Talk:Revolutionary Violence At A Minimum

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As I stated previously in a comment regarding one of your other articles, I don't really think this material is appropriate for the SourceWatch. I think it would be better for you to sign up on the PR Watch Forum (see the "Forum" link at the top of this page) and post your thoughts there.

The issue here is not whether your ideas have merit. I have friends who are anarchists (although I'm not one myself), and I respect their views. The issue is whether this material really belongs in an "encyclopedia of propaganda." You seem to be writing manifestos explaining why you think an anarchist revolution is necessary and inevitable and how you think it will happen. The purpose of the SourceWatch, however, is to catalog specific individuals and organizations engaged in deceptive and misleading propaganda, and to provide case studies and examples showing what techniques they use to deceive the public. Thus far, your contributions don't do that.

The SourceWatch is not a "political discussion forum." It is a place where people are trying to collaboratively build an encyclopedia of propaganda. Please help us accomplish our mission by finding someplace more appropriate (like the PR Watch Forum) to post your views. --Sheldon Rampton 09:08, 25 Feb 2004 (EST)

Ok, thanks for the advice and I will follow your advice and move to the forum.