-directors Graham Wallas Professor of Political Science David Held and Professor of Global Governance Mary Kaldor." [1]
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