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'''Helmut Metzner''' (September 15, 1925 - September 20, 1999) was a professor for chemical plant physiology at the University of Tübingen (Germany). Hans Filbinger founded in October 1979 together with Helmut Metzner, Günter Rohrmoser, Heinz Karst and Erich Baumann the right wing [[think tank]] [[Studienzentrum Weikersheim]] [] and Metzner was at least until 1995 a member of the board. [http://www.freeMy boss wanted me to change this page so I] Metzner founded in 1986 the 'Europäische Akademie für Umweltfragen' (EAU or in English the [[European Academy for Environmental Affairs]]) in Tübingen and remained its president until his dead in 1999. EAU organized together with the [[Science and Environmental Policy Project]] (SEPP) a conference in Leipzig in 1995 and another conference in Bonn in 1997 which resulted in the [[Leipzig Declaration on Global Climate Change]]. == Books ==Several of his books were officially published (herausgegeben) by the 'European Acadamy' although the logistics is done by Hirzel Verlag in Stuttgart. [] *Helmut Metzner, "Biochemie der Pflanzen," ''Enke'', 1973, ISBN 3432839715*Helmut Metzner, "Pflanzenphysiologische Versuche," ''Urban & Fischer'', 1982, ISBN 3437202685*[[Frits Böttcher]], Helmut Metzner, "CO2, Klimabedrohung oder Politik?," ''Paul Haupt'', 1994, ISBN 3258050376 []*[[Wolfgang Thüne|W. Thüne]], [[S. Fred Singer|F. Singer]], [[Frederick Seitz|F. Seitz]], Helmut Metzner, "Treibhaus-Kontroverse und Ozon-Problem : Symposium der Europäischen Akademie für Umweltfragen Leipzig 9.-10. November 1995", ''Böttiger'', 1996, ISBN 3925725296*Klaus Brinkmann, Erwin Kulzer, Helmut Metzner, "Grundlagen der Lebensvorgänge: Pflanzen und Tiere in ihrer Umwelt," ''Hirzel'', 1997, ISBN 377760772X*Helmut Metzner, Günther Reichelt, "Lebensraum Erde: Die Sonderstellung unseres bewohnten Planeten," ''Hirzel'', 1997, ISBN 3777607754*Helmut Metzner, "Solarenergie und Atomstrom: Energiequellen, Umweltbelastung und das CO2-Problem," ''Hirzel'', October 1, 1998, ISBN 3777608777*Hermann Berg, Helmut Metzner, "Strahlen und Wellen: Einführung in die Radioökologie," ''Hirzel'', October 1, 1998, ISBN 3777608734*Helmut Metzner, "Vom Chaos zum Bios: Gedanken zum Phänomen Leben," ''Hirzel'', October 1, 1999, ISBN 377760934X == Related Links ==*Karin Fischer-Zeh, "[ Obituary Helmut Metzner (1925-1999)]", ''Photosynthesis Research'', 2000*Klaus Wegmann, "[ Helmut Metzner]," ''Institut für Pflanzenbiochemie'' (German page) [[Category:Leipzig Declaration signers|Metzner]]
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