World Affairs Council of Oregon
The World Affairs Council of Oregon is a member of the World Affairs Councils of America. [1] Their website goes on to note that:
- "The World Affairs Council of Oregon is a private, non-profit, non-partisan educational organization dedicated to broadening public understanding of international affairs.
- "The Council offers over 40 public programs each year with experts and world leaders speaking on a variety of international topics. We also annually host some 500 emerging leaders from around the world as well as entrepreneurs from Russia and the Newly Independent States who come to the U.S. to participate in professional exchanges and business training programs.
- "Other Council programs provide assistance to K-12 schools in their important work of teaching students about the world, and arrange educational travel tours for members to selected destinations abroad." [2]
People [3]
Board Leadership 2006 - 2007
- Roger Hinshaw - Chair, President, Oregon & Washington, Bank of America
- Matthew Essieh - Chair-Elect, President & CEO, EAI Information Systems
- Christopher Acheson - Treasurer, Financial Advisor, UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Trustees 2006 - 2007
- F. Gordon Allen - Attorney, McEwen Gisvold LLP
- Goli Ameri - President, Etinium Inc.
- Michael Brogan - Senior VP NACCO Materials Handling
- Robert Caldwell - Editorial Page Editor The Oregonian
- Gun Denhart - Founder Hanna Andersson
- Joseph Ha - VP International Business & Government Relations, Nike, Inc.
- Thomas Hochstetter - President, Lewis & Clark College
- Tony Holt - Former Executive, Occidental Petroleum (ret.)
- Bernie Kronberger - VP Community Development Wells Fargo Bank
- Wendy Lane - President, Lane PR
- Jeff Merkley - Speaker of the House, Oregon District 47
- Randy L. Miller - President Emeritus The Moore Company
- Paul Oldshue - Executive VP International Banking, U.S. Bancorp
- Susan Robinson - Civic activist
- Sam Ruda - Marine Director, Port of Portland
- Ralph Shaw - Principal Shaw Management Company
- Patricia Smullin - President California-Oregon Broadcasting
- John Sweet - Manager, Sause Brothers Towing
- Charles Swindells - Managing Director, U.S. Trust Company
- Symeon Symeonides - Dean, Willamette University College of Law
- Jacob Tanzer - Retired Judge / Attorney, Ball Janik Novak
- Nohad Toulan - Dean Emeritus and Distinguished Professor, College of Urban & Public Affairs /Portland State University
Board of Advisors 2006 - 2007 [4]
- Jacqueline Brown - Human Resources Director and co-owner East Oregonian
- Kate Brown - Senate Majority Leader, D-Portland District 21
- Loen Dozono - Civic Activist, Pricipal, Azumano Travel
- Verne Duncan - Former State Senator State of Oregon
- Akio Egawa - Consul General, Consulate-General of Japan in Portland
- Reginald Eklund - Former President and CEO, NACCO Materials Handling Group Inc.
- Julie Emry - Former News Anchor
- Susana C. Ferraris - Global Director of Trade Finance, Global Treasury, Nike, Inc.
- Stephanie Fowler - Civic Activist, Former News Analyst, OPB
- Nancy Frisch - Psychotherapist, Private Practice
- Rolf Glerum - Principal Glerum Management
- Maryellen Glynn - Director of Communications Office of Governor Ted Kulongoski
- Laura Guimond - Director, External Relations Mercy Corps
- Luisa Guyer - Director of Development, Portland Institute for Contemporary Arts
- M. Christie Helmer - Senior Partner, Miller Nash LLP
- Harriet Isom - U.S. Ambassador ret. / Owner, Isom Ranch
- Sal Kadri - CEO, ValueCAD
- Susan King - VP & CFO IDC
- John Miller - Owner Wildwood Company
- Alix Nathan - Managing Director The Mark Spencer Hotel
- Jim Noteboom - Attorney and Counsel Warm Springs Tribe
- Julia Novy-Hildesley - Executive Director, The Lemelson Foundation
- Norma Paulus - Superintendent of Public Instruction, State of Oregon, retired Executive Director of the Oregon Historical Society
- David Pollock - President Stormwater Management
- Keely Porter - Teacher Byrom Elementary School
- Foy Renfro - Assistant Director of Development, OSU Foundation
- Nick Stanley - President & Honorary Consul of Thailand, Stanley Investments
- Alex Tait - Director U.S. Internal Audit
- Reno Tibke - College Programs Coordinator International Summerstays, Portland, Oregon,
- Jennie Tucker - Coordinator Blue Mountain Forum
- Glen Ulmer - Partner, International Tax, KPMG LLP
- Ted Wheeler - Elected County Chair, Multnomah County Founder & Director of Portland YouthWorks
620 SW Main Street, Suite 333
Portland, OR 97205
Phone: (503) 274-7488
Fax: (503) 274-7489
Email: loren AT
Resources and articles
Related Sourcewatch articles
- ↑ Home Page, World Affairs Council of Oregon, accessed July 27, 2007.
- ↑ The Council, World Affairs Council of Oregon, accessed July 27, 2007.
- ↑ The Council Board, World Affairs Council of Oregon, accessed July 27, 2007.
- ↑ The Council Advisors, World Affairs Council of Oregon, accessed July 27, 2007.