Southeastern Legal Foundation

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The Southeastern Legal Foundation is a non-profit law firm which is closely affiliated with right-wing advocacy groups and global warming skeptics groups. It has pressured the Arkansas bar to suspend President Clinton's license to practice law, challenged the constitutionality of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform act, and is currently challenging the EPA's authority to regulate carbon dioxide.


Southeastern Legal Foundation's about page [1] states: "Founded in 1976, Southeastern Legal Foundation is celebrating its 34th year as an national constitutional public interest law firm and policy center that advocates limited government, individual economic freedom, and the free enterprise system in the courts of law and public opinion"

"Mission and Goals: Southeastern Legal Foundation is a public interest law firm which advocates limited government, individual economic freedom, and the free enterprise system. We look for cases in which our involvement can make a difference, not just to the parties involved, but also on the policies or issues that are in dispute."

Documents Contained at the Anti-Environmental Archives
Documents written by or referencing this person or organization are contained in the Anti-Environmental Archive, launched by Greenpeace on Earth Day, 2015. The archive contains 3,500 documents, some 27,000 pages, covering 350 organizations and individuals. The current archive includes mainly documents collected in the late 1980s through the early 2000s by The Clearinghouse on Environmental Advocacy and Research (CLEAR), an organization that tracked the rise of the so called "Wise Use" movement in the 1990s during the Clinton presidency. Access the index to the Anti-Environmental Archives here.


EPA Global Warming Lawsuit

The SLF lists its partners[2] in the lawsuit as the Science & Public Policy Institute, the Foundation for Fair Civil Justice, and then lists "like-minded organizations that have been studying and publicizing the various facets of the 'global warming' controversy," including Competitive Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation, CATO Institute, and the Independent Women’s Forum.

The lawsuit seeks to overturn the EPA's ability to regulate carbon dioxide, a precedent set in the case Massachusetts vs. the EPA.

Clinton Impeachment

The SLF EPA Lawsuit says [3] "SLF attorneys filed the initial complaint with the Arkansas Supreme Court Committee on Professional Conduct, seeking disciplinary measures for lying under oath and obstructing justice in a federal trial. SLF litigated the matter before the Arkansas Supreme Court, which unanimously held that disciplinary proceedings must proceed. SLF efforts resulted in President Clinton surrendering his law license while in office, later affirmed as disbarment in the U.S. Supreme Court."


SLF worked with Kenneth Starr to challenge the constitutionality of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill. [4]



  • Ben Blackburn
  • Bob Barr
  • Matt Glavin . The Greenwich Village Gazette reported that [5] "Matthew Glavin was forced to resign last week as president and CEO of the Southeastern Legal Foundation after having been twice charged with public indecency in a Chattahoochee River park, a popular spot for men who regale in outdoor same-sex cruising. Glavin, the legal beagle who’d led major ‘morality’ campaigns against President Bill Clinton, now joins Paulk and other such creeps in the Hall of Hypocrites."
  • Phil Kent 2001-2003, [6]
  • Shannon L. Goessling 2005- present



SLF has received a total of $2,000,000 from Scaife Family Foundations between 1987 and 2007. [7]

Corporations for the Constitution reports that "In 2002 SELF reported revenues of $2,536,899 and expenses of $2,020,687. they had assets of $1.5 million and liabilities of under $400,000. Major support comes from the Carthage Foundation ($125,000 in 2002), Castle Rock Foundation ($50,000 in 2002), Sarah Scaife Foundation ($50,000 in 2002) and the Bradley Foundation, John M. Olin Foundation. Corporate grantmakers include ExxonMobil ($63,000 in 1998), Winn-Dixie Stores ($5,000 in 1996), Alcoa and Duke Power." [8]

Contact Details

Southeastern Legal Foundation

2255 Sewell Mill Road, Suite 320

Marietta, Georgia 30062-7218

Phone 770.977.2131, Fax 770.977.2134

Toll-Free: 800-474-8313


  1. Southeastern Legal Foundation, "SLF about page" Accessed June 2010.
  2. EPA Lawsuit Website [1] Accessed June 2010.
  3. Southeastern Legal Foundation, "SLF about page" Accessed June 2010.
  4. Southeastern Legal Foundation "SLF News Desk" Accessed June 2010.
  5. Jack Nichols "Tiptoe Through The Tearooms: The Glory Hole Days of Matthew Glavin" "Greenwich Village Gazette", Oct 13, 2000.
  6. LinkedIn Profile "LinkedIn for Phil Kent, accessed June 2010.
  7. Media Matters Media Matters Transparency
  8. Corporate Policy Accessed June 2010.