Americans for Prosperity

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Americans for Prosperity is a right-wing political advocacy group founded by the petrochemical billionaire industrialists David and Charles Koch, the owners of Koch, Inc. (formerly Koch Industries). The organization advocates for free-market policies and opposes organized labor and workplace regulation, health care reform, stimulus spending, and efforts to combat climate change.[1] AFP has a related super PAC, Americans for Prosperity Action, that supports candidates and runs independent expenditure campaigns, and a related 501(c)(3), the Americans for Prosperity Foundation. AFP serves as Koch's on-the-ground, "grassroots" operation, claiming to "organize communities to bring people together" and "educate, train and mobilize concerned citizens to take action."[2]

AFP, which is registered as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, secures the majority of its funding from the Koch-controlled Stand Together Chamber of Commerce. In 2023, the most recent year for which tax filings are available, AFP had $186 million in revenue and spent $168 million to "educate and mobilize Americans to advocate for solutions that expand freedom and opportunity."[3]

AFP claims to have 36 state chapters, over 140 offices, and 40 million activists across the country.[4] According to former AFP president Tim Phillips, AFP only operates in states where it feels it can "move the needle."[5] Emily Seidel has been the CEO of AFP since 2017, and currently serves as the board chair.[6]

Overview and Related Organizations

Americans for Prosperity generally refers to the organization's action arm, generally referred to as a "dark money" group because it does not have to disclose its donors, despite spending millions to influence elections. It can also refer to the "Americans for Prosperity Foundation" (AFP Foundation), a related 501(c)(3) organization. Both organizations state that they are "committed to educating citizens about economic policy and a return of the federal government to its Constitutional limits." On AFP's website it says it supports "cutting taxes and government spending in order to halt the encroachment of government in the economic lives of citizens by fighting proposed tax increases and pointing out evidence of waste, fraud, and abuse."[7]

Americans for Prosperity is heavily involved in electoral activities and has paid for and released numerous political campaign materials, often which target political candidates of the issues which AFP pursues. In addition to its efforts under the name "Americans for Prosperity," Federal Election Commission filings show that AFP does business as Concerned Veterans for America and The Libre Initiative among others.[8] For example, during the 2018 elections, AFP filed expenditures in support of and opposed to candidates and policies in Wisconsin, Iowa, Virginia, Florida, and Texas under the banner of these groups.

The Prosperity Network

One off-shoot of Americans for Prosperity is "The Prosperity Network." The state chapters and their leaders and activities are hard to track, as is where the chapters get their money. Looking at the Wisconsin Prosperity Network chapter is a good illustration of how the Network works on a state and local level.[9] Mark Pitsch, a reporter at the Wisconsin State Journal, wrote an in-depth article in May 2009 about the then newly-formed Wisconsin Prosperity Network. In the article, Pitsch describes the group as, "dubbed the Wisconsin Prosperity Network, the effort calls for an annual budget of $6.4 million and the creation of 14 new organizations, according to a draft outline of the network obtained by the State Journal."[10] The draft shows that these groups, existing outside of the Republican National or State Parties, recruits local and state candidates, mobilizes voters, uses lawsuits to advance conservative issues in court, researches public policy issues and fights perceived media bias towards the left.

Not all of the 14 groups are known, but one of the first ones to be established was the MacIver Institute, a right-wing think tank named after Republican operative John MacIver. Also, Fight Back Wisconsin and Refocus Wisconsin (a part of The Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, Inc., of which James R. Klauser is Chairman, as well as a major supporter of WPN) are both listed on the Americans for Prosperity - Wisconsin Web site.[11]

Ties to the Tea Party

In 2010, Americans for Prosperity organized a July 4th weekend summit called Defending the American Dream in Austin, TX. Five hundred people attended the summit, which The New Yorker said served, in part, as a training session for Tea Party activists in Texas. An advertisement cast the event as a populist uprising against vested corporate power: “Today, the voices of average Americans are being drowned out by lobbyists and special interests. But you can do something about it” without making any mention of its corporate funders. The White House has expressed frustration that such sponsors have largely eluded public notice - David Axelrod, President Obama’s senior adviser, said, “What they don’t say is that, in part, this is a grassroots citizens’ movement brought to you by a bunch of oil billionaires.”[12]

Reports indicate that the Tea Party Movement has benefitted from millions of dollars from conservative foundations that are derived from wealthy U.S. families and their business interests. It appears that money to organize and implement the movement is flowing primarily through two right-wing groups: Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks.

Reporting has demonstrated that the principal organizers of Tea Party events were Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Works, which one reporter described as two "lobbyist-run think tanks" that are "well funded" and that provide the logistics and organizing for the Tea Party movement from coast to coast. Media Matters reported that David Koch of Koch Industries was a co-founder of Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE). David Koch was chairman of the board of directors of CSE.[13] CSE received substantial funding from David Koch. Media Matters reported that the Koch family has given more than $12 million to CSE (predecessor of FreedomWorks) between 1985 and 2002.[14][15]

History and Ties to the Koch Brothers

Koch Wiki

Charles Koch is the right-wing billionaire owner of Koch Industries. As one of the richest people in the world, he is a key funder of the right-wing infrastructure, including the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the State Policy Network (SPN). In SourceWatch, key articles on Charles Koch and his late brother David include: Koch Brothers, Americans for Prosperity, Stand Together Chamber of Commerce, Stand Together, Koch Family Foundations, Koch Universities, and I360.

David Koch speaking at a 2013 Americans for Prosperity Foundation event
Credit: Phelan M. Ebenhack/AP

AFP was established in late 2003 as a successor to the Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation, an industry-funded political organization,[16] following an internal rift between the leaders of Citizens for a Sound Economy and its action arm founded by David Koch and Richard Fink.[17] In 2014, David Koch was the Chairman of the Board of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation.[18]

AFP was also formally affiliated with the Independent Women's Forum. Both organizations shared the same Washington address, and formerly shared most of the same operational staff.[19] In 2008, IWF moved to separate office space.

An October 2003 Washington Times report on the formation of AFP noted that "Nancy Pfotenhauer, an executive of Citizens for a Sound Economy [CSE] in the 1990s who helped defeat Hillary Rodham Clinton's health care reform proposal, has been tapped to head a new national advocacy organization to protect 'every American's fundamental right to pursue prosperity.'[20]

Before joining the Independent Women's Forum in 2001, [Nancy] Pfotenhauer headed the Washington office of Koch Industries, a conglomerate with holdings in oil and gas, chemicals, minerals, ranching, and securities; Koch Executive Vice President David Koch was a founder and a chairman of the CSE Foundation and is now on the AFP board," reported the National Journal in November 2003. Pfotenhauer worked with Koch in the mid-'90s, when she was executive vice president of both CSE and the CSE Foundation. But she has an even longer history with AFP board member Walter Williams, for whom she was a graduate research assistant at George Mason University 20 years ago."[21]

According to investigative journalist Jane Mayer, the Kochs are known for "creating slippery organizations with generic-sounding names," that "make it difficult to ascertain the extent of their influence in Washington." Charles Lewis, founder of the Center for Public Integrity said, “The Kochs are on a whole different level. There’s no one else who has spent this much money. The sheer dimension of it is what sets them apart. They have a pattern of lawbreaking, political manipulation, and obfuscation. I’ve been in Washington since Watergate, and I’ve never seen anything like it. They are the Standard Oil of our times.”[22]

Ties to the Trump Administration

Trump's Tax Cuts

The Koch network has long prioritized securing massive tax cuts for themselves and their corporations, and, under the guise of Americans for Prosperity, has lobbied extensively for President Trump's tax cuts in both the first and second administrations.

In January 2025, AFP launched a new campaign dubbed "Protect Prosperity," pledging $20 million to support the renewal of Trump's 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, promising an ad blitz across all 50 states to pressure members of Congress to support the renewal.[23] AFP called the effort "the largest effort by a conservative organization to support President Trump’s second-term legislative agenda."[24]

In 2017, AFP spent some $20 million on ads supporting Trumps' Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.[25] According to the Tax Policy Center, 83% of the tax cuts contained in the bill went to the wealthiest 1% of Americans.[26]

The late David Koch said that "AFP worked very closely with the White House to win passage of the tax reform plan President Trump outlined," according to documents obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy.[27] The Koch network claimed to have organized over 100 rallies in 36 states, contacted over 1.8 million activists, and knocked on over 33,000 doors in order to secure the tax cut package.[28]

Promoting Trump Judges

In 2018, Americans for Prosperity pledged to spend $1 million on campaigns to get Trump's federal judicial nominations confirmed, and created a new position, Vice President of Judicial Strategy, to lead the effort.[29] AFP claims that "President Trump has nominated more fair and qualified lower courts nominees than any other president in American history."[30]

Former AFP Employees in Trump Administration

As of April 2018:[31]

  • Andeliz N. Castillo (former Senior Vice President of Grassroots Business Integration), Office of the Vice President
  • John Baylor Myers (former Deputy State Director), Department of the Treasury

Electoral Campaign Advocacy

2018 Elections

Americans for Prosperity launched its action arm, Americans for Prosperity Action, in 2018, calling the organization "a new tool to build broad policy coalitions in Congress to help advance AFP's vision," which "will advocate for candidates who share our commitment to breaking internal and external barriers that prevent people from realizing their full potential" according to CNN[32] Under campaign finance laws, AFP Action can spend unlimited sums on election activities with only "loose" disclosure laws.[32]

2016 Elections

AFP reportedly planned to spend $225 million in the 2016 election cycle.[33] As of October 16, 2015, the Center for Responsive Politics reported that AFP spent $1,550,889 on electioneering communications opposing former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland's 2016 U.S. Senate bid.[34] U.S. News and World Report noted that unusually for AFP, the ad included "express advocacy," explicitly telling viewers "Vote against Ted Strickland. He's failed Ohio's families."[33]

In August 2015, AFP started running $1.2 million in ads against Democratic New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan, who was reportedly considering running for the U.S. Senate against Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH). Those ads told viewers to "tell Maggie Hassan we can't afford her tax hikes."[33]

In July 2015, AFP released a web ad and direct mailer attacking Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, a Democrat. The advertisement was titled "You’re Going The Wrong Way, Jack Conway" and "depict[ed] Conway as a supporter of cap-and-trade legislation, the Affordable Care Act and high-dollar government spending" and attempted to link Conway to President Obama, as described by Kentucky's cn|2. The mailer was expected to go to approximately 20,000 residents, inviting them to attend the annual Fancy Farm picnic and "Help Stop Jack Conway."[35]

According to [research from the Center for Media and Democracy |,_2016 research], AFP supported the following candidates in the 2016 elections:

  • Rep Mike Coffman (CO-06)
  • Rep. George Holding (NC-13)
  • Rep. Joe Heck (R-NV) for US Senate
  • Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH)
  • Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA)
  • Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI)
  • State Rep. Joel Kitchens (WI-01)

Fighting Donor Transparency

In August 2016, Americans for Prosperity began an aggressive campaign entitled "Defeat 22" in South Dakota to prevent the passage of Measure 22.[36] The measure called for public disclosure of donors who fund advocacy efforts, the creation of a state ethics commission and public financing of political campaigns. It also limits lobbyists' gifts to elected officials and lowers the number of campaign contributions to candidates, parties and political action committees."[36]

AFP framed its campaign as a fight for the "free speech" rights of donors. However, as USA Today reported, voters polled in the state support transparency in campaigns and elections: "The initiative's supporters say their internal polling shows strong support for the measure, which comes in the wake of a high-profile corruption investigation into state management of the federal EB-5 program, which grants green cards to wealthy foreigners who invest in South Dakota projects. A former state official has been charged in connection with the probe and a former cabinet official, who was under investigation, committed suicide in 2013."[36]

Although Defeat 22 referred to itself a "coalition," the chairman was Ben Lee, who at the time was the South Dakota Director of AFP.[36] Luke Hilgeman, at the time the Chief Operating Officer at AFP, declined to tell the USA Today how much the organization spent to defeat Measure 22.[36]

2014 Elections

Based on a "Confidential Investor Update" memo obtained by Politico in May 2014, Americans for Prosperity planned to spend $125 million on electioneering during the 2014 midterms and at the time an inside source commented that was a “very conservative estimate. We’re on track for more than that.”[37] An official at the June 2014 Koch network donor retreat said that the network's budget for 2014 was $290 million. At that time AFP, together with Freedom Partners, American Energy Alliance, and Concerned Veterans for America, had spent $5.3 million on ads in Arkansas, $2.2 million in Colorado, and $3.4 million in Iowa.[38] The organization conducted a "forensic analysis" of what went wrong in the 2012 election and decided it needed to make changes in its "media message-testing strategy to target specific demographics in specific locations." The group also decided that it needed to soften its messaging, asserting that "Americans place a great importance on taking care of those in need and avoiding harm to the weak. We consistently see that Americans in general are concerned that free-market policy — and its advocates — benefit the rich and powerful more than the most vulnerable of society [...] We must correct this misconception."[37] The donor memo boasts about victories in Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, North Carolina, and Wisconsin and announced its plan to expand into eight new “pathway states,” listing Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.[37]

The 2014 midterm elections were remarkable for the increasing importance of campaign spending by outside groups.[39] Because AFP is not required to disclose all of its spending, it is unclear how much the group spent in total on midterm-related activities. AFP reported $5,082,683 in independent expenditures and election communications to the FEC,[40] but its actual spending was far greater, according to a representative from the group who spoke with the National Journal: "Americans for Prosperity, a nonprofit organization that serves as the Koch brothers' flagship political enterprise, spent $77 million on competitive Senate and House races, said spokesman Levi Russell. That total includes $56 million from AFP on TV, radio, and digital ads and direct mail, and another $21 million on grassroots efforts from their state chapters."[41]

AFP may have spent even more on voter turnout efforts. The New York Times reported that AFP "poured more than $125 million into a sustained field effort, knocking on 2.5 million doors across 26 states this cycle."[42] AFP had a major presence in many key state races in 2014 and appeared to have significantly built its organization compared to previous election cycles. The New York Times reported that AFP claimed to have built "a network of more than 500 paid staff members across 32 states" for the midterms.[43] Slate noted that "of the nine U.S. Senate races where the Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity was active, its favored candidates also prevailed in at least five contests. Only in New Hampshire and Michigan did the Crossroads groups and Americans for Prosperity see defeat."[44]

Between January 2013 and September 2014, the Koch network "aired more than 43,900 television ads this election cycle in an attempt to help Republicans take control of the Senate in the upcoming November election," amounting to nearly 1 in 10 ads, about twice as many as the right-wing American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS PACs, according to a report by the Center for Public Integrity. AFP alone had aired more than 27,000 ads.[45]

2014 Campaign Ads

Of the $125 million AFP planned to spend on the 2014 midterm elections, more than half was directed to "expanding its ground organization, with more than 500 paid field staffers positioned in pivotal races across the country," according to the Washington Post. “We’ve got to get to the point where we’re a deeper part of a community, and the left has done that for a lot longer, with a much bigger footprint,” said Tim Phillips, the then-president. “It’s about building a brand in a community. Then when the attacks come, ‘Oh, you’re just part of a Koch network or some national network,’ it doesn’t really ring true with what people are seeing.”[46]

According to the Post, AFP also spent "millions" on technology and data analytics to help target likely voters. AFP has worked with Data Trust, a company that, at the time, had an exclusive data agreement with the Republican National Committee. In August 2014, Data Trust formed a partnership with i360, "a data management company that works with AFP and about a dozen other groups in the Koch-backed political network."[46]

The Post also noted that "although the tax-exempt group maintains that it is nonpartisan, AFP has decided to engage in direct campaign activity in key Senate races in the coming weeks — freeing its field staff to explicitly urge voters not to support Democratic candidates."[46] Under current tax rules, a nonprofit like AFP "can only spend a limited amount of its annual budget on campaign activities, and those expenditures must be reported to the Federal Election Commission — the kind of disclosure that the closely held group has sought to avoid."[46]

As of May 2014, AFP had already spent $35 million on ads targeting Democrats like Kay Hagan, Mary Landrieu, and Mark Pryor. According to Politico, the "projected budget for Americans for Prosperity would be unprecedented for a private political group in a midterm, and would likely rival even the spending of the Republican and Democratic parties’ congressional campaign arms."[37]

On March 17, 2014, Americans for Prosperity began airing ads in Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, and North Carolina that make statements about the Affordable Care Act rated as "false" and "misleading" by fact checkers. The ads claimed that "millions are paying more and getting less." The Tampa Bay Times Politifact rated this claim as "FALSE," noting that there was "a slowdown in the increase in health costs during the last four years, including a modest 4 percent increase from 2011 to 2012" and "Americans are getting more benefits under the law in a number of ways - including, in some cases, being able to buy affordable insurance for the first time."[47]

Americans for Prosperity spent $400,000 on a TV ad that began airing February 21, 2014 attacking Democratic Senator Mark Begich of Alaska, which has been rated "Mostly False" by fact checkers.[48] The ad claims that "Begich is on record supporting a carbon tax, even pushing Harry Reid to make it a priority."[49] The Tampa Bay Times rated this claim as "Mostly False," explaining that: "Begich voted on an amendment that said if there is a carbon tax, the revenue generated by a carbon tax to be given back to the public in some form. The letter to Reid said that energy policy should be aimed at putting some sort of price on greenhouse gas emissions, without specifically saying it should be a carbon tax. Begich’s campaign said he’s never explicitly supported a carbon tax."

On April 23, 2014, Americans for Prosperity launched a series of ads in several targeted races across the country, including ads against in Michigan against Rep. Gary Peters, in Lousiana against Senator Mary Landrieu, in New Hampshire against Senator Jeanne Shaheen, and in Colorado against Senator Mark Udall.

AFP faced criticism for its statements in its ad against Shaheen. In the ad, AFP claims "health care premiums up 90 percent in New Hampshire." However, fact-checkers rate these claims "False," stating: "The claim cited a Morgan Stanley report that based its New Hampshire numbers on data from just one insurance broker in the state. Experts say that’s far too small a sample to say anything definitive about what’s happening to premiums in the state."[50]AFP put $457,000 behind the ad buy.[51]

In the same wave, AFP faced controversy its ad targeting Udall. The ad came under fire for using a picture of Udall and Barack Obama following a mass shooting in an Aurora, Colorado movie theater. According to the Denver Post, the group "later released a new commercial without the image, but several family members who lost loved ones in the massacre released a statement decrying its use in the first place."[52]

According to Politico, AFP also spent $650,000 on May 14, 2014 in an ad buy criticizing Rep. Ann McLane Kuster's vote for the Affordable Care Act.[53]

Supporting Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Americans for Prosperity purchased $866,000 in ads boosting Governor Scott Walker's reelection campaign just as polls showed him tied with his opponent, Democrat Mary Burke, in late May 2014.[54] The ad never mentions Walker by name; however, the ad touts the budget policies of his administration. Notably, it was AFP's 501(c)(3) arm, Americans for Prosperity Foundation, that produced the ad, reusing the "It's Working" message on which it spent $2.9 million in 2011 and 2012 with the MacIver Institute, another 501(c)(3) nonprofit.[55] At the time, AFP was reportedly embroiled in a criminal investigation looking into potentially illegal coordination in Wisconsin.[56]

2012 Elections

[The Koch network was one of the biggest political operations in the 2012 elections and worked largely outside the campaign finance system, raising at least $407 million. According to the Center for Public Integrity, Americans for Prosperity "spent a staggering $122 million [in 2012] as it unsuccessfully attempted to defeat President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats," including $83 million on "communications, ads, and media."[57] The analysis revealed that Americans for Prosperity spent at least $33.5 million on television ads encouraging viewers to vote against President Obama.

However, at a Koch network donor retreat in June 2014, Arkansas Rep. Tom Cotton credited AFP for shifting the political landscape in Arkansas in recent years, saying, in a audio recording, that "Americans for Prosperity in Arkansas has played a critical role in turning our state from a one-party Democratic state [inaudible] building the kind of constant engagement to get people in the state involved in their communities."[38]

See Americans for Prosperity in the 2012 Election.

2010 Elections

A video released by AFP during the 2010 election cycle directly responded to Obama's criticisms of AFP, reframing Obama's statements as an attack on an effective grassroots opponent of his.

APF propagated claims that Senator Boxer's support for cap-and-trade climate legislation would have resulted in much higher prices for gasoline and electricity and less jobs. AFP helped create rallies in Carson City, Reno, Las Vegas, Henderson, Nevada and Sacramento, Fresno, Bakersfield, California, from June 15th to June 17th, 2010.[58]

American's for Prosperity ran dozens of attack ads in both state and federal races around the country, including:


Anti-Union Advocacy

AFP adopts the anti-union positions held by its libertarian funders, David and Charles Koch.[59] A video published on YouTube on February 26, 2011 shows Scott Hagerstrom, then-executive director of Americans for Prosperity Michigan, advocating "taking unions out at the knees so they don't have the resources" to fight for workplace benefits or political candidates. [60]

Wisconsin's Attacks on Public-Sector Workers

In Feb. 2011, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker introduced a "budget repair bill" that would deny collective-bargaining rights to public-sector workers, and included language that would allow for the selling off of state-owned power plants, as well as enable officials appointed by the governor to make sweeping cuts in health coverage for low-income families without having to go through the normal legislative process.[61]

Among those supporting the bill were Americans for Prosperity, with state records showing that Koch Industries, whose energy and consumer products conglomerate is based in Wichita, Kansas, was one of the biggest contributors to Walker's election campaign. Koch owns a coal company subsidiary with facilities throughout Wisconsin, including in Green Bay, Manitowoc, Ashland and Sheboygan.[62]

On February 27, 2011, the activist group Anonymous announced an attack on Koch Industries as a response to the Wisconsin protests. Between 1997 and 2008, David and Charles Koch collectively gave more than $17 million to groups lobbying against unions; the Kochs are one of (Republican) Governor Walker's largest corporate supporters.[63][64] Anonymous accused the brothers of attempting "to usurp American Democracy" and called for a boycott of all Koch Industries products.[65] Under "Operation Wisconsin," Anonymous members took down the website of the Koch-funded group Americans for Prosperity with a distributed denial of service attack on Feb. 27, 2011.

Michigan's Right-to-Work Legislation

Americans for Prosperity played in integral role in supporting governor Michigan Governor Rick Snyder's signing of the controversial "Right to Work" bill in December 2012, which dealt a major blow to unions across the state. Scott Hagerstrom, then-Michigan director of AFP, stated the "Michigan passage of right-to-work legislation will be the shot heard around the world for workplace freedom. A victory over forced unionization in a union stronghold like Michigan would be an unprecedented win on par with Wisconsin that would pave the way for right to work in states across our nation."

The Koch-funded organization set up a tent serving free food, drinks, and even $25 gas cards outside of the Capitol in an effort to harness support for the bill. According to a New York Times report, AFP members called thousands of Michigan residents, urging them to support the right-to-work bill and contact their representatives. An AFP spokeswoman failed to answer a question regarding the amount of money the organization had given to support of the passage of the bill. The group even circulated a story claiming to be attacked by union supporters following the collapse of an AFP tent set up in front of the capital.

(Michigan's right-to-work legislation was repealed in 2024.)

Climate Change Denial

Americans for Prosperity, which has received millions from fossil fuel interests, including at least $5 million from Koch family foundations, has a long history of advocating for climate denial. In July of 2016, nineteen U.S. Senators delivered a series of speeches denouncing climate change denial from 32 organizations with links to fossil-fuel interests, including Americans for Prosperity.[66] Sen. Whitehouse (RI-D), who led the effort to expose "the web of denial" said in his remarks on the floor that the purpose was to,

"shine a little light on the web of climate denial and spotlight the bad actors in the web, who are polluting our American discourse with phony climate denial. This web of denial, formed over decades, has been built and provisioned by the deep-pocketed Koch brothers, by ExxonMobil, by Peabody coal, and by other fossil fuel interests. It is a grim shadow over our democracy in that it includes an electioneering effort that spends hundreds of millions of dollars in a single election cycle and threatens any Republican who steps up to address the global threat of climate change. [...][I]t is long past time we shed some light on the perpetrators of this web of denial and expose their filthy grip on our political process. It is a disgrace, and our grandchildren will look back at this as a dirty time in America’s political history because of their work.”[66]

Opposition to Automobile Efficiency Standards
Across the country, AFP has been involved in a fight against regulations mandating that cars are more efficient. According to The New York Times, "in Illinois, it discouraged state officials from considering subsidies for electric vehicles." and in Colorado, AFP representatives argued that people want SUV's, not tighter emissions rules.[67]

Killing Public Transit Projects
According to The New York Times, AFP has taken part in "killing public transit projects around the country." Using data from i360 AFP activists are going to door in various cities urging their fellow citizens to oppose public transport plans. "The Kochs’ opposition to transit spending stems from their longstanding free-market, libertarian philosophy. It also dovetails with their financial interests, which benefit from automobiles and highways," The New York Times reported in June of 2018.[7]

Hot Air Tour

During 2008, Americans for Prosperity ran its Hot Air Tour campaign, a hot air balloon cross-country tour with the slogan, "Global Warming Alarmism: Lost Jobs, Higher Taxes, Less Freedom." According the the Hot Air Tour website, "Climate alarmists have bombarded citizens with apocalyptic scenarios and pressured them into environmental political correctness. It's time to tell the other side of the story. Americans for Prosperity is working hard to bring you the missing half of the global warming debate. What will the impacts of reactionary legislation be for you, your family and our economy?"[68]

Influence Over the House Energy and Commerce Committee

In early January 2011, House Energy and Commerce Committee chair Fred Upton coauthored a Wall Street Journal op-ed with Tim Phillips, the president of Americans for Prosperity, about new EPA regulations to curb greenhouse gas emissions. They wrote that the EPA "presumes that carbon is a problem in need of regulation. We are not convinced." They also said the carbon regulation rules are "an unconstitutional power grab that will kill millions of jobs." Koch Industries was among Upton's top contributors in the 2010 election cycle, along with several other energy companies.[69]

In the past, Upton has advocated taking action on global warming: "I strongly believe that everything must be on the table as we seek to reduce carbon emissions," he once stated on his website, which has since been removed. Following the 2010 Tea Party-aided Republican takeover of the House and a heated fight for the chairmanship of the energy and commerce committee, Upton's position on climate change has veered closer to those of global warming skeptics, like most Republican congressional members. Upton is considering using the Congressional Review Act to block the EPA's new regulations on greenhouse gas emissions, in which Congress can overturn regulations from the executive branch within 60 days of their publication in the Federal Register, although the President retains the right to veto.[69]

Opposition to Health Care Reform

AFP has been accused of likening democratically-proposed health care reform to the regimes of Mugabe, Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot. A speaker at an AFP co-sponsored event in Pueblo, Colorado repeated the discredited conservative idea that Democratic health care reform will mandate physician-assisted suicide or death for older members of society. "Adolf Hitler issued six million end of life orders - he called his program the final solution. I kind of wonder what we're going to call ours," he said. The speaker further advises audience to "go to offices of members of Congress and put the fear of god in them."[70]

In response to efforts to implement the Affordable Care Act, Americans for Prosperity created an offshoot front group called Patients United Now, which organized what is estimated to be in excess of three hundred rallies against health-care reform. Patients United Now also helped organize "Kill the Bill” protests outside the Capitol, in March 2010, where Democratic supporters of health-care reform alleged that they were spat on and cursed at.[71] AFP started a group called "Patients First" to oppose health care reform. Patients First conducted bus tours around the country to create opposition to health care reform. Americans for Prosperity/Patients First visited cities and speaks to rally people and encourage them to oppose health care reform.

In 2009, AFP, along with The 912 Project, was one of the conservative groups involved in organizing "town hall protests" and "recess rallies" where participants oppose health care reform by rambunctiously shouting down members of Congress while they are holding public meetings to inform the public about the proposals.[citation needed]

2013 Anti-Obamacare Ad Campaign

In July 2013, AFP launched an ad campaign aimed at young women in an effort to capture swing voters for the 2014 midterm elections. One of the ads features a young mother with a chronically ill child. She expresses concern about being able to choose her own doctor and whether she can trust Washington to provide her family with healthcare. AFP is targeting young women by playing the commercial during shows popular with women like the Food Network cooking competition “Chopped,” “Law & Order: SVU” and “Good Morning America.”[72]

The ad is directly misleading, providing viewers with false information. Among the concerns brought up is not being able to choose your own doctor and having a limited network of doctors from which to choose. Obamacare does not force patients to see certain doctors and current health insurance companies severely limit the network of practitioners from which a patient may choose. Another misleading claim is that patients will be paying higher premiums. In fact the Congressional Budget Office estimates that 19 million people, the majority of enrollees, will eventually receive subsidies to purchase comprehensive health care coverage from the exchanges.[73]

AFP has also created a website to accompany the ad campaign. Viewers can input personal data to find out "risk factors" they may face under Obamacare. The site uses scare tactics to overwhelm viewers and intimidate them against the new healthcare reform law.[73]

2010 Ad Campaign

What Will Government Run Health Care Actually Look Like?

A week before the Nov. 2, 2010 mid-term elections, AFP began running an ad featuring a Canadian resident, identified on the AFP website as Shona Holmes, who said she developed a brain tumor in Canada and would be dead if she had relied upon the country's state-run health care: “Many Americans wonder what the new health care bill will do. Well, I know. If I had waited for treatment in my government-run health care system, I’d be dead.” The ad does not mention that the U.S. health care bill does not, in fact, embrace a single-payer system, nor does it mention how many people die in the U.S. as a result of not having health insurance.

AFP stated that "the $607,000 ad buy will run on National cable networks starting today [Oct. 27, 2010] and continuing through November 1st." On the ad, AFP President Tim Phillips said: “Our health is too important to leave in the hands of a government bureaucrat. Shona is a sobering example of how patients in other countries look to the U.S. for more choice and availability in health care when their own government-controlled systems fail.”[74]

According to the Ottawa Citizen, Holmes' "brain tumour" was actually a Rathke's Cleft Cyst on her pituitary gland. On Holmes, the John Wayne Cancer Center stated: "Rathke's Cleft Cysts are not true tumors or neoplasms; instead they are benign cysts."[75]


AFP advocates pro-tobacco industry positions on issues like cigarette taxes and clean indoor air laws. The name "Americans for Prosperity" will sound familiar to tobacco prevention policy advocates, as Americans for Prosperity worked around the U.S. to defeat both smoke-free workplace laws and cigarette excise tax increases."[76]

According to a report from the Guardian, AFP has "accepted donations from Altria -- the parent company of Philip Morris USA, John Middleton, Inc., and U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company, Inc. -- from 2011 to 2014. In both 2012 and 2017, AFP accepted $50,000 from the makers of Camel cigarettes, RJ Reynolds. British American Tobacco told the Guardian that it, too, has donated to AFP. AFP argued in support of a Philip Morris product to the US Food and Drug Administration, "was fundamental in structuring and supporting the Tea Party in its initial stages and went on to adopt a policy agenda aligned with tobacco companies, opposed tobacco taxes in California in 2012 and in Arkansas in 2009 and opposed clean indoor air laws in North Carolina in 2007.[77]

Americans for Prosperity opposed a proposed Texas smoking ban in 2005. According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, “A proposed statewide smoking ban appears all but dead, supporters acknowledged Monday as they waged a frantic battle to bring the bill up for a vote in the Senate. ‘I think the bill is dead,’ said Peggy Venable, Texas director of Americans for Prosperity, which opposed the legislation, arguing that it is an intrusion on private-property rights." The strategy of portraying smoking as a "property right" can be traced to Philip Morris which, in the mid-1990s, introduced bills in state legislatures nominally to protect property rights as a means of fighting smoking bans. Venable called the smoke-free measure a "reckless expansion of government" that "set a dangerous precedent." Although Venable did not testify against the bill directly on behalf of the tobacco industry, the Houston Chronicle reported in 2007 that Americans for Prosperity had, in fact, been underwritten by tobacco companies in other states.[78]

Americans for Prosperity opposes smoking bans by using slippery-slope arguments ("Where will it stop?") and erroneous arguments that smoking restrictions are economically damaging.[79] Americans for Prosperity (AFP) also opposed an Illinois state tax on cigarettes in 2008, claiming it would eliminate jobs.[80] AFP has also opposed clean indoor air laws in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere.[81] AFP opposed a clean indoor air law in Kansas City, portraying the issue as one of personal liberty and economics rather than public health.[82]

Opposition to Economic Stimulus Packages

In 2009, Americans for Prosperity launched the website, a website intended to address concerns regarding government spending and growth.[83] The site contained a petition against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that became so popular that it crashed the website in early February 2009.[84]

Wisconsin Operations

Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin is the state arm of the David Koch's AFP.

Support of Governor Scott Walker

Americans for Prosperity's conventions in Wisconsin in the two years prior to 2011 "may have helped lay the groundwork for the state's controversial battle over labor rights and budget cuts. The conventions featured leading figures in the right-wing's attack on workers, and may also have skirted disclosure rules in the process. Governor Scott Walker and Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen appeared when they were running for office, and both conventions featured Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David T. Prosser, Jr..

"In both the 2009 and 2010 conferences, AFP invited activists to attend a closing 'reception' with 'invited candidates for elected office' that was 'fully sponsored and hosted' by the Wisconsin Center for Economic Prosperity (WCEP), a Political Action Committee (PAC). AFP added a disclaimer to the 2010 political candidate meet-and-greet reception, stating 'the reception and corresponding activities are not sponsored or hosted by the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, Americans for Prosperity, or the Wisconsin Prosperity Network.' This disclaimer was likely aimed at avoiding restrictions on non-profit involvement in partisan political activities, such as funding a reception for federal and state candidates. However, at the time of the conventions, WCEP shared leadership with AFP. Federal filings showed that at least one of WCEP's checking accounts was in the name of Mark Block, the president of Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin until 2011."[85]

A TV station reported on a March 4, 2011 AFP rally in Ashwaubenon, WI that featured a custom-painted, pro-Scott Walker luxury coach

In early March 2011, AFP conducted a "Stand with Walker" bus tour to Wisconsin, complete with a custom-painted luxury coach with a picture of embattled Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker professionally-painted on the side. The bus arrived in Ashwaubenon, WI on Friday, March 4. About 100 people attended the rally, a "high turnout" that, one Wisconsin TV station reported, "forced organizers to move from Perkins restaurant to the Holiday Inn next door." Americans for Prosperity's Wisconsin then-state director, Matt Seaholm, who attended the rally, said, "What we're doing here is, we want to go around the state, you know, give our folks a chance to show their support for what Governor Walker is doing. So often they can't make it down to Madison and take the day off, so we thought we'd bring the show to them." [86]

The debate over the public union-quashing Wisconsin "Budget Reform Bill" overflowed into the Spring 2011 non-partisan statewide election, where candidates for Wisconsin Supreme Court justice, incumbent David T. Prosser, Jr. and challenger JoAnne Kloppenburg, campaigned as pro- and anti-Walker, respectively. Americans for Prosperity weighed in, sending out a "mailer criticizing Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Joanne Kloppenburg for prosecutions that were trumpeted by her boss Wisconsin's Republican Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen, who is defending Governor Walker's union-busting bill in court.... [E]ach of these acts were in the context of enforcing the state's environmental laws. Considering that AFP and the Kochs have been pushing climate change denial and the repeal of environmental regulation[s], is it coincidence that they chose these examples?"[87]

Then, on April 16th, 2011, "Sarah Palin, former Governor of Alaska who quit her job in 2009, headlined a rally in Madison, Wisconsin, bought and paid for by the front-group Americans for Prosperity (AFP), but billed as a "grassroots" Tea Party event. The Koch-funded AFP set up the stage and programmed 13 buses into Madison, but only six were labeled "full" on their website on Saturday. AFP also likely paid the airfare and fees of the national speakers."[88] "[C]ounter-protesters outnumbered Tea Party supporters. Wisconsin Wave held an early rally on the opposite side of the capitol, giving progressives a platform for the day but ending in time for attendees to march in opposition to Palin's speech.... Hundreds of protesters brought hand puppets to the event, illustrating the theme 'Walker and Palin are corporate puppets' of the Koch Brothers and other corporate interests."[89]

In February 2012, David Koch gave a rare interview to the Palm Beach Post and discussed his involvement with the Governor's pending recall election. "We're helping him, as we should. We've gotten pretty good at this over the years," he told the Post, adding "We've spent a lot of money in Wisconsin. We're going to spend more."[90]

The interview closely followed AFP's purchase of $700,000 worth of television ads in Wisconsin, which it produced in tandem with the MacIver Institute. The ad claimed that by eliminating collective bargaining, Walker had "put taxpayers back in control" and praised his record. [91] The ads were paid through AFP's 501(c)3 branch, which is not allowed to directly participate in elections. The ad does not mention Scott Walker by name, but clearly articulates for his policies.

AFP has been very active in Wisconsin, teaming up with the Madison-based MacIver Institute to spend millions on the "It's Working!" campaign – a series of TV ads and town hall meetings asserting that Governor Scott Walker’s severe cuts to education and his dramatic repeal of the rights of public workers are “working,” in advance of Walker’s June 2012 recall election. AFP and MacIver reportedly spent at least $2.9 million in 2012 on TV ads supporting Walker’s agenda as well as untold sums on town hall meetings, rallies, direct mail, Internet outreach, and other work. State AFP chapters around the country also organized “Freedom Phone” phone banks to have individuals make calls into the state “supporting the Wisconsin reforms.” Additionally, the AFP chapter in Illinois is busing out-of-state people into Wisconsin to canvass neighborhoods just a few days before the election.

Luke Hilgemann, the director of AFP-Wisconsin, was the Chief of Staff for Rep. Suder, the ALEC co-chair for Wisconsin. In his AFP biography, Hilgemann notes that during his time in the Assembly, under the Walker administration, he “helped craft and implement one of the most conservative legislative agendas in state history which included collective bargaining reforms, Conceal and Carry, Voter ID, and Castle Doctrine” – all of which track key provisions of ALEC model legislation. AFP is a private sector member of ALEC, as is Koch Industries, which has had a seat on ALEC’s governing private sector board for almost two decades and also chaired ALEC’s corporate board for a number of years.[92]

According to documents obtained by Common Cause, AFP was on ALEC’s Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force in 2011, and its Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force in 2010, but currently-available task force information does not include member rosters. When ALEC came under additional public scrutiny in 2012, Wisconsin legislators received identical emails supporting ALEC from people claiming to be constituents, and the text of the emails was identical to the language in an online petition pushed by AFP across the country. On February 23, 2012, Wisconsin Democrats filed a complaint with the Government Accountability Board and the Internal Revenue Service about AFP's activities in the state. The complaint was issued in response to comments made by David Koch in an interview with the the Palm Beach Post. Koch acknowledged his efforts to aid Scott Walker's campaign to win the likely recall election he will be facing this spring, stating that "We've spent a lot of money in Wisconsin. We're going to spend a lot more." As a 501(c)(3), AFP is not allowed to engage in "activities which constitute participation or intervention in a political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to a candidate," so Koch's comments suggest that AFP's activities may be unlawful.[93] Democratic Party Chairman Mike Tate also called on television stations airing AFP ads to immediately remove the ads from their broadcasts. [94]

Opposition to Medicaid Expansion

Eric Bott, AFP Wisconsin State Director, argued in an email to supporters that Medicare "expansion means taking resources away from those who truly need Medicaid in order to fund a welfare expansion for those who already have private coverage" and urged supporters to send a letter saying "I agree that those who need health care should have access to quality services. Medicaid Expansion means taking resources away from those who truly need Medicaid in order to fund a welfare expansion for those who already have private coverage" to their legislators.[95][96]

2011 Wisconsin Protests & 2011/2012 Recall Elections

A leaked audio recording of the invite-only June 2014 Koch network donor retreat revealed Phil Cox, Executive Director of the Republican Governors Association (RGA), telling a gathering of right-wing donors that AFP was a "tremendous partner" and "heavily involved" during Wisconsin's 2012 recall elections. Cox also thanked David Koch for "his very strong support of the RGA."[97] AFP spent at least $10 million during the recall,[98] mostly through its 501(c)(3) "charitable" arm, while the RGA is a 527 PAC and spent some $7 million campaigning expressly for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. If, as the audio suggests, the two groups coordinated their campaigns, they likely violated tax laws barring political intervention by charities, as explained by the Center for Media and Democracy.[97]

Wisconsin Prosperity Network

The following are known members of WPN:[99]

  • James Klauster - Klauster is a GOP power broker and top aide to former Gov. Tommy Thompson. He is also a Chairman on the The Wisconsin Policy Research Institute Inc. board and Senior Vice President at Wisconsin Energy Corp. He was a consultant from 1992 to 1996 for the Republican National Committee and Republican Governors Association, a General Chairman of the Thompson for Governor Committee, Co-Chairman of the Bush for President-Wisconsin committee in 2000 and as Chairman in 2004.[100] Klauser and his wife Shirley have given $96,683.45 to Wisconsin politicians since 1992.[101]
  • Michael Grebe - Grebe is the Bradley Foundation President and Chairman of the Republican Party of Washington.He also served on the Commission on Judicial Elections and Ethics board in 1997. Grebe is also the former boss of Barack Obama at Foley & Lardner LLP. He also chaired Scott Walker's electoral campaigns. Grebe and his wife Margaret have given $120,850 to Wisconsin politicians since 1992.[102]
  • Fred Luber – Luber is a businessman and the founder and chairman of Super Steel Corp. He also is a MacIver Institute Chair, was a Scott Walker Campaign Finance Co-Chair and founder of the Anne And Fred Luber Foundation. He also served on the Commission on Judicial Elections and Ethics board in 1997. Luber and his wife Anne has given $114,973 to Wisconsin politicians since 1992.[103]
  • Mark Block – Former President of Americans for Prosperity Wisconsin chapter, Main organizer of Wisconsin Prosperity Network, on the Board of Directors of the MacIver Institute and the First Freedoms Foundation. In 2008, Block was appointed a member of the Wisconsin Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. He was also a consultant and fundraiser in the past with Mark Block and Associates, and did fundraising and consulting for Presidential candidates like George W. Bush and Governors like Tommy Thompson and Wisconsin Supreme Court Justices Janine Geske and Jon Wilcox. The Wilcox campaign that Block managed holds the record for the highest paid election law penalties in Wisconsin history. Block settled the case brought against him in 2001 by the State Elections Board for illegal campaign activity - illegally raising $200,000 with a front group pretending to operate independently from a political party. Block paid $15,000 in fines and had to stay away from Wisconsin political campaigns for three years; The leader of the front group paid $35,000 and was banned from Wisconsin politics for five years; And Jon Wilcox paid $10,000 in fines.[104] Block was also involved in a "voter caging" controversy in Wisconsin during the 2010 elections.[105] The Center for Media and Democracy filed a letter with the Internal Revenue Service, requesting that it investigate Block's Prosperity USA, a nonprofit organization that spent money on Herman Cain's presidential campaign.[106] Block has given $5,643.19 to Wisconsin politicians since 1992.[107]
  • Scott Jensen – Jensen is the former Chief of Staff for Tommy Tompson between 1990 to 1992. He was voted into the Wisconsin State Assembly from 1991 - 2006. Jensen was the former Assembly Speaker from 1995 - 2002. He is also an advisor on the American Federation for Children Government Team.[108][109] Jensen was convicted of three felonies and a misdemeanor in 2002, facing prison time for "misconduct in public office on accusations of using state resources and state workers to campaign for Assembly Republicans in 1998 and 2000 elections."[110] In 2010, Jensen reached a plea deal after his original sentence was overturned for a technicality.[111] The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that "Jensen resolved the criminal case against him involving misconduct in office charges by agreeing Monday to pay a $5,000 civil forfeiture and reimbursing the state $67,174 in legal fees initially borne by taxpayers, according to a plea deal."[112] Jensen has given $3,090 to Wisconsin politicians since 1992.[113]


AFP is listed as a related organization on the tax returns of the Stand Together Chamber of Commerce, one of many Koch-controlled entities[114], and the lion’s share of its funding comes from that group. Stand Together Chamber of Commerce funneled more than half a billion dollars into AFP between 2013 and 2023 and provided AFP with more than 70% ($130 million) of its revenues in 2023.

It is not known whether any of AFP's money comes from direct checks from Charles Koch, Koch Inc., or other family members. AFP is not required to disclose its funders but major nonprofit supporters can be found through their IRS filings. Here are some known contributors:

  • Alliance For A Free Society: $500,000 (2018)
  • Anna Paulina Foundation: $1,000 (2019)
  • Believe in People: $2,350,000 (2020)
  • Chase Foundation Of Virginia: $50,000 (2019-2020)
  • Coalition Por For Texas: $275,000 (2021)
  • Edison Electric Institute: $35,000 (2019)
  • Garcia Family Foundation I: $125,000 (2020)
  • John And Donnie Brock Foundation: $1,000 (2019)
  • Manuel And Mary Johnson Foundation: $100,000 (2021)
  • Offerdahl Family Foundation: $7,000 (2022)
  • Red Bird Hollow Foundation: $11,000 (2020-2022)
  • Rescuecalifornia Education Foundation: $100,000 (2020)
  • Sarah Ketterer Family Foundation: $500,000 (2022-2023)
  • Shamrock Trust: $2,000 (2022-2023)
  • Stand Together C4 Fund: $75,000,000 (2022-2023)
  • Stand Together Chamber of Commerce: $589,915,000 (2013-2023)
  • Tepper Family Foundation: $3,000 (2020)
  • The Percy Fund: $10,000 (2023)
  • Ufp Industries Foundation: $10,000 (2021)
  • Vote No On 802 Association: $28,972 (2021)
  • Weigand Family Foundation: $160,000 (2019-2022)

Early Funding

On its website, Americans For Prosperity states that "AFP gets its support from individuals and corporations which share its vision." However, it has not disclosed which corporations fund its operations.[115] The Center for Public Integrity noted that Americans for Prosperity "has received large sums of money from other Koch-connected nonprofits such as Freedom Partners and the Center to Protect Patient Rights" along with "corporate interests, such as the American Petroleum Institute and tobacco giant Reynolds American."[116]

Kevin Grandia of DeSmogBlog, who researched early AFP funding, has stated that, "The AFP is the third largest recipient of funding from the Koch Family Foundations, behind the Cato Institute and the George Mason University Foundation," and that, "Before 2003, when the AFP was still named the Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation, it received $18,460,912 in funding. 84% of that funding came from the Koch Family Foundations ($12,906,712) and the Scaife Family Foundations ($2,510,000)."

Koch Family Foundations is funded by the billionaires who lead Koch Industries. According to Forbes, Koch Industries is the second largest privately-held company, and the largest privately owned energy company, in the United States. Koch industries has made its money in the oil business, primarily oil refining. Presently, it holds stakes in pipelines, refineries, fertilizer, forest products, and chemical technology.

Americans for Prosperity is also connected to oil giant ExxonMobil. According to ExxonSecrets, between the years 1998-2001, Citizens for A Sound Economy and Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation received $380,250 from ExxonMobil."[117]

More information about disclosed contributions to AFP from Koch-controlled foundations can be found on the Koch Family Foundations page.

In 2010, AFP received $1,924,000 from the Center to Protect Patients' Rights, a Koch-connected 501(c)4 that acted as a conduit for around $55 million in secret funding distributed to other nonprofit groups that attacked Democrats in the 2010 elections.[118][119]

Core Financials


  • Total Revenue: $186,359,205
  • Total Expenses: $168,040,159
  • Net Assets: $14,642,055

Grants Distributed

  • America is Better: $260,869
  • American Oil & Gas Alliance: $17,500
  • Jersey First: $39,000
  • Mackinac Center Action: $300,000
  • Manufacturer and Business Association: $17,500
  • Oregon Business & Industry Association: $10,000
  • Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce: $17,500


  • Total Revenue: $112,498,519
  • Total Expenses: $136,103,095
  • Net Assets: -$3,676,991

Grants Distributed

  • America is Better: $36,000
  • Growing Indiana Together: $50,000
  • Jersey First: $22,500
  • Kansas Legal Network: $35,000


  • Total Revenue: $113,776,550
  • Total Expenses: $97,304,690
  • Net Assets: $19,928,957

Grants Distributed


  • Total Revenue: $64,546,338
  • Total Expenses: $78,329,056
  • Net Assets: $3,457,097


  • Total Revenue: $54,497,443
  • Total Expenses: $56,999,314
  • Net Assets: $17,239,815

Grants Distributed

  • Excellence in Education National: $100,000


  • Total Revenue: $96,544,184
  • Total Expenses: $89,615,828
  • Net Assets: $19,741,686

Grants Distributed

  • Greater North Dakota Chamber of Commerce: $90,000
  • No On Proposition 126: $10,000
  • South Dakota Chamber of Commerce: $25,000


  • Total Revenue: $57,578,959
  • Total Expenses: $51,688,505
  • Net Assets: $12,813,330

Grants Distributed

  • Arizona Free Enterprise Club: $110,000
  • Center for Independent Employees: $18,000
  • Springs Taxpayers: $15,000


  • Total Revenue: $64,022,929
  • Total Expenses: $58,306,180
  • Net Assets: $6,922,940

Grants Distributed

  • Defeat22com: $590,000
  • Arizona Free Enterprise Club: $100,000


  • Total Revenue: $44,382,585
  • Total Expenses: $45,727,933
  • Net Assets: $1,206,844

Grants Distributed

  • Beacon Center of Tennessee: $10,000
  • Home School Legal Defense Association: $6,000
  • Kansas Senior Consumer Alliance: $42,000
  • KidsFirst Mississippi Political Issue Committee: $210,000
  • Protect my Check: $50,000


  • Total Revenue: $82,682,125
  • Total Expenses: $90,412,075
  • Net Assets: $2,552,192

Grants Distributed


  • Total Revenue: $44,245,689
  • Total Expenses: $34,791,542
  • Net Assets: $10,282,142

Grants Distributed

  • Enterprise Freedom Action Committee: $200,000


  • Total Revenue: $115,126,635
  • Total Expenses: $122,250,942
  • Net Assets: $827,995

Grants Distributed

  • American Energy Alliance: $15,000
  • Citizens for Community Values Action: $5,800
  • Clark County School District: $11,000
  • Conservative Alliance for Community Growth: $6,400
  • Hampton Roads Tea Party: $7,700
  • New Hampshire Advantage Coalition: $20,000
  • National Federation for Independent Businesses: $20,000
  • Smart Girl Politics, Inc.: $5,650
  • Center to Protect Patient Rights: $100,000
  • We the People Convention: $20,000
  • American Principles in Action: $7,259
  • Keep Albuquerque Working: $12,000
  • New Mexico Business Coalition: $7,500
  • Tax Fairness for All Wichitans: $43,000


As of January 2025:[131]


  • Emily Seidel, President and Chief Executive Officer
  • Brent Gardner, Chief Government Affairs Officer
  • Nathan Nascimento, Executive Vice President
  • Chase Downham, Senior Vice President of Grassroots
  • Kent Strang, Managing Director
  • Akash Chougule, Vice President Government Affairs
  • Derrick Sontag, Vice President Grassroots
  • Beth Anne Mumford, Vice President State Operations
  • Juliana Heerschap, Vice President Policy
  • Casey Mattox, Vice President of Legal and Judicial Strategy
  • Bill Riggs, Vice President of Communications

Former Staff

  • Jorge Lima, Senior Vice President of Policy
  • Tim Phillips, President
  • Victor E. Bernson, Vice President, General Counsel
  • Dustin Zvonek, Vice President of Strategy and Innovation
  • Mark Lucas, Senior Vice President of Grassroots
  • Sarah Field, Vice President of Judicial Strategy
  • Luke Hilgeman, Chief Operating Officer
  • Chris Fink, Vice President, Development
  • Teresa Oelke, Senior Vice President]
  • Josh Fisher, Vice President of Finance and Treasurer
  • Molly Tims, Chief of Staff[132]
  • Nancy Pfotenhauer, President

Advisory Council

  • Guy Benson, Host of Guy Benson Show, Fox News Contributor
  • Erick Erickson, Host of Erick Erickson Show
  • Mary Katharine Ham, Political Commentator
  • Jeb Hensarling, Former U.S. Congressman
  • Jose Oliva, Entrepreneur, Former Speaker of Florida House
  • Jim Stephenson, Chairman, Yancey Bros. Co.

Board of Directors

  • Emily Seidel, Board Chair
  • James Davis, Board Director
  • Kim Penner, Board Director
  • Brent Gardner, Board Director
  • Gretchen Reiter, Board Director

Former Directors

Contact Information

Americans For Prosperity
1310 N Courthouse Road, No 700
Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: (703) 224-3200
Toll Free: (866) 730-0150
Fax: (703) 224-3201

Other websites include:

Articles and Resources

IRS Form 990 Filings














Americans for Prosperity Stimulating Growth Prospectus


Related SourceWatch Articles


  1. Peter Overby, Who's Raising Money For Tea Party Movement?, NPR, February 19, 2010.
  2. Americans for Prosperity, About Us, organizational website, accessed January 23, 2025.
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 Americans for Prosperity, 2023 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, November 7, 2024.
  4. Americans for Prosperity, About Us, organizational website, accessed January 23, 2025.
  5. AFP Tim Phillips organizational website, accessed October 2018.
  6. Americans for Prosperity, About Us, organizational website, accessed January 23, 2025.
  7. Americans for Prosperity About AFP-Oklahoma, organizational website, accessed May 21, 2013.
  8. FEC AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY United States Government, accessed Oct. 2018
  9. Brendan Fischer and Sara Jerving, CMD's Quick Guide to the Mark Block "Blocktopus", PR Watch, November 8, 2011.
  10. Mark Pitsch, New Wisconsin Prosperity Network group would push GOP causes, The Wisconsin State Journal, May 9, 2009.
  11. Mark Pitsch, New Wisconsin Prosperity Network group would push GOP causes, The Wisconsin State Journal, May 9, 2009.
  12. Jane Mayer, Covert Operations: The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama, The New Yorker, August 30, 2010.
  13. Bloomberg Business Week, Profile of David Hamilton Koch, Executive Vice President and Director, Koch Industries, Inc., Background, organizational website, accessed May 22, 2013.
  14. Media Matters, Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation Conservative Transparency, accessed January 27, 2010.
  15. Lee Fang, Spontaneous Uprising? Corporate Lobbyists Helping To Orchestrate Radical Anti-Obama Tea Party Protests, April 9, 2009, accessed January 27, 2010.
  16. Americans for Prosperity Foundation, "About AFP - Directors", Americans for Prosperity Foundation website, accessed May 21, 2013.
  17. "Personnel News", The Bulletin's Frontrunner, October 30, 2003.(Not available online).
  18. Americans for Prosperity Foundation, Directors, organizational website, accessed July 7, 2014.
  19. Independent Women's Forum, "Independent Women's Forum Announces Exciting New Partnership; Affiliates with Americans for Prosperity", Media Release, PR Newswire, October 29, 2003. (Not available online).
  20. John McCaslin, Inside the Beltway, The Washington Times, October 28, 2003.
  21. Lisa Caruso, Mark Kukis, Kellie Lunney, and Gregg Sangillo, People, National Journal, November 15, 2003.
  22. Jane Mayer, Covert Operations: The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama, The New Yorker, August 30, 2010.
  23. AFP, Americans for Prosperity Launches $20 Million Campaign to Support the Trump Tax Cuts, Americans For Prosperity, January 13, 2025.
  24. AFP, Americans for Prosperity Launches $20 Million Campaign to Support the Trump Tax Cuts, Americans For Prosperity, January 13, 2025.
  25. Don Wiener, Koch-Tied Firm Conducts Mass Layoffs after Trump “Job Creating” Tax Cut Bill, ExposedbyCMD, May 16, 2018.
  26. TPC Staff, Distributional Analysis of the Conference Agreement for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Tax Policy Center, December 18, 2017.
  27. David Armiak, David Koch Letter to Potential Americans for Prosperity Donor Activists, ExposedbyCMD, March 9, 2021.
  28. Lee Fang and Nick Surgey, Koch Document Reveals Lanudry List of Policy Victories Extracted from the Trump Administration, ProPublica, February 25, 2018.
  29. Carrie Johnson, Conservatives Mobilize Grass-Roots Activists To Promote Trump Judges, NPR, March 16, 2018.
  30. AFP, AFP Backs Brennan for 7th Circuit Court, organizational website, February 22, 2018.
  31. Propublica, Americans for Prosperity, Trump Town, April 2018.
  32. Jump up to: 32.0 32.1 David Wright Koch brothers' network launches new super PAC CNN September 10, 2018.
  33. Jump up to: 33.0 33.1 33.2 Julie Bykowicz, "Democratic Senate candidate in Ohio already under fire in new ad by Koch group," Associated Press/U.S. News and World Report, August 18, 2015.
  34. Open Secrets, Americans for Prosperity 2016 Recipients, Center for Responsive Politics, 2015.
  35. Kevin Wheatley, "Americans for Prosperity says Jack Conway would lead Kentucky in wrong direction in pre-Fancy Farm Web ad, mailer," cn|2, July 25, 2015.
  36. Jump up to: 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 Fredreka Schouten, Charles Koch's network launches new fight to keep donors secret, USA Today, August 17, 2016.
  37. Jump up to: 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 Kenneth Vogel, Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity plans $125 million spending spree, Politico, May 9, 2014.
  38. Jump up to: 38.0 38.1 Sam Stein, At Koch Retreat, Top GOP Senate Candidates Credited Koch Network For Their Rise, Huffington Post, August 26, 2014.
  39. Russ Choma, "Money Won on Tuesday, But Rules of the Game Changed," Center for Responsive Politics, Open Secrets blog, November 5, 2011.
  40. Center for Responsive Politics, Americans for Prosperity, Open Secrets campaign spending database, accessed November 7, 2014.
  41. Alex Roarty, "The Koch Network Spent $100 Million This Election Cycle," National Journal, November 4, 2014.
  42. Ashley Parker, Chastened Republicans Beat Democrats at Their Own Ground Game, New York Times, November 8, 2014.
  43. Derek Williams, "Election Spending Is Changing, as Well as Expanding," New York Times, November 4, 2014.
  44. Michael Beckel, Carrie Levine, and Dave Levinthal Political Dividends, Slate, November 5, 2014.
  45. Michael Beckel, The Kochs’ Political Ad Machine, Slate, September 4, 2014.
  46. Jump up to: 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 Matea Gold, Americans for Prosperity plows millions into building conservative ground force, Washington Post, October 6, 2014.
  47. Politifact, Millions of Americans are "paying more and getting less" under Obamacare,, March 17, 2014.
  48. PolitiFact, Says Alaska Sen. Mark Begich "is on record supporting a carbon tax, even pushing Harry Reid to make it a priority.",, February 21, 2014.
  49. Americans for Prosperity, Senator Begich Needs to Keep His Word, YouTube, February 21, 2014.
  50. Politifact, AFP says health care premiums up 90 percent in New Hampshire, Politifact, April 23, 2014.
  51. Alexis Levinson, Americans for Prosperity Targets N.H. Senate Race, Roll Call, April 23, 2014.
  52. Lynn Bartels, Aurora theater victims decry use of image in AFP ad against Mark Udall, Denver Post, April 23, 2014.
  53. Politico, Morning Score, Politico, May 14, 2014.
  54. Jason Stein, Conservative group runs ad touting Gov. Scott Walker's policies, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, May 27, 2014.
  55. Brendan Fischer, Is David Koch Getting a Tax Writeoff for Dropping $900K on the Walker Race?, PRWatch, May 28, 2014.
  56. Brendan Fischer, Was John Doe Raid Led By Republicans?, PR Watch, June 12, 2014.
  57. Michael Beckel Koch-backed nonprofit spent record cash in 2012, Center for Public Integrity, November 14, 2013.
  58. November is Coming, Event List, organizational website, archived June 15, 2010.
  59. Andrew Stern, Analysis: Koch brothers a force in anti-union effort, Reuters, February 26, 2011.
  60. ThinkProgress/Americans for Prosperity Michigan, AFP Michigan Exec Director: "Take The Unions Out at the Knees", video, accessed May 21, 2013.
  61. Paul Krugman, Shock Doctrine, U.S.A. NY Times, Feb. 24, 2011
  62. Eric Lipton, Billionaire Brothers’ Money Plays Role in Wisconsin Dispute, NY Times, Feb. 21, 2011.
  63. Peter Overby, Billionaire Brothers In Spotlight In Wis. Union Battle, National Public Radio, February 25, 2011.
  64. Eric Lipton, Billionaire Brothers’ Money Plays Role in Wisconsin Dispute, The New York Times, February 21, 2011.
  65. Stephen C. Webster, Anonymous’ targets the brothers Koch, claiming attempts ‘to usurp American Democracy, The Raw Story, February 27, 2011.
  66. Jump up to: 66.0 66.1 Sheldon Whitehouse, "Senators Call Out Web of Denial Blocking Action On Climate Change," Office of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, July 15, 2016.
  67. Hiroko Tabuchi The Oil Industry’s Covert Campaign to Rewrite American Car Emissions Rules The New York Times Dec 13, 2018
  68. Americans for Prosperity, Welcome to the Hot Air Tour, Americans for Prosperity website, accessed August 2008.
  69. Jump up to: 69.0 69.1 Kate Sheppard, Fred Upton's Climate Changeup, Mother Jones, January 4, 2011.
  70. Brian Beutler, "Americans for Prosperity Compares Health Care Reform To Holocaust, Tells Protesters To Put 'Fear Of God' In Members Of Congress", Talking Points Memo, August 7, 2009.
  71. Jane Mayer, Covert Operations: The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama, The New Yorker, August 30, 2010.
  72. Jeremy W. Peters, Conservatives’ Aggressive Ad Campaign Seeks to Cast Doubt on Health Law, New York Times, July 6, 2013
  73. Jump up to: 73.0 73.1 Igor Volsky, Koch Brothers To Pour Millions Into Obamacare Misinformation Campaign, Think Progress, July 8, 2013.
  74. Americans for Prosperity, "Americans for Prosperity Foundation Launches National TV Ad With Brain Tumor Survivor Shona Holmes", organizational website, Oct. 27, 2010.
  75. Crooks and Liars, "Reality Check on Shona Holmes: Holmes' "Brain Tumour" was Actually a Rathke's Cleft Cyst on Her Pituitary Gland" , July 27, 2009.
  76. Jessica Glenza Revealed: the free-market groups helping the tobacco industry The Guardian Jan 23, 2019
  77. Jessica Glenza, Sharon Kelly and Juweek Adolphe Free-market groups and the tobacco industry - full database the Guardian accessed Jan 23 2019
  78. Kristen Mack Houston Chronicle, Debate on smoking ban renewed in House, March 14, 2007.
  79. Americans for Prosperity Texas Newsroom, Hearing on Freedom Issues, organizational website - accessed by Wayback Machine, August 26, 2008.
  80. Americans for Prosperity, Americans for Prosperity: Cigarette Tax Increase Would Cost Jobs, Feed State's Out-of-Control Spending Habits, AFP Illinois Newsroom, January 7, 2008.
  81. Americans for Prosperity, Put That Cigarette Out, AFP District of Columbia blog, 2006], accessed July 12, 2009.
  82. Americans for Prosperity, Smoking Bans and Liberty, AFP Kansas Newsroom, undated blog, accessed July 12, 2009.
  83. No Stimulus, About, organizational website, accessed May 22, 2013.
  84. Rachel Weiner,Americans for Prosperity: "No Stimulus" Petition, Huffington Post, February 10, 2009.
  85. Brendan Fischer, Walker, Van Hollen, Prosser and Others Attended Koch-Fueled Americans for Prosperity's Tea Party Conventions,, April 4, 2011.
  86. WBAY, Americans for Prosperity Brings "Stand with Walker" Bus Tour to Ashwaubenon, Television news report (with video), March 4, 2011.
  87. Brendan Fischer, Koch's Americans for Prosperity Aims at Kloppenburg, Strikes GOP Attorney General?,, April 5, 2011.
  88. Mary Bottari, Sarah Palin: The Koch Brother’s Union Maid,, April 18, 2011.
  89. Brendan Fischer, Don't "Misunderestimate" Wisconsin,, April 16, 2011.
  90. Stacey Singer, David Koch intends to cure cancer in his lifetime and remake American politics, Palm Beach Bost, February 19, 2011.
  91. Eric Kleefeld, Koch-Backed Americans For Prosperity Puts $700,000 Into Wisconsin, Talking Points Memo, February 22, 2012.
  92. Brendan Fischer, CMD Submits Testimony to the U.S. Senate on Citizens United Case and the Rise of Super PACs and Nonprofit Front Groups, PR Watch, July 24, 2012.
  93. Eric Kleefeld, Wisconsin Dems File Complaint With State Against David Koch, Talking Points Memo, February 23, 2012.
  94. Daniel Bice,Democrats urge TV stations to pull ads, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, February 23, 2012.
  95. AFP Wisconsin Tell Wisconsin lawmakers: Reject Medicaid Expansion Campaign, accessed May 29, 2019
  96. Eric Bott ["Health care is under threat in Wisconsin" Email to supporters seen by CMD staff] Campaign Email, Sent May 29, 2019
  97. Jump up to: 97.0 97.1 Brendan Fischer, "Leaked Audio Suggests Koch's AFP Violated Law During Walker Recall," Center for Media and Democracy, PR Watch, September 3, 2014. Accessed September 3, 2014.
  98. Chris Welch, "Crunch time for recall volunteers," CNN, June 3, 2012. Accessed September 3, 2014.
  99. Mark Pitsch, New Wisconsin Prosperity Network group would push GOP causes, The Wisconsin State Journal, May 9, 2009.
  100. Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, About WPRI, organizational website, accessed May 22, 2013.
  101. Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Finance Database, organizational website, accessed May 22, 2013.
  102. Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Finance Database, organizational website, accessed May 22, 2013.
  103. Wisconsin Democracy Campaign,Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Finance Database, organizational website, accessed May 22, 2013.
  104. Michael Horne, The insider, Milwaukee Magazine, September 14, 2010.
  105. Save Wisconsin's Vote, What is Voter Caging?, One Wisconsin Now, accessed May 22, 2013.
  106. Brendan Fischer, [CMD Requests IRS Investigate Accused of Fronting Private Jets for Presidential Campaign], Center for Media and Democracy, November 7, 2011.
  107. Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Finance Database, organizational website, accessed May 22, 2013.
  108. Federation for Children,Leadership, organizational website, accessed May 22, 2013.
  109. Express Milwaukee, Jensen agrees to a plea deal, organizational report, December 23, 2010.
  110. Mike Johnson and Jason Stein, Jensen settles misconduct case; felonies dropped,Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dec. 20, 2010.
  111. Express Milwaukee, Jensen agrees to a plea deal, organizational report, December 23, 2010.
  112. Mike Johnson, Jason Stein, Jensen settles misconduct case; felonies dropped, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, December 20, 2010.
  113. Wisconsin Democracy Campaign,Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Finance Database, organizational website, accessed May 22, 2013.
  114. Connor Gibson, Assets of Koch-Controlled Organizations Soar to Over $8.1 Billion, ExposedbyCMD, May 8, 2024.
  115. Americans for Prosperity, Changing the Nation, One State at a Time... Supporting Americans for Prosperity and AFP Foundation, organizational website, accessed August 2008.
  116. Michael Beckel, "Koch-backed nonprofit spent record cash in 2012," Center for Public Integrity, November 14, 2013.
  117. Kevin Grandia, The Big Money Behind Americans For Prosperity DeSmogBlog, February 26, 2009, accessed August 7, 2009.
  118. Opensecrets: Top Organizations disclosing donations to the 60 Plus Association, organizational website, accessed September 4th, 2012.
  119. Lee Fang, Koch Operative Steered $55 Million To Front Groups Airing Ads Against Democrats; Ads Assailed Candidates Over Abortion, 9/11, Medicare, Republic Report, May 19th, 2012.
  120. Americans for Prosperity, 2022 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, November 2023.
  121. Americans for Prosperity, 2021 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, November 15, 2022.
  122. Americans for Prosperity, 2020 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, November 15, 2021.
  123. Americans for Prosperity, 2019 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, November 16, 2020.
  124. Americans for Prosperity, 2019 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, November 15, 2019.
  125. Americans for Prosperity, 2017 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, 2018.
  126. Americans for Prosperity, 2016 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, November 15, 2016.
  127. Americans for Prosperity, 2015 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, November 15, 2016.
  128. Americans for Prosperity, 2014 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, November 11, 2015.
  129. Americans for Prosperity, 2013 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, October 14, 2014.
  130. Americans for Prosperity, 2012 IRS Form 990, organizational tax filing, November 15, 2013.
  131. Americans for Prosperity, About, Americans for Prosperity, accessed January 2025.
  132. LinkedIn Molly Tims professional profile, accessed Oct. 2018