Talk:Burning the Reichstag
This is not a subject area I would claim to know much about -- however it would be good to add some references for the statements/analysis in this article. Any takers? -- bob
bush administration vs 1030 Germany
In many ways the bush administration mirrors Germany of the 1930's
"Law and Order?"
In reading this article, I am reminded of comments made in Trance Formation of America by Cathy and Mark Phillips. On page 145 we find Reagan and Cheney, in a White House office drinking to excess, discussing "OPERATION SHELL GAME." Cathy was a Presidential Model, mind control slave. Reagan and Cheney were meeting to discuss the Iran-Contra situation and Ollie North. Reagan is quoted as saying, "And I believe in the Contra cause and all that we have accomplished. And I'm damn pround of it! IT'S NO 'LAW AND ORDER.' NO, IT'S 'ORDER AND THEN LAW.' ORDER MUST COME FIRST BECAUSE WITHOUT IT, LAW WOULD BE INEFFECTIVE. SOMETIMES WE MUST RISE ABOVE THE LAW TO ESTABLISH THAT ORDER(he glanced at Cheney)--OR A 'NEW (WORLD)ORDER.'"(caps emphasis mine)
That, I believe, was the emphasis for Hitler burning down the Reichstag. To create order then law. Hitler didn't die, he currently lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Only now, the order is to be established under a "Zionist False Flag Operation" in the form of a terrorist attack upon American soil. G_d only knows whom or what will pulled out of a spider hole before the fall elections.
Van der Luppe proofed guilty
Everything right, but in 1999 Van der Lubbe was proofed guilty. The Nazis were opportunistic. Frederik Jensen Dänemark