Albert Einstein Institution

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The Albert Einstein Institution (AEI) as described in its own website:

Founded in 1983 by Dr. Gene Sharp, The Albert Einstein Institution is dedicated to advancing the study and use of strategic nonviolent action in conflicts throughout the world. It is committed to the defense of freedom, democracy, and the reduction of political violence through the use of nonviolent action.
To further its mission, the Institution has supported research projects (for examples, see our publications section), actively consulted with resistance and pro-democracy groups (including groups in Burma, Thailand, Tibet, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Serbia, and the Occupied Territories), and worked to publicize the power and potential of nonviolent struggle around the world through educational materials, analyses, translations, workshops, and media visibility.[1]

In 1989, "The Einstein Institution’s Board of Directors, meeting in September, approved a grant of $6,000 to the Civilian-Based Defense Association, a one hundred percent increase over last year’s funding level. The grant is specifically to provide general support for the production and distribution of the Association’s newsletter, Civilian-Based Defense: News and Opinion." [2]

In 1995, AEI noted that "The Program on Nonviolent Sanctions, which receives financial support from the Albert Einstein Institution, has now joined with the Cultural Survival Center, the research arm of Cultural Survival, a human rights organization, to run the Program on Nonviolent Sanctions and Cultural Survival (PNSCS) at Harvard University’s Center for International Affairs." [3]


Between 2000 to 2004 they received some funding from[4]:

Between 1993 and 1999 they received funding from[5]:



Board of Directors

Director 2000 [6]

Former Directors


Staff 2000 [12]

Advisors (1993-1999)


Former Advisors

Former Directors (1990)

Accessed August 2008: [13]

Contact information

The Albert Einstein Institution
PO Box 455
East Boston, MA 02128
Phone: USA +617-247-4882
Fax: USA +617-247-4035

Articles and Resources

Related SourceWatch Articles


  1. Albert Einstein Institution, "Background", Albert Einstein Institution website, accessed March 2009.
  2. Nonviolent Sanctions Newsletter, AEI, 1989.
  3. Nonviolent Sanctions Newsletter, AEI, Spring 1995.
  4. Albert Einstein Institution, Report on Activities 2000 to 2004, Albert Einstein Institution website, 2004.(pdf)
  5. Albert Einstein Institution, Report on Activities 1993-1999, Albert Einstein Institution website, 2000.(Pdf)
  6. Nonviolent Struggle, AEI, vol 7. no. 1.m Fall 2000.
  7. "Board of Directors", Pact website, archived from October 2007.
  8. Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 AEI, “Masthead, Nonviolent Sanctions: News from the Albert Einstein Institution, Winter 1994/95, Vol. 6, no. 3, page 2.
  9. Albert Einstein Institution, "Board and Staff", Albert Einstein Institution website, archived from June 2003.
  10. "Staff & Board", Albert Einstein Institution website, archived from October 2006.
  11. On Strategic Nonviolent Conflict: Thinking About the Fundamentals, July 2004. (Pdf)
  12. Nonviolent Struggle, AEI, vol 7. no. 1.m Fall 2000.
  13. Biennial Report 1988-1990, AEI, accessed August 6, 2008.

External Articles