Bronwyn Petrie
Bronwyn Petrie is the events coordinator for the astroturf group Australian Environment Foundation. In 2003 she was a NSW Farmers Association executive council member. Listed as the NSW National Association of Forest Industries (NAFI) contact for the 1998 NAFI-sponsored tour by Patrick Moore. She has represented the NSW Farmers Association in negotiations with NSW government departments over the effect of the Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW) on private land forestry operations. She supported the Timbarra Gold mine in northern New South Wales and actively campaigned against the local environmental protests. She is one of the key characters interviewed and documented in the documentary film "The Demon Fault" (2002), about the Timbarra mine (now closed). The documentary shows her active support for the mine which switches later in the film to a more oppositional stance after the mine's tailings dam overflows (and onto her downstream property).