aBetterEarth.org is a student oriented website that advocates "pragmatic approaches to solving environmental problems." The site, which is sponsored by the Institute for Humane Studies, promotes "alternative environmental approaches, including locally based 'eco-innovation,' outcome-based regulations, quasi-market pricing strategies, corporate and individual stewardship, property rights enforcement as a means of protecting the environment from polluters, and the cultivation of environmental aesthetics." Traditional environmentalists are criticized for being anti-capitalist and for pushing regulations that don't work. [1]
In addition to the website, aBetterEarth.org is sponsoring a summer 2004 seminar for students at Seattle University. The faculty for the seminar come from a number of libertarian groups:
- Ronald Bailey, science correspondent, author, Reason magazine
- Paul Driessen, environmental policy, advocate for environmental issues and international affairs, Senior Fellow at the Center for a Constructive Tomorrow
- Kenneth Green, environmental scientist and Director of Risk and Environment Policy, Fraser Institute
- Jane Shaw, environmental policy, author, and editor at Property & Environment Research Center (PERC)
- Richard Stroup, economics, author, Montana University and senior fellow at PERC
- Lynn Scarlett, environmental policy, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, former president of the Reason Foundation
- Andrew Yates, Professor of Economics at the University of Richmond
External links
- Radley Balko, "Private Investment Protects Environment Where Government Fails," FOXNews, April 8, 2004.