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1-The Anarchic Free 2-Critique Of Humanity (The Universal Anarchic Theory) 3-Anarchy On Planet Earth 4-The building block of anarchy and the stuff that revolution is made from 5- You Cannot Blow Up A Social Relation 6- Fake Liberty 7- Who Is An Anarchist And Who Is Not 8- Revolutionary Violence At A Minimum

(I posted a comment on your page The Anarchic Free, you probably want to look at it. - User:JesseW

Spartacus -- given earlier discussion I'm pasting your contributions to this page and deleting the pages they are from given agreement they donlt really with the purpose of SourceWatch. So If you want them for use elsewhere best to copy them. Tks -- bob

Spartacus -- I have deleted The Anarchic Free page and relocated content to your personal page if you want it -- as per the discussion on - I'm afraid SourceWatch is for articles on PR and related topics rather than persoanl views on political philosophies. So I have deleted the article page once more -- bob April 9 04

The building block of anarchy and the stuff that revolution is made from P.A.Z - Permanent Anarchic Zone P.A.W - Permanent Anarchic World The rapid expansion of P.A.Z, resulting from an intense anarcho-revolutionary activity in certain regions of the globe, cause eventually a meta-regional chain reaction affecting expanding areas thus accelerating the process of capitalist decomposition. Revolutionary Anarchists operating in theses regions act as catalysis for the spatio-temporal transformation from exploitation to liberation, i.e., the transposition of objective condition. All anarchists and non-anarchists are welcome to join the ongoing subversive revolution everywhere, for the transformation and alteration of the human universe. We are ahead of humanity, ahead of insanity many light years away, but we stay and operate at the forefront of the struggle of "civilization" for a better and more humane future. As the spearhead against capitalism and religion and ideology, lets make this decade the last decade of oppression and poverty in the history of wo/mankind. Lets put history on it feet and rebuild society anew on anarchic theory and experience. Our universal anarchic revolution starts at home, in the factory and office, in prisons and the streets, from all direction and all of the time. Our job as anarchists is to sharpen our spears and attack intelligently the system of the establishment. Liberate the nations from their states - Liberate the people from capitalism - Liberate humanity from it's bloody past - Liberate us now from "modern" tyranny - C.I.A - Communist Individualist Anarchism 1- Revolutionary Violence At A Minimum

REVOLUTIONRY VIOLENCE AT A MINIMUM The revolution is made by each anarchist recruiting as many individuals in his immediate surrounding the expanding the radius of his revolutionary transformation of society. Each anarchist recruits as many persons as he is capable of. Some anarchists might recruit only few individuals whilst other anarchists could recruit a whole nation and more. The recruitment of the masses for the revolution is made without politics, party or any organization but through a spontaneous theoretico-practical and spatio-temporal penetration and intervention, i.e. navigation and ordination of the objective conditions toward total equity and liberty. Through extreme solidarity and mutual empathy and revolutionary kindness with a forceful love, a direct coordinated revolutionary assault begins. Neo-nazis be ware of future executioner - we are going to use a physical force, a revolutionary physical elimination of all Nazis and neo-nazis and the neo-conservatives will be beaten badly to learn their lesson - that you cannot go on torturing humanity without humanity's reprisal. This way will get rid of all the criminals against humanity once and for all and liberate us from there oppression and eugentical genocide. As things are happening now the collapse of capitalism and the USA and the start of the universal anarcho-communist revolution will be by the end of this decade. By the year 2010 half of the world will be anarchist and the rest of the world by the year 2011. From now until then we will continue our hidden revolution to make this happen on these precise dates. The revolution will show it self to the rest of the people by the year 2007. So be aware and become fully conscious and be ready to join your own liberation very soon. The universal anarcho-revolutionary movement. The revolutionary anarchist operates on both fronts, clandestinely and in the open simultaneously. Thus being able to destabilize the system and directly communicate with masses and the underground. At the same time these subversive operations are only ground preparation for the big day, the increase of base support amongst the populace. Avoiding capture and direct confrontation with the law and its state and instead attacking it for now from behind and below, thus giving us the required space for further destabilization of the structure and its ardent supporters. Like a fish in the water and a freedom fighter amongst the oppressed, in the urban environment and in the village we are soon going to win against all the odds and despite the power of the capitalist empire. We are against violence but are not afraid of it and when necessary we will use to eliminate the neo-nazis and other fascists if they get in any position of power. Regarding the rich and their representatives we will use only moderate force to remove them and destroy forever their hierarchies. The rich will not give their power voluntarily, they only understand one language alone, their own language, violence. Revolutionary violence is minimal whilst capitalist violence is maximal. They want domination and war we want freedom from domination and anarchy. Once we have 3% of the population real anarchists, a multiple chain reaction takes place. We are anti-Marxist and pro-Bakuninists, we are beyond dialectical materialism, and we don't need any manifestoes. We are not vanguards and not intellectual, we are just freedom fighters fighting for our freedom, the freedom from modern slavery and war. Revolutionary chain reaction is a revolution in progress, expansion, growth and intensification. By sudden increase in the percentage of the population joining the anarchic revolution the ratio corresponds to the level of capitalist defeats and deterioration and the deeding of crises will bring its total fall and dimise. The intentional subversion of the objective conditions will lead us towards a quick alteration of the subjective self and the creation of self-managed and self-determined global manifestation. The time is ripe for a revolution, the contradictions are in peaks, the zenith our is very near. The crises of capitalism are going to explode and implode within few years. We are no waiting; we are hastening the process of capital annihilation for good. Political economy is finished and the state capitalist society is collapsing and rapidly falling without return. The end of capitalism is very near. Judo-Christian and Buddha-Muslim morality is having its final gasp, the indoctrinated mentality is over with, no more brain wash of the masses, we are opening the dams of liberation. For a communist universal meta-economy - For an anarchist social coordination and cooperation and mutual aid - For individualist social creation. You can do what you like as long as you allow others to do the same. Don't do to others what you don't want done to you, but any one with a different intention will be socially rehabilitated and the exploitative and oppressive types will be physically removed. Anarchists are socio-revolutionary models and exemplary being of the future without the disease of the past. The objective conditions are on our side, as also the laws of nature seem to harmonize and synchronize with us. Our theoretico-practical revolutionary activity is a major force for the development of the mind and history. We create the necessary conditions for the final stage of capitalism and the first stage of anarchism.

Who Is An Anarchist And Who Is Not False Anarchists: 1) Anarcho-Capitalists > No 2) Anarcho-Pacifists > No 3) Anarcho-Liberals > No 4) Anarcho-Christians > No 5) Anarcho-Jewish > No 6) Anarcho-Muslims > No 7) Anarcho-Buddhists > No 8) Anarcho-Marxists > No 9) Anarcho-Nationalists > No 10) Anarcho-Nazis > No Real Anarchists 1) Anarcho-Communist > Yes 2) Anarcho-Socialists > Yes 3) Anarcho-Collectivists > Yes 4) Anarcho-syndicalists > Yes 5) Anarcho-Federalists > Yes 6) Anarcho-Mutualists > Yes 7) Anarcho-Individualists > Yes 8) Anarcho-Councilists > Yes 9) Anarcho-Libertarians > Yes Anarchists of the world unite -- CIA >>> Communist Individualist Anarchy What happens when the majority wants the same? Friends, all you are saying is theoretically very true but I am sorry to tell you, that on the ground, i.e. in reality thing work differently. You are right about the theoretical principles but in practice you knowledge is quite limited. It is not your fault, since the objective material conditions here are very different from where you are. I live with these people that you are so worried about, I see them and act with them everyday. It is like being with political inmates in prison. I have been living and fighting with them for years. They demand from you to stay with them, they want you to help and advance their cause. They want of you to immediately bring them anything that might help their day to day survival. What would you tell the poor and the refugees, what would you tell the people of Jenin and Zaire. What makes us anarchist is that we are ready and prepared to benefit from the fruits of revolution last. We are going to be the last of the oppressed and the last of the poor, till total equality and freedom is achieved. The people need our help and they need it now. We also need them. It is a mass and massive emergency and we are at the forefront of this crises / revolution. Every one speaks but the few really acts and we all want what benefits humanity and the liberation of the enslaved people. That is why we are one voice, one idea that is called Anarchy. All the oppressed people want Anarchy and feel Anarchy; they just don't have the words for it - freedom from poverty, war and hierarchy. Together we will march into the future armed by the will of people and our desire for self-determination and self-management. This is the revolution form below. You yourselves don't have much practical experience on a mass scale in the third world. You are living in modern urban environment where the people are isolated and separated from one another and are very alienated. But things are different in here, working for the oppressed is the highest virtue, but you have to live with them first. This constructive criticism is no way to devalue your contribution to the Anarchic and revolutionary project. In the western world Anarchist have the utmost important of tasks - which without the third world has no chance?

Fake Liberty Common people, get out of your unseen cages, the gates are open, liberate your selves before it is too late. Join our expanding revolution that is taking place all over the world, which is the final blow in the process of ending the reign of capitalism and its states. Capitalism encourages and fully supports racism and religion and the other way too, religion and hierarchy are the foundation of capitalism. These are just both sides of the coin of capital, theology and the state means only money and power. We are going to end capitalism because it directly causes so much suffering to so many people and completely ruins nature. Capitalism produces and sponsors fundamentalism and militarism and the two-way terrorism that we are experiencing today. Organized terror and unorganized terror are founded on the same Theo-Capitalist principles and motivations, wealth and power; the state and private terrorism has the same exact premises, money and authority. By ending capitalism we end simultaneously all religions and finish with the state and its hierarchical system. The news board is pathetic and the international-affair board is even worse, both express the bankruptcy of their ideas and the mental poverty of the posters who are so busy with their little insignificant nano-news whilst feeling that they are discovering the world. The few thousands posters of this or that semi-leftist forums, are unfortunately anti-revolutionary, they are the spectators/participators in commodity consumption, the consumers of fake lives and the producers of pretensions of being libertarians. With pro-capitalistic morality and quasi-libertarian demagogy they spread their virtual venom into the cyber-collective, to demoralize and paralyze the surfers even further. In reality they are very secluded individuals portending otherwise, their fear of exposure puts them on the attack. Like capitalists what they fear most is a mass insurrection and the total abolition of capitalism and the state. Therefore the reaction of the forums posters are always reformist and cowardice, by mocking others correct stand they only expose further their creative impotence and social isolation and their intellectual stasis. It is not enough to explain the world the question is to change it.

The anarchic revolutionary front for the liberation of humanity ------------------- 1- Fake Liberty Critique Of Humanity (The Universal Anarchic Theory) Nothing happened in the last fifty years from an anarchic point of view. All the leading anarchists of this period have done nothing but write cleaver books and essays on the net and spent all their time arguing with each other as though we where beyond capitalism. But this is a sign of total impotence on behalf of the present anarchic movement. It is the time to drastically change all this now, by turning the anarchic movement into being the main force bringing about the revolution. How this to be done at present? In North America as in Western Europe, anarchists have done little to advance the revolutionary project and instead kept on urging and arguing with one another on the pages of magazines, zines and on the web. Abstract writing and showing off their unimportant historical academic data want bring the revolution nearer but the contrary, indulgence in a single issue struggles is a joke and affinity groups are for retarded and depended leftist youth. Their local attention to local issues is an escape from confronting the universal global anarchic revolution. Specific attention to non-primary issues brought the whole anarchic to movement to a pedantic standstill, like the anarchic tribunal and the North European anarchic paltformist police, how sick to see anarchists playing the role of authority. You cannot make the revolution alone, what you need a revolution to succeed is very courageous and daring anarchists and the support of the people. Where are the anarchist that will show humanity the way out of their impasse, who will show them how to throw the chuckle of history and the barbaric past? We are here to do just that and we are ready for every task and we are also prepared to fully cleanse our countries and the whole planet of nazis and capitalists. I am one of those courageous and daring anarchist that when ever I cough the state stands guard on its tow, are you likewise as well. If so then the more of us, the closer the revolution would be. Until the final blow, many real anarchists are needed as to reduce violence to the utmost minimum. To succeed in making the revolution the anarchist must apply all his knowledge and theory (meta-theory) and intervene directly in practical activation of the social situation and orient and navigate the whole process of liberation to its ultimate manifestation in the social and individual sphere. The co-experience of revolution and liberation is the mill stone for the creation of the global anarchic society. To be a true anarchic revolutionary you must have the courage and daring to live by the deed and implement all the anti-institutional and anti-traditional forms of subversions and political sabotage, conducting these radical changes from bellow and for the benefit of all. People love us because they know that we are the only ones in the world who really can and know how to bring about equality and freedom to the world population and within their life span. They know that we are freedom fighters fighting on everyone's behalf, moving when everyone else is paralyzed. The objective condition is ripe for a revolution; it is up to us to make it and now, lets make the revolutionary leap by bringing about a metamorphic progression towards transforming the world from capitalism to anarchism.

The anarchic revolutionary front for the liberation of humanity ------------------- 1- Fake Liberty

Anarchy On Planet Earth Finally the human race reaches its full consciousness necessary for the creation of anarchy on this planet after more than 7000 years of slavery, war and exploitation. At last, the time has come when more and more people are developing this essential and objective consciousness required for the total liberation of humanity from the yoke of capitalism and its violence. We have the courage and the knowledge to change this world forever. To make it a very humane place to cohabit. Anarchists from everywhere will lead the way and de-limit the process of mass liberation and joy. The time has come for all anarchists of all shades and color to unite in their synchronized revolt against the state and capitalism. Revolution is the fastest road to freedom. By destroying the state and capitalism we free humanity from a long lasting brutal crimes against humanity. We have the tools and the know-how for the annihilation of state-capital. We have the daring and the knowledge to change this world many times over. All we need is a mass support and we are beginning to have it, the days of this system are numbered its downfall inevitable, its destruction guaranteed. Meta-Anarchy # Post-Anarchy 1) Structuralism + Post-Structuralism = Anti-Anarchy. 2) Modernism + Post-Modernism = Anti-Anarchy. 3) Pan-Anarchism + Platformists = Anti-Anarchy. 4) Anarchy will always be free from bourgeois philosophy and left authoritarianism. We will never allow any penetration or infiltration of the above mentioned anti-anarchist bourgeois philosophies. All ideologies are thrown to the garbage of his-story. We are totally against all forms of academics and petty-bourgeois intellectualism. We will always keep anarchy clean and free from all forms of reactionary intellectual alienation. We will defend and protect anarchy from all sorts of external deformations and outside pseudo-anarchist distortions. We will keep anarchy free forever from all those who want to hijack it for their anti-anarchist purposes. We will not allow any one to ride on anarchy's back, especially after the collapse of the western thought and the termination of the socialist state. 1) Anti-Post-Anarchy = Against Post-Anarchy. 2) Pro-Meta-Anarchy = For Meta-Anarchy. 3) Anti-Structuralism + Anti-Post-structuralism = Against structuralism + Against Post-Structuralism. 4) Anti-Modernism + Anti-Post-Modernism = Against Modernism + Against Post-Modernism. 5) Anti-Platformist Anarchism = Against Platformist Anarchism. 6) Anti-Pan-Anarchism + Anti-Naturalism + Anti-Primitivism. 7) All the writers composing the above topics are not anarchists at all; most of them are the opposite of anarchists, reactionaries looking for an easy way out, but at the wrong exit. 8) The last order = The end of the Economico-military occupation of humanity and its planet. 9) The fall of the last empire and its state and capital. 1- Who Is An Anarchist And Who Is Not

The building block of anarchy and the stuff that revolution is made from P.A.Z - Permanent Anarchic Zone P.A.W - Permanent Anarchic World The rapid expansion of P.A.Z, resulting from an intense anarcho-revolutionary activity in certain regions of the globe, cause eventually a meta-regional chain reaction affecting expanding areas thus accelerating the process of capitalist decomposition. Revolutionary Anarchists operating in theses regions act as catalysis for the spatio-temporal transformation from exploitation to liberation, i.e., the transposition of objective condition. All anarchists and non-anarchists are welcome to join the ongoing subversive revolution everywhere, for the transformation and alteration of the human universe. We are ahead of humanity, ahead of insanity many light years away, but we stay and operate at the forefront of the struggle of "civilization" for a better and more humane future. As the spearhead against capitalism and religion and ideology, lets make this decade the last decade of oppression and poverty in the history of wo/mankind. Lets put history on it feet and rebuild society anew on anarchic theory and experience. Our universal anarchic revolution starts at home, in the factory and office, in prisons and the streets, from all direction and all of the time. Our job as anarchists is to sharpen our spears and attack intelligently the system of the establishment. Liberate the nations from their states - Liberate the people from capitalism - Liberate humanity from it's bloody past - Liberate us now from "modern" tyranny - C.I.A - Communist Individualist Anarchism 1- Revolutionary Violence At A Minimum

You can never be happy in a capitalist world. You can never be happy in a capitalist family and society, the contrary of happiness is the reality and unhappiness is the norm. Happiness is such a highly refined and qualitative sensation, a feeling that is impossible to achieve in capitalist alienated relationships, but the contrary exists, mass frustration and innate disguised misery. You cannot be happy at all but pretend that you are, you cannot be happy if you are rich and obviously you cannot be happy if you are poor. So all the people of the world are terribly unhappy and feeling daily the opposite of it, rage and anger called hate. All this is excellent for the prosperity of religions for the ignorant and expanding dead labor accumulation for the cowboys. All our history is so miserable that you want to end it in the here and now and for all and for always, lets not create the next generation of suicide bombers. This historical unhappiness explains why always people operated against their own happiness and like always choose bloody tyrants to rule them, they call this voting. How can you be happy if you and your children are used permanently as cannon fodder for the battlefields and low waged neo-slaves of commodity and service production for accumulating sweat and blood profit for the few? On the other hand I feel sorry for all these people that send their children to the army or those who had set their own business thinking that they will succeed. I feel sorry also for all those who follow religions and their opportunist representatives or listen to the promising lies of politicians. I feel sorry for all those who are daily devoured by the monopolies of power and who wastes us and our resources for the private accumulation of the inherited few. You can never be a happy person as businessperson or as a professional, you can also never be happy as a police officer or as a soldier, you cannot be happy if you are a judge or a lawyer. You cannot live happy as a shopkeeper or as a manager; to be happy you must be someone else from those mentioned above. Happiness is beyond capitalism and trade, happiness is the antithesis of money and class. Only real revolutionary can experience true happiness because of his/her unique and highly developed thoughts and emotions. The end of capitalism will be the start of mass happiness; the end of work and hierarchy will be the start of true happy living. Now all the people of the world are very unhappy, on the verge of hysteria and anger mixed with fear and helplessness. All these unhappy negative feelings become the politics and policies of the ruler who has only one intention in mind, to guarantee further rule. Such is the mass scale of frustration resulting from a prolonged alienation resulting from over indulgence in capitalist social relations. Capitalism is anti-human in its relations and the hate factor it causes is distributed and channeled into crimes against humanity. Big Brother Caesar wants us to join the war/work ethic and obey. Self-hate and inner dissatisfaction is channeled into the creation of national and ideological unity with their master in forming discrimination and racist superiority spite. Only a true revolutionary can achieve relative happiness in this neo-nazi state, only a revolutionary armed with justice and equality and the love of humanity can know what is happiness all about. The rest are fixated in semi-comfortable frustration and suffer from a severe lack of inner satisfaction resulting from a prolonged engagement with estrangement. All this leads to theo-right wing mentality and neo-racist form of capitalism. The left of capital suffers the same fate as their fellow conservatives who together share the same deep personal dissatisfaction. A revolution will liberate the masses from the yoke of oppression and exploitation and liberate humanity toward accomplishing its long awaited dream of being at last really free and happy. All this is in a contradiction with capitalism and capitalists will have to be stopped from being capitalists and liberate the planet, because anti-capitalism is the celebration of life whilst capitalism is the celebration of death. Armies should be dismantled and the police sent home, the judges and lawyers and mangers discharged of their duties. The leaders of the states and governments like top businesspersons will end their role and buzz off and all the property will be shared by all. Money will not be needed anymore; neither would be compulsory work. No more mediation but direct intervention on individual and theoretical level and the termination of commerce and trade, instead of exchange total distribution. No more work from fear of hunger, no more survival in poverty for the sake of few rich parasites. No more rich that turn all the rest into poor, no more poor people filling the prisons, the factory and mental hospitals, no more starvation in the face of over-abundance. End to the imperial control of the planet and the violence conducted against its inhabitants, capitalism is the root of all suffering, long live anarchy.

The Anarchic Free

It is time for a revolution now, the anarchists are ready and the people are beginning to wake up. After all the revolution is designed by the people for the people but activated by anarchists and communists (in the past) all along "modern" history. We welcome everyone to participate in the abolition of the state and power and in the equal distribution of wealth and product. The revolution has begun, it is everywhere and all of the time and our task are to navigate it and orient it towards an anarchic society. The revolution is expanding day by day and increasing in its intensity and velocity. More and more people everyday realizes the need for a drastic change before it is too late. More and more anarchists and ex-communists are becoming more militant and radicalized. More revolutionary knowledge is available for anarchists and people alike to share and develop. Here on these pages I invite humanity to take an active part in the directing of the universal anarchic revolution to its aims - the liberation of humanity from domination. We as anarchists are the first to act, by being an example of revolutionary personality and uncompromising rebelliousness, thus paving the way to billion youths all over the world to participate and act directly in the transformation of their reality and the world. As anarchists we break down all the barriers and walls that halt the future and light, we bring down the limits imposed upon us by the rulers, by letting loose the genius of revolutionary energy. The more genuine anarchists we have the faster the revolution will spread and come about, the more anarchists radicalize the closer will be the day of liberation, when the sun will shine on humanity and the chains of slavery are thrown away for ever. The collapse of Marxism in the Soviet-Union has given the USA as Capitalism some more time to run amok as anarchists have been warning for two centuries. The past is dead labor-time and capitalism exists now in its final stage before leaving the stage of history for good, the collapse of Smiths in Western Capitalism. Unlike previous revolutions this one is going to succeed in destroying the state and the whole capitalist system and for once liberate humanity from work, money and hierarchy. The time is now and the place is here, we want freedom and equality now, we act and attack, we resist and fight till we defeat the capitalist system.

Down with surrender and long live the victory of liberty.

1- You Cannot Blow Up A Social Relation

Some opportunist academic frustrations backed by cynicism to hide a degenerative intellectual backlash - the fall western Hegelian thought - the collapse of philosophy and science, i.e., sarcasm and decadence.

Revolutionaries don't wait for the revolution they make it. We with the people make the revolution, first in some parts of the world, the most conscious, then the rest joins. We have all the answers to all the questions, but do you have the courage to apply them in the here and now. We wait for no one, we cause the revolutionary chain reaction and sooner or later it will pick up the rest of humanity.

We will liberate ourselves from capitalism and authority whether you like it or not. No masters, no gods no kings in anarchy, only free and equally happy people worldwide.

We destroy the system so no one could use it to enslave others. The termination of all systems by liberates humanity from systematic hierarchy and systematic authority. By ending the system we create a meta-system, i.e., the end of work and capitalism, the end of America and Israel as barbaric forces against their natural surrounding. Meta-system of anarchic self-management and self-creation will replace capital and punishment. The liberation movement of anarchic humanity

Free yourselves from limited past, rise and think the impossible, you are the revolution, and we are the revolution and nothing else. We are the objective conditions and we shell direct it/id to our own anarchic ends. Dare any one and suggest slavery or exploitation again, under whatever excuse or ideological mongering. We are here to stay and take the law and our destiny into our hands and make what we will with it and any reactionary reaction will be disposed off immediately.

Revolutionary step one: Appropriation of all means of social production = production for all. Elimination of the concept of control = freedom to all.

Revolutionary step two: Gift economy = meta-economy. Abolition of work = permanent creativity.

Especially to non-anarchists I really don't know why you are at this anarchism forum, you are a sick person (an alienated mini capitalist) you should learn from us how to regain some of your lost humanity. Anyway go from here to where you belong, to your dear ex-slave owning country, and stay in right wing forums. I see your name spread on this board like a reject in your own neo-conservative circles. You are in the wrong forum and here you get demolished or transformed into being a more social being. But for now you are finished as a friend turning into foe.

Friends we are here to stay and navigate the revolution towards the anarchic society within our life span. Post revolutionary elimination of money and the distribution of all wealth on the basis of spontaneous and voluntary mega-production. As to the mini Darwinian capitalist, HE WANTS TO CHANGE, and get out of his self-imposed jungle. Anarchic society where biology don't mix with ontology and neo-conservatives should be drastically transformed preferable by our like minded anarchist breaker of all laws, as a condition for further conscious advancement. Down with all the scientists and philosophers, long live the anarchic future. We are the most intelligent entity in space yet; we know what we want, anarchy and freedom.

The building block of anarchy and the stuff that revolution is made from

P.A.Z - Permanent Anarchic Zone P.A.W - Permanent Anarchic World The rapid expansion of P.A.Z, resulting from an intense anarcho-revolutionary activity in certain regions of the globe, cause eventually a meta-regional chain reaction affecting expanding areas thus accelerating the process of capitalist decomposition. Revolutionary Anarchists operating in theses regions act as catalysis for the spatio-temporal transformation from exploitation to liberation, i.e., the transposition of objective condition. All anarchists and non-anarchists are welcome to join the ongoing subversive revolution everywhere, for the transformation and alteration of the human universe. We are ahead of humanity, ahead of insanity many light years away, but we stay and operate at the forefront of the struggle of "civilization" for a better and more humane future. As the spearhead against capitalism and religion and ideology, lets make this decade the last decade of oppression and poverty in the history of wo/mankind. Lets put history on it feet and rebuild society anew on anarchic theory and experience. Our universal anarchic revolution starts at home, in the factory and office, in prisons and the streets, from all direction and all of the time. Our job as anarchists is to sharpen our spears and attack intelligently the system of the establishment.

Liberate the nations from their states - Liberate the people from capitalism - Liberate humanity from it's bloody past - Liberate us now from "modern" tyranny -

C.I.A - Communist Individualist Anarchism

Anarcho-Revolutionary Knowledge & Action

There is no escape but confrontation, creating the new within the old. We are the future makers; we are the foundation of the social revolution and the embryo of the future anarchic society. We are the revolutionaries who will terminate the state and capitalism, destroy hierarchy and class. We are building a new life, without coercion, authority or enforced labor. We have the solution and answers to all issues posed; we have no fear but endless courage and applicable anarcho-revolutionary knowledge. The people have woken up, they refuse to take it any more, they want freedom and equality now, and they want the anarchic global revolution - The New World Anarchy.

More and more people are joining the anarchic movement, everyday more and more youth are becoming anarchists and revolutionary. There are two reasons for this sudden expanding phenomenon (consciousness): 1) The accelerating deterioration of the objective condition of capitalism. 2) The appearance on the anarcho-historical scene some unique anarchists with an extraordinary energy and revolutionary ability. The numbers are increasing, the revolution is becoming nearer. Anarchists all over the world together with most of the people on earth will join hands in the making of this anarcho-social revolution for the creation of new egalitarian anti-capitalist - Free World - Free Humanity. Once people experience true freedom and material liberation they will all become the genius of humanity and the light at the end of the tunnel, living happily and free for ever after. Having a ripened objective condition is not sufficient on its own for the creation and manifestation of the anarchic social revolution. What is needed for this mass insurrection on a global scale to happen is some heroic revolutionary anarchists to pave the way when the masses are dormant. These exceptional anarchists act like catalysis for accelerating the social transformation and capitalist destruction, they are the social engine of change and the symbol of universal equity & liberty. The first to go by the end of this decade is the USA Empire, in delay of two decades after the fall of the USSR. The rest of the capitalist organizational structure will follow suit in no time soon after. Humanity will free itself, for the first time ever, from this blood and sweet sucking parasite, called capital and its lackey's. The revolution is coming and is coming fast; we are ready and fully prepared to change this world for the better forever. The anarcho-revolutionary movement for the liberation of humanity.