"At the Economist’s World Oceans Summit in February 2012, former World Bank President Robert Zoellick issued a challenge to rebuild 50 percent of the world’s fisheries and increase the economic benefits they deliver to countries and communities to between $20 and $30 billion each year. The concept for 50in10 was born out of the realization that, in order to reach that ambitious goal, a more formal, cross-sector network was needed to boost strategic collaboration and replicate the most effective tools and approaches worldwide.
"In November 2012, a design workshop for 50in10 convened nearly 40 organizations representing the fishing and seafood industry, private investors and philanthropy, academia, development banks, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, and the conservation community. They discussed their shared vision and goals for 50in10 and how the network might work to support investments, collaborations, and continuous learning." [1]
Accessed November 2014: [2]
- Miguel Angel Jorge, Managing Director
- Megan Arneson, Program Manager
- Neel Inamdar, Conservation Finance Advisor