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Hurricane Katrina: Environmental Pollution & Contamination

511 bytes added, 12:02, 20 September 2005
"Plan" predictions re HAZMAT
=="Southeast Louisiana Catastrophic Hurricane Functional Plan"==
A DRAFT copy of the [ "Southeast Louisiana Catastrophic Hurricane Functional Plan"] (IEM/TEC04-070), dated August 6, 2004, (125-pdf) was posted online by MSNBC Media. The Plan was prepared under FEMA BPA HSFEHQ-04-A-0288, Task Order 001.
Pdf pages 11 through 18 address HAZMAT predictions and concerns.
==Contamination Reports==
"New test results released by the federal [[Environmental Protection Agency]] ... confirm that toxic chemicals contained in floodwaters in New Orleans and Metairie are in concentrations too small to be an immediate threat to humans," Mark Schleifstein of ''The Times-Picayune'' [ reported] September 11, 2005.

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