Brian Finlay
"Brian D. Finlay is a Senior Associate at the Henry L. Stimson Center, where he works on issues of weapons proliferation, global health and development, scientist redirection and private sector engagement in the former Soviet Union. Brian currently serves as co-director of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Project, a multifaceted program designed to accelerate existing efforts, and design innovative new initiatives aimed at more rapidly and sustainably securing dangerous nuclear and biological weapons, materials and expertise while leveraging resources to address other issues of global concern such as international public health and global economic development. Prior to joining the Stimson Center in January 2005, Brian served as Director of the Nuclear Threat Reduction Initiative and as a Senior Researcher at the Brookings Institution. Before emigrating from Canada, he was a Project Manager for the Laboratory Center for Disease Control in Ottawa. He has also served as a consultant to Foreign Affairs Canada, where he worked on the Ottawa Treaty on Landmines and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. " [1]