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Hurricane Katrina: Environmental Pollution & Contamination

156 bytes added, 13:05, 15 September 2005
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*Guy Gugliotta and Peter Whoriskey, [ "Extraordinary Problems, Difficult Solutions. Massive Floods, Pollution Make for 'Worst Case',"] ''Washington Post'', September 1, 2005.
*Robin Wallace, [,2933,168519,00.html "At Shelters, Katrina Health Crisis Continues,"] Fox News, September 6, 2005.
*Perry Beeman, [ "Americans need EPA answers now,"] ''Society of Environmental Journalists'', September 8, 2005.
*Sarah Childress, [ "Critical Condition. The Health Crisis: Contaminated water. Dysfunctional hospitals. The city's medical challenge is just beginning,"] ''Newsweek'', September 12, 2005.
*Geoffrey Lean, [ "over-Up: Toxic Waters 'Will Make New Orleans Unsafe for a Decade',"] ''Independent'' (UK), September 12, 2005.

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