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*[[American Values Agenda]]
*[[American Values Agenda]]
*[[traditional family values]]
*[[traditional family values]]
*[[U.S. congressional elections in 2006]]
*[[Values Action Team]]
*[[Values Action Team]]
*[[war on Christians]]
*[[war on Christians]]
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*[http://valuesvoter.blogspot.com/ ValuesVoter.Blogspot.com].
*[http://valuesvoter.blogspot.com/ ValuesVoter.Blogspot.com].
==External Links==
== External links ==
*[http://www.centerformoralclarity.net/PDF/SNM/BackgrounderValuesVoter.pdf "Backgrounder: Reviewing the Phenomenon of the Values Voter,"] [[Center for Moral Clarity]], 2004.
*[http://www.centerformoralclarity.net/PDF/SNM/BackgrounderValuesVoter.pdf "Backgrounder: Reviewing the Phenomenon of the Values Voter,"] [[Center for Moral Clarity]], 2004.
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*Mark Daniels, [http://markdaniels.blogspot.com/2006/05/who-is-values-voter.html "Who is the 'Values Voter'?"] ''Better Living'' Blogspot, May 18, 2006.
*Mark Daniels, [http://markdaniels.blogspot.com/2006/05/who-is-values-voter.html "Who is the 'Values Voter'?"] ''Better Living'' Blogspot, May 18, 2006.
*Max Blumenthal, [http://www.thenation.com/doc/20061030/blumenthal "The Coming Gay Republican Purge,"] ''The Nation'', October 12, 2006.
*Max Blumenthal, [http://www.thenation.com/doc/20061030/blumenthal "The Coming Gay Republican Purge,"] ''The Nation'', October 12, 2006.
*P.M. Carpenter, [http://pmcarpenter.blogs.com/p_m_carpenters_commentary/2006/10/our_republican_.html "Our Republican Nannies,"] ''p.m. carpenter's commentary'' Blog, October 16, 2006.
*John Aravosis, [http://americablog.blogspot.com/2006/10/republican-national-committee.html "Republican National Committee regularly takes contributions from gay porn 'king',"] [[AMERICAblog]], October 29, 2006. re [[Nicholas T. Boyias]]
*John Aravosis, [http://americablog.blogspot.com/2006/10/gop-porn-scandal-widens-in-addition-to.html "GOP porn scandal widens: In addition to accepting donations from gay 'porn king,' GOP also took money from 'porn queen' Mary Carey,"] AMERICAblog, October 29, 2006. re [[Mary Carey]]
*John Aravosis, [http://americablog.blogspot.com/2006/10/gop-invited-known-porn-star-to-dinner.html "GOP invited known porn star to dinner with Bush, lunch with Rove, AGAIN in 2006,"] AMERICAblog, October 30, 2006.
*Matt Taibbi, [http://www.alternet.org/stories/45767/ "'Christian' Game Leaves Behind A Pile of Corpses,"] ''Rolling Stone'' (''AlterNet''), December 20, 2006.
[[Category:Elections (U.S.)]][[Category:Politics (U.S.)]][[category:religion]]

Latest revision as of 20:32, 11 August 2008

The term values voters, George F. Will wrote in the May 18, 2006, Washington Post, is an "aggressively annoying new phrase in America's political lexicon."

Used "proudly by social conservatives, and carelessly by the media to denote such conservatives," Will wrote, "[t]his phrase diminishes our understanding of politics. It also is arrogant on the part of social conservatives and insulting to everyone else because it implies that only social conservatives vote to advance their values and everyone else votes to . . . well, it is unclear what they supposedly think they are doing with their ballots."

"The Washington Briefing: 2006 Values Voters Summit"

"Family Research Council Action, Focus on the Family Action, Americans United to Preserve Marriage [1], and American Family Association Action surveyed the political landscape and decided that something must be done to spark the cultural renewal that the nation overwhelmingly voted for in 2004. That 'something' is The Washington Briefing: 2006 Values Voters Summit," which is to be held September 22-24, 2006, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. [2][3]

Invited Speakers September 2006

According to the American Family Association Action website, the following are invited speakers to attend the Summit:

"War on Christians and Values Voter" 2006 Conference

The War on Christians and Values Voter 2006 Conference was held March 27-28, 2006, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. The Conference promised "First-Hand Accounts of Christian Persecution." [4]

Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers included "such Values Vote leaders" as Phyllis Schlafly, Vision America President Rick Scarborough, Gary Bauer, Alan Keyes, Janet Folger, Congressman Tom DeLay, Janet Parshall, Sen. John Cornyn and Sen. Sam Brownback." [5]

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