Analía Penchaszadeh
Biographical Information
Analía Penchaszadeh – Women Human Rights Defenders, Manager, Association of Women's Rights in Development.
"Analía is a long-time social justice activist with roots in the international human rights and environmental justice movements. Prior to joining AWID, Analía was the International Campaigns Facilitator at Friends of the Earth International (FoEI), based in the Netherlands, where she oversaw international campaigns, strategic alliances, and FoEI participation in international events. Analía spent many years in the United States, where she was active in community organizing on environmental justice and community health promotion. She worked at the Jobs with Justice national office in Washington DC, where she was responsible for national operations, development, and strategic initiatives. From training low-income Latina women as health promoters and mentoring young women of color in Brooklyn, to facilitating women’s retreats at Jobs with Justice to address the challenges that women face in the US labor movement, to overseeing the gender mainstreaming program at Friends of the Earth, Analía has brought a feminist analysis and a commitment to gender issues and women’s rights to the different organizations where she has participated. Analía also brings her experience in international processes, from her participation in the youth processes towards Rio (92) and Beijing (95) to the World Social Forum process and the US Social Forum..." [1]