'''Marcus Agius'''was "Group Chairman of [[Barclays PLC]] from 1 January 2007 until his resignation over the LIBOR rate rigging scandal in 2012<ref>"[http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/jul/02/barclays-chairman-marcus-agius-resigns?newsfeed=true]"</ref>. He is Senior Independent Director of the [[BBC]]. Also Chairman of the Foundation and [[Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew]]. Formerly: Chairman of [[Lazard London]], Deputy Chairman of [[Lazard]] LLC, and Chairman of [[BAA]] PLC." <ref>[http://www.kew.org/aboutus/trustees.html Trustees], Royal Botanic Gardens, accessed April 22, 2009.</ref> He attended the 2011 [[Bilderberg]] Conference in St Moritz Switzerland<ref>"[http://bilderberg2011.com/bilderberg-members/leaked-attendee-list-bilderberg-conference-june-9-12-2011-in-suvretta-house-hotel-st-moritz-switzerland/]"</ref>
"Group Chairman of *Trustee, [[Barclays PLCRoyal Botanic Gardens]] since 1 January 2007 and Senior Independent Director of the ===Related Sourcewatch Articles=== * [[BBCBarclays PLC]]. Also Chairman of the Foundation and * [[Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens, KewBBC]]. Formerly: Chairman of * [[Lazard London]], Deputy Chairman of * [[LazardBilderberg]] LLC, and Chairman of [[BAA]] PLC." <ref> ===External Articles=== * Guardian [http://www.kew.org/aboutus/trusteesguardian.html Trustees], Royal Botanic Gardens, accessed April 22, 2009co.<uk/ref> He attended the 2011 [[Bilderberg]] Conference in St Moritz Switzerland<ref>"[http:business/2012/bilderberg2011.comjul/bilderberg-members02/leakedbarclays-attendeechairman-listmarcus-bilderbergagius-conference-june-9-12-2011resigns?newsfeed=true Barclays chairman Marcus Agius resigns over rate-in-suvretta-house-hotel-st-moritz-switzerland/rigging scandal]"</ref>2nd July 2012
*Trustee, [[Royal Botanic Gardens]]
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